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The ‘Stache Is Risen! Rhoden Restores Stiffly Bristled Upper Lip

Here’s the best news of my Easter weekend: Larry Rhoden has grown his mustache back!

Top fuzz in the Capitol! Lt. Gov. Larry Rhoden, Twitter, 2019.04.17.
Top fuzz in the Capitol! Lt. Gov. Larry Rhoden, Twitter, 2019.04.17.
Top fuzz in the Capitol! Lt. Gov. Larry Rhoden, Twitter, 2019.04.17.
Top fuzz in the Capitol! Gov. Kristi Noem, Twitter, 2019.04.17.

Rhoden’s predecessor, the ever-bewalrused Matt Michels, publicly lobbied for Rhoden to bring back his manly mustache last year when Kristi Noem picked Rhoden has her running mate, but Rhoden kept his lip clean for his first Session as Senate President. Here he is in February, flapping his freezing lip while filling up with E-30:

Here he is still bare-lipped on March 7:

Larry Rhoden, Facebook post, 2019.03.07.
Larry Rhoden, Facebook post, 2019.03.07.

The shadow descends on April 7:

Our furry friend in Rapid on April 6; Larry Rhoden, Twitter, 2019.04.07.
Our furry friend in Rapid on April 6; Larry Rhoden, Twitter, 2019.04.07. (Click to embiggen!)

Clearly Rhoden is positioning himself for a Dakota Free Press endorsement in the 2022 primary against his own boss… and if he keeps the mustache, he’ll get that primary endorsement!


  1. Wayne Gilbert

    And he is a “Just for Men” customer.

  2. Debbo

    Looking at that photo of Rhoden with the HP made me thinking about the laws he has so blithely broken while in the lege. No hard feelings I guess? IOKIYAR

  3. Why would a guy ever do that, Wayne? Gray and white make those handlebar mustaches look even more impressive.

  4. Indeed, Debbo—Rhoden can apparently press any button he wants in the Capitol.

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