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USD Law Prof Suggests Thune Rechisel Lady Liberty’s Welcome

I take it back: some of South Dakota’s university scholars do have the guts to speak truth to our less than responsive elected leaders.

USD Law’s Tom Simmons heard Trump stand-in Ken Cuccinelli’s appalling and un-American rewrite of the Statue of Liberty’s welcome to all downtrodden freedom seekers and decided to apply a little literary pressure. He tests Senator John Thune’s ability to recognize satire:

Prof. Tom Simmons, letter to Sen. John Thune, 2019.08.14.
Prof. Tom Simmons, letter to Sen. John Thune, 2019.08.14.

When President Grover Cleveland accepted the Statue of Liberty in 1886, he said, “We will not forget that Liberty has here made her home; nor shall her chosen altar be neglected.” Do we not neglect her altar by allowing [it] to reflect an outdated generous sentiment?

For a modest sum, Congress could fund a re-chiseling of the plaque on one of America’s most treasured symbol[s] and orient Lady Liberty’s lamp in a more prudent direction [Prof. Tom Simmons, letter to Sen. John Thune, 2019.08.14].

Re-orienting the lamp—we can forgive Cuccinelli and Thune for thinking, in their Trump-induced haze, that Simmons could be telling them to stick the Lamp of Liberty where the sun doesn’t shine. But we understand that this Swift letter means to remind Thune and the rest of our leaders that we must raise the Lamp of Liberty high again, to shine as a beacon to all who seek freedom.


  1. DebiUlreyCrosby

    So is there any response from Thune’s office? We all know he certainly won’t answer it himself. Some generic response will be given that won’t even acknowledge the true content of the letter. Our representatives are so awful!

  2. Steve Pearson

    Okay, so serious question Cory. If someone is applying for a Green Card but is going to have to be on the govt tit immediately why should we accept them in the country? Is it your contention that America should take care of all people on Earth?

    Should we extend education visa’s or work visa’s to people that will actually need govt assistance and allow that? Or is it just for those who cross illegally or are “asylum” seeking?

  3. Steve Pearson

    Do you want to see an end to the United States Govt and make a global govt over all countries? Is that a goal?

  4. LeaAnn Manke

    You don’t think Thune will take this seriously, and start asking for government funds to get ‘re done?

  5. Moses6

    Thank you for contacting me with every good wish ,Yeah right, like photo op will do anything.

  6. Loren

    All I ever get from Thune or Rounds is the standard form letter, “Thank you for contacting my office. As you know… (list of GOP taking points).” Then, they do what their handlers like Moscow Mitch tell them to do. I guess S. Dakotans enjoy seeing their senator stand beside a fully bought and paid for Russian asset.

  7. Steve Pearson

    Russian asset? You really aren’t that stupid are you?

  8. leslie

    Simmons may be son of Bangs Butler Foye Simmons-pre-emminent RC law firm of 60s-90s where lawyers with solid ethics hung their hats. Duffy was a product of the great Joe Butler Esq.

    Instead we have these Pierre loaf about the fort types milking the state for every EB5 type scam light weight Rounds Thune Daugaard Noem and the SD GOP have aided and abetted. USD law has not had a rep for producing the state’s finest.

  9. Roger Cornelius

    Loren, if Steve Pearson doesn’t like Moscow Mitch or “Russian asset”, we can call him Massacre Mitch for blocking any gun legislation.

  10. jerry

    Thune is a fascist, Rounds is a fascist, GNOem is a fascist, they just never got the cover they needed until the biggest fascist of them all became president. Moscow Mitch proved beyond a doubt that he is a Russian asset by taking the sanctions off the aluminum king of Russia so he could set up a plant in Kentucky. The list goes on and on while we watch the trump recession upon us.

  11. jerry

    Moscow Mitch could just as easily be Chow Mein Mitch from his bride, Elaine Chao. From the New York Times:

    “Elaine’s father, James Chao, was a schoolmate of former president Jiang Zemin. According to the Times, “In 2008, James Chao gave the couple a gift of as much as US$25 million, vaulting Mr McConnell into the ranks of the richest senators.”
    On top of that, “13 members of the extended Chao family have given more than US$1 million to Mr McConnell’s campaigns and to political action committees tied to him”.

    Yup, dude is a crook no doubt, that is mixed up as being a communist and a fascist all rolled into one turtle, how about that.

  12. Debi, let’s not rush the Senator. Writing an appropriately witty and incisive response to Professor Simmons’s satire takes time….

  13. Steve, serious question: if a family escapes an oppressive country with literally nothing but the clothes on their back, do you really want to ban them from entering our country just because they’ll need some support from the community for a while before they can settle into a fully normal, freedom-loving life in America?

  14. Debbo

    I’ve seen numbers that show how much more government assistance long term Americans use compared to recent immigrants per capita. I don’t know where to find that comparison but I believe it’s held steady for decades.

  15. o

    Steve, serious question, why should we accept the citizenship, naturalized or birth right, of ANY person on the “government tit?” Should being in need of assistance disqualify EVERYONE from citizenship?

  16. o

    Steve: “Do you want to see an end to the United States Govt and make a global govt over all countries? Is that a goal?”

    Do you mean like the fundamentalist (or Catholic) theocracy the US is trying to spread both domestically and internationally?

  17. Debbo

    O, excellent point about the theocracy.

    I don’t even want a Christian theocracy, let alone what Prissy Pussy Pency and his ilk crave.

  18. Adam

    The only lesson to take away from any of this, is that even when you stick country people with the entire bill, as long as you tell them that you’re going to make Mexico or China pay for it, they will gladly pay the bill and support ABSOLUTELY ANY STUPID THING YOU COULD EVER COME UP WITH. They’ll even rewrite history like the pigs did in Animal Farm.

    Trump is the leader of his Animal Farm pigs in DC. George Orwell described their type very well.

  19. If it we had applied means tests to every immigrant coming to our shores, most of us wouldn’t be here… not that our Lakota neighbors would mind….

  20. Almost every pioneer who settled South Dakota got government assistance in the form of the Homestead Act. Government assistance is a feature, not a bug.

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