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Rounds Says We “Defeated” Russian Election-Meddling in 2018

While chatting about all the Help America Vote Act funds that South Dakota has been slow to spend to help South Dakotans vote, Bob Mercer got Senator Mike Rounds to comment on Russian meddling in our elections:

Rounds said Russians tried to create dissension and controversy in the 2016 U.S. presidental election and “succeeded in some of that” but were “defeated” in 2018 [Bob Mercer, “Senator Said Voting Grants Helped South Dakota Meet Voting Needs,” KELO-TV, 2019.04.11].

I’m not sure what evidence exists that we “defeated” was Majority Leader Mitch McConnell himself calls Russia’s “dangerous” and  ongoing efforts to interfere with our democracy.”

But take Senator Rounds at his word, and you reach this conclusion: When Russians succeed at messing with American elections, Trumpists win. When Russians fail, Democrats win.

Hmm… what does that tell you, Senator Rounds, about what Russia is after and where you should stand with respect to the candidates who fulfill Russia’s aims?


  1. mike from iowa

    Defeat takes on all new meaning when massaged by wingnut tongues and minds.

    At least Drumpf has stopped bragging about his yoooge electoral win- then biggest in history.

  2. CLCJM

    Yeah, that’s why there was a report the other day that, not only did the Russians attempt to hack a few of the states’ electronic election systems but all 50! And our government has done nothing to stop it from happening again! Doesn’t sound like defeating them to me!

  3. Kevin J.

    Oh Mike. You shouldn’t weigh in on things beyond your understanding. It makes you look more ignorant than you are.

  4. Roger Cornelius

    As campaigns are going forward and preparations are being made for the 2020 presidential election there remain 2016 Russian memes on Facebook and Twitter.
    Internet Research Agency trolls have many of their commenters standing by and ready to pounce with their MAGA crap.
    If Mike Rounds can’t identify the continued efforts to influence our elections on social media the 2020 election will be an easy win for Trump and Putin.

  5. Debbo

    Rounds fits right in with the current deministration and GOP. He’s a consummate liar.

  6. jerry

    Rounds is trying out for a cabinet spot with trump. Rounds has lost all credibility and proves he is what he is, a liar that wants to make sure that trump doesn’t back some right wing nut to primary him. Mike wants to keep his war chest for the future.

    Meanwhile, the Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats says this:

    “Russia and other foreign actors will try new techniques to interfere in the 2020 elections, building off the tactics they used in the 2016 and 2018 campaigns, America’s top intelligence official warned Tuesday.

    “We assess that foreign actors will view the 2020 U.S. elections as an opportunity to advance their interests,” Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told the Senate intelligence committee. “We expect them to refine their capabilities and add new tactics as they learn from each other’s experiences and efforts.””

    Someone should run against this lying liar.

  7. Hey, Kevin: if you have evidence and analysis to explain where Mike erred, feel free to offer it. But if you’re just taking cheap shots, your comment is not useful or welcome.

  8. Indeed, CLCJM, I’d like Senator Rounds to offer us a little more detail on what all that “defeating” looked like. I’m still not sure he even knows how to check his own e-mail, let alone speak authoritatively on cybersecurity.

  9. Kevin J.

    No offense Cory. Il I’ll take my cheap shots elsewhere.

  10. mike from iowa

    Goofy AG Barr told the senate Obama administration spied on Drumpf campaign, but he said he had no proof. Just what we need, more political, partisan incompetence.

    So far nothing of Mueller’s cyber security investigation has been reported and the spin has already begun from these chumps.

  11. Francis Schaffer

    I am still waiting for Mike’s replacement plan for the ACA. He keep saying repeal and replace. I have not seen that plan yet, I hope I don’t make Medicare age before he works on it. Of course maybe he will just punt on this issue too.

  12. Adam

    Mike Rounds attempts to keep country folk in the dark about how moral-less and gullible they truly are.

  13. Loren

    And, this is why Smiley needs to be replaced in 2020. This is the same Rounds that thinks trump was just trying to shield his family from embarrassment when he conducted felony campaign finance violations. He was corrupt ( or maybe just blind/deaf) as Governor and is a worthless representative for the folks of SD. Just smile and raise your hand when McConnell tells you to.

  14. Roger Cornelius

    mike from iowa

    Kevin J sounds very familiar, you don’t think it is the long absent “Jason”?

  15. leslie

    Yeah Rounds said the ACA was in a death spiral. He tried. It didn’t happen. He said Trump this and that, that embarrassed the state. Nobody bought it. I assume he was originally a climate denier and look how that is blowing up. Rounds worked w/USACOE for 8 yrs then built a trophy home on the Missouri River and got flooded out the next year. This insurance entrepreneur and commuting pilot is not very effectve in the judgement department. Typical Republican actually believes fox news and the NRA monthly rag. He also birthed EB5 and MECEC suicide, murder and fraud scandals. His grasp of Russia is only likely Trumpskin-deep.

    Doc is trying to figure out how to dispose of nuke power waste w/in a short decade so plants and tiny reactors can get back in the game.

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