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TenHaken Won’t Talk to Cops as He Imposes Unfavorable Contract

Hat tip to South DaCola!

The Republican spin machine backed its boy Paul TenHaken in the Sioux Falls mayoral race last spring by portraying his opponent, Jolene Loetscher, as not listening to the police.

Now, just seven months later, it’s TenHaken who’s not listening to the police. Not only is he trying to impose a contract that the police don’t like, but he didn’t even talk to the police directly about their position on pay and benefits:

During the campaign, TenHaken said he’d have an open-door policy for police officers, who have since been told to direct all communications to the mayor through the chief of police; and the mayor didn’t attend any of the negotiation hearings or a recent briefing between the City Council and the union, Holbeck said.

“(The mayor) has failed every single character test when it comes to the rank and file,” [policeman and Fraternal Order of Police union official Jason] Holbeck said. “Right now, his word is worth about five cents” [Joe Sneve, “Police Union: City Misleading the Public About Impasse in Labor Talks,” that Sioux Falls paper, 2018.12.10].

The Fraternal Order of Police helped TenHaken become mayor by casting doubt on Loetscher’s police precinct proposal right before the election. Now instead of a mayor who might have discussed their policy differences, they’re stuck with a Trumpist tool (or is he just Chris Traeger from Parks and Recreation?) who won’t face them to discuss their contract.


  1. Donald Pay 2018-12-11 07:51

    Sweet. Sometimes you get what you deserve. Sioux Falls isn’t a small town anymore. The precinct idea is done in many other cities of similar size. It usually leads to better community service. The FOB’s knee-jerk reaction was unprofessional, and for that they deserve no raise.

  2. Deane Barker 2018-12-11 10:10

    Paul Ten Haken is not a “Trumpist.” I know the man. Believe me when I tell you that.

  3. mike from iowa 2018-12-11 10:41

    Did he pull a Scott Walker on Soo Falls?

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-12-11 12:43

    Deane, I appreciate that comment from your personal experience. The Mayor’s treatment of the police leans more Trumpy than the opposite, and he does belong to the party of Trump. I hope he’ll try to change his governing to reflect something other than these Trumpy tendencies. Can you point us toward elements of his management of Sioux Falls that point in that more positive direction?

  5. RJ 2018-12-11 21:23

    Paul did give Trumps presidential performance a high grade. also, knowing a bit about hi and his family growing up, they are Trumpers. The precinct idea should have at least been up for discussion.

  6. John W 2018-12-14 16:12

    Republicans have always regarded law and law enforcement as a necessary evil that can be justifiably ignored.

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