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Hy-Vee Installs Locker for Online Grocery Order Pickup at Avera McKennan

Speaking of technology, Hy-Vee is deploying “Click-and-Collect Lockers” where shoppers can pick up groceries they’ve ordered online. Avera McKennan has installed one such locker for its employees in its parking lot on the main Sioux Falls campus:

Employees use a specific PIN number when placing an order on the Hy-Vee Aisles Online website and are able to pick up their groceries the following day. The lockers hold dry, refrigerated and frozen items.

…“Employees are excited and taking advantage of this convenient new offering. In the first few weeks, roughly two dozen orders have been placed and delivered to our campus,” [Avera VP Tom] Bosch said [Jodi Schwan, “Avera Adds Hy-Vee Aisles Online Locker in Employee Parking Lot,” Sioux Falls Business, 2019.03.25].

Hy-Vee remote grocery pickup locker at Avera McKennan; screen cap from KELO-TV, 2019.03.26.
Hy-Vee remote grocery pickup locker at Avera McKennan; screen cap from KELO-TV, 2019.03.26.

Yeah, but that means I have to know today what I’ll be hungry for tomorrow. So much planning….


  1. Nick Nemec 2019-03-27

    Smart move by Hy-Vee. It’s also a smart move by Avera, a nice perk for their employees, many of whom are working Moms wondering what to make for supper. This gives them a chance to get home without an hour in the grocery store.

  2. Buckobear 2019-03-27

    Sure wish they’d set one up in Rapid City. Oh wait, first we’d need a Hy-Vee market ……. hmmmmmm.

  3. Donald Pay 2019-03-27

    Maybe I’m old and befuddled by modern life. I refuse to use Amazon to get anything delivered to my address. For one, I don’t trust them. People tell me their prices change every few minutes. I don’t thinking shopping should require you to be chained to a computer all day refreshing their site in order to get the best price. When shopping becomes more like day trading, things have gone to the dogs. Is there an app that allows you to monitor those changing prices a put in a bid?

    Anyway, I find this trend toward not going into an actual store to look and comparison shop pretty brain dead. I like to look over my produce before buying, and I don’t want just anyone’s filthy hands fondling my red leaf lettuce. I suppose any box of your favorite cereal might be alright to have delivered, but still I like to look at the expiration dates to get the freshest box. Anyway, I like to buy cereal on super special, so I buy boxes and boxes at a time, and it might not all fit in that box. Same with paper towels and buttwipe. I figure that out to the cost per square feet or per roll. I don’t think I’d trust some grocery guy to pick that out for me. And what about condoms? Am I going to have someone deliver birth control? I think not.

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-03-27

    I’m with Donald on produce: I want to pick my own from the fruit stand.

    However, if we’re talking dry/canned/frozen goods, I can see the convenience, as does Nick. If I know my Thursday schedule is tight and I don’t want to drive across town after work, and if I know I want mac and cheese and a can of green beans for supper and am out at home, I can call Wednesday, order that gourmet supper and some extra cereal to get me through the weekend, and I’ve saved a trip and 30 minutes.

  5. mike from iowa 2019-03-27

    At what cost?

  6. Richard Papousek 2019-03-28

    it would be nice for condom delivery you dont have to look at that old crinkled clerk when buying your condoms and wait for that price check,,,

  7. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-03-29

    Yeah, but do you want condoms that have been in a refrigerated locker?

  8. mike from iowa 2019-03-29

    Yeah, but do you want condoms that have been in a refrigerated locker?

    Does this open up a can of worms? :)

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