Adam St. Paul graciously hosted me on his radio program this morning. Dakota Broadcasting doesn’t provide an embed option, but you can listen to the full fun 14:40 of unabashed political honesty at this link.
Early public feedback: I hear from a friend that her ten year old heard me on the radio and said, “I like him. He sounds so excited about helping people.”
Some ten year olds are really smart. Thanks, kiddo! You heard me exactly right.
I have just one thing to say (for now) without having listened to the interview: It’s a healthy ongoing debate of what we must do for ourselves (if able), what responsibilities we should share, and when a greater level of dependency is acceptable. It’s an ongoing argument I have in my own head!!! The good thing is I always win.
I agree with the 10 year old.
I can’t hear the H20town radios, and I’m sure that Mr. H did really good on the radio because I have heard him talk and he does sound excited almost all of the time, you can literally hear his arms waving around on the radio. That’s great because he is a really engaged fellow.
I wonder if the radio only gives this honor to Mr. H, or if Mr. Novstrup, the elder, also has opportunities to speak on the airwaves in his calm, clear, and measured tones. If the radio only gives the opportunity to Mr. H, does Mr. H have to declare the value of the radio air waves as a contribution-in-kind? Sort of like how a PSA would work for a battered shelter or 501c3 sort of organization?
This is just a question. I would like to hear the radio commercial.
I can’t believe that you would go so far as to mock Novstrup and insult his family because of his choice to take the winter’s off from his work in Sioux Falls.
Good grief, I imagine you will be issuing an apology soon.
Joseph, clever satire, but mistaken critique. I point out a decision that bears directly on the claim I make that Al serves because it is convenient for him rather than because he seeks to serve the public. I point out that Al serves in the Legislature during the downtime in his main job, while I am willing to sacrifice income and professional opportunities to travel to Pierre during Session and serve the public. I note the specific work he does to indicate the self-interested amusement-park legislation he has pushed. I also note that he spends much of his work time outside of our district, lessening his understanding of local issues.
I have not heard any countervailing explanation of how my recent employment as an educational technologist here in Aberdeen somehow makes me a lesser candidate. I invite any such rational analysis.
Al Novstrup sent out a mailer that was malicious, dishonest, and utterly debased in its defamation of Cory Heidelberger. Novstrup’s post card tactic was to make a strident and malicious defamation of Cory’s background. It screamed: “PROTECT KIDS NOW! VOTE NO TO CORY HEIDELBERGER ON NOV. 6.” Its premise is that Heidelberger poses a danger to kids.
It is suggesting that he has been a menace to students in his work and would extend the danger as a state senator.This postcard is an UNMITIGATED LIBEL clearly intended to damage Heidelberger’s reputation.
Even ten year old Aberdonians know. Cory is the only “nice guy candidate” from District Three.
Al even used his position to endanger children by more corruption. Al clearly shows why South Dakota corruption in the legislature is so prevalent, it’s even reported by the newspapers. Clean up Pierre and send Cory there with the broom to help Governor Billie Sutton make South Dakota Great Again.
“But, as a Journal story revealed in September, the drafting of the laws was influenced by state Sen. Al Novstrup, R-Aberdeen, who is a stockholder in three of the four Thunder Road family entertainment centers in the Dakotas. The Sioux Falls Thunder Road location has rides including a tilt-a-whirl and a roller coaster.
The laws that Novstrup helped shepherd through the Legislature in 2014 include a requirement for annual ride inspections by certified amusement-ride inspectors, and a requirement for daily inspections of rides by inspectors, carnival operators or carnival employees. But the laws apply only to traveling carnivals. Fixed-location amusement parks, including Novstrup’s, are exempted from the inspection requirements.” Rapid City Journal 01/08/2017
Clearly, a vote for Cory would protect children from an ogre who only wants to profit from kids without regard for their safety.
I’m not a fan of attacking anyone’s family or employment. People do what they have to do to make a living and to make their lives work. So, I would throw a flag on both teams for unsportsmanlike conduct, but Al seems to have been the first to attack. Get back to real issues, guys.
Policy and using the power you have to exempt yourself from regulation and taxes is a different matter. Al has a real problem with arrogance and corrupt self-dealing. That’s reason enough to toss him out of the highest window in the Capitol Building.
Indeed Mr. Pay, but to say to “Protect Kids Now”, from a guy who changed the rules of safety to protect his own interests while not taking responsibility for the children on his rides, is to much. Al reminds me of a deadbeat dad that talks the talk of children safety while doing absolutely nothing to take responsibility for them. His employment is not the issue, the corruption of state government to satisfy his bottom line is. What was traded to the legislators to get the Al vote? Free rides? As the article noted, one of his rides is one that has had death and severe accidents involving children.
Vote Cory! Protect your kids Now from the dangers of safely regulated amusement rides. When you look at the Al legislation, you can clearly see how EB5 and Gear-Up were so easily implemented by a system of back slapping and corruption. Change must come to Pierre to rid the stench of one party rule.
Jerry, you make a good point. If I really wanted to invest, I could send out all sorts of negative postcards making factual statements about bills Novstrup has supported that put children at greater risk.
Donald, I love to stick to real policy, but at our radio interview Friday, every time I offered a policy response, Al dismissed with his snarky, “Cory should listen more than he talks,” an effort to mock even the effort to speak about policy. He won’t engage in a policy debate.
Regardless of his refusal to debate honestly, I still think it’s fair to point out that he runs go-karts in Sioux Falls, because it exposes tow problems with his service as a legislator:
(1) He has used his Legislative post to benefit his employment.
(2) His employment in Sioux Falls means he spends much of the year away from District 3, not paying attention to local issues.
I have yet to hear how his attack on my employment demonstrates any real voting issue. Al said it just to be a jerk.
I’m not saying Novstrup is a racist and homophobe and misogynist, but the racists and homophobes and misogynists sure think he is. They wholeheartedly support him, so I guess if you’re a lowdown racist, homophobe or misogynist, Novstrup is likely to be your man.
I do not think some of the others that commented here heard the same 14:40 min interview that I just listened to. Great job Cory! You speak so well. You explain your passion and issues so clearly and honestly. Thanks. Good luck I hope the people of your district are smart enough to have you represent their desires.
Thanks, Craig! I really can’t speak about issues any other way. Spread the word!