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Voter Intimidation: KKK Materials Dumped at Sioux Falls Polling Place

Speaking of thug tactics, Todd Epp reports that someone dumped Ku Klux Klan materials at a Sioux Falls polling place:

The KKK literature was placed on the ground at Longfellow Elementary. The listener said there were maybe one to three dozen bags. He said he tried to pick up as many as he could.

While it is not illegal for the KKK to express its views, if they did so at the polling place, that may violate South Dakota state law [Todd Epp, “KKK Materials Distributed at Sioux Falls Polling Place,” KELO Radio, 2018.11.06].

Epp cites SDCL 12-18-3, which prohibits any person from engaging “in any practice which interferes with the voter’s free access to the polls or disrupts the administration of the polling place, or conduct any petition signature gathering, on the day of an election, within one hundred feet of a polling place.” I suggest Epp jump to Chapter 12-26 and review the statutes on voter intimidation. KKK leaflets aren’t just communications; they are intimidation tactics.

As I type this, voters in Sioux Falls and elsewhere on Central Time have 50 minutes left to vote; voters in Rapid City and elsewhere on Mountain Time have an hour and 50 minutes. You last-minute voters aren’t just standing up for democracy; you’re standing against this repulsive racist rancor, which has been fomented by the leader of the party that starts with the same letter. Vote for equality for everyone. Vote for democracy. Vote for Democrats.


  1. Jason 2018-11-06 18:24

    Cory wrote:

    you’re standing against this repulsive racist rancor, which has been fomented by the leader of the party that starts with the same letter.

    Your opinion is false Cory.

  2. Jason 2018-11-06 18:28

    Does Billie share the same false opinion as Cory?

  3. mike from iowa 2018-11-06 18:55

    The Troll jumped the shark, bigtime. Opinions can’t be proven true or false. Don’t you have anything better to do than troll Cory, Troll?

  4. Debbo 2018-11-06 19:18

    Anti-American tactics like voter suppression and intimidation are the only option Pootiepublicans have for stealing elections. The majority of voters don’t want the Rs, don’t want their policies, don’t want their behavior, don’t want their hate, don’t want their lies…. The great nation named the USA has moved far beyond the right wing white supremacists. They’re not wanted here.

  5. grudznick 2018-11-06 20:04

    Are any of you fellows at Mr. H’s “watch party?” At what hotel in Aberdeen is he holding the big soiree, and what are the free finger foods and beverages being shared? Post some electronic photographs for the rest of us who were not invited. Is Mr. Novstrup at the same hotel?

  6. OldSarg 2018-11-06 20:06

    Those east river and outta staters are all racist. They are the ones that do such things. Specifically Iowa is filled with stupid racist people named mike. I think the influence of Iowa and Minnesota being so close to our patriotic state is actually making us all dumber.

  7. OldSarg 2018-11-06 20:33

    “free finger foods”? I’m thinking baloney on white with a side of miracle whip.

  8. OldSarg 2018-11-06 21:29

    Well, Sutton did a good job. He gave it a good effort. Nice to see him try. I didn’t think he would do as well as he did after the Bernie debacle but he came back and gave it a good Irish effort. he should change parties and become a Republican and he could win. Good effort.

  9. OldSarg 2018-11-06 21:45


  10. grudznick 2018-11-06 21:46

    A sad night for Mr. H. I give home big credit for effort.

  11. Steve Pearson 2018-11-06 22:03

    You lose Corey. LOL

  12. Jason 2018-11-06 22:24

    I need to educate Cory, Debbo, and Mike.

    There are Democrats who are KKK members as of 11-6-18.

    The issue is Cory makes a thread insinuating that these materials were dumped by Republicans with no proof.

    This is just more proof he doesn’t have the leadership qualities to serve in the SD Legislature.

  13. Darin Larson 2018-11-06 22:25

    Keep it classy, Steve Pearson.

  14. RJ 2018-11-06 22:30

    If the world was fair and better..Cory you should have won and you will be the better person of the two in my mind.

  15. grudznick 2018-11-06 22:33

    W was wrong.

  16. Robin Friday 2018-11-06 22:52

    Dropping Klan materials around is despicable and detestable. No one has statistics, I’m sure, and what would be available would be suspect. I don’t know any Klan members, but I’m certain they subscribe to far right and white supremacy principles, so I strongly doubt any call themselves anything but Republicans, Libertarians, Constitutionals, Tea-partiers, what-have-yous, but not Democrats.

  17. Jason 2018-11-06 22:53

    It looks like Cory’s Constituents voted against Cory on the ballot measures except for X.

    Correct me if I am wrong Cory.

  18. Roger Cornelius 2018-11-06 22:55

    In forty plus years of one party rule in South Dakota the state never fails to disappoint.
    South Dakota is a regressive state and South Dakotans wallow in it.

  19. Debbo 2018-11-06 22:56

    MN election results:

    Gov. Tim Walz, D
    Sec State, Steve Simon, D
    Auditor Julie Blaha, D
    AG Keith Ellison, D
    Sen Amy Klobuchar, D
    Sen Tina Smith, D
    Rep Angie Craig, D (my dist)
    Democrats take state house majority

    It’s so sweet living in a blue state. With Angie Craig’s victory I can be very proud of the smart, ethical, caring people who represent me in DC and are making Minnesota good for all of us.

  20. Debbo 2018-11-06 22:59

    Roger!! Where have you been? I’ve been worried about you! It’s great to hear from you. 😁

  21. Jason 2018-11-06 23:00


    You don’t know, but you are certain?

    Did you know that one of Kavanaugh’s accusers just told the FBI she lied?

    I bet not if you only watch the MSM media.

    You are a perfect example of why America is so divided now. Back in the old days the MSM controlled the “facts”.

    It’s not like that anymore. That is why I can call you ignorant right now.

    I should really call you more than that for saying things are true without proof, but I will stick with ignorant for now.

  22. Jason 2018-11-06 23:04


    I don’t at MN races.

    Who controls the MN Senate now?

  23. Jason 2018-11-06 23:05


  24. RJ 2018-11-06 23:10

    Grudz..disappointed in you..thought you had a bit of soul and personality.

  25. Jason 2018-11-06 23:12


    I’m disappointed you didn’t address my answer to your question about SD Democrat threats to Republicans.

    Do you have an answer to my disappointment?

  26. happy camper 2018-11-06 23:22

    Sutton didn’t even carry his own county at least he can go back to the bank and work for his Republican family that voted and contributed to Kristi can’t make this weird stuff up maybe he should have run as an Independent being a Dem in SD is the kiss of death.

  27. grudznick 2018-11-06 23:26

    Mr. RJ, nobody feels more empathy for Mr. H than I. For I, more than most, know how every issue dear to his soul and how so many of his roaddogs in the running lost, and I know he is hurting tonight. We can all respect his dedication and efforts, which is what I will endeavor to do.

    As I mentioned the other day, Mr. H…chin up. grudznick loves you.

  28. grudznick 2018-11-06 23:27

    Mr. camper, spot on. I guess the neighbor commercial wasn’t that far off base.

  29. Jason 2018-11-06 23:29

    So the 50k of teacher(Government) money should have stayed in their own pockets to feed their family.

  30. Jason 2018-11-06 23:33

    Please let me know about the MN Senate Debbo. I don’t have the energy to look for myself so since you live in MN, I am relying on you to let me know.

  31. grudznick 2018-11-06 23:34

    I’m sorry for the heavy heart my friend, Mr. C, has to carry tonight. But he cannot realize it is the hatred and the out-of-state rudeness that permeates the South Dakota Democratic Party that gets them thumped down for 40 years.

    Stop being so rude and angry. Be nice. There are Conservatives with Common Sense (dislaimer: I am a past president) who do not like Mr. Trump. Stop bastardizing us all. I’ll buy your next breakfast.

    Mitakuye Oyasin.

  32. Rick 2018-11-06 23:42

    Steve Pearson 2018-11-06 at 22:03 “You lose Corey. LOL”

    How old are you? Oh, you’re a business consultant for a Fortune 500 company. I didn’t know Mattel is a Fortune 500 company. Good to know they have a man-child consulting them on toys. LOL!

  33. Jason 2018-11-06 23:46


    Welcome to the forum.

    I’m very old. Are you old enough to discuss the issues with me?

  34. grudznick 2018-11-06 23:51

    Mr. Rick, welcome. There are a lot of rude, out-of-state people who behave like they are junior high name-calling drama queens around here. Mr. Pearson is not one, but he was a little rude tonight and deserves all of our scorn. I scorn you, Mr. Pearson. There. It’s done. One does not take grudznick’s scorn lightly, and I know Mr. Pearson will not sleep well tonight.

    So, what is your take, sir, on the elections? Let us have your insight.

  35. RJ 2018-11-06 23:56

    Jason, when you can say anything that resembles a well thought out opinion, I’ll give you an answer. Is it sympathy you’re after.

  36. RJ 2018-11-06 23:59

    Also, grudz.. I’m a you don’t have to say Mr.😉

  37. Jason 2018-11-06 23:59

    So the 50k of teacher(Government) money should have stayed in their own pockets to feed their family.

    My bad. I meant taxpayer money. Most Democrats can’t distinguish the difference but that is our educations system these days.

  38. Jason 2018-11-07 00:02


    I don’t care what gender you are.

    So far, you haven’t been able to prove any of my facts wrong and my opinions wrong.

  39. Debbo 2018-11-07 00:33

    Kansas did not elect scumball Kobach.

    Democrats are doing very well, except in states determined to shoot themselves in the foot– like SD. District 3 voted for a lying, racist, misogynist, homophobic grifter. They could have had one of the sharpest, quickest and most decent minds in SD. I guess they deserve to be cheated, taken advantage of, lied to and used.

  40. Debbo 2018-11-07 00:34

    Cory, you ran a great campaign, really.

  41. happy camper 2018-11-07 00:50

    “…. voted for a lying, racist, misogynist, homophobic grifter” Deb please tell us how you really feel. Kim Davis lost her Clerk of Courts job in Kentucky that is kind of fun, Democrats getting back the house is also a good thing and Cory has a job he likes even if he’s only had it for two months, I mean three. Meaningful work is more important anyway imo.

  42. Debbo 2018-11-07 00:52

    HC, Davis lost to the guy she refused a marriage license to. Karma. Ahhhhhhhh.

  43. OldSarg 2018-11-07 04:10

    Cory, if no one else has said it, and even if they had, nice try. I am glad you ran an hope you luck in the future. You did something most of us just talk about. Congratulations for being brave enough to put your hat in that ring. Kevin

  44. mike from iowa 2018-11-07 06:34

    Congrats Debbo. Minnesota ousted Pig Lewis and elected a Muslim Congress woman. Not sure yer feelings of Ellison, but I am glad he won. Meanwhile I am still stuck with OldSlobberknocker’s buddy Racist King.

    Cory, congratulations on running the classiest campaign of all, despite all the right wing distractions and attacks from DFP’s Troll brigade. Stoopid, ugly, racist wingnuts could learn alot by emulating you, so there’s that.

  45. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-11-07 07:04

    Debbo, thanks. With no offense intended, I have to disagree. My checklist for “great” campaign includes “Won.” Winning isn’t a sufficient condition for “great”—a lot of lazy, racist, unqualified theocrats won last night by dint of nothing but an “R’ by their names. They did not run “great” campaigns.

    But I cannot in good conscience turn to any aspiring candidate and say, “Want to run a great campaign? Here, use mine as an example,” because my efforts did not translate into victory and measurable change for South Dakota.

  46. Debbo 2018-11-07 10:36

    I understand what you’re saying Cory. How about this? You ran an honest and honorable campaign. I continue to be proud of you and proud to know you.

  47. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 13:04

    South Dakota. Carry on. America doesn’t look to you for much, anyway. 41st in innovation among 50 states. You have the state your majority feels most comfortable with. Enjoy your hygge.
    PS … CO overwhelmingly followed SD’s lead and passed the 36% limit on payday shark attacks. Thanks from the Square State. ✔

  48. OldSarg 2018-11-07 13:17

    Portly, America does look to us. We are a beacon of civil behavior. We have some of the most beautiful unspoiled land on the continent. We have cowboys and cowgirls that run for governor. We have a corn palace, plains, small mountains and great people. Our communities are diverse yet get along with each other out of a sense of common respect. Sure, as an outsider you want to see us change to be more like you but we like being South Dakotans. We are all different, friendly, caring and kind. Come to our land and experience the quick smile and conversation. It is different than the place you live.

    You may not think much of us but you don’t live here. This is our home. peace

  49. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 13:26

    Got your goat, scheisskopf. ha ha ha Don’t go changin’ …

  50. OldSarg 2018-11-07 13:50

    Got your land. Ha ha!!!

  51. leslie 2018-11-07 13:59

    Cory, sorry for the loss but we are better for your prodigious efforts on our behalf. You share with Billie in bringing out those additional 90 k voters. WOW. That is a helluva alot of voters. The smart Republican statisticians are scratching their heads.

    Today young people, genXers, millennials are just waking up to reality are saying:

    “Dusty did that? Wasn’t Russian Maria Butina/NRA/Erickson/GOP just fake news?”

  52. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 14:15

    OS … Just keep telling yourself how great things are. That’s the underachiever’s way to cope. I think you’re just staying in S.D. because it massages the laziness in your personality. Good for you. You’ve found where even a loafer is tolerated. Don’t go changin’.

  53. OldSarg 2018-11-07 14:44

    It’s ok Port. I’ll just sit here and enjoy the view.

    Port, where do you live in Colorado? I spent two years there. Well, I guess actually three years. One in Denver back in 82 while in the service. Then in 95 – 97 I lived in Monument. It was nice but it wasn’t South Dakota. Do you know Monument? Nice area. I had the highest house east of the interstate. Great view of the Peak.

    Here’s what I figured out: Colorado is a neat dream but its not real. You have big mountains ad great skiing but there is no peace. Just traffic, traffic, traffic. Doesn’t mater where you are there is always traffic. Also everyone is after the money in your pockets. The prices are nuts and the fishing is mediocre at best and the traffic. . .There is also all the street people, crime and excess. Colorado is now like the AC/DC song Highway to Hell. Nope don’t need it.

    Here we don’t have the traffic so much except during the traffic cone storage season (peak of the season is going on now). I make the same money I made in Monument but here it goes so much further. That’s nice. No one is in a rush and everyone will talk to you. Tonight is Prime rib night at Kelly’s. King’s cut is $13.95 and Wed is also Windsor Wednesday so a drink is about $2.00. Now I don’t smoke but there’s a smoking area out back for guys like you if you want to light up and there isn’t an extra dollar in tax on your smokes thanks to the votes yesterday. I’ve gone to Kelly’s on and off since 77. 18 and low-point beer. Yep this is an easy life. It’s peaceful.

  54. mike from iowa 2018-11-07 14:47

    Most Democrats can’t distinguish the difference but that is our educations system these days.

    This from a Troll who thinks opinions can be proven right or wrong?

  55. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 14:52

    OSs Enjoy yourself. America doesn’t expect much out of you because you don’t expect much out of yourself or your state. What you call “independent spirit” is just a coverup for lazy underachieving. 41st in innovation out of 50 states? That’s why nothing changes. Because few even know what to do, let alone how to do it. Lazy underachieving. What a life, huh? I’m going to work. Don’t let your liver get any worse on that cheap Canadian blend booze.

  56. OldSarg 2018-11-07 14:56

    Working the swing shift still? I hated shift work. Punch that clock like a good employee.

  57. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 15:59

    Lifers in the military were the laziest S.O.B.’s I ever worked around. After the first tour nothing is expected from them. Just like Republicans in SD don’t expect anything from their state and you don’t expect anything from yourself, except cheap booze and fatty meat. Sucks to be you, lazy underachiever.
    (No, man. I’m an artist. I work in my own studio, when I choose. After I sold my businesses and retired at age 50, I went to photography school for three years and now lease my culinary art for menus and magazines. Every day I expect personal improvement and the market is the boss.)

  58. happy camper 2018-11-07 16:20

    Porter why do you have to be so mean brag brag brag how about an ounce of humility you’re a legend in your own mind besides I’m the laziest SOB.

  59. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 16:26

    HC … Remember the movie “Michael”, when Travolta comes downstairs with a severe hangover, smoking a cig with a drink in his hand. The girl says, “You’re an angel?” As Travolta would say, “I’m not that kind of liberal.” Milquetoast liberals don’t get anything in life. Humility? Not when I’m talking to insult generators like you and OS and Jason and Ryan. You a-holes deserve all you get and you don’t get nearly enough.
    PS … Don’t put up links that don’t explain what they are. I won’t waste my time.

  60. OldSarg 2018-11-07 16:28

    Yep, I agree. We called them ROAD (Retired On Active Duty). I didn’t stick around for that. Finished college while on active duty and got out. I’m glad I did my time. Lots of deployments in 13 yrs, 3 months and 18 days. Get this, I was Army for the first 2 yrs and then for my last year. Sometimes I think I should have stuck around for the full 20 but when I got married I knew I had to make more than I was making wearing stripes. Besides there were other more exciting fed units to work for. Now I’m back but not in uniform. Just as an old man kept around to answer questions.

    Photography school huh? Culinary art> So, do you make the dish and then take the photo or does the chef do the dish and then you take the shots? Do you do it in a studio or do you go to the food establishment and take the pics? I would supposed it would be a mix. Is there a link I can see some of your work? I was diving with a photographer once and he told me you need to take a thousand shots to get one really good one. Taking the pics, evaluating each one of them and then determining what you think is the best is very tasking. I think being a skilled artist must be genetic.

  61. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 16:39

    Thanks for asking. I’m a retired chef and have a studio with a full professional kitchen. I shoot my own stuff and get prompts from my agents as to what customers are looking for. I lease world wide and specialize in New American/Contemporary. During school I shot hundreds of each subject but when you get better you don’t shoot as many. My main teacher instructed me to throw away every photo I shot for the first three years. It’s makes you expect more from yourself.
    I show some stuff on Instagram under the name porterHG. Or porter.lansing. The food my agent doesn’t want exclusives on. :) See what you think.

  62. OldSarg 2018-11-07 17:36

    Freaking awesome Porter! It does all look delicious! I never knew a Culinary Artist.

    Question (and a little off topic): Your piece labeled “loose meat”. In South Dakota, depending upon where you live, they call it several names such as sloppy joe (Rapid), BBQ (White River), taverns (Vermillion) and other names. Where in South Dakota did you grow up?

  63. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 18:07

    In Watertown (where I grew up) they’re called barbecues, for some reason. The loose meat sandwich is from Iowa, made famous on the Roseanne show. Commercially they’re sold as Maid-Rite in several states. The authentic loose meat sandwich has no tomato sauce, only onions and has Cheese Whiz and pickles. That’s what that photo is.
    I just put up a new shot from my studio and you can see the light source I have. In photo school the first year you study light. The second year composition. And, the third year post production processing.
    Thanks so much for the compliments. If you look at the folks who’ve liked my work you’ll see food people from at least a dozen countries. Yes, even Iran and Russia. lol

  64. mike from iowa 2018-11-07 18:07

    You done it now, Porter. OldSnotdrizzle will be humping yer leg to cook for him.

  65. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 18:17

    I’d be honored, Mike. ha ha But, it’s photography. In photography you only get to photograph the models not kiss ’em. (All the food does get eaten, though. Eventually.)

  66. mike from iowa 2018-11-07 18:21

    Loose meat originally called Maid- Rites was famous long before the fat pig ever showed up on tv, Porter.

    History. Angell was a butcher in Muscatine, Iowa, who combined a special cut and grind of meat with a selected set of spices and created the Maid-Rite sandwich, which is not a traditional hamburger. Rather, it is called a “loose meat” sandwich.

  67. grudznick 2018-11-07 18:27

    Mr. Lansing, I knew you were some sort of cook of renown and I have no doubt you could whip up a dandy Sloppy Joe without using that stuff from a can, but I did not know you photographed your food.

    Do you have any good breakfast photos?

  68. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 18:28

    Good story. Way off topic now but the recipe I use is from Iowa and to replicate the grind you cook the onions and ground beef and then put it in a metal bowl and use a hand mixer on it for a couple minutes to get the texture to be similar.

  69. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 18:31

    Grudz … sure do. None on Instagram, right now but I shoot lots of breakfast foods.

  70. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 18:39

    grudz … Now that I think of it, I have a biscuits and gravy photo that’s been renewed for lease three times now. (My agent leases photos for usually a year, because menus usually want new photos after a year. Whoever uses this one (I don’t get to know so I won’t go behind the agent’s back and cut them out of the deal) must like it because three renews is rare.

  71. OldSarg 2018-11-07 19:03

    mike get some class.

  72. OldSarg 2018-11-07 19:11

    You “lease” the photo?! Wouldn’t it be a license?

    1) If the lease is not renewed what happens to the photo?
    2) Do you just keep it in your portfolio for a future use or do you let it become public property?
    3) Do you have to copyright each picture?
    4) If you don’t copyright each photo how do you protect them?

    Interesting business. . .

  73. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 20:00

    Technically it probably is a license.
    1. I own my photos. I would consider selling one but the price would be five figures, minimum. In school you’re taught not to sell because if one ever becomes timeless you’d be giving up a new beach house or a cabin’s potential earnings. You never know what will become timeless.
    2. In a nutshell, under the Federal Copyright Act of 1976, all photos are protected by copyright from the moment of creation. (food recipes can’t be copyrighted) There’s software that can detect if a photo is anywhere on the internet without paying the fee. If a client wants an exclusive photo, they can check if I’ve ever shown it publicly and reject it as non-exclusive. My agents (Shutterstock and Getty) have such software and have departments that look continually for non contracted use of the photos they represent. A food photographer told me a story of how a little café in New Jersey was using one of his shots and a friend saw it and told him about it. He was cool about it and contacted the café and eventually (with threats of lawsuit) got a lease/license from the owner.
    3. If you notice my stuff on Instagram has a written description on each photo. That serves as a watermark and looks better than a signature. Signing a photo is a bit more arrogant than I want to appear. Signatures are for paintings and original art not photos, IMHO. The goal of every photo is to get an extra two or three seconds of attention longer than just a casual glance. That makes it become art, in my opinion. I have the originals that don’t have words on them for customers.

  74. grudznick 2018-11-07 20:18

    I have a renewed appreciation for Mr. Lansing, in a manly, belly-growling sort of way. An accomplished food photographer is a rare fellow to know, indeed.

  75. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 20:36

    Likewise, Grudz…You and OS have always stood out among others on the FreePress. Before I talk too much about myself on Cory’s dime I’ll say that when my first cookbook was published (The Dakota Farmboy Cookbook) there weren’t any pictures of the recipes. So, I went to school and can now avoid the costs of hiring a photographer for any future cookbooks. (I write culinary crime novels with recipes (within the novel) that are a part of the story. DFB Cookbook had a hundred recipes and a hundred seventy five page mini-novel about the caucasian criminal element involved in legalized Indian casinos, in SoDak.)
    PS … It didn’t sell. :)

  76. mike from iowa 2018-11-07 20:44

    Christ, Porter, now you have Grudzilla humping your other leg. Cut it out, will ya? Him and OldSandinistaswampcreature will slobber all over you. Disgusting!

  77. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 20:45

    Sorry. I’m outa here. Be back in the spring.

  78. Debbo 2018-11-07 20:47

    I didn’t know you’re a genuine artiste. Very nice.

  79. Porter Lansing 2018-11-07 21:04

    You are, Debbo. I love your art.

  80. Rick 2018-11-07 21:23

    Jason 2018-11-06 at 23:46 Rick, Welcome to the forum. I’m very old. Are you old enough to discuss the issues with me?

    You’re very old? Well, if that’s true, why were you awake at 12:45 p.m. yesterday? Most old folks are in bed by 9 or 10 p.m. However, I do know 89 and 90 year old folks who do like to stay up late. So, good for you! I’m not new to the forum but I’m glad you expanded your commenting productivity and formed a one-man welcoming committee. I am old enough to have a discussion; unfortunately, I don’t want to learn about your issues. But please, continue on carrying your excess baggage around. I’ve no doubt that you’ll find someone who will listen.

  81. Robin Friday 2018-11-07 21:28

    Jason, I know that there’s a story going around, being repeated by Trump, that ONE of the Kavanaugh accusers recanted, but it was an anonymous one, signed the letter Jane Doe. Then someone else wrote in and said she was Jane Doe, and she was lying too. So it’s complicated, but it’s not anything of consequence to the truth. I’ll find the link if I can, but I don’t think I owe anything to anyone who calls me ignorant. What was it about me that got under your skin, as if you were DJT today and I was Jim Acosta?

  82. Debbo 2018-11-07 21:45

    Robin, Jason and the other trolls have very troubling gender issues. They tend get upset with any woman who comments here if she doesn’t support them. I guess we’re supposed to know our subordinate snd obedient place.


  83. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-11-07 22:01

    I have no victory over which to gloat, but I remain proud that I don’t run on racism, I don’t make excuses for racist remarks, and I don’t use fear to motivate my base and drive others away from the polls.

    No word yet on whether the Klan materials in Sioux Falls have been traced to their thuggish distributors.

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