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Lesmeister: Noem Lets Down Farmers by Vetoing Hemp

Evidently suffering from too much time and budget on her hands, Governor Kristi Noem felt the need to produce a 1:22 Twitter ad to justify her veto of industrial hemp:

The farm memorabilia in the background aptly represents Noem’s farm cred: all memorabilia, all behind her.

House Bill 1191 prime sponsor Representative Oren Lesmeister (D-28A/Parade), who has said Governor Noem is “uneducated” on the issue of hemp, doesn’t need a fancy video to make his point. He issues a statement branding Noem “out of touch” with almost everyone on the hemp issue and hasn’t dealt honestly with him or the Legislature:

Rep. Oren Lesmeister
Rep. Oren Lesmeister

I am extremely disappointed with Governor Noem’s decision to veto industrial hemp. While our surrounding states will be glad to have less competition, we are letting our farmers down. This is not a partisan issue: Democrats and Republicans strongly support the hemp bill.

This is an issue where Governor Noem is out of touch with the legislators and out of touch with the people of South Dakota. The most disappointing part of this process has been that Governor Noem has not been an honest operator. She has refused to meet with me throughout this process, and she has attacked this bill saying it is a path to marijuana legalization.

I don’t know what has changed since she worked to pass the Farm Bill, but I know when Senator Mitch McConnell presented legislation to legalize industrial hemp, he was not supporting a pathway to marijuana. That’s not what I want, and it’s not what the people of South Dakota want.

The only roadblock on the path to industrial hemp for South Dakota is Governor Noem, and this week, she let the people of South Dakota down [Rep. Oren Lesmeister, in Bob Mercer, “Hemp Bill’s Prime Sponsor Issues Statement After Veto Upheld,” KELO-TV, 2019.03.12].

Rep. Lesmeister rallied 54 of his House colleagues to join him in voting to override Noem’s senseless veto. Noem held onto enough trembling Republican sycophants, including my Senator Al Novstrup (R-3/Aberdeen) in the Senate to uphold her veto and keep South Dakota out of the hemp market for at least another year.


  1. Daniel Buresh 2019-03-13

    Noem is just covering for her donors that want to keep patients on the much more expensive version of CBD which is known as Epidiolex. It’s so bad that the loser Pat Powers over at the War Toilet is actively censoring any post in reference to the drug or to any connection that Noemskull has to her big pharma donors. My neighbors in ND grow hemp and there has been no issue with it, nor has it cost the state as much as Noem is lying about. As I read somewhere online, she is all hat, no ranch.

  2. Larry Lucas 2019-03-13

    Bring the Bill back next year with an emergency clause to go into effect April 1 of 2020. With Noem’s veto you need a 2/3 vote anyway. Farmers will still be able to plant next year which would be no different than if the Bill passed this year and went into effect July 1. Finally to win over the NO votes in the legislature have a “hemp” day at the Capital and give out free Big Boy Pants made from hemp!

  3. Certain Inflatable Rubber Devices 2019-03-13

    Larry Lucas! My friend Newland tells me you opposed hemp back at the turn of the century because your college roommate smoked so much weed he couldn’t get to class.

    Newland says you were pretty Noemish in your day.

  4. jerry 2019-03-13

    GNoem lets the off reservation farmers down, but maybe they could lease some land in Mr. Lesmeister’s Cheyenne River Reservation district to grow their own hemp for sale. Tribes could provide the lease land for the range of $60.00 to $65.00 an acre (going rate for prime tillable ground at least) so everyone could make a dollar or two.

  5. Debbo 2019-03-13

    Larry has the best solution for a bad situation. My favorite part is the “Big Boy Pants made from hemp!”

    Yeah, Noem’s veto is really inexcusable.
    Cory, will his vote on this affect Nostrap’s electability next time? 🤞🤞🤞

  6. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-03-13

    Debbo, chances of electoral impact seem minimal. Novstrup voters don’t look at voting record.

  7. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-03-13

    Larry Lucas is right on. Get all the legislators some bow ties and sneakers made of hemp, load up that emergency clause, and go around telling farmers this year that we will pass hemp come heck or high water so they can plan to plant it in 2020.

  8. Catherine Ratliff 2019-03-13

    I’m getting out my hemp dress purchased in New Hampshire. Live Free or Die.

  9. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-03-15

    Catherine, I’d love to see a thousand women marching up the Capitol steps and right to Kristi’s office wearing dresses identical to yours. Bring an extra one to give to Kristi as a gift.

  10. Mark 2019-03-17

    All you need to know is that Hemp
    is not an insurable crop.
    Commander Noem’s husband sells crop insurance.
    She is incapable of defending her position on this topic with any common
    sence so she basically told the people
    of South Dakota F you.

  11. Debbo 2019-03-17

    Marty Two Bulls skewered the gov right through her smug, not-ready video. Ouch!

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