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Minnehaha Democrats Elect Gronli Chair, Plus Four New Officers

Just like the state party, the Minnehaha County Democratic Party has elected some new leaders.

Minnehaha County Democratic Party officers, elected April 2, 2019.
Minnehaha County Democratic Party officers, elected April 2, 2019. From left to right: Chair Nikki Gronli, Dell Rapids; State Committeeman Jon Thiesen, Sioux Falls; State Committeewoman Susan Kroger, Sioux Falls; Treasurer Brian Wirth, Dell Rapids; Vice Chair John Clausen, Sioux Falls; Secretary Jennifer Selken, Humboldt.

John Kennedy Claussen may not have won the chair for the state party, but Minnehaha Dems were happy to keep him on as their vice-chair. Nikki Gronli moved over (up?) from state committeewoman to chair. If I’m reading my records right, the other four officers are new to party leadership. As LEAD chair, Susan Kroger helped recruit some of the only victorious newcomer Democratic candidates for Legislature in 2018. Wirth ran for Senate as an independent in District 25 last year; he has now shed his indy label and gone full Dem, which I welcome.

Worth noting: in a county dominated by South Dakota’s only six-figure-population city, the Minnehaha County Dems managed to fill three of their six offices with folks from four- and three-figure-population towns.


  1. leslie 2019-04-06 19:18

    Way to go SoFa Dems!

  2. leslie 2019-04-08 02:35

    The dire situation dems face in SD is reflective of the national situation a Democratic President will face in 2021. As long as McConnell has the filibuster, he can stop our agenda unless we have 60 Senate votes, which will be unlikely. Elizabeth Warren is making the case now against the filibuster.

    Our party officers in RC, like those in the other major population center of the state, are faced with phenomenal opposition by the right wing. Support your party officers. We must make a dent in the Republican chokehold on the state.

  3. Rebecca 2019-04-11 17:55

    …And despite that massive population to choose from, they’re all (seemingly) white people.
    Yikes, Dems. Do better.

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-04-12 08:55

    Well, there is that, Rebecca. But if only a handful of people show up to run for the offices, and if they’re all white folks, what do we do? (I feel an answer coming and welcome it….)

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