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Cory’s Coming to Oacoma—Come Sign the People Power Petition!

As I said over lunch, I’m not running for Democratic party chair. I can’t even vote for party chair.

But I’m going to Oacoma tomorrow for the big Democratic Central Committee meeting to get a whole whack of signatures on the People Power Petition!

Keep Calm and Sign the Petition SD
No lie—the People Power Petition is worth your signature!

Barring flooding, sheep, or possum on 281, 45, or 50, I’ll be at Al’s Oasis by 11 a.m. Central to visit with folks coming to see five of our six chair candidates, collect signatures, and recruit volunteers who’d like to carry this petition in their hometowns. I’ll head over to the Arrowwood/Cedar Shore sometime after noon to catch folks who come for Ann and Larry’s free lunch and answer questions about the People Power Initiative before the big meeting starts at 1 p.m.

I’ll also be looking for some friendly Central Committee members to place the People Power Petition on the meeting agenda. After the election, I would like three minutes to make the following case for Democratic Party support for this initiative petition drive:

  1. South Dakota Democrats have scored their biggest wins this decade with initiatives and referenda.
  2. Republicans have passed numerous laws to undermine initiative and referendum to prevent Democrats from winning more policy victories at the polls.
  3. The People Power Initiative repeals many of the laws Republicans have passed to strangle initiative and referendum.
  4. Therefore, to restore the power of the people to circulate petitions and vote on laws, not to mention provide a platform for recruiting and energizing local Democrats around real, viable political action…
    1. Every local Democratic party should grab copies of the People Power Petition and collect 500 signatures.
    2. The state Democratic Party should throw behind the People Power Petition drive money and person-power similar to what the Party deployed in 2015 to successfully refer and kill two bad Republican laws at the ballot box.

Even if there’s not time for the People Power Petition on the meeting agenda (and believe me, I’m as interested in getting home in daylight as the rest of you), I’ll be talking to as many Democratic Party officials as I can to explain how putting the People Power Petition (and possibly related measures) on the 2020 ballot is vital to strengthening the Democratic Party and, more importantly, to protecting the rights and welfare of all South Dakotans.

So Dems, if you’re on the fence about coming to watch the show tomorrow, let my petition get you on the road! And even if you’re not a Democrat, come on over to Oacoma, sign the petition, and join the fight for your rights!

Put a smile on your face—sign this petition and reclaim democracy!
Put a smile on your face—sign this petition and reclaim democracy!


  1. Kal Lis 2019-03-22 20:24

    I was worried that the wind was going to be blowing the wrong way and I wouldn’t get to see the white smoke when it came from the Cedar Shores chimney.

    Tell one of the folks in my direction to hit me up for a signature when they get home.

    Good luck with petition and safe travels.

  2. Certain Inflatable Recreational Devices 2019-03-22 20:53

    I’ll sign the petition. Do you have a circulator in the Black Hills?

  3. leslie 2019-03-22 21:01

    April 1952 flooding there peaked at 440,000 cfs from 5-730 pm! I think my old man said it was 10 ft deep on the island

  4. Debbo 2019-03-22 21:20

    Harry Potter specs! Where’s the lightning scar on your forehead? There are many in the SDGOP who could use a good, solid whack with your wand.

    Good luck with the petition. South Dakotans, the People Power Petition is how you have a say in your state. Sign up!

  5. owen reitzel 2019-03-22 21:26

    Can’t wait to talk to you Cory. Im bri ging Frank with. Lol

  6. Adam 2019-03-23 00:53

    I’m with Certain Inflatable Recreational Devices; I live in the Black Hills area, and I want to find a way to sign the petition.

  7. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-03-23 05:50

    Black Hills neighbors, Jay Davis and Curt Pochardt are circulating the petition.

  8. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-03-23 05:54

    Harry Potter wears Cory Allen specs. I took up the round goggles in 1986. 8-)

  9. Adam 2019-03-23 11:45

    Thanks Cory !!!

  10. 96Tears 2019-03-23 16:18

    I saw on another blog that Paula Hawks won, but only until after a runoff directly against Ann Tornberg when she got 72 percent of the vote. That’s good, and Cory, I hope people use your petition and your energy more effectively in this cycle.

  11. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-03-23 21:26

    96, it was a good show. I leave tweeted the candidate nominations and speeches; I’ll boil it down tomorrow morning… after I get done processing all my new circulator forms!

  12. 96Tears 2019-03-23 22:47

    Sleep well, Cory. This feels like a new era starting. Just a hunch. A very bright, talented and resilient younger woman is Chair. She’s savvy from service in Pierre, her ag background and a smart campaign for Congress. It’s not her job to be the candidates, but she does know what it’s like to have no or very little infrastructure in place in a statewide or a district race. It’s not rocket science. The biggest difficulty is the loss of the first quarter of 2019 when state party personnel are supposed to be working with local activists to find precinct men and women and build better county parties before McGovern Day.

    Democrats in South Dakota have some assets. Number 1 is Lying Kristi Noem, the most inept, laziest and out-of-touch Governor in state history who just signed some of dumbest legislation to have ever passed out of a South Dakota Legislature. Number 2 is Mike Rounds, a spineless ninny who refuses to stand with South Dakota farmers and ranchers against Trump’s stupid and damaging trade policies. It’s going to be tough to beat Dusty, but Democrats can use Dusty’s discovery of his spine on Trump’s craziness to help defeat RICO Rounds. Number 3 is five anti-abortion bills, the goofy conceal carry bill and the hate legislation passed instead of solving South Dakota’s biggest problems with infrastructure, education funding and health care for kids and families.

    There are big opportunities in the 2020 cycle. Kristi Noem as governor is going to prove to be a wellspring if Democrats are smart and act decisively.

  13. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-03-24 09:33

    Excellent points, 96, especially about Noem as a liability. She isn’t doing anything in Pierre to improve her status as the least popular statewide Republican elected official. We need to capitalize on her inherent dislikability.

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