Pre-general campaign finance reports for Al Novstrup and Cory Allen Heidelberger are posted on the Secretary of State’s website.
INCOME | CAH | AN | CAH % | AN % |
Unitemized Contributions | $3,427 | $345 | 45.2% | 2.3% |
Itemized Contributions | $2,650 | $500 | 35.0% | 3.4% |
Loans Made to this Committee | $0 | $0 | 0.0% | 0.0% |
Contributions from Entities | $0 | $0 | 0.0% | 0.0% |
Contributions from Political Parties | $200 | $3,000 | 2.6% | 20.2% |
Contributions from In-State Political Action Committees | $1,050 | $9,950 | 13.9% | 67.0% |
Contributions from Ballot Question Committees | $0 | $0 | 0.0% | 0.0% |
Contributions from Out-of-State or Federal Political Action Committees | $0 | $1,050 | 0.0% | 7.1% |
Contributions from Candidate Committees | $250 | $0 | 3.3% | 0.0% |
Other Income | $0 | $0 | 0.0% | 0.0% |
TOTAL of Income | $7,577 | $14,845 | 100.0% | 100.0% |
Advertising | $5,495.11 | $2,187.47 | 76.3% | 40.6% |
Consulting | $0.00 | $532.50 | 0.0% | 9.9% |
Event Expenses | $640.48 | $0.00 | 8.9% | 0.0% |
Nonprofit Charitable Organization | $20.00 | $0.00 | 0.3% | 0.0% |
Office Supplies | $22.35 | $0.00 | 0.3% | 0.0% |
Other | $430.82 | $1,003.95 | 6.0% | 18.6% |
Postage | $40.00 | $0.00 | 0.6% | 0.0% |
Printing | $306.28 | $0.00 | 4.2% | 0.0% |
Rent | $0.00 | $869.39 | 0.0% | 16.1% |
Travel | $251.58 | $0.00 | 3.5% | 0.0% |
Contributions to Candidates/Committees | $0.00 | $800.00 | 0.0% | 14.8% |
Total of Expenditures | $7,206.62 | $5,393.31 | 100.0% | 100.0% |
The Republican incumbent outraised his Democratic challenger two to one over the last five months. But look who’s giving each of us that money:
Over 80% of my campaign funds have come from regular people like you. (Thank you!).
My incumbent Republican opponent has taken 74% of his money from PACs and another 20% from the Republican Party. Less than 6% of his contributions come from individuals.
For every dollar Al Novstrup has taken from individuals, he has received thirteen dollars from PACs. If I were raising that much money from PACs in proportion to my donations from individuals, I’d have raised over $79,000 from PACs.
Those numbers should make clear which “relationships” we candidates run on. Al Novstrup is running for the PACs. I’m running for you.

Update 07:00 CDT: Novstrup took most of the $845 he got from individuals can handed it over to the Republican Party ($400 to the Senate Republican Campaign Committee) and to four candidates: Bob Ewing, Jason Youngberg, Deb Peters, and Jason Ravnsborg. I suggest that any candidate who would give your money to Jason Ravnsborg, a man only slightly more qualified than Chad Haber to be attorney general, cannot be trusted to make good decisions with your tax dollars.
Fourteen hundred bucks on rent and consulting? Did he rent himself a desk in the basement and ask his kid what to do?
Correct me if I am wrong but doesn’t most PAC money come from individuals which would basically be the same source as Cory’s?
It’s like accusing a person of breathing out of there mouth instead of their nose.
OS is awfully quiet about “out-of-state” contributors to our SD candidates. This silence seems to raise the question whether the OS comments disparaging our own DFP friends’ comments who acknowledge living in another state are dishonest and made in bad faith. Methinks if OS were an honest individual he would immediately condemn all republican candidates who accept out of state money, or PAC money if the PAC accepts out-of-state contributions, and throw his energetic political support behind Cory and every other SD candidate that refuses out-of-state money, or PAC money originating from out-of-state contributions.
That is just stupid bear.. PAC, union or whatever is all the same. Just freaking money.
OS, my comment may be stupid but since you have no response other than calling names, at least you implicitly acknowledge that my comment is correct and accurately calls out your bad faith and dishonesty. Indeed, money is just money and comments and opinions are just comments and opinions, but both have the potential to affect how people view in state issues. Attacking only one source because it is from out of state is evidence of bad faith and dishonesty.
Meanwhile, I contend that attacking DPF commenters based on where they live is stupid. And attacking other human beings based on where they were born is stupid. As old Forest Gump reports, “stupid is as stupid does.”
Bear I didn’t call you a name. I said your statement was stupid but if you want to act all butt hurt go ahead. Oops! I called you a butt hurt. I’m sorry.
Of course you think those that support your views, when they all live elsewhere, are wonderful but that isn’t reality. The reality of South Dakota politics is only within a group of the people that can participate within those political contests. Having their voices heard serve no purpose and are just noise.
OS … Here’s a lesson in how liberals get what they want. If you don’t stop insulting ladies on this blog every regular will refuse to participate here until you’re banned (like Kurtz and Sibson). Is that what you want. Choice is yours.
OS, don’t forget, money is free speech. Citizens United. And I see you continue to rant against our out of state commenters on other DFP threads, again with no concern about the source of Kristi’s funding, nor any other republicans’ funding. Out of state money talk seems just fine with you.
Okay, you only called my comment stupid if you say so. That sure seems to qualify as name calling, and it certainly wasn’t intended as a neutral or postive compliment to the author of the comment. Your attempts at misdirection are truely remarkable and add to the growing evidence of your bad faith in commenting here on DFP.
Porter you don’t live in South Dakota so you have no opinion here but you can return my brother and live the good life of peace. Turn away from the stress and adversity. You can also get your option rights back.
Bear money is not freedom anymore than a gun is freedom. During a time when I was awarded for the amount of money I made I was no more free than I am today and no happier. Money is just a tool.
OS … Here’s an original thought for you. It’ll be hard to dust off some of those brain cells that are stagnating in the closed chasm of your mind but you’ll be better off. Here goes.
“It’s Not A South Dakota Blog”
Pretty revealing, huh?
Indeed Porter, Russians are also posting.
We are all South Dakotans heart, OS! Even though we left the state we were raised in S.D. and a lot of us still have family and friends still
There. The politics may drive us crazy there, but I’m sure all of us that live out of state now can look back at some fond memory of living there.
One should never forget their roots, right!😀
We are all South Dakota’s at heart (forgot the at)
Here’s another one, OldPsychotic … America’s not a white Caucasoid country and it’s not an English speaking country. Now, take your white supremacist ass somewhere far away and ask permission to return.
OS, are you saying the Citizen’s United decision was wrong and that spending money to influence elections is not free speech? If so, time for you to start working on a constitutional amendment because, whether we like it or not, the decisions of the SCOTUS as to the meaning of our Constitution and First Amendment constitute the law of the land.
Porter & mfi, you simply cannot take comments by OS seriously until he decides to make honest comments condemning recipients of out of state money given to influence SD’s elections. Since he refuses to do so his comments can be no more truthful or meaningful than if he decides to claim “the moon is made of green cheese.”
One more thing OS, since you now have been effectively called out on your duplicity, you could gain a bit of credibility by giving Cory your full unconditional support in the upcoming election!
bcb is never wrong. I repeat, bcb is never wrong.
Oh, all you non-South Dakotans still here?
Bear money buys you words. Your words, like your minion brothers above, are from places not in South Dakota so isn’t your Citizens United a non issue. Whether the money comes from a PAC, union or person it is money used as a tool to buys words. Be a man and instead of just riding the wagon pulled by others make your own way. The life of a lemming is not free. Learn to stand on your own, stumble, fall but get back up and just be a man with a little self pride.
OS, Your last comment is unintelligible. Although it now will be even more difficult for you after such a comment, I repeat my advice: you could still try to gain a bit of credibility by giving Cory your full unconditional support in the upcoming election. He has taken no out of state money and he stands on his own positive ideas to benefit all South Dakotans.
Study on Haircut Consistency:
Mr. Novstrup (the elder): Consistent
Mr. H: Not Consistent
grudznick’s take: Mr. H likes comfort, and Mr. Novstrup likes bangs. I also think Mr. H knows his Unibomer style that he sports during parts of the year turns off voters, so when he’s running he trims up all his hairs. Mr. Novstrup has by far the more consistenly entertaining haircut.
grudznick’s call: it’s a tossup at this point
I quit reading OS’s comments about a week ago and it makes DFP more invigorating, intellectually challenging and thoughtful. I haven’t read Jason’s comments for a few months, same result. I’ve just recently decided to do the same with Grudz and expect a similar outcome. I skip the blather because it’s pointless to me. Besides, I’m not saying any of those 3 are racist or misogynist, but racists and misogynists think they are. (Paraphrasing Gillum of Florida.)
On the topic . . .
I really hope District 3 voters are aware that Fake Nice Al gets his $ and thus owes his allegiance elsewhere. If I donated $ to particular candidate, that’s who I want to use it. I’d be angry if that candidate gave my $ to a different candidate. If I want to donate to PAC, I’ll do that. Otherwise, if you don’t want my $ for yourself, then Give It Back to me!!!
(Grudz’s distractions are still distractions, only slightly more benign. But Grudz, how can you not know me by now? I shave during the good weather, hair up during the cold weather. It’s that simple.)
Hold that thought, Bear! I have taken contributions from a handful of ex-pats and other friends of democracy from out of state. Total: $435, 5.7% of my total income so far. Al’s out-of-state PAC money constitutes 7% of his total income.
See! Cory is proud of it . You guys need to quit bitchin!
Thanks for the correction Cory. I used the section labeled “Contributions from Out-of-State or Federal Political Action Committees” from the Secretary of State posting in your article as the source for my comment. I should have been more precise and referenced the source.
I still contend that OS could gain some sorely needed credibility by supporting your candidacy.
OS, there’s a difference between reporting and bragging. I don’t mind that friends and ex-pats support my campaign. I note that my out-of-state support is a touch less than Al Novstrup’s. I am proud that my out-of-state support comes from individuals who care about South Dakota, while Al’s comes from corporate PACs and other special interests who are just buying his vote for their profit priorities.
Cory, if they didn’t care they wouldn’t donate.
Here’s an interesting CO campaign finance ballot question.
Location: Colorado
Ballot Subtitle: Amendment 75
Ballot Text: Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution providing that if any candidate in a primary or general election for state office directs more than one million dollars in support of his or her own election, then every candidate for that office in the same election may accept five times the amount of campaign contributions normally allowed?
PS … We got the payday loan question, this cycle. Caps ’em at 36%.
There’s a difference between caring about corporate profit and caring about the general welfare of South Dakota.