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Al Novstrup in Go-Kart Biz, Not in Go-Kart Biz

Sioux Falls business owner (but Aberdeen legislator?) Al Novstrup demonstrates his Trumpist speech-nesia as he brags up the expansion of his Sioux Falls go-kart palace:

Al Novstrup—photo by CAH, Aberdeen, SD, 2018.02.03.
Let me rephrase that…

Holsen: Will this be the last time you expand?

Novstrup: Haha. No. Expansion is part of what we do. We were counting the number of attractions. We started with one attraction, which is go karts in Aberdeen. I think we’re up to 50 some right now in terms of major attractions [Matt Holsen, “Thunder Road Sioux Falls Building Indoor Facility,” KELO-TV, 2019.06.21].

Novstrup apparently forgot his statement from two months ago that he’s not in the go-kart business:

Some people think we’re in the go-kart business. We’re not. We’re in the family entertainment business [Al Novstrup, in Erin Ballard, “Allevity Will Bring Laser Tag, Bumper Cars to Aberdeen {paywall},” Aberdeen American News, 2019.04.17].

Are you in the go-kart business or not, Al? It’s a simple point. But that’s Trumpists for you: they hear a marketing line they think sounds good, they bleat it, and then they forgot about it, saying whatever next things comes to their mind. Blah, blah, blah.


  1. It will be interesting to see this go through planning. They are not keen on ‘Metal pole’ buildings in the city limits. But since it is already zoned, he probably just had to buy a building permit. I also find it a bit ironic a legislator is spending a great deal of capital out of his district in Sioux Falls, thanks AL!

  2. Debbo

    Al Nostrap is in the racist misogynist business, but he’ll take anyone’s money. Whatta guy! 🙄🙄🙄

  3. grudznick

    Mr. Novstrup, the elder, is clearly in the family entertainment business. That may include some little carts that go around a track. He is, evidently, a pretty good businessman. Aberdeen is proud, I am sure, to have a fellow with his political and business brain representing them in the legislatures, despite it enraging Mr. H all about town.

    Plus, he does have a really swell haircut. grudznick approves.

  4. Joe Nelson

    I am confused. What is the point of this article?

    The way I read it, Al Novstrup is saying that they have upwards of 50 attractions, the first of which was go-karts. It makes sense for him to say in the second quote that he is not in the “go-kart” business, if it is just 1/50th of the attractions he makes available.

    Please get back to reporting on actual news, instead of harping on the little things that Novstrup says; this article has no value.

  5. Not much of a point, Joe, other than to document once again that Al Novstrup just says stuff that sounds good to himself but doesn’t consistently represent fact.

  6. Donald Pay

    I think what the article shows is that some people b.s. their way through life. To a certain degree, we all b.s. from time to time, but most of us don’t make our living from b.s. If you buy a used car, you expect to have to tease out the b.s. from the facts, but a good salesperson will keep the b.s. to a minimum.

    I don’t think the real b.s. is anything dealing with go-karts. It is this: “I think we’re up to 50 some right now in terms of major attractions.”

    Of course, if your definition of a “major attraction” is an ant hill, yeah, I can believe that. I tend to think of a major attraction as something a bit more spectacular, like Mount Rushmore. But little minds don’t think in big terms.

    He kind of reminds me of the old billboards out in the Black Hills, “World’s Finest Blah-Blah-Blah.” No one believes that sh*t. That’s why I can’t understand how South Dakotans, of all people, can put up with Trump’s and Novstrup’s brand of obvious b.s.-ing.

  7. Steve Pearson

    Oh my goodness Cory. Your jealousy and anger just comes out full swing in everything/anything Novstrup. And you’re still not in an elected office, LOL. Pathetic.

  8. Debbo

    Oh my goodness Steve. Your jealousy and anger just comes out full swing in everything/anything Cory.

  9. Porter Lansing

    And, Steve Pearson’s still not an ordained Minister, although he claims to be. Funny guy.

  10. Roger Cornelius

    Fifty plus rides is not a go-kart attraction it is Disneyland or a carnival.

  11. Roger Cornelius

    Has Pearson ever run for or been elected to political office?

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