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Sutton Chances Boom to “Toss-Up” Versus Noem, Says Cook Political Report

But numbers schmumbers: The Cook Political Report has shifted its rating of South Dakota’s governor’s race left two spots, from Likely Republican right past Lean Republican to Toss Up. Cook’s Jennifer E. Duffy says Billie Sutton’s personal narrative and moderate record will make it hard for Kristi Noem to beat him up. Plus, Cook gets the sense that Noem isn’t as popular as she thinks she is:

Given that she has won four statewide elections, Noem should be something of a slam dunk to be the state’s next Governor. But, Noem is a member of an unpopular majority in an even more unpopular Congress running in a year in which the political environment is less than favorable for her party. After winning the primary, Noem‘s campaign seemed to take its foot off the gas, seemingly taking the race granted. It hasn’t helped that Noem has spent much of her time in Washington tending to her congressional duties. GOP strategists say that now that the House is out of session until after the election, Noem is completely focused on the race and is aggressively campaigning [Jennifer E. Duffy, “Governors: Rating Changes Four States,” The Cook Political Report, 2018.10.05].

What? Kristi Noem not working hard enough? Who woulda thunk it?

We’re 32 days from the election, and the developing narrative is that Bille has momentum and Kristi doesn’t. The idea that a multi-million-dollar Republican Trump princess needs to hurry home to South Dakota to play catch up with a Burke Democrat does not convey the image of a strong Republican candidate.

Cook’s three other shifts all tip blue: Illinois and Minnesota move from Lean Dem to Likely Dem, while Oklahoma slips from Likely GOP to Lean GOP.


  1. BHSD76

    This is the best chance South Dakota Ds have to win the Governor’s office since the Kneip era in the 70s. If you want it to happen it can, but we all need to chip in our talent and a few bucks to make it happen. Billie is one heck of a candidate and he can win this race. Cory it’s time to stop pushing the “purity test” narrative because let’s face it for a D to be successful in SD they have to pick up a large share of Republican voters. I’m a moderate so Sutton and I are on the same page on most issues. If you’re leaving this race blank (or worse voting Noem just for spite) because you dream that some left wing candidate would even be remotely competitive in this race you’re wrong. We all need to give Billie Sutton our full support. He’s a damn good man and would make an excellent Governor.

  2. Debbo

    Looks good. I will always have reservations about Sen. Sutton until he proves me wrong, but I’d really like to see him become Governor Sutton.

  3. Roger Elgersma

    Kristi was quite against Trump before he was nominated. Now she thinks she is a great supporter of him. FLIP FLOP

  4. 96Tears

    Lazy Dirtball Kristi Noem needs to fire her media consultants. The new ad is just as useless as the last attack ad. Tying Hillary to Billie just doesn’t add up with average voters. It looks desperate, and makes Lazy Dirtball Kristi look incompetent.

    Compare this ad with the slam piece she used on Attorney General Marty Jackley. That ad was like an assassin’s bullet to the skull. This attack against Billie is awkward. It doesn’t stick. Nobody cares who supported Hillary or Trump in the last election.

    Kristi, if there’s a significant issue to use against Billie Sutton, let’s see it. If not, maybe you need to ask your hubbie if he can get you a job selling insurance.

  5. Jenny

    Kristi is just trying to use the Nancy Pelosi label that she used on Herseth strategy and use it on Sutton with Hillary.
    A lazy bullying way to campaign. ThatsThe problem with Kristi Noem, no substance just silly labeling attacks. Thats all Kristi has, and Billie needs to be prepared because She will be using that negative attack strategy for the debates. She has nothing to really brag about except that she likes horses and Trump.

  6. Faced with a skeptical voter like Debbo, I’ll say go ahead, hold onto those reservations, and press Sutton to prove you wrong, but remember that Noem has already proven our reservations right.

  7. Good point, 96. Noem had goods on Jackley. Any idiot could have composed good ads against Jackley. Noem can’t get a handle on Sutton, because there’s nothing obvious to grab strong hold of.

    Jackley has wronged lots of people. Sutton hasn’t kicked anyone’s dog.

  8. leslie

    96 & Debbo, pick a lane as they say. You sound like spineless sen collins. You wanna take down Trump, the billionaire owned GOP and save our Democracy in 2018, or waffle? This ain’t no loyalty pledge and it ain’t Fox News.

  9. Loren

    I am heartened to see Sutton signs and Borkman signs in places I didn’t really expect here in Rapid City. Hey, a guy can hope… :-)

  10. Rorschach

    Noem has brought Washington-style politics home to South Dakota. She ran a nasty campaign against Marty Jackley insinuating that he was pro-abortion and anti-gun. Now she’s running nasty and misleading ads against Sutton.

    Sutton ought to make an ad with him talking to the camera saying just that. “Kristi Noem has brought Washington-style politics to South Dakota, running nasty and misleading ads against Marty Jackley in the Republican Primary, and now against Me and Michelle Lavalee in the general election. Let’s get back to doing things the South Dakota way – working together across party lines – building South Dakota up instead of tearing each other down. I’m Billy Sutton, and that’s what I’ll do as your governor.”

  11. Rorschach

    “OUR governor.” That’s what I’ll do as OUR governor.”

  12. leslie

    Loren yes except for the mouth of Nemo Rd, SUTTON signs abound from there to Norris Peak, Johnson Siding, Pactola and Sheridan lakes, all the way back to RC on Hwy 16. Hope, hope, hope. Merely a change to a Democratic Governor in SD will make a difference, here and for the nation. It has already occurred in Iowa Colorado Wyoming Montana and Minnesota. 36 governorships are up for election in November.

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