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Trump Teeing Up Tariffs on Autos, Based on Secret Data

If you’re looking for a new car, you’d better spend your tax refund now. Donald Trump wants to build another trade wall, this time with tariffs that will hammer the automobile industry:

Trump said on Friday that tariffs protect industry and also help win trade agreements.

“I love tariffs, but I also love them to negotiate,” he said.

A report from the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, Michigan, published on Friday showed its worst-case scenario of a tariff of 25 percent would cost 366,900 U.S. jobs in the auto and related industries.

U.S. light duty vehicle prices would increase by $2,750 on average, including U.S.-built vehicles, reducing annual U.S. sales by 1.3 million units and forcing many consumers to the used car market, the think tank’s report said [David Lawder and David Shepardson, “U.S. Agency Submits Auto Tariff Probe Report to White House,” Reuters via KELO Radio, 2018.02.17].

Trump is keeping the Commerce Department report on auto tariffs secret, creating uncertainty that by itself is bad for the auto industry and the overall economy.


  1. cibvet 2019-02-18 10:33

    The only thing tariffs do is tax the manufacture and consumer.Trumpsters are not smart enough to recognize that. Republican politicians love it because its a tariff, not a tax and their lemming followers suck it up like a dry sponge.

  2. jerry 2019-02-18 10:59

    When 7 million of us are 3 months late on car payments for vehicles that are already used and new vehicles, that is gonna mean a 4th part time job. How can you work the 3 part time jobs needed to survive if you cannot afford to have the transportation to get to work.

  3. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-02-18 12:49

    Excellent point, CIBVet. China isn’t paying the tariffs; we are. Trump raised taxes on Americans.

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-02-18 12:50

    Just like Trump, Mike, spending money we don’t have on folly that doesn’t serve American interests.

  5. Curtis Price 2019-02-18 14:29

    What refund?

  6. mike from iowa 2019-02-18 17:33

    Nat debt hit 22 TRILLION today. Moar taxcuts needed, wingnuts?

  7. jerry 2019-02-19 09:33

    South Dakota soybean farmers will get trumped again with tariffs as the EU will put a halt to them. Fellers, face it, trump is just not into you. Find a new dance card to fill, perhaps look at slow dancing with the Democrats as the Republicans only want to step on your toes with a smile on their faces.

    Where do you think the replacement soybeans will come from for the EU will be the new South Dakota parlor game.

  8. mike from iowa 2019-02-19 11:10

    Drumpf likes tariffs because none of his stuff made over seas is hit with tariffs.

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