You have three great opportunities in the next few days to hear why I’d be a better Senator for District 3’s current representation in Pierre:

This afternoon, from 4:45 to 5:30 p.m. Central, tune in to the Don Briscoe Show on KSDN AM 930. The king of Aberdeen talk radio, Don Briscoe, will interview me about my campaign for District 3 Senate. PAC-pal Senator Al Novstrup will also be there to distract the public with more words he doesn’t mean; to compensate, I’ll pack my responses with extra facts. Expect as rock-’em-sock’em a 45 minutes of radio as we gave when we met on the Don Briscoe Show in 2016.
I’ll head to the Progressive Happy Hour at the Ward downtown right after the show, so if you’d like a recap of the show or want to learn more about the issues, come join us for beverages! (I’ll be drinking cherry coke, so, as always, you can get sober answers out of me.)
On Monday, October 29, at 7 p.m., I’m hosting my fourth monthly public forum at the K.O. Lee Public Library here in Aberdeen. While my past three forums each focused on a specific topic (education, labor, ballot measures), this forum will be an open discussion on public policy. I’ll make a few opening remarks, then open the floor to questions about issues the Legislature can tackle.
Note that while Monday’s event is my last monthly forum of the campaign, as District 3’s next Senator, I would be more than happy to continue hosting forums like these on a regular basis to hear from voters, to update them on what’s happening in Pierre, and to let them know what I think should be happening in Pierre. (Of course, I do that every day here on Dakota Free Press… which is 365 days more of online public service and conversation than our incumbent Senator provides.)
On Tuesday, October 30, at 7:30 a.m., I’ll speak on In Touch with Adam St. Paul on Dakota Broadcasting on FM 105.5 and 107.7. Adam usually does his homework and asks salient policy questions, so stay tuned for some good Legislative nuts and bolts.
Of course, these three events aren’t the only way to hear from me. I’m continuing my daily public policy posts on my campaign Facebook page (#25 on October 25: flip the brackets on our state income tax on banks to make that income tax progressive instead of regressive!) and my daily blogging here on Dakota Free Press. But if you’d like to hear me live, these three events today, Monday, and Tuesday, are great opportunities for some informative political conversation.
A popular bi-partisan way to stay in touch with constituents is to have a monthly, parking lot session at a grocery store on Saturday morning. It gives men a way to feel useful while women shop for food and is usually well attended. At least after the schedule becomes known through cheap advertising in local free newspaper/shopping guides.
Depends on the weather Porter, and in 2018 women are at least as likely as men to want to discuss with their legislators and shop later.
Cory, kudos to all your efforts at being exactly the kind of legislator people say they want. You make yourself very accessible. You hustle to be available to them and transparent as Austrian crystal in what you are doing and thinking.
You’ve put a great deal of positive and hopeful energy into this campaign. I sure hope District 3 voters realize they’d be among the most fortunate and best represented South Dakotans in Pierre by casting their votes for CORY HEIDELBERGER !
That first point is highly valid, Deb. Men are also as likely to want to pick out the food. One political party is particularly timid about being in public, in any capacity. The elected members in CO that do public discussions are mostly Dems.
You were righter the first time, Mr. Lansing. The men stand in the parking lot drinking coffee while their women go inside and load up a cart, being sure to pick out all the good food and drink their men prefer so they can cook up a feast, like only a good woman can.
First. last and always Cory is not a wingnut. That should tell any intelligent voting age person all they need to know to vote for Cory.
South Dakota’s wingnut owned lege is alot like the mess in DC only more constipated.
“It gives men a way to feel useful while women shop for food” someone tell me there was never a more sexist statement ever made. . .
There was never a more sexist statement made.
Ha ha!!! Ok, that was funny.
“South Dakota’s wingnut owned lege is alot like the mess in DC only more constipated.”
😄😄😄 Well said Mikey.
No go on the parking lot event in Aberdeen, Porter. Can’t hold political events in our grocers’ parking lots. Ken’s did let me hold a couple Legislative coffees in their café in 2016… but the library is a better space.
Of surpassing sexism was the absurd claim by the first caller to today’s radio show that 2011 HB 1217, the government-mandated anti-abortion counseling and 72-hour waiting period that Al and the Legislature forced on women, was a “women’s rights” bill. Similarly sexist was Al’s attempt to equate his having to see a variety of doctors before getting his carpal tunnel syndrome treated justifies his using the force of law to force pregnant women to listen to the unreliable anti-abortion propaganda of people like his donor Leslee Unruh.
Where did Mr. Novstrup stand on standing in the parking lots jawing over a cup of java while the women-folk did the food shopping? Is he in favor, or is he against it?
I once had fourteen surgeries in thirteen months and never was I required to be counseled by a Christian Scientist trying to talk me out of surgery. Novstrup is like many males his age. They don’t even realize (or want to think about) their overt sexism. Women know when they’re being crapped on.
Yes Porter. Millennia of being the crappees has finely tuned our crapography senses.