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Vote for Democrats: More Than a Slogan!

Democratic Kicking Donkey Logo
The best choice in 2018

Even folks who agree with me that Donald Trump is a menace to democracy and decency sometimes flinch when I tell them the surest remedy to Trumpism that we regular citizens can directly perform is to vote for Democrats. Good Democrats, including our own Congressional and gubernatorial candidates, shy away from rallying people to the partisan banner. Many regular voters have conditioned themselves to respond, “I vote for the person, not the party,” even though it’s unlikely most voters enact that equanimity by gathering sufficient information about every person on their ballot to inform a reasonably founded partisan-blind choice.

But this year more than others, if you really are displeased with the status quo, in Washington and in Pierre, your displeasure must take the form of removing the people in power and electing people who vow to stand up to and reverse the abuses of power committed by those people. And it just so happens that, in South Dakota, the people on your ballot abusing power, the people forsaking all of the principles they profess for no greater purpose than clinging selfishly to power, are almost entirely Republicans. The candidates who will end those abuses of power and who, as newly elected officials, you will have a better chance of holding accountable to their promises, are almost entirely Democrats.

The difference between the corrupt and the honest, the cronies and the public servants, the elitist and the accountable, is not inherent to party labels. I’d love to be able to point to a variety of opposition parties and independent candidates as viable alternatives to the status quo. I’ll leave to your conscience whether you think voting for Libertarians Kurt Evans for Governor and George Hendrickson for Congress will tip the election in favor for justice and competency (though I will assert that voting for independent LaRouchian climate change denier Ron Wieczorek is capitulation to ignorance and Trumpism). But there are no alternatives to the status quo but Democrats in the other statewide races, and with the exception of a handful of unique Legislative races like those in District 7 and District 33, your only options for keeping yahoos out of Pierre are Democratic candidates.

While we’re at it, let’s flip the formula. Voting for “the person not the party” can lead to trouble as well. Look at the “Republicans” who are voting for Trump rather than the principles of the Republican Party. Republicans who supposedly stand for family values, free trade, and strong foreign policy line up for $5,000 photos with a man who cheats on his wives, rips up trade deals, and alienates our allies while coddling enemies. Maybe we shouldn’t vote for parties or for people; maybe the proper formula is, “I vote for goals and performance. I identify what the state/country needs, and then I hire the people who have the skills to meet those needs.”

We need leaders who vote based on actual evidence of which policies work and not what their rich friends, party bosses, or egomaniacal impulses dictate. We need leaders focused on serving the public rather than themselves or some cult of personality. We need leaders committed to doing democracy, not reruns of The Apprentice.

And on the ballot before us, the leaders meeting those criteria are almost exclusively Democrats. Even my staunchly independent-thinking friend Leo grudgingly concurs:

In the Post column, Nichols doubles down on his premise that the only way to cure the distortion that the Republican Cult of Trump has caused is to vote for the opposition as one does in a parliamentary system. As a ticket splitter of long standing, I am generally skeptical of the “break it worse in order to fix it” method, but I see few other avenues to reining in megalomaniac who has more in common with a Mafioso than he does with being a President of the United States. I will likely be voting straight Democrat in November [Leo Kallis, “Some Minor Musings About 2018 Election Season,” The Displaced Plainsman, 2018.09.06].

“Vote for the person, not the party” sounds noble, but it is just another slogan. No slogan should stop you from doing what needs to be done. Don’t erase your vote for the right people just because they all happen to be Democrats and check a couple of unqualified Trumpist Republicans just to preserve your slogan. Vote for the right people. Vote for Democrats.


  1. OldSarg 2018-09-09 09:36

    Cory “Look at the “Republicans” who are voting for Trump rather than the principles of the Republican Party” uh, that would be me. Trump wasn’t my favorite but he isn’t establishment and he didn’t use the government against the people to win an election so he had that going for him. The fact that you are supporting a party that did what hillary did and has turned against our Nation, flag and home, suppresses free speech and has lost all moral bearing makes me question your motives.

    Personally; I would rather have a cad as president rather than someone who is trying to turn our republic into a fascist state.

  2. Rorschach 2018-09-09 09:48

    Why do you continue using a donkey facing right? The Democratic donkey faces left as the Democratic Party itself does. This donkey is kicking those to the left, and looks like something Republicans would post on the internet for ignorant Democrats to use.

  3. Mary Perpich 2018-09-09 10:51

    This is well thought through and well presented.

  4. owen reitzel 2018-09-09 11:52

    OS, Trump won’t be around that long

  5. OldSarg 2018-09-09 12:15

    owen, he’s still here now and they have spent 2 years chasing him. I’m starting to think we need to call him the “Roadrunner”!

  6. owen reitzel 2018-09-09 12:22

    investigation is ongoing. Trump is so crooked Mueller is still finding illegal stuff.
    Republican Mueller is making sure his case is airtight

  7. OldSarg 2018-09-09 12:27

    Here’s the game count for you: 35 and counting senior officials who have been fired for unAmerican activities by Trump. 6 charged by Mueller in the same time window.

    If it were a game and you had a clue you’d be forfeiting. . .

  8. Porter Lansing 2018-09-09 14:21

    Jason … The Daily Wire is an invalid source. It’s a highly biased, extreme right wing site known for publishing Russian influencer propaganda. Try again. (PS … Before you post your rhetoric GOOGLE the name of the source and media fact check. You won’t look as foolish for believing what the Russians want you to repeat.)

  9. Kim Callahan 2018-09-09 14:23

    Not that I disagree with the commentary, but this is South Dakota and Democrats are going the way of the Passenger Pigeons and Dodo Birds. Republican registration outnumbers Democrats by over 100,000. In other words, isn’t this an effort in futility?

  10. Kim Callahan 2018-09-09 14:56

    Owen Reitzel,

    Comment about Trump not being around for long. Wasn’t this the same attitude in 2016? Democrats need to do something more positive than wish the problem away.

  11. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-09-09 16:44

    Hi, Kim—

    1. We’re not extinct yet, and we’re not going to be, not if we offer people a clear difference from Republicans and good, fighting candidates.

    2. Fighting Trump, calling out his lies, telling the truth, defending the good policies that he’s trying to destroy—that’s all positive action Democrats can and should take.

  12. owen reitzel 2018-09-09 16:56

    Kim. It’s time to end being nice. We were nice in 2016 and we got Trump. Hopefully Mueller will nail Trump to the wall and this long national nightmare will be over.
    Cory nailed it again.

  13. OldSarg 2018-09-09 17:15

    As of September 2018 the South Dakota numbers are as follows:
    Republican: 253,009
    Democrat: 156,727
    Consitution: 504
    Libertarian: 1,765

    The effort is futile and this was done by the national democrat party. When the democrat party decided to become the party of weird fascist, haters of anyone who didn’t kneel at the alter, pussy hatted open borders fools it drove away thousands. Now Americans see the democrat party as a threat to the civility of our Nation. This is especially sad since good people like Sutton can not be elected in this climate of hate.

  14. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-09-09 17:25

    Oh the hilarious whataboutism!

    Jason, no assertion about anything any past President did changes the facts about the damage Donald Trump is doing to the country right now by setting a constantly bad moral example and invoking reckless, impulsive policies.

    It would be as much of a non sequitur for Jason to invoke the ills of Richard Nixon or Andrew Johnson. Irrelevant to assessing the harms happening right now that we can correct by electing honest Democrats to replace dishonest Republicans.

  15. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-09-09 17:27

    OS also resorts to his usual distraction. When he can’t refute what I’ve said, he tries to say “It doesn’t matter” and turns to some other argument. BS.

    Dishonest Republicans are doing damage. We can undo that damage by voting for honest Democrats.

  16. o 2018-09-09 17:50

    Jason: “The economy is great and that is what Americans care about.”

    How can that be true (in any deep, meaningful long-term way) when the Fiscal Year 2018 U.S. budget deficit is $833 billion. That’s at historically high levels; the U.S. federal budget deficit for fiscal year 2019 is $985 billion. When a bad thing goes up, that’s bad — right?

  17. o 2018-09-09 17:56

    OldSarge: “Personally; I would rather have a cad as president rather than someone who is trying to turn our republic into a fascist state.”

    Sorry, you lost me here. What are you referring to from President Obama’s presidency that was turning the US into a fascist state? I honestly just do not know what your are specifically referring to here. I just want to be on the same page before I engage specifics.

  18. OldSarg 2018-09-09 19:18

    Yes I am speaking of the Obama fascist state that weaponized members of our government to win his last election and in the last election tried again but were unsuccessful.

    You can cry all you want by saying this isn’t true but the majority of Americans believe it is and voted Trump in against the establishment. Every day more comes out of the criminal acts of the democrats who were in power and every day we will continue to fight them. The days of Lies is over and we both know it. There is no denying the obvious truth and “No” I’m not doing a Google search with links for you.

  19. owen reitzel 2018-09-09 19:21

    any proof of this OS?

    Oh and Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump

  20. jerry 2018-09-09 19:35

    oldsoviet, just cash your paytroll checks from Putin without trying to learn a new word. You would not know a fascist if they were right in front of you…maybe you would, under the right shaving.

  21. OldSarg 2018-09-09 19:36

    owen, get this: We live in a “Republic”. Do you understand what than even means? It means we have “States Rights”. Maybe for you, not living in South Dakota, having a voice in our National government may not be important but for those of us that live in small states we value our voice. “Democracy” is never even mentioned in passing our founding documents that have made this the longest lasting Republic in the history of the world. You get to speak freely for the work of others that are much smarter than you will ever be. To even question what they laid out for you to enjoy of foolish. Don’t be a fool. Google it.

  22. OldSarg 2018-09-09 19:38

    jerry, you don’t know what I know and what I don’t know. Had you ever traveled outside of the bucket you wear on your head you would understand the world but you haven’t. You know n nothing of Putin or Russia other than what the media has fed you. That puts yo win the same league as mike from idiocy.

  23. jerry 2018-09-09 19:43

    I do know what you know paytroll, you know less than my cat. At least my cat knows how to cover up his crap and all you know how to do is spread it.

  24. o 2018-09-09 19:57

    OlddSarge, ” . . .the Obama fascist state that weaponized members of our government to win his last election . . .”

    I am sorry, I really am not deliberately not trying to be obtuse, but I am not familiar with this charge. Who was weaponized and what exactly does “weaponized” mean?

    btw: I have always thought “republic” was a reference to our governance structure that elects representatives (i.e. congress) to act in our interests — versus a pure democracy where the people decide everything by popular election or referendum. I thought this was because the Founding Fathers didn’t quite trust common citizens to make their own decisions unchecked (ergo the electoral college), and the impracticality — until recently with prevalent technology access — of the citizen’s ability to express their will quickly and directly.

    The one thing I will absolutely agree with you about is the “anti-establishment” vote that catapulted Trump to the presidency. Especially in the Rust Belt, Secretary Clinton took that blue vote for granted, but the collapse of unions, good jobs, and general economic security had that region looking for an answer. One of the key elements of her loss is her neglect of that region and not speaking to their needs as a Democrat certainly ought to have. Jobs and wages are bread-and-butter issues for Democrats (I go back to identifying as a Tip O’Neill democrat myself), and she didn’t make her case to people in real need. Candidate Trump spoke to those people, and they were willing to take any port in a storm. That cost her the Electoral College.

  25. owen reitzel 2018-09-09 20:00

    how do you know I don’t live in South Dakota OS?
    I ask for proof. Where is it?

  26. owen reitzel 2018-09-09 20:03

    to OS:
    Do we live in a democracy or a republic?
    A constitutionally limited representative democratic republic [where] . . . the constitution, limits the power of government. We elect representatives, so it’s not a pure democracy. But we do elect them by majority rule so it is democratic.

  27. grudznick 2018-09-09 20:07

    You aren’t on the list, Mr. reitzel.

  28. mike from iowa 2018-09-09 20:23

    OldSludge, you don’t know what you think you know. You get paid by the word or disagreement- take yer pick, but stop the charade of you being an widely traveled intellectual. My sides can’t handle any more laffing at yer pathetic attempts to educate us Libs.

  29. jerry 2018-09-09 20:26

    Vote for more Democrats and drive a Ford “Ford, (F)a sponsor of the National Football League, has voiced support for NFL players exercising their right to free speech and peaceful protest after President Donald Trump urged fans to consider a boycott.

    “We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,” the company said on Monday. “That’s part of what makes America great.””

    Ford, A great international company that puts Mr. stupid in his place. Can’t wait for the tweeter bird to start using his widdle thumbs.

  30. grudznick 2018-09-09 20:37

    Mr. OldSarg is a South Dakotan. He’s not a widely traveled intellectual, he’s a South Dakotan who has good old South Dakota common sense. But I bet he’s been to Iowa to witness the hell those people live in, and I bet a tear trickled down his cheek even as the smell burned his nose hairs like a Des Moines dope lighter stuffed up his nostril.

  31. OldSarg 2018-09-09 20:39

    Owen the United States is a “Republic”. We have an electoral college. I do not mean this in a diminutive way but this is exactly why so many think Hilary should have win. That is not the case in a Republic. States have a voice in our Republic that has much sway in deciding who our president may be. Prior to the 17th Admendment, which the socialist movement put in place, states had much more power. Parties were not the power they are today. This change was what led us to politicians manipulating our budgets, spending beyond reasonable means and running our country into the debt it faces today. We are now a bastardized Republic. This is the reason for the movement for a Constutional Convention.

  32. OldSarg 2018-09-09 20:54

    o-Here is what I mean by “weaponized”: Our government is basically “all powerful”. They have bottomless pockets and control of all communications. They use this power to win against any challenge they may have. In the case of the Tea Party: the Tea Party was comprised of mostly elderly Americans that want fiscal responsibility but between the media and government they managed to make them out to be racist radicals. I the case of Conservative PACs: the IRS was used to silence them through inaction and admits. In the case of General Flynn: they set him up as a liar. In the case of the young lady from Russia who was friends from someone (I don’t even know the guys name) as a spy that used sex as an inducement. On Friday the government admitted they made a mistake. But, in each of these cases the government has no limit on what they can spend to prosecute these people but the people do have limits and fold rather than be any more destroyed. Now, you can disagree with me all day long but I work for that very government and I see these actions daily. The government employees do not mean to be so evil but thet are tasked with winning no matter the cost because cost does not matter but winning does. This is also why so many Americans that have run up against the government believe in a more limited government. Pass a law, we will enforce it beyond what any man can survive. We are all powerful and a simple man cannot survive against us. I speak to you from within and I have been here 31 years. Our government, where I work, is too powerful over the citizen. We have list our place.

  33. OldSarg 2018-09-09 20:58


  34. OldSarg 2018-09-09 21:29

    jerry, you are chasing rumors. The truth welcome out and will shock all of us. The corruption of both parties and their quest to retain power will soon be shown for all. It will not be pretty. Good night.

  35. o 2018-09-09 21:53

    OldSarge, OK, now I understand the point your are making, but none of your examples of the all-power of government contributed to the re-election of President Obama.

    I do acknowledge there is an advantage to incumbency — looking presidential is far easier once in office. Roaring into town on Air Force 1 (on my tax dime) is an advantage to he who holds office, and the friends he chooses to put an arm around.

    Factually I do have to disagree with several of your contentions.
    1) The government does not have bottomless pockets. When it comes to environmental or banking enforcement and prosecutions, the big banks/corporations have a distinct advantage over the government and they use that advantage to thwart both the will and rule of the land.

    2) I also have to disagree that the government controls all communications. If there is one thing President Trump has railed on about, it is that he (the personification of US government) is NOT influential enough on the news and the stories they carry. Even during the Obama campaign, then concerned citizen Trump was able to get his Birther lie out — that certainly did not help President Obama’s re-election bid. I also think you WAY underestimate social media in your view of control of information. I also think you history of the Tea Party skipped a few steps; the original Tea Party was not branded as radicals or racists — that branding came later as they expanded from their economic responsibility message to be co-opted by a Republican Party eager to swell the ranks. The Tea Party then and the Tea Party now are two different animals. As for the young lady from Russia, she is part of a much larger story about Russian influence in the US elections, both directly and indirectly.

    3) You cannot combine “the media” and “the government” as one entity when it comes to communication — or for anything for that matter.

    4) The Conservative Pacs (for my tastes ALL PACs are abominations) were targeted, but not silenced. The wrong was found and rooted out quickly. Just to be clear, they were put under scrutiny – not denied anything they were legally entitled to. There was also real evidence and a legitimate concern about over-reach of their allowed actions; tax exemption has limits and boundaries and the IRS is ABSOLUTELY right to ensure those rules are followed. Given that we are talking swaying the election process, I think these groups (again ALL PACs) ought to be held to the highest scrutiny.

    4) I do not know how General Flynn was “set-up” to be a liar. He took actions and said he did not, only later to be TRUTHFULLY contradicted.

    But allow me to turn this discussion a bit. When people of color say that the police have unchecked power that is use in ways detrimental to them, do you show them the same deference for those claims you give to persecuted conservatives?

  36. grudznick 2018-09-09 21:53

    Mr. OldSarg, where do you typically breakfast? Are you a Tally’s man, or a Cambell Street Cafe fellow? Or do you like dining in the woods where Mr. Newland eats, at the Sugar Shack?

  37. o 2018-09-09 21:59

    OldSarge, “The corruption of both parties and their quest to retain power will soon be shown for all.”

    I hope so. Washington warned us about political parties; time to heed that warning.

  38. jerry 2018-09-09 23:06

    No rumor about it old soviet, just the facts, To get the paytroll, old soviet likes to dine any place that offers Russian dressing with his handlers, dude sops that up like a feral cat to old cottage cheese. You would like that too Mr. grudznick, for that bonding experience.

  39. RJ 2018-09-09 23:17

    Ask Billie Sutton what he thinks/ what his perspective is on random issues..LGBTG, Education, immigration… Dude isn’t a liberal or even a moderate. I recall being frustrated with friends who didn’t vote in 2016 or voted. for the lesser of the evils. I think Kristi is a detriment to this state and would never support her.

  40. Debbo 2018-09-10 00:30

    Cory’s point is excellent and very well expressed. SD cannot afford the kind of defeatism that says this is the way it is and it will just always be like this. It has not always been “like this” in SD or nationally and it does not have to stay this way.

    The opposition, Russian trolls and the SDGOP want you to feel hopeless, want you to feel like you can’t change, want you to believe a number of lies so you’ll give up.

    In fact, folks, it’s all lies. You do not have to settle for corrupt, one party GOP government. You do not have accept the GOP misuse of your tax money. You do not have to accept the GOP saddling you with substandard infrastructure, schools, healthcare and government.

    You do not have to accept that. However, if you keep voting for the same party you’ll keep getting the same results. So be a brave citizen. You deserve more. You deserve to have a state government that listens to you, believes you and treats you with respect and dignity.

    If you want those wonderful changes, you must vote for Democratic candidates.

  41. OldSarg 2018-09-10 06:27

    o I live in Rapid and those are the cops I know and interact with. I can’t imagine them acting in nefarious manner. I’m sure it has happened but not nearly at levels seen in other places. I am sure in places like St Louis or Chicago were the number of assaults and shootings are so frequent that any cop who wants to come home to their family will act with overwhelming force in almost any interaction but I have never been a cop so I don’t know. I will say, given my background, when our military rolls into communities around the world we do not roll through and listen to someone talk trash. It is always a reaction of such magnitude the people get the message immediately. I would like to say “but that is war” however that may be what our cops feel they are facing in many of these inner city communities.

  42. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-09-10 13:38

    RJ, Kristi is a detriment to good government. She will govern this state poorly. Billie Sutton will manage the affairs of state effectively and far more fairly than Kristi’s puppetmasters will. Billie’s door will also be more open to those of us who will come in to make the case for LGBT rights, women’s rights, education, immigration, etc. Billie gives you a chance to get more justice; Kristi guarantees a decline in justice.

  43. leslie 2018-09-11 19:17

    jerry, mfi, debbo, and others carry the water all the time here. When Republic trolls squeal they turn up the heat. Democratic values of truth and goodness daily exceed those of the GOP, the Tea Party, and Limbaugh Republics’ toxic values of dysfunction, confusion, chaos and fear. SDPB anchor/military vet doesn’t even know how to say DEMOCRATIC.

    This Blog is allowing dilution of its stated mission, serving the “free speech” of these deplorables. These are NOT “many fine people on both sides.” Jason, OS, Grdz, others ect who dominate threads here

  44. OldSarg 2018-09-11 19:26

    You’re right leslie. People that believe different than you shouldn’t have a voice. It’s not fair when people fight back and don’t fold to being bullied.

    Let’s all talk about what you value.

  45. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-09-13 22:52

    I value my time more than the need to respond directly to every bit of nonsense OS posts. I respond generally by continuing to post the most intelligent, useful, and honest political commentary in South Dakota.

  46. Jason 2018-09-14 00:53

    Cory wrote:

    I value my time more than the need to respond directly to every bit of nonsense OS posts. I respond generally by continuing to post the most intelligent, useful, and honest political commentary in South Dakota.

    As do I Cory.

    But you aren’t very honest in your commentary.

    My evidence is in your thread today about the sales tax.

    As for Obama,

    You can’t even admit he lied.

    Your website is not free press or a news site. It is a blog about your opinions.

    Everybody that posts here has that understanding.

    I learned a long time ago not to debate a few people on this board because of time and their lack of intellect.

    Look at Leslie,

    She bloviates, but has no factual substance.

    Leslie never wins in the facts when she converses with me so she stopped.

    Leslie thinks the free speech should be forbidden.

    How do you feel about that Cory?

    How you do feel about twitter banning the words “illegal immigrant”?

    Your consitutiants want to know the answers to these questions.

  47. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-09-14 12:30

    Horsehockey. I’m entirely honest. I await your apology for saying otherwise and reaching for distractions. You bore and offend me without offering any value.

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