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Thune, Rounds Ask Trump, Pretty Please, Prioritize Tariff Changes

In a letter sent yesterday, Senators John Thune and M. Michael Rounds “respectfully request” that Donald Trump “make restoring U.S. soybean market access in China a top priority.”

Hey, I say to my daughter, I respectfully request that you make feeding the dog a top priority.

Hey, Chief Deputy Lunzman says to his subordinates, I respectfully request that you make not sexually harassing DCI agents a top priority.

Hey, the NRA says to doctors, we respectfully request that you make treating patients a priority over engaging in public debate about the Second Amendment.

Hey, President George H.W. Bush said to Saddam Hussein, I respectfully request that you make restoring Kuwaiti sovereignty a top priority.

South Dakota’s Senators lack spines, but they can still see a few plain facts. They acknowledge, as they have on other occasions this ugly trade year, that Trump’s tariffs are hurting South Dakota agriculture:

As you know, U.S. soybean exports to China nearly ceased after China imposed retaliatory tariffs on our soybeans in July. China then began utilizing U.S. global competitors to supply its protein needs. If the United States continues to lose this critical market, there is a diminishing chance it will be fully regained, which will result in long-term reduced soybean prices for U.S. producers [Senators John Thune and M. Michael Rounds, letter to Donald Trump, 2018.11.29].

Our Senators are affirming the long-term harms to American farmers that I reported on November 15. Our Senators are affirming the lower soybean prices that I reported on October 30.

When White House policy is causing real long-term harm to South Dakota farmers, our Senators should do more than respectfully request that Donald Trump shuffle his priorities. Our Senators should stop shuffling their feet and do what Tim Bjorkman recommended last summer: reclaim their Constitutional authority to regulate trade and end the tariffs.


  1. Rorschach 2018-11-30 07:26

    Our legislators could pass legislation, but that would be doing their jobs. Much easier to write softly worded letters to cover their asses with the home folks than to lead. I would say that Thune and Rounds are sheep, but they are less useful than sheep.

  2. mike from iowa 2018-11-30 07:54

    Maybe 40 some Senate Dems should send China a letter saying not to deal with Drumpf as he won’t be bogus potus much longer.

    I seem to recall a bunch of wingnuts interfering in foreign policy with Iran over Obama’s head.

  3. Nick Nemec 2018-11-30 08:07

    This liberal is planning which crops to plant in 2019. Unless contracts for local delivery of soybeans go over $9/bu for fall2019 delivery I will be planting more wheat and sunflowers and skipping the soybeans.

  4. Nick Nemec 2018-11-30 08:10

    Self inflicted trade wars have narrowed my options and cost me a perfectly good crop.

  5. MJK 2018-11-30 08:51

    Last time I checked, Thune and Rounds unfortunately are still in Washington. Can’t they schedule a meeting with Trump directly and have a real conversation? Daschl used to have meetings with the then sitting President. They are scared for their own rear-ends; fear Trump and $$$ job security. Part of the issue, South Dakota has so few people in relation to other states in the union that Washington delegates and the president barely give us a sniff. But agriculture, is the main industry here. They should be working and talking on all points. Sad.

  6. mike from iowa 2018-11-30 08:51

    No matter what Nick decides, somehow Drumpf, OS, SP and the troll will claim it is good for Nick and Drumpf deserves credit for it.

  7. Debbo 2018-11-30 15:53

    The Congress has options, as others have said. Since they did write a letter, after a week of having their letter ignored, they can write again saying they will work with the incoming House to write trade legislation which will override Orange Imbecile’s idiocy. Thune and Rounds, with Collins, Murkowski and one or 2 others will be enough to pass it, though not override.

    There are other ways they can oppose him and work with reasonable members. Of course, any of that will take courage, a trait I have not witnessed in either of them.

    At any rate, the SD delegation is not helpless, limited only to begging via letters. If they really want to stand up for their constituents, they can. Having the #2 senator should count for something.

  8. Loren 2018-11-30 17:55

    Having the #2 senator SHOULD account for something. Unfortunately, all SD has is a Mitch McConnell rubber stamp. (As #2, will they let him stand next to Mitch, now, or does he still have to stand over his left shoulder?)

  9. moses6 2018-11-30 19:55


  10. jerry 2018-11-30 22:36

    Soybeans were so yesterday. Soon HEMP all across the land. Don’t need many acres, just make some money legally in the new Farm Bill.

    “Congress is on the verge of officially legalizing industrial hemp, with a measure that would create a legal distinction between the popular crop and other, intoxicating strains of marijuana.

    In a statement Thursday, leaders of the U.S. Senate and House agricultural committees reported that they’d reached a tentative agreement on the 2018 Farm Bill. Included in that larger piece of legislation are a number of provisions that would allow for the commercial cultivation, research and development of industrial hemp. A vote is expected by the end of the year.” So there ya go, use less land to make more money, how about that. This will sail through the Senate as even the turtle man is behind it, so that means our Number 2 will be as well. Who would have thunk it.

  11. Debbo 2018-11-30 23:38


  12. mike from iowa 2018-12-01 07:34

    Loren, not so many years ago, if memory serves correctly, South Dakota had the Numero Uno Senator with a D attached to his name. Wingnuts called in their pack and ate him so you ended up with Marlboro Barbie to fawn on McCTurtle.

    South Dakota rejected an eloquent speaking statesman for Casper Milquetoast with a short range jump shot and no leadership abilities or desires.

  13. Debbo 2018-12-01 20:02

    Very eloquent Mike.

  14. Debbo 2018-12-02 13:25

    The Strib editorial has a few things to say about what Lunatic has done to farmers in particular and US trading prospects in general. It will take a long time for his Democratic successors to rebuild our nation’s reputation.

  15. marvin kammerer 2018-12-03 10:53

    thune never had an original thought that I’ve: heard of and smiling mike only thought of how many free rides he could get off the state airplane when he was governor.the last thinking people we’ve had in congress was geo.mcgovern, jim abouresk & sometimes tom daschle.

  16. mike from iowa 2018-12-03 11:54

    “Trade frictions with China mounted through most of last year, but when Mr. Trump traveled to Beijing in November, the tone changed. The president piled praise on Mr. Xi, and blamed the United States for inequitable trade deals. It looked as if relations were warming, and the price of soybeans was floating around $9.90 a bushel.”

    I totally missed the part where Drumpf blamed the US for trade imbalance.

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