Guest Column: McIntyre Calls Noem SF Fundraiser “Sad” Waste of Trump’s Time
Published 2018-09-08 by
Cory Allen Heidelberger
Janette McIntyre likes Donald Trump (proving that she needs to recalibrate her moral compass). But after reading her local Rapid City Journal‘s estimate that the meager 500-high-roller crowd might have put a quarter million in Kristi Noem’s complicated campaign kitties at yesterday’s exclusive rally with die Trümpster, McIntyre concludes that Noem’s gubernatorial campaign is in serious trouble:
Janette McIntyre
The recent Kristi Noem fundraiser has a couple interesting statistics as reported by the Rapid City Journal.
They report that the money raised was about $250,000 and there were about 500 people in attendance. If you assume that some actually did pay the 5000 per couple, also getting them a picture with the President, that would mean that the numbers don’t add up. Or, maybe that was the “net” the campaign received after paying for the venue, extra police support and the meal. It would be interesting to know just how much those expenses for the event were. I’m sure the campaign finance report will outline such expenses for the public to see.
As crowds go, this was probably President Trump’s smallest crowd since he has been president for sure and maybe EVER! This should not be a reflection on his popularity in South Dakota. He is more popular than ever.
What it does say is that the campaign of Kristi for Governor 1)does not know South Dakotans, 2)think the SD Elite can save her or 3)are desperate for money and they are not thinking rationally.
As a Trump supporter I am embarrassed for our President. Had a rally been held similar to what was done in Montana and North Dakota with Trump as the main speaker I would have attended and it would have done more for Kristi’s campaign. If the coffers were desperately low it was a sad use of President Trump’s time.
Hmmmmmm……..And if the $200,000 per hour use of Air Force 1 is also accurate that would mean that the fundraiser probably wouldn’t make any money at all. No problem Kristi, the RNC will be giving a giant in kind contribution to cover all those expenses and taxpayers will pick up the rest for you.
This was advertised as a fundraiser, not a public rally. Don’t try to tell us this was Trump’s idea when it was more likely a decision by local campaign gurus to make the most to replenish the dwindling campaign account.
Regardless of whose idea it was, Trump is now aware of how much trouble Kristi Noem is in with the small turnout. And yes, it’s small, even by South Dakota standards.
—Janette McIntyre, to Dakota Free Press, 2018.09.08
From Trump’s perspective this trip was not even about Kristi Noem. It was all about Trump getting to another state and checking it off the list of states he has been to as President. He wants to hit them all, and spent as little time as possible in SD.
First thing he said when he got back on Air Force 1: What a sh!th0le
I also have been told (this is from only one source, so don’t wet your pants) that Noem sold 50, $5,000 tickets. This was the supposed limit, with … 100 people requesting…
A $500 donation per person gave access to the event without a photo. Pool reporters estimated the crowd to be 500 people on Friday, meaning Noem’s campaign stands to make at least $250,000 from the event.
The recent Kristi Noem fundraiser has a couple interesting statistics as reported by the Rapid City Journal.
They report that the money raised was about $250,000 and there were about 500 people in attendance. If you assume that some actually did pay the 5000 per couple, also getting them a picture with the President, that would mean that the numbers don’t add up. Or, maybe that was the “net” the campaign received after paying for the venue, extra police support and the meal.
The Journal doesn’t report that the money raised was “about” $250,000. It reports that Noem’s campaign stands to make “at least” $250,000 from the event, and that clearly wasn’t the “net” the campaign received. It’s an estimated minimum based on the straightforward multiplication of $500 per person by 500 people. The Journal’s numbers “add up” perfectly.
If South DaCola’s source is reliable, there were 50 donations of $5,000 each to get photos with Trump. That’s $250,000. Depending on how many of those photos were for couples, that would leave at least 400 other people who presumably made $500 donations to attend. That’s another $200,000. I’d guess total donations were closer to $500,000 than $250,000, but as I’ve indicated above, the Journal was providing an estimated minimum, not a guess.
John Kennedy Claussen, Sr.,
The more we can all waste Trump’s time the better. That way, the writer of the recent OP ED piece can have a breather, too.
Lora Hubbel
I texted Kellly Anne Conway that she should tell her boss not to throw pearls to swine…because Noem hates trump (as do the the “step-aside” RINOs she hangs out with) but he did anyway…sigh…
Porter Lansing
C’mon, Lora. You’re as transparent as an ice rink. Noem doesn’t hate Trump. The truth is, Noem isn’t really interested in being Governor. She’s had enough politics and wants to retire on the farm with the kids. Billie is Boss!!
Anne Beal
If I present the menu for the meal do you think she can calculate the cost of it?
The main course was assorted sliced white tubers flash fried and seasoned with a variety of imported and domestic herbs and spices, sour cream reduction, and barbecue sauce.
The dessert was steel-cut rolled oats and sun-dried seedless Thompson grapes seasoned with Indonesian cinnamon and baked in the shape of standard gold bars
This was accompanied by a hot infusion of roasted and ground hand-picked Colombian coffee beans, and refreshing spring water.
There was no meat?! Dessert was oatmeal and raisins?! With coffee. Oh. My. God. And people paid $500 for that?! That’s just pathetic. Pootie’s Puppet probably forced a secret service guy run to the nearest McDs and buy $500 worth of Big Macs for him to eat on the plane on the way home.
But did a plaid shirted guy stand behind him and make appropriate faces, like the guy in Montana?
Oh, I forgot to mention the fried Russet spuds. smh I wouldn’t even feed that to a middle school volleyball team after the game.
Anne Beal
Debbo, I skipped the potato chips and ate two of the granola bars. We were there for hours. It was fun
Porter Lansing
Debbo … Anne and Lora Hubel on the same day? Both have a liar’s reputation and would tell any whopper to hurt Billie. That wasn’t the entire menu.
Anne Beal
Porter, there were a few bags of trail mix but they went fast.
Darrell Reifenrath
Invitation only. Trump. Big bucks. This is a peek into Noem’s extreme partisan mindset and tells us how she would govern. Just what we do not need in Pierre.
I looked through my pictures. I actually found I had gotten a shot of one of the dinner tables. And the coffee table
Anne Beal
Darrell it was not by invitation only. But you had to buy a ticket and submit your name, DOB, and SS# for clearance. You had to be cleared.
If you paid $500 you got in with a black lanyard. The red lanyards ( which you can see hanging on the necks of the people in my photo of the dinner table littered with wrappers, coffee cups and water bottles ) cost $5000/couple. The fact that these unidentified red-lanyard wearers were eating the same potato chips and granola bars as the rest of us suggests that their “round table reception” didn’t have a meal with it either. But I wasn’t in that room so I can’t be sure.
How many of the Democrats on this blog want to discuss the Hollywood money, tv, and movie propaganda injected into the Democrat party?
I bet it will be zero.
Just pathetic. They should have paid people to show up.
Which State do you live in Debbo?
McIntyre needs to get off her rant and get out in the world –
Turns out Trump was not the main event at the Metra Park in Billings Montana . Blue Plaid guy , Craigslist and FFA girl picking her nose with the American flag were the main events.
Blue Plaid guy stole the rally – Trumpsters were caught replacing him when he failed to clap enough and made a few awkward faces when Trump started with the BS.
The kid is now making the round of News shows and afternoon shows. Faster rise to stardom than Trump.
Craigslist placed a casting call to be paid to attend the rally $15hr if you were white and $18hr if you weren’t white. ( Isn’t that discrimination in reverse ?)
FFA girl picking her nose with the American flag was gross but she was allowed to stay. none the less she is getting a lot of social media play.
The Billings Gazette has done no reporting on Trumps rally just Blue Plaid guy.
It was hilarious. If none of you all have had the chance to view it you can catch it on @BettyBowers or @Erin_KellyMT
So glad Montanans know where the real values are.
Please explain how you know the real world?
Anne Beal
Debbo they didn’t have to pay people to show up. They didn’t have to feed them. Approximately 650 people paid $500 each and another 60 or 70 paid $2500 each to drink coffee or water and eat potato chips and granola bars. But they did it, and they were happy to do it.
And they didn’t care if they saw the POTUS or not, because the man frequently does rallies which anybody can attend for free. In fact there was nobody there you can’t see just about any time you want.
The only reason anybody was there was because it was more fun to go to a big party than to mail in a check.
And the Democrats are steamed because they can’t get their people to do the same thing.
John W
There wasn’t enough electrical brain impulse in that crowd of people in Sioux Falls to light a 5 watt light bulb…… Nobody said anything about the “real” world Jason……… Please explain the process you went through to learn reading and language comprehension.
Robin mentioned the real world John,
Let’s discuss the real world John.
I will let you pick the topic.
Betty Sheldon
Aberdeen’s recent Somali Neighbors meet & greet at KO Lee Public Library attracted over 400 people. Just sayin’.
Anne, my point was, it was a rip off. Except I guess not for this crowd:
“650 people paid $500 each and another 60 or 70 paid $2500 each to drink coffee or water and eat potato chips and granola bars. But they did it, and they were happy to do it.”
Ooookay. I guess if that makes you happy . . . . .
No. Democrats probably won’t because we’re not going to pay $500 to drink coffee and eat chips. That’s really quite bizarre, unless you’re a trumpelstilskin.
On the other hand, even though Dem numbers are lower in SD, Pootiepublicans appear to be worried. Hmmmm.
Do you think Democrats donate less money than Republicans?
If you want to have a real discussion about political donations I will.
Let’s start with hollywood.
Jason ,
Troll smarter, not harder.
Thanks for confirming you can’t have an intelligent conversation. I expect nothing less from Democrats on this blog.
That’s interesting
Off topic, my apologies, but did you attend
The meet and greet ? And where there any protestors or hating people on the curbside
? Just wondering I hope my neighboring community welcomed the gesture
Tim Bjorkman got 500 people to come to his picnic without Barack Obama, a Manhattan billionaire TV star, or any other famous headliner. Same day, same city.
She publicly calls him the greatest threat to America, live. When you have lost West Virginia buddy, the only thing ya got is NOem. Most smart women know that trump is a serial abuser who has publicly said so.
You go girl! Here is what she said:
“When asked on Friday, the final night of the preliminary competition, what she believed was the most serious issue facing the nation, Madeline Collins, Miss West Virginia, name-checked the leader of the free world.
“Donald Trump is the biggest issue facing our country today,” Collins responded. As captured on video by a Press of Atlantic City reporter, Collins continued: “Unfortunately, he has caused a lot of divide in our country, and until we can trust in him and the choices that he makes for our country, we cannot become united.”” The crowd cheered madly!
Way to go picking your hero jerry. . . a beauty contestant. . . If only you had a sports start representing a giant corporation to stand up against the cops and Nation to lemming behind. . .
You wearing nike or a dress today?
mike from iowa
Jason the troll, is troll yer real last name? Why is it you claim to want have a real debate you always pick the subject? Iz that how it works?
OldSferbrains’ hero wears an animal pelt on his orange tinted head and lies every time his mouth comes open. Has no idea what the constitution is or how it works but man he sure like tossing punitive damage at the less fortunate in our country and that gives OldS a raging boner.
You’re really a nasty mouthed person mike. I would guess that would explain your minimum wage life followed by government dependency now. Do they have government funded graveyards or is the goal to put that financial burden on your surviving family members?
mike from iowa
Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t it you that called another poster a fat ass? Victim OldScurvy I know you meant it in the nicest possible way.
BTW, how does it feel to have someone hijack your thread with personal insults? You might want to get used to it. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!~
Anne Beal
Tim Bjorkman got 500 people to show up for a free event with free food. Presumably it was real food. Maybe they even got hot dogs.
Kristi Noem got 650+ people to show up and pay $500 each for potato chips and granola bars.
You just can’t stand it, can you?
owen reitzel
what’s sad Anne is 650+ people paid $5000 or $500 to see a man who lies everyday and who hopefully will soon be impeached. Trump is evil and needs to be removed
owen, this is why America elected him: Tearing him down, attacking at every opportunity, chasing him with a weaponized government organization, going after his family, saying mean things about his wife, all the while calling us racist, misogynist, letting illegal killers in our home and killing our unborn kids is pissing us off.
For the majority of Americans this is no longer about repuks or dims. It is about being pushed around and we don’t cotton to bullies anymore. Anne’s right, our people are showing up and donating whilst yours are ugly and running around in pussy hats groping each other.
Porter Lansing
Anne … How much did they charge to insult a Muslim? You Republicans love doing that. hehHEHho
mike from iowa
OldSferbrains @ 12:22, wah, freaking, wah! When you accuse Dems of running investigations against wingnuts while wingnuts are in total control of the gubmint, you are exceedingly stoopid or flat out lying like a Drumpf. Desperate. too.
owen reitzel
and there was no name-calling y Republicans on Obama and his family? Don’t think Americans wanted Trump to rip children away from their parents because their skin is brown.
owen reitzel
and OS. The only groping on is by the pervert Trump
Sorry owned: Clinton, Wiener, Wienstein, Biden, Melendez and these last year: Franken, Conyers, Filner, Bocanegra, Schoen, Mendoza, Silverstein.
Ion a recent survey it also disclosed the majority of men who identify as supporters of the feminist movement do so to get close to the very women they claim to support. Yep, gropers.
#metoo should be renamed #sexuallyassaultedbyademocrat
Nothing about or Roger’s Communications indicates the Canadian korp is leftist at all.
mike from iowa
Drumpf has at least 18 women who came forth to accuse him of sexual misbehavior. That is more women than all the so called Dems OldScrupuless named.
mike from iowa
Former CIA contractor threatened to choke Obama on Fake Noize today. He was in Benghazi and didn’t like Obama telling the truth the wingnut’s investigations were political and designed to hurt HRC’s chances at being elected. Some right wing nutters, like OS, can’t handle the truth.
Porter Lansing
Os … Let’s see that survey you keep referring to. The one where it says men who support feminists are perverts. We’ll do a little validity check on your source since you mostly post Russian influencer propaganda. (Do you view getting close to a female as a bad thing?)
Interesting that Old Soviet, on the Russian paytroll, are so afraid of the women. Of all the articles out there, Old Soviet posts the one about feminism. His handlers must had to toss him something to hate on and this is today’s fruit of the day,
Porter Lansing
@Jerry … He does have some deep seated resentment for women. No wonder Grudzie likes him.
Weird. . . It’s almost as if the democrat men have been lying to women altos time just to get closer to the women. . . Like they were using the whole movement.
Here is the Washington Times, another leftist rag telling all of you what is wrong with your party but you all lie about to get closer to women: “The liberal ruse of feminism”
What they’re doing now is worse than a simple fib. Just like producer Harvey Weinstein, the Democrats have lied about being champions for women specifically to draw them into an environment within which to use and abuse them. Their claims of feminism and propagators of heroic liberal policies have been a ruse, a trick, to entice women to their side, and then used as the weapon to keep them silent when assaulted.
mike from iowa
Old stoopid is a pathological lying SOB. Washington Times is a Rev Moon right wing rag and so is newswithviews a right wing rag. You are as bad as yer dead animal pelt wearing orange hero.
Three hours after the publication of this story, CNN reported that Moonves will step down from his position at CBS
“Moonves drove her to a secluded area. When Golden-Gottlieb began to ask if he was having trouble finding a parking space, she said that Moonves “grabbed my head and he took it all the way down onto his penis, and pushed his penis into my mouth.” She said he held her head in place forcibly. “He came very quickly,” she recalled. “You sort of just go numb. You don’t know what to do.” Distraught, Golden-Gottlieb demanded that Moonves take her back to the office. When she got there, she said, she vomited. “It was just sick,” she told me. ”
The democrats have a serious PROBLEM and to lie about it only makes you look worse.
Porter Lansing
Two invalid sources. Washington Times has a strong right wing bias and is owned by the Moonies, for God sake. News With Views is an extremely right wing biased and highly questionable source.
It’s no wonder Os has such “off the page” political ideas. He reads trash … AND he believes anything, as long as he agrees with it.
Porter Lansing
Os … Your assertion that we who side with feminists are perverts isn’t validated. Using Les Moonves to prove a point about a group of a million men makes no sense.
Point is, trump came to grift. He had to split some of the loot with NOem, and that was that. What makes me laugh my arse off is that he drew less people than a carnival. Less people in South Dakota thought that he had something to say than would go listen to any other carnival barker. Too funny, what a fraud and failure.
mike from iowa
she said that Moonves “grabbed my head and he took it all the way down onto his penis, and pushed his penis into my mouth.” She said he held her head in place forcibly. “He
Just locker room talk, OldSport. Drumpf got away with it.
The oldsoviet and Mr. grudznick are two peas in a pod…a pod that does not hold any women. So all they can do is belittle women because women are way cool, and clearly, these pea brains.
Portly it is clear with just the claims of the #Metoo movement men who support the movement are only doing so to take advantage of the women they claim to support. There is too much information out there to deny it. Even Bill Clinton denied it but he lost his law license for lying about abusing the daughter of a supporter in the White House president’s office.
It appears many of your male democrat leaders and donors are abusers of women. What else are we to conclude from all these articles?
Porter Lansing
For entertainment (while Trump took a break to swallow a couple more Adderall), they separated a couple kids from their parents. Anne and the crowd loved it. :0)
Porter Lansing
Os … wrong with no source to validate your assertion. “It is clear” is meaningless. “What else are we to conclude?” We’re to conclude that you’re making an unsubstantiated assertion that’s little more than the opinion of an argumentative loser.
The un-indicted co-conspirator was here in South Dakota with a candidate for governor of our state, praising himself for his lawlessness. Nice.
jerry my wife of 32 years is much smarter and prettier than anything you could earn the trust of but maybe that is the problem with the whole of the democrat party. . . I, on the other hand, see my wife as a life partner, who can make her own decisions and I work to put her first in every matter yet we still share in the decision making.
Statistically the odds are you have been married more than once and in almost all divorces the root cause is the partners putting ones self before your partner. That is the genesis of your party. You all “claim” to support this or that but in every case you use the membership for your own personal advantage.
You should all use the motto “It is all about me” on your posters.
Porter Lansing
Women hate Old Sarge yet he thinks he’s their protector. It’s a neuroses caused by low self esteem and a life without a sense of worth.
mike from iowa
OldSnackeroon, why hasn’t Drumpf stepped down? More women have accused him than even you could lie about.
You have had a poor track record today about telling the truth, why would one believe you about her?
You brought this on yourself. Don’t spoil it by claiming victim hood.
mike from iowa
Statistically the odds are you have been married more than once and in almost all divorces the root cause is the partners putting ones self before your partner.
Drumpf to a D.
How bout this. The top GOP fundraiser, gave his mistress herpes, told her to have an abortion and wanted to not pay his obligation for the payoff to that mistress.
Comrade trump has been implicated in some 18 sexual peccadilloes with mature women and at least one with a teen, So how far do you want to go down memory lane old soviet.
How bout this with Comrade trump right now. Ms. McIntyre clearly is not a feminist. Not sure how she would classify herself with her undying support for a serial abuser.
“Former “Apprentice” contestant Summer Zervos will reportedly be getting written answers under oath from President Trump as part of a defamation lawsuit stemming from her prior sexual assault claim against him.
According to the Washington Post, “Lawyers for Trump and Zervos agreed this week to exchange ‘written answers and objections’ to formal written questions by September 28, according to a document filed Friday with the New York State Supreme Court.”” Bah zing! what a disgrace to this country.
So does your wife really exist? I doubt that. Is this fake unit a feminist?
Obama has to make clear what trump stands for the most ignorant, racist, misogynist president we have ever had. Thanks Putin.
“Urbana, Illinois (CNN)Former President Barack Obama offered his most pointed critique to date of President Donald Trump, delivering a lengthy and direct indictment Friday of the last two years in American politics by arguing the President is “capitalizing on resentment that politicians have been fanning for years.”
If it matters, Jason, I won’t pay $500 to attend any event or pay $5000 to have my photo taken with any celebrity, Trump or otherwise. I emailed the White House and requested press credentials but was ignored. Paying customers only, please….
Mike, Jerry, Porter, Cory, Owen. You fine gentlemen are my DFP heroes. Smarter than whips, clever, incisive, well read. I’m enjoying watching how well truth works as a response to Pootie Propaganda. 🤗🤗🤗
You could have saw him for free in Fargo a month or two ago.
That only proves he and Kristi could have opened the doors for a free event in Sioux Falls last week and gotten much more boost from the event. But he and Kristi didn’t want that; they only wanted the money but didn’t want to risk greater exposure to Trump’s vileness.
But hey, I can saw apart Trump’s failures all I want from home, without even spending gas money.
Porter Lansing
I saw what you did there. :0)
You can stop in and meet Kristie anytime you want. You might have to call for an appointment, but she will meet with you.
mike from iowa
OldSoapweed, Clinton agreed to a five year suspension of his law license. It wasn’t taken from him. He can get it back anytime he wants.
He also, just so you don’t orgasm in orange ecstasy again, resigned from the Scotus Bar, although he had never practiced law in front of the Scotus and never planned to.
Isn’t selling access to Republican candidates and elected officials what its all about? Indeed, a $5,000 ticket price for personal access to Trump and Kristi seems relatively cheap compared to what others pay for that access. I suppose paying only $5,000 for access won’t get you as much in return than paying a bit more, as reports from Texas indicate that it costs about $10,000 to buy a Republican appointment to a government position.
But since SD is such a small state it appears the ticket price is a bit lower than in other states or in D.C. The lesson is to save your money until you have enough to bid on a lucrative appointment. “Pay to play” is the MAGA way!
Jason, again, that’s not McIntyre’s point. Noem had a unique opportunity to give Trump a chance to fire up an enormous crowd of regular South Dakotans, to charge them up to come vote for her, for free, and in addition to the fundraising she was doing.
But apparently that’s not the strategy/ Apparently Noem doesn’t think that Trump himself can whip up the base enough to help her win. Instead, her priority is to get money that will likely be sued for negative campaigning to depress voter turnout among the persuadables. Kristi can’t win on her merits; she has to hide from debates and rake in Trump money to slime Sutton.
mike from iowa
Texas gubmint, under wingnuts, is so efficient the only qualification needed for a job is the ability to write a stout 5 figure check to the governor that doesn’t bounce. For a few thousands more you can head yer own department, at least it was like that under Guv Goodhair Perry.
Wish Molly Ivins was around to properly dress down these buffoons in DC and Austin.
mfi, I miss Molly too, but at least we still have Juanita Jean Herownself.
Wait. BCB, do you comment on TWMDBS?
mike from iowa
Debbo, your bug exited stage left and I missed it. Please resend. Gracias.
Debbo, I haven’t commented on TWMDBS but I visit it daily – it is one of my favorites! I haven’t often read comments on the site, but if you are commenting there I would sure start checking them out since you are one of my favorite commenters.
mike from iowa
Way off topic did anyone know Angela Kenneke’s daughter od’d about 4 months ago. I just saw a piece in a paper about it yesterday. If it had been reported, I missed it and offer my deepest condolences to the family for the bereavement and for mindlessly bringing it up.
why are you guys feeding these republican trolls?
BCB, I do comment occasionally there, but not as cleverly or thoroughly as some of those folks. Thanks for your kind words. 😁 You are one of the smartest people on this blog and, like the rest of us here, I recognize you as the go to guy for many of our questions, especially legal ones.
Mike, will do with the🕷.
mike from iowa
leslie, because it is illegal to chain them up and tease them with pitchforks. Or even a cutting torch.
You have been absent for awhile. Welcome back.
John W
Jason: I asked where you learned your reading comprehension and language skills. Robin only mentioned “the world”. You attached the words “real” out of your own illusory thoughts. Just like you do with everything else.
Mr. Mike, knowing you are from Iowa you wouldn’t have seen it, but yes, we here in South Dakota knew about Ms. Kennecke’s daughter. She (Ms. Kennecke) spoke about the death during a news cast on the CBS TV.
You’re not a South Dakotan are you mike. . . Iowa I think. You’re right. Proven right again You the MAN!
Guys! Lets get back on topic: “McIntyre concludes that Noem’s gubernatorial campaign is in serious trouble” Leading by a minimum of 100,000 points how will the South Dakota democratic socialist party make up for this lead by the next Republican Governor? A 34% lead an be dwindled down by an amazing 3%, maybe 4. What should we do to help?
From Trump’s perspective this trip was not even about Kristi Noem. It was all about Trump getting to another state and checking it off the list of states he has been to as President. He wants to hit them all, and spent as little time as possible in SD.
First thing he said when he got back on Air Force 1: What a sh!th0le
From South DaCola:
From the Rapid City Journal:
From Janette McIntyre:
The Journal doesn’t report that the money raised was “about” $250,000. It reports that Noem’s campaign stands to make “at least” $250,000 from the event, and that clearly wasn’t the “net” the campaign received. It’s an estimated minimum based on the straightforward multiplication of $500 per person by 500 people. The Journal’s numbers “add up” perfectly.
If South DaCola’s source is reliable, there were 50 donations of $5,000 each to get photos with Trump. That’s $250,000. Depending on how many of those photos were for couples, that would leave at least 400 other people who presumably made $500 donations to attend. That’s another $200,000. I’d guess total donations were closer to $500,000 than $250,000, but as I’ve indicated above, the Journal was providing an estimated minimum, not a guess.
The more we can all waste Trump’s time the better. That way, the writer of the recent OP ED piece can have a breather, too.
I texted Kellly Anne Conway that she should tell her boss not to throw pearls to swine…because Noem hates trump (as do the the “step-aside” RINOs she hangs out with) but he did anyway…sigh…
C’mon, Lora. You’re as transparent as an ice rink. Noem doesn’t hate Trump. The truth is, Noem isn’t really interested in being Governor. She’s had enough politics and wants to retire on the farm with the kids. Billie is Boss!!
If I present the menu for the meal do you think she can calculate the cost of it?
The main course was assorted sliced white tubers flash fried and seasoned with a variety of imported and domestic herbs and spices, sour cream reduction, and barbecue sauce.
The dessert was steel-cut rolled oats and sun-dried seedless Thompson grapes seasoned with Indonesian cinnamon and baked in the shape of standard gold bars
This was accompanied by a hot infusion of roasted and ground hand-picked Colombian coffee beans, and refreshing spring water.
There was no meat?! Dessert was oatmeal and raisins?! With coffee. Oh. My. God. And people paid $500 for that?! That’s just pathetic. Pootie’s Puppet probably forced a secret service guy run to the nearest McDs and buy $500 worth of Big Macs for him to eat on the plane on the way home.
But did a plaid shirted guy stand behind him and make appropriate faces, like the guy in Montana?
Oh, I forgot to mention the fried Russet spuds. smh I wouldn’t even feed that to a middle school volleyball team after the game.
Debbo, I skipped the potato chips and ate two of the granola bars. We were there for hours. It was fun
Debbo … Anne and Lora Hubel on the same day? Both have a liar’s reputation and would tell any whopper to hurt Billie. That wasn’t the entire menu.
Porter, there were a few bags of trail mix but they went fast.
Invitation only. Trump. Big bucks. This is a peek into Noem’s extreme partisan mindset and tells us how she would govern. Just what we do not need in Pierre.
I looked through my pictures. I actually found I had gotten a shot of one of the dinner tables. And the coffee table
Darrell it was not by invitation only. But you had to buy a ticket and submit your name, DOB, and SS# for clearance. You had to be cleared.
If you paid $500 you got in with a black lanyard. The red lanyards ( which you can see hanging on the necks of the people in my photo of the dinner table littered with wrappers, coffee cups and water bottles ) cost $5000/couple. The fact that these unidentified red-lanyard wearers were eating the same potato chips and granola bars as the rest of us suggests that their “round table reception” didn’t have a meal with it either. But I wasn’t in that room so I can’t be sure.
How many of the Democrats on this blog want to discuss the Hollywood money, tv, and movie propaganda injected into the Democrat party?
I bet it will be zero.
Just pathetic. They should have paid people to show up.
Which State do you live in Debbo?
McIntyre needs to get off her rant and get out in the world –
Turns out Trump was not the main event at the Metra Park in Billings Montana . Blue Plaid guy , Craigslist and FFA girl picking her nose with the American flag were the main events.
Blue Plaid guy stole the rally – Trumpsters were caught replacing him when he failed to clap enough and made a few awkward faces when Trump started with the BS.
The kid is now making the round of News shows and afternoon shows. Faster rise to stardom than Trump.
Craigslist placed a casting call to be paid to attend the rally $15hr if you were white and $18hr if you weren’t white. ( Isn’t that discrimination in reverse ?)
FFA girl picking her nose with the American flag was gross but she was allowed to stay. none the less she is getting a lot of social media play.
The Billings Gazette has done no reporting on Trumps rally just Blue Plaid guy.
It was hilarious. If none of you all have had the chance to view it you can catch it on @BettyBowers or @Erin_KellyMT
So glad Montanans know where the real values are.
Please explain how you know the real world?
Debbo they didn’t have to pay people to show up. They didn’t have to feed them. Approximately 650 people paid $500 each and another 60 or 70 paid $2500 each to drink coffee or water and eat potato chips and granola bars. But they did it, and they were happy to do it.
And they didn’t care if they saw the POTUS or not, because the man frequently does rallies which anybody can attend for free. In fact there was nobody there you can’t see just about any time you want.
The only reason anybody was there was because it was more fun to go to a big party than to mail in a check.
And the Democrats are steamed because they can’t get their people to do the same thing.
There wasn’t enough electrical brain impulse in that crowd of people in Sioux Falls to light a 5 watt light bulb…… Nobody said anything about the “real” world Jason……… Please explain the process you went through to learn reading and language comprehension.
Robin mentioned the real world John,
Let’s discuss the real world John.
I will let you pick the topic.
Aberdeen’s recent Somali Neighbors meet & greet at KO Lee Public Library attracted over 400 people. Just sayin’.
Anne, my point was, it was a rip off. Except I guess not for this crowd:
“650 people paid $500 each and another 60 or 70 paid $2500 each to drink coffee or water and eat potato chips and granola bars. But they did it, and they were happy to do it.”
Ooookay. I guess if that makes you happy . . . . .
No. Democrats probably won’t because we’re not going to pay $500 to drink coffee and eat chips. That’s really quite bizarre, unless you’re a trumpelstilskin.
On the other hand, even though Dem numbers are lower in SD, Pootiepublicans appear to be worried. Hmmmm.
Do you think Democrats donate less money than Republicans?
If you want to have a real discussion about political donations I will.
Let’s start with hollywood.
Jason ,
Troll smarter, not harder.
Thanks for confirming you can’t have an intelligent conversation. I expect nothing less from Democrats on this blog.
That’s interesting
Off topic, my apologies, but did you attend
The meet and greet ? And where there any protestors or hating people on the curbside
? Just wondering I hope my neighboring community welcomed the gesture
Here are the top 10 reasons to go see trump.
There definitely was an elephant in the room that got peanuts.
Tim Bjorkman got 500 people to come to his picnic without Barack Obama, a Manhattan billionaire TV star, or any other famous headliner. Same day, same city.
Bah Zing! Miss West Virginia goes there
She publicly calls him the greatest threat to America, live. When you have lost West Virginia buddy, the only thing ya got is NOem. Most smart women know that trump is a serial abuser who has publicly said so.
You go girl! Here is what she said:
“When asked on Friday, the final night of the preliminary competition, what she believed was the most serious issue facing the nation, Madeline Collins, Miss West Virginia, name-checked the leader of the free world.
“Donald Trump is the biggest issue facing our country today,” Collins responded. As captured on video by a Press of Atlantic City reporter, Collins continued: “Unfortunately, he has caused a lot of divide in our country, and until we can trust in him and the choices that he makes for our country, we cannot become united.”” The crowd cheered madly!
Way to go picking your hero jerry. . . a beauty contestant. . . If only you had a sports start representing a giant corporation to stand up against the cops and Nation to lemming behind. . .
You wearing nike or a dress today?
Jason the troll, is troll yer real last name? Why is it you claim to want have a real debate you always pick the subject? Iz that how it works?
OldSferbrains’ hero wears an animal pelt on his orange tinted head and lies every time his mouth comes open. Has no idea what the constitution is or how it works but man he sure like tossing punitive damage at the less fortunate in our country and that gives OldS a raging boner.
You’re really a nasty mouthed person mike. I would guess that would explain your minimum wage life followed by government dependency now. Do they have government funded graveyards or is the goal to put that financial burden on your surviving family members?
Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t it you that called another poster a fat ass? Victim OldScurvy I know you meant it in the nicest possible way.
BTW, how does it feel to have someone hijack your thread with personal insults? You might want to get used to it. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!~
Tim Bjorkman got 500 people to show up for a free event with free food. Presumably it was real food. Maybe they even got hot dogs.
Kristi Noem got 650+ people to show up and pay $500 each for potato chips and granola bars.
You just can’t stand it, can you?
what’s sad Anne is 650+ people paid $5000 or $500 to see a man who lies everyday and who hopefully will soon be impeached. Trump is evil and needs to be removed
owen, this is why America elected him: Tearing him down, attacking at every opportunity, chasing him with a weaponized government organization, going after his family, saying mean things about his wife, all the while calling us racist, misogynist, letting illegal killers in our home and killing our unborn kids is pissing us off.
For the majority of Americans this is no longer about repuks or dims. It is about being pushed around and we don’t cotton to bullies anymore. Anne’s right, our people are showing up and donating whilst yours are ugly and running around in pussy hats groping each other.
Anne … How much did they charge to insult a Muslim? You Republicans love doing that. hehHEHho
OldSferbrains @ 12:22, wah, freaking, wah! When you accuse Dems of running investigations against wingnuts while wingnuts are in total control of the gubmint, you are exceedingly stoopid or flat out lying like a Drumpf. Desperate. too.
and there was no name-calling y Republicans on Obama and his family? Don’t think Americans wanted Trump to rip children away from their parents because their skin is brown.
and OS. The only groping on is by the pervert Trump
Sorry owned: Clinton, Wiener, Wienstein, Biden, Melendez and these last year: Franken, Conyers, Filner, Bocanegra, Schoen, Mendoza, Silverstein.
Ion a recent survey it also disclosed the majority of men who identify as supporters of the feminist movement do so to get close to the very women they claim to support. Yep, gropers.
#metoo should be renamed #sexuallyassaultedbyademocrat
Here’s a good article in a lefty rag The Flare: “Dear Louis C.K. & Sexual Predators Hiding in Feminist Communities: We See You”
Nothing about or Roger’s Communications indicates the Canadian korp is leftist at all.
Drumpf has at least 18 women who came forth to accuse him of sexual misbehavior. That is more women than all the so called Dems OldScrupuless named.
Former CIA contractor threatened to choke Obama on Fake Noize today. He was in Benghazi and didn’t like Obama telling the truth the wingnut’s investigations were political and designed to hurt HRC’s chances at being elected. Some right wing nutters, like OS, can’t handle the truth.
Os … Let’s see that survey you keep referring to. The one where it says men who support feminists are perverts. We’ll do a little validity check on your source since you mostly post Russian influencer propaganda. (Do you view getting close to a female as a bad thing?)
Interesting that Old Soviet, on the Russian paytroll, are so afraid of the women. Of all the articles out there, Old Soviet posts the one about feminism. His handlers must had to toss him something to hate on and this is today’s fruit of the day,
@Jerry … He does have some deep seated resentment for women. No wonder Grudzie likes him.
Thousands of articles and all in leftist rags:
“Democrats have a sexual harassment problem” The party’s leaders can’t keep protecting sexual harassers and claim they’re the party of the resistance.
“Democrats Circle The Wagons To Protect Their Sexual Predators”
Weird. . . It’s almost as if the democrat men have been lying to women altos time just to get closer to the women. . . Like they were using the whole movement.
Here is the Washington Times, another leftist rag telling all of you what is wrong with your party but you all lie about to get closer to women: “The liberal ruse of feminism”
What they’re doing now is worse than a simple fib. Just like producer Harvey Weinstein, the Democrats have lied about being champions for women specifically to draw them into an environment within which to use and abuse them. Their claims of feminism and propagators of heroic liberal policies have been a ruse, a trick, to entice women to their side, and then used as the weapon to keep them silent when assaulted.
Old stoopid is a pathological lying SOB. Washington Times is a Rev Moon right wing rag and so is newswithviews a right wing rag. You are as bad as yer dead animal pelt wearing orange hero.
This came out TODAY in The New Yorker, another leftist rag!
Three hours after the publication of this story, CNN reported that Moonves will step down from his position at CBS
“Moonves drove her to a secluded area. When Golden-Gottlieb began to ask if he was having trouble finding a parking space, she said that Moonves “grabbed my head and he took it all the way down onto his penis, and pushed his penis into my mouth.” She said he held her head in place forcibly. “He came very quickly,” she recalled. “You sort of just go numb. You don’t know what to do.” Distraught, Golden-Gottlieb demanded that Moonves take her back to the office. When she got there, she said, she vomited. “It was just sick,” she told me. ”
The democrats have a serious PROBLEM and to lie about it only makes you look worse.
Two invalid sources. Washington Times has a strong right wing bias and is owned by the Moonies, for God sake. News With Views is an extremely right wing biased and highly questionable source.
It’s no wonder Os has such “off the page” political ideas. He reads trash … AND he believes anything, as long as he agrees with it.
Os … Your assertion that we who side with feminists are perverts isn’t validated. Using Les Moonves to prove a point about a group of a million men makes no sense.
Point is, trump came to grift. He had to split some of the loot with NOem, and that was that. What makes me laugh my arse off is that he drew less people than a carnival. Less people in South Dakota thought that he had something to say than would go listen to any other carnival barker. Too funny, what a fraud and failure.
she said that Moonves “grabbed my head and he took it all the way down onto his penis, and pushed his penis into my mouth.” She said he held her head in place forcibly. “He
Just locker room talk, OldSport. Drumpf got away with it.
The oldsoviet and Mr. grudznick are two peas in a pod…a pod that does not hold any women. So all they can do is belittle women because women are way cool, and clearly, these pea brains.
Portly it is clear with just the claims of the #Metoo movement men who support the movement are only doing so to take advantage of the women they claim to support. There is too much information out there to deny it. Even Bill Clinton denied it but he lost his law license for lying about abusing the daughter of a supporter in the White House president’s office.
It appears many of your male democrat leaders and donors are abusers of women. What else are we to conclude from all these articles?
For entertainment (while Trump took a break to swallow a couple more Adderall), they separated a couple kids from their parents. Anne and the crowd loved it. :0)
Os … wrong with no source to validate your assertion. “It is clear” is meaningless. “What else are we to conclude?” We’re to conclude that you’re making an unsubstantiated assertion that’s little more than the opinion of an argumentative loser.
The un-indicted co-conspirator was here in South Dakota with a candidate for governor of our state, praising himself for his lawlessness. Nice.
jerry my wife of 32 years is much smarter and prettier than anything you could earn the trust of but maybe that is the problem with the whole of the democrat party. . . I, on the other hand, see my wife as a life partner, who can make her own decisions and I work to put her first in every matter yet we still share in the decision making.
Statistically the odds are you have been married more than once and in almost all divorces the root cause is the partners putting ones self before your partner. That is the genesis of your party. You all “claim” to support this or that but in every case you use the membership for your own personal advantage.
You should all use the motto “It is all about me” on your posters.
Women hate Old Sarge yet he thinks he’s their protector. It’s a neuroses caused by low self esteem and a life without a sense of worth.
OldSnackeroon, why hasn’t Drumpf stepped down? More women have accused him than even you could lie about.
You have had a poor track record today about telling the truth, why would one believe you about her?
You brought this on yourself. Don’t spoil it by claiming victim hood.
Statistically the odds are you have been married more than once and in almost all divorces the root cause is the partners putting ones self before your partner.
Drumpf to a D.
How bout this. The top GOP fundraiser, gave his mistress herpes, told her to have an abortion and wanted to not pay his obligation for the payoff to that mistress.
Comrade trump has been implicated in some 18 sexual peccadilloes with mature women and at least one with a teen, So how far do you want to go down memory lane old soviet.
How bout this with Comrade trump right now. Ms. McIntyre clearly is not a feminist. Not sure how she would classify herself with her undying support for a serial abuser.
“Former “Apprentice” contestant Summer Zervos will reportedly be getting written answers under oath from President Trump as part of a defamation lawsuit stemming from her prior sexual assault claim against him.
According to the Washington Post, “Lawyers for Trump and Zervos agreed this week to exchange ‘written answers and objections’ to formal written questions by September 28, according to a document filed Friday with the New York State Supreme Court.”” Bah zing! what a disgrace to this country.
So does your wife really exist? I doubt that. Is this fake unit a feminist?
Obama has to make clear what trump stands for the most ignorant, racist, misogynist president we have ever had. Thanks Putin.
“Urbana, Illinois (CNN)Former President Barack Obama offered his most pointed critique to date of President Donald Trump, delivering a lengthy and direct indictment Friday of the last two years in American politics by arguing the President is “capitalizing on resentment that politicians have been fanning for years.”
If it matters, Jason, I won’t pay $500 to attend any event or pay $5000 to have my photo taken with any celebrity, Trump or otherwise. I emailed the White House and requested press credentials but was ignored. Paying customers only, please….
Mike, Jerry, Porter, Cory, Owen. You fine gentlemen are my DFP heroes. Smarter than whips, clever, incisive, well read. I’m enjoying watching how well truth works as a response to Pootie Propaganda. 🤗🤗🤗
You could have saw him for free in Fargo a month or two ago.
That only proves he and Kristi could have opened the doors for a free event in Sioux Falls last week and gotten much more boost from the event. But he and Kristi didn’t want that; they only wanted the money but didn’t want to risk greater exposure to Trump’s vileness.
But hey, I can saw apart Trump’s failures all I want from home, without even spending gas money.
I saw what you did there. :0)
You can stop in and meet Kristie anytime you want. You might have to call for an appointment, but she will meet with you.
OldSoapweed, Clinton agreed to a five year suspension of his law license. It wasn’t taken from him. He can get it back anytime he wants.
He also, just so you don’t orgasm in orange ecstasy again, resigned from the Scotus Bar, although he had never practiced law in front of the Scotus and never planned to.
Isn’t selling access to Republican candidates and elected officials what its all about? Indeed, a $5,000 ticket price for personal access to Trump and Kristi seems relatively cheap compared to what others pay for that access. I suppose paying only $5,000 for access won’t get you as much in return than paying a bit more, as reports from Texas indicate that it costs about $10,000 to buy a Republican appointment to a government position.
But since SD is such a small state it appears the ticket price is a bit lower than in other states or in D.C. The lesson is to save your money until you have enough to bid on a lucrative appointment. “Pay to play” is the MAGA way!
Jason, again, that’s not McIntyre’s point. Noem had a unique opportunity to give Trump a chance to fire up an enormous crowd of regular South Dakotans, to charge them up to come vote for her, for free, and in addition to the fundraising she was doing.
But apparently that’s not the strategy/ Apparently Noem doesn’t think that Trump himself can whip up the base enough to help her win. Instead, her priority is to get money that will likely be sued for negative campaigning to depress voter turnout among the persuadables. Kristi can’t win on her merits; she has to hide from debates and rake in Trump money to slime Sutton.
Texas gubmint, under wingnuts, is so efficient the only qualification needed for a job is the ability to write a stout 5 figure check to the governor that doesn’t bounce. For a few thousands more you can head yer own department, at least it was like that under Guv Goodhair Perry.
Wish Molly Ivins was around to properly dress down these buffoons in DC and Austin.
mfi, I miss Molly too, but at least we still have Juanita Jean Herownself.
Wait. BCB, do you comment on TWMDBS?
Debbo, your bug exited stage left and I missed it. Please resend. Gracias.
Debbo, I haven’t commented on TWMDBS but I visit it daily – it is one of my favorites! I haven’t often read comments on the site, but if you are commenting there I would sure start checking them out since you are one of my favorite commenters.
Way off topic did anyone know Angela Kenneke’s daughter od’d about 4 months ago. I just saw a piece in a paper about it yesterday. If it had been reported, I missed it and offer my deepest condolences to the family for the bereavement and for mindlessly bringing it up.
why are you guys feeding these republican trolls?
BCB, I do comment occasionally there, but not as cleverly or thoroughly as some of those folks. Thanks for your kind words. 😁 You are one of the smartest people on this blog and, like the rest of us here, I recognize you as the go to guy for many of our questions, especially legal ones.
Mike, will do with the🕷.
leslie, because it is illegal to chain them up and tease them with pitchforks. Or even a cutting torch.
You have been absent for awhile. Welcome back.
Jason: I asked where you learned your reading comprehension and language skills. Robin only mentioned “the world”. You attached the words “real” out of your own illusory thoughts. Just like you do with everything else.
Mr. Mike, knowing you are from Iowa you wouldn’t have seen it, but yes, we here in South Dakota knew about Ms. Kennecke’s daughter. She (Ms. Kennecke) spoke about the death during a news cast on the CBS TV.
There are crazier people than South Dakotans.
You’re not a South Dakotan are you mike. . . Iowa I think. You’re right. Proven right again You the MAN!
Guys! Lets get back on topic: “McIntyre concludes that Noem’s gubernatorial campaign is in serious trouble” Leading by a minimum of 100,000 points how will the South Dakota democratic socialist party make up for this lead by the next Republican Governor? A 34% lead an be dwindled down by an amazing 3%, maybe 4. What should we do to help?