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Sutton Winning Lots of Votes, Including Old Janklow Backer

Who’s voting for Billie Sutton? Lots of people:

Democratic candidate for Governor Billie Sutton speaks at Brown County Democratic headquarters, downtown Aberdeen, South Dakota, 2018.11.03. Photo by Elizabeth Docter.
Democratic candidate for Governor Billie Sutton speaks at Brown County Democratic headquarters, downtown Aberdeen, South Dakota, 2018.11.03. Photo by Elizabeth Docter.

There may even be a few Republicans in Aberdeen picking Sutton over the spokesmodel the Republicans have nominated to stand in for the lobbyists who would run a Noem administration from behind the scenes. I saw this Sutton sign plopped proudly at a residential intersection yesterday:

Sutton for Governor campaign sign, photographed 2018.11.03.
Sutton for Governor campaign sign, photographed 2018.11.03.

As I continued on my circuitous door-to-door cycle, I noticed another sign lurking at the back of the property, peering out from the dark garage window like Bertha Mason:

Janklow for Congress, 2002 yard sign, photographed 2018.11.03
Janklow for Congress, 2002 yard sign, photographed 2018.11.03.

But hey: in 2002, I backed Janklow, too. Now here I am, eager and energized to tell all my neighbors to elect Billie Sutton as Governor.

Related: The Brown County Auditor’s office tells me 466 people voted early at the Brown County Courthouse Friday. That brings the total early/absentee vote to 4,637. That’s just over 20% of Brown County’s current active voter count.


  1. Rick 2018-11-04

    Jason, do some research and tell us.

  2. Rorschach 2018-11-04

    Just got a call … Voter fraud occurring in Aberdeen. People being PAID to vote for GOPs!

  3. jerry 2018-11-04

    Billie Sutton could be Pence like and put Medicaid Expansion into our state. Billie could tell undecided voters that he would put that in play where his opponent voted 70 times to kill that. John T. has a very good post on that, check out the “Constant Commoner” for a very good read. Someone please ask NOem to comment on that when she is on stage with the burr head.

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