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White Supremacist Stanko Stinking up Deadwood Poker Tournament

Why do bad men grow fat while good men go lean?

Black Elk’s lament at the collapse of his worldview in the face white invaders might well ring in Deadwood today, where white supremacist Rudy Stanko is having a good run in the Mid-States Poker Tour. According to a post this afternoon at 14:22 MDT, Stanko was third in the chip count as competition winds down at the Silverado-Franklin., screen cap from Deadwood tournament, 2019.05.05., screen cap from Deadwood tournament, 2019.05.05.
Rudy prefers the white chips, of course.
Rudy prefers the white chips, of course.

Gee, I’m surprised they let felons sit in on big poker games in Deadwood. But I guess Stanko can bluff his way through cards better than he can bluff his way through the courts.


  1. grudznick 2019-05-05 19:48

    I see the brothers Ghost Bear and Mr. Haugo have now busted as well, but my man Mr. Gant is still alive.

  2. Debbo 2019-05-05 20:59

    Stanko can do anything now that his soul(less) brother Demented Donny is giving him and similar criminal Nazi scum free rein. Donny has made some changes at DOJ:

    “Previously, the agencies used 11 different categories for tracking domestic terrorism, including a separate category for white supremacist violence. But the new system has whittled those 11 categories down to just four — including ‘racially motivated violent extremism,’ which lumps together white supremacists with ‘black identity extremists,’ a freshly made-up term by the Trump team.”

    Every Democratic senator on the Judiciary Committee has signed a letter to Demented protesting this dangerous manipulation of information. That’s Dick Durbin (D-IL), Cory Booker (D-NY), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Chris Coons (D-CT), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Kamala Harris (D-CA).

    Such manipulation will make Americans less safe and the new, fake category will put Black people in the crosshairs of white supremacists.

    No one can be a supporter of the GOP or vote GOP without also being a racist. Some may be registered GOP but be opposed to what that party/Demented Donny does and not vote for them.

  3. Debbo 2019-05-05 23:46

    Stinko’s vision of the USA relies on our mythological, idealized, whitewashed past. His hope is for regression, an impossibility, except for brief moments in time.

    Here is an opportunity to read a brief, but very outstanding piece, written by a graduate student, on American “greatness,” and America’s future. I encourage you to read it and consider it.

  4. jerry27 2019-05-06 09:47

    The local guys in the legion and it’s auxiliary are great. I am happy to be a member in Brwester MN. But the national needs to be taken to the wood shed for its treatment of survivors of the USS LIBERTY.

    I do not know if Stanko or his associates are veterans.
    Non-veterans who pigeon-hole Stanko would be more productive to say nothing rather then to try to start an Orwellian hate fest.
    Take a look at Swiss writer Adrian Krieg’s books about the zionist commitment to white genocide zionist.


  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-05-07 12:48

    No, Jerry27, you are evidently filled with prejudice and worse with your cutesy little cryptic references to your plain anti-Semitism and lies. Stanko is scum. You are objectionable for supporting him and suggesting that he is beyond criticism from decent citizens. There is nothing Orwellian or false about stating that a white supremacist is a white supremacist and that white supremacy is a vile cause that we should stamp out.

  6. jerry27 2019-05-09 05:18

    I am still trying to find out if Stanko is some sort of veteran. If he is — non-veterns should lay off.

    It is called — if you are in a hole stop digging.


  7. jerry 2019-05-09 07:22

    The American Legion has always been a racist and treasonous organization since it’s very beginning. Look it up white wing jerry27, with all your prejudice. The American Legion was formed as strikebreakers by using veterans to work for big business and the banks, to bash heads.

  8. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-05-09 21:48

    Jerry27, stop lying with your signature. You have expressed noteworthy prejudice in many past comments.

    As for trying to obscure the issue by waving the military banner, well, Timothy McVeigh was a veteran, so we non-veterans should lay off him committing mass murder.

    Such is the “logic” Jerry27 peddles here.

    Stanko is a white supremacist. White supremacy is vile. Please tell us, Jerry27, who serving in the military changes either the moral evil of Stanko’s views or my moral standing to criticize such views.

  9. M. Samuel Anderson 2020-11-30 13:38

    Boy, Cory, you’ve got a “lock” on defining for everyone else what white “supremacism” is and who practices it. Thanks to your “stellar” guidance, all your deluded fans will be prevented from learning anything outside the tight intellectual fence in which your herd them. If you could get your tight blinders off for a millesecond you’d see that you’re simply peddling highly discriminatory views from another vantage point. The fact is that the average European-American (no one is actually “white” in color Cory, everybody has a heritage, even “whites”) is fast becoming the most villified part of the human race in the world. From hiring even in the most modest jobs, to advancements, to eligibility for loans and credit, etc., Americans of European ancestry are being put on the road to perdition. Thus the vast majority of them simply want equal treatment and fair play. True, some, like Butch Stanko, are bold and come across as excessive to the untrained or highly biased eye (take a bow) but knowing something about Butch, he’s very well informed about history, politics and the like. Lawsuits can be frivolous, true, but the press is supposed to defend someone’s right to speak and litigate, not always spew out venom over personal disagreements. There is not the slightest hint of fairness or curiousity in you and that is truly sad. So, ramble on, oh clueless one. Your ignorance is shining through. But at least you don’t have to worry about noticing it. For, you are the “new American”: a person who doesn’t know that he doesn’t know.

  10. jerry 2020-11-30 13:55

    Speaking of knowing what he doesn’t know, how the hell are ye M. Samuel Anderson?

  11. mike livingston 2020-11-30 14:40

    What a load of Aryan crap!

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