You know how Republicans like to say that we Democrats created the welfare state to trap an entire class of Americans permanently poor and dependent on our government largesse just so they’ll vote for us?
The Trump administration on Tuesday said it will use a Great Depression-era program to pay up to $12 billion to help U.S. farmers weather a growing trade war with China, the European Union and others that the president began.
…”Tariffs are taxes that punish American consumers and producers,” Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul wrote on Twitter here. “If tariffs punish farmers, the answer is not welfare for farmers — the answer is remove the tariffs.”
…Later this week, Trump will visit Iowa and Illinois, two other farm-belt states, as he seeks to shore up support for Republican candidates in the U.S. Midwest [David Shepardson and Steve Holland, “Trump Wants $12 Billion in Aid to U.S. Farmers Suffering from Trade War,” Reuters, 2018.07.24].
Donald Trump intervenes in the marketplace with drastic protectionist taxes that drive farmers toward economic collapse, then goes for even bigger socialist government by handing farmers welfare checks.
“This is becoming more and more like a Soviet type of economy here: Commissars deciding who’s going to be granted waivers, commissars in the administration figuring out how they’re going to sprinkle around benefits,” said Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.). “I’m very exasperated. This is serious” [Burgess Everett, “‘Like a Soviet-Type Economy’: GOP Free Traders Unload on Trump,” Politico, 2018.07.24].
Senator John Thune spent the day meeting with current and future members of Donald Trump’s new welfare class:

South Dakota’s senior Senator did manage this mopey comment about the welfare checks Donald Trump wants to send his rural constituents:
“Taxpayers are going to be asked to initial checks to farmers in lieu of having a trade policy that actually opens and expands more markets. There isn’t anything about this that anybody should like,” said Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, the No. 3 GOP leader. He suggested the new spending might need to be offset by cuts in other funding areas [Everett, 2018.07.24].
Somehow South Dakota’s junior Senator found something to like about Farm Trumpfare:

But then Senator Rounds found his but with both thumbs:

Short? I think Senator Rounds meant mid. With checks starting to arrive around Labor Day, less than three weeks before early voting starts here in South Dakota, Trump isn’t fixing the farm economy; he’s using welfare to fix the election. That’s the way real Soviet socialists do it.
Gwad, how far we have fallen. Totally sickening to see the sorry state we are in over ignorance. We complain about that Justin up there in Canada providing some subsidy for producers there, then we work on a trillion dollar Farm Bill for socialized farming and ranching and now another taxpayer bailout for a failed president who still does not get that his failure. He knows though that he has willing accomplices that will make the family farm into a corporate welfare state, while stealing food from the needy.
The frauds called NOem, Thune, Rounds and Dusty are sinking the ship called freedom. Why are they doing it? I dunno, but it looks to me like Russia has benefited about 12 billion with another 18 billion in the hopper. Ag producers, you been conned. Lets see if you like it or not come election day. Looks like from the smiles above, everyone is happy with the predicament they are in. Sad
It seems to me that the parties are in the process of switching positions. Republicans were once for free trade and Democrats were protectionists. Now it’s the other way around.
Trump just broke the ag commodities market while his GOP Party cronies stood idly by and wrote a belated letter. Now Trump and the cronies have embraced socialism to buy the votes of farmers in the upcoming election. They are betting that farmers don’t care whether they have good markets or market prices as long as they get paid by someone. Who is paying them? The grandkids – through larger deficits and a greatly expanding national debt. Someone ask Kristi how much these handouts will increase Booker’s share of the national debt. While we’re at it, someone ask Kristi if everybody with a business adversely affected by the tariffs should expect a pre-election bail out.
Have the rules for administration of the program been written?
Here’s the other thing. Trump is creating so much economic uncertainty that farmers who get the welfare payments aren’t going to be in a mood to reinvest like they would if they had good markets and good prices. They are going to put as much of the welfare in their pockets as possible and hunker down waiting to see what happens next rather than spending the money on equipment, vacations, etc.
Meanwhile, as Jerry says, Russia will step into the void and supply the world with farm commodities priced lower than our tariff-affected farm commodity prices. Trump is truly the best thing that has happened to Russia in a long time. Russia will certainly do what it can to elect more Republican yes-men like the ones South Dakota keeps sending to DC.
This “Fix” is the first phase of the Trump/Soviet/Russian Gosplan. And I am sure there is more to follow as soon as Trump receives further instructions from his buddy in the Kremlin…. ;-)
Mr. Rorschach, you bring a very good point into all of this. While the Quislings are buying votes from ag producers, they need to show some love and money shower to the implement dealers who sit on some pricey equipment that somehow now seems, shamefully corrupted.
I wonder how ag producers are gonna label this on their income taxes. How do you list a BRIBE? This bribe is not for a crop failure, it is for a complete failure to govern as well as a sellout to an enemy. For what it is worth, China did not do anything to warrant this and neither did Canada, Mexico or the EU. Comrade Putin and Comrade trump did it all, with the help of NOem, Thune, Rounds and Comrade Dusty with his red headed hooker. Lock them up!
Ron Johnson finally uttered a few words I could agree with: “This is becoming more and more like a Soviet type of economy here: Commissars deciding who’s going to be granted waivers, commissars in the administration figuring out how they’re going to sprinkle around benefits,” said Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.). “I’m very exasperated. This is serious.”
Commie Donnie is going to distribute goodies to welfare queens in coveralls. Forget Putin. Trump wants to be Stalin.
Mr. Pay, I think that Ron Johnson just wants to see what his cut will be in this bribery scheme before he changes his mind. Same goes for our four Comrades, they will want to see what the Bribes are before they make any kind of comment. 12 Billion is not a lot of money when spread around to the small farms. You can bet the big boys will be singing Russian folk songs as they idle up to the Bribe trough. The big boys tend to shower the traitors with “campaign” money that will flow like it always does. Lock them up! Lock these traitors up for selling us out to Russia. NOem first as she was the first one to brag this up, then the Confederate Thune for going to Russia to cut a deal on the sellout, on Independence Day, no less. Then Comrade Rounds. They all need some time in the hoosegow.
And it gets worse. They all keep this con going. “Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, said the administration’s move was “encouraging for the short term. What farmers in Iowa and throughout rural America need in the long term are markets and opportunity, not government handouts.” These fakey Quislings have stood by and watched our Democracy swirl around the toilet. For what, a crappy trillion dollar tax cut that is bankrupting our future. More money for the money men and social welfare for the working farms and ranches. Wake up!
I’ve got a feelin’ Billie is going to take Kristie to the cleaners on ag issues like this one and Trump has no idea what he is doing nor does Thune or Rounds. I hope I am right :)
I see Smilin’ Mike is going to be just about as effective as we thought he would be… and he’s not even tall enuf to be in the photo ops.
Nick, good question. Trump plans to disburse this money through the USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation. I assume that entity, administered through the Farm Service Agency, has some guidelines for what commodities it buys and at what price.
But I wonder: can Trump simply order USDA CCC to buy a bunch of pork, soybeans, and whatever other ag products take a hit in Trump’s trade war? Are school lunches and food pantries about to get lots of ham patties?
Has anyone seen a quote from Rep. Kristi Noem on the new Farm Trumpfare? She hasn’t tweeted anything on it… which is odd, because as a successful collector of farm subsidies, she is one of the most qualified people in South Dakota to comment on the merits of farm welfare.
The SDGOP spin blog is also talking about anything but Trump’s continued turn toward big government instead of the free market. Republicans can’t defend Trumpfare.
Cory, the republican congress hates the poor, the elderly, the disabled and the veterans, and the born children, to name a few, to ever feed them. Nope, what will happen to the megatons of the frozen meat in the government lockers is it will be rendered and made into pet food, I think one thing for sure with these fake holy rollers, if there is a heaven, they are not going to get in with their anti Jesus stuff. Let the Rapture happen, because they ain’t gonna make it, no matter how many prayer beads they use.
Tax cuts and more welfare checks for farmers – watch that deficit increase, baby!
Ranchers, don’t think you are not gonna get screwed on this con. You’re next
Want to see what happens to your ranch work when the Quislings get a hold of it? Here ya go boys and girls. Look at this and then tell me why we have hungry children, elderly, disabled, and veterans.
That is a big stain on what you call animal husbandry. When you produce food that no one will ever eat…but a damn pet. This is how far we have fallen.
There are no betters teachers than Tangerine Wankmaggot and his GOP pets for How to Trash the US Economy 101.
One more thing. I just got back from Iowa today. I saw Welfarmers driving Cadillacs and I’m sure they were on their way to the free clinics and food shelves.
Debbo, please. There are no free clinics and food shelves specifically for farmers, neither are there any free medical services unless they are very poor, as anyone else. And Welfarmers is a new on in nasty names which I find personally offensive. I have never understood why otherwise reasonable midwestern people seem to enjoy trashing on family farmers.
One thing Robin Friday, we didn’t vote for this crap. The vast majority of ag producers in this state voted for this con game, even when they were warned. Even when they could physically see how he failed his own business interests. What would you suggest to call those who ignored Democracy and voted for racism? Then condemned those poor people who need their food to survive. The poor, the elderly, the children who all are hungry. When these same folk are saying they are going under and need a hand up, why are they any different from those who they have been chastising? Look at the trillion dollar farm bill and see the hatred imposed by these whom you defend and then ask yourself where the hell were you when they were calling poor people trash? Drive around in the city’s across this land and see the homeless, the offering of food for children that would go hungry. No, I feel for the ag producer but I cannot understand for the life of me why they hate those of us who are disadvantaged. The people they hate work just as hard as they do, in difficult occupations that do not deserve to be hated, but they are. Mostly for being a different color. Maybe now, white ag producers and people that are not, can find common ground, because they damn sure have found that if they do not, Russia wins by ruining them.
Jerry, I didn;t vote for him eithr and in addition, if the “vast majority of ag producers did, it’s because our state is one of the most politically conservative red states in the union, and vast majority of SDans voted for him just out of misguided conservatism so don’t blame just farmers. you don’t know me, so you don’t know that I have never called poor people trash and I’ve been a civil rights activists all my adult life. who said any ag producer or ag network hates the disadvantaged? I don’t hate anyone except crooks like Trump and Co., so get your facts straight before you accuse anyone of hating.
Robin, my last comment was intended to be satirical, a play on the Welfare Queens comments Reagan used to demonize black women. It’s still used now, describing them driving up to the food shelf in their Cadillacs with a brand new, just purchased big screen tv in the back. Those false stories are personally offensive to me.
BTW, I’m an old white woman who grew up on a farm in central SD. I still love a great deal about farming and farm life. I know that there are farmers who make a lot of money from various subsidies, a form of welfare, just as there are numerous forms of business and corporate welfare.
Those all take a much greater amount of tax dollars than individual programs. I’m not against any one of the programs out right. I’m against the demonization of one of the group, the individuals.
Oh Robin, but they did vote Comrade trump in a vast majority. The only counties that did not vote for Comrade trump were reservation counties, imagine that. Misguided conservatism? I think a better word description would be fully guided racism.
You are correct, you and I do not know one another at all, or do we? If ag producers do not hate the disadvantaged (not you) then why do they support the agenda of racial and economic hate? Why is that? My facts are what the ballots say, and what comm-enters say. In fact, right on this blog site you can read about it. You can actually see how our three representatives and senators vote the voice of their constituents on forcing disabled people to work for their food when they are on disability because of health or accident issues. You must have missed those roll call votes so let me help you out. NOem voted some 65 times to kill the ACA and not replace it. Thune votes to put restrictions on food stamps and so does Rounds and NOem. Comrade Dusty thinks that is a swell idea too. I have the proof and so do you, all you have to do is use your noodle and google and you can then see the sordid comments that folks like Steve King just across the border say. I believe he is best buds with Dandy Dan Lederman, the GOP go to guy who is also from Iowa, but got a special deal to be here doing his thang. So there ya go. For what it is worth, I never called an ag producer any names as that would be calling myself the same. I just lease now, but still, I have cow crap and wheat chaff close to the surface. No beans though and no corn, so I would not have gotten the BRIBE for my vote.
We are already overstocked with no shortage of new meats being produced. Looks like Drumpf is “driving down the road and flirting with disaster.” (Thanks to Molly Hatchet)
“The meat wave had been building before the trade disputes. A string of bumper harvests in the U.S. and elsewhere slashed the price of grain, the largest cost in raising livestock and poultry”
“Eliminate the deficit; lower spending” is really just a synonym for “Stop giving taxpayer money to those people, give it to these people” it seems.
Trump always throws money at the people he’s screwed before an election to get them to shut up about it. Is there a Cohen tape about US farmers too?
There goes debbo again – attacking innocent people that she doesn’t know and justifying her attacks by saying other, different people were previously attacked, so it’s OK. Having previously lived on a farm is not a permission slip to discriminate against hundreds of thousands of farmers. Being an old white person isn’t a permission slip to discriminate against anybody, either. She says “I’m against the demonization of one of the group, the individuals.” But her every word shows that she’s full of baloney. Hypocrisy Brand baloney.
My question is this. Will farmers have to take a drug test before they get the money?
where are our far right-wing friends on this? Is Trump now a RINO or a Democrat?
Nothing but “crickets”
I am Ryan’s trigger. I say Jump. He says How high? It’s a magical power he gave me. 😁
Actually. Welfarmers is appropriate, until we can come up with putting BRIBE as an adjective. There goes Ryan again, supporting BRIBERY paid to keep the ag producer down and out and to vote for more chicanery. Ms. Debbo did not attack anyone, she made an observation and a correct one at that. It is quick to point out that our most deserving citizens are being deprived of nutrition due to the hateful acts of these same folks that now want a BRIBE for their support of Comrade trump.
Look at the 2018 trillion dollar Farm Bill and tell me that you view it as fair. Look at how they kick dirt on the poor, the elderly poor, the disabled poor and our impoverished veterans. Look at how our state, with ag support, has denied Medicaid Expansion because it might make a difference on the suffering of our most vulnerable and, it may give folks of color some relief as well. Ya gotta keep that racist theme in mind while you take the BRIBE.
Ms. Debbo need not apologize to anyone, she is spot on and if you all can’t recognize what we are, then too damn bad. This is a 12 billion dollar BRIBE with another 18 billion in the hopper. All meant to do one thing BRIBE. Not solve ag problems, no way. Keep it the way it is and bitch about Natives while you covet their remaining lands.
Men on this blog attack and call each other names all the time, somehow when a woman (Debbo) does it is a bad thing. Why is that?
Look up, Ryan. Just look up. Whatever Debbo says is going right over yer head. Lark a mercy me.
Debbo, you give yourself way too much credit. Do you jump when trump says jump? No? You just happen to think he is a deplorable human being and everything he says is disgusting? That’s how I feel about you. I see innocuous comments you make from time to time and I say nothing. However, when you talk negatively about a whole population of people based on the actions of a few, I will call you out. If more people did the same, there would be less discrimination in our country, and that is a fact.
And here are roger and mike to defend debbo’s baloney, right on cue. And there’s jerry, to say all sorts of things that make no sense. How does my comment calling debbo a hypocrite in any way support any policy or legislation jerry? How am I supporting bribery? You must be terrible at playing connect the dots.
Roger, I have called out several males on this site for childish name calling, so you are incorrect in thinking debbo is some unique “victim.” Also, I don’t call her out for name-calling, which she does often, either. I don’t care that she has pet names for trump or republicans or white men or pro-gun folks or anybody else that she wants to belittle. Those things are just pieces of evidence of her being immature and incorrectly thinking she is funny. I call out debbo when she is being stereotypical or discriminatory in her posts. You liking her doesn’t change what she says again and again.
I know how it is, though. I have some friends that do things I can’t rightly defend, but I still support them anyway, so you fellas are in a tough spot. I get that. It’s weak, but I get it.
Owen, great question. I don’t have any social media, but it would be fantastic if somebody could try to get a comment about the drug-tests-for-farmers from some of the idiot legislators who want poor people to take drug tests prior to receiving aid. I have a feeling it would not be easy to get a response, but it’s a question worth asking.
Debbo triggered another marathon of gibberish from Ryan. Good job, Debbo. Play Ryan like a fine instrument that needs serious tuning.
mike, any independent thoughts rattle around your soft noggin yet this month? Don’t worry, it won’t be long until somebody will tell you what to think next. They may even keep the directions short and easy for you if you’re lucky. Keep on keepin on, my man.
I guess you will know how you support Bribery Ryan. I know I don’t.
Haha alright jerry, keep the nonsensical crap coming. If you made sense one time, nobody around here would know what to do with themselves.
The Europeans agreed to lower industrial tariffs and import more U.S. soybeans, Dow Jones reported. The Europeans also agreed to work on more U.S. liquid natural gas exports, the newswire reported. The two delegations had not yet finalized language on car tariffs, which had been a major sticking point for Trump in advance of the Juncker’s first visit to the White House Wednesday.
That’s good news OS. I wonder if it will be enough to make up for what we’re losing in trade with China to Brazil and elsewhere? Doubtful.
“USDA reported that in 2017, American agricultural exports to the European Union totaled $11.2 billion, making Europe the fifth largest export market in the world for U.S. farmers.” (From the same CNBC article.)
Still, with this and Tangerine Wankmaggot’s recently announced bribe, it may be enough to continue getting the majority of rural folks to vote to their own detriment. Sad.
Axios has the story of an EU/USA trade deal too, via WSJ.
Debbo, I know the majority of you have never owned or operated your own business but for those that have the actions Trump and his team are taking on trade have all been more successful and professional than our Nation has seen in decades if not our history. Why do you think Trump’s folks announced the farm aid just before these trade discussions with the EU? It was a message that we were serious and were going to stick with the threat of tariffs until a more equitable trade agreement was reached. The EU folded understanding they could not win. He is playing the same game in Canada, Mexico and the far east. Te Japanese were one of the first countries to understand the actions taking place. Mexico is dealing directly with the US outside of NAFTA. This will continue and the unfair trade between our home and the other countries will be improved for the benefit of all countries. Now, you can continue your walk through the halls of ignorance or you can open your eyes and watch the professionals play ball on the world scale. Your call but standing at the sidelines nipping at your home team coach isn’t helping. Start cheering for the home team.
OS, did you read the first sentence of my comment?
BTW, you’re cheap shots about owning our own businesses make you look silly. I have owned my own business before and I do right now. Same with many, probably most here. I’ve also managed finances for small businesses. 😊
Accuracy in comments makes you look more reliable and trustworthy. That reputation is good for business too.
A smart business person takes the other’s reputation into account when considering business deals. Thats why your hero had to work with Russians. No American banks would touch him because his reputation stinks so badly. So why should we citizens trust him? Or is it only the less bright people who do?
Asking for a friend. 😊
How about we just focus on China and not pick a fight with every trade partner on earth simultaneously? Jesus christ.
Oh Ryan, you are so masterful. I am almost swooning and I will if I ever stop laffing at you.
Drumpf will believe it is his money farmers are getting so he will demand loyalty and non-disclosure agreements to everyone who gets bribed.
Here’s yer winning, OldSaltydog-
Due to the orange hued buffoon in blue the EU is working with China and making a trade treaty with Japan.
GM and Harley profits are down. So much winning wingnuts in Congress avoid mentioning their taxcuts for the koch bros on the campaign trail because Dems are beating them over the head with this colossal failure.
Comrade trump has waived the white flag to the EU. Trade wars are easy. mfi is correct, the EU cut a deal with Japan because the US cannot be trusted anymore. Damn fine way to treat your allies, but a great way to treat your boss, the Russians. Thanks republicans, great job.
Someday, grandchildren are gonna ask their grandfathers, “What did you do in the war grandfather?” The grandfather will reply, “Didn’t have to do anything but take BRIBES.” There ya go.
Comrade Old Soviet, one thing about all that winning is that we all know that at least $12 billion is gonna have to be paid out as a far, great business plan.
Winning: “Some of the largest companies in America are reporting that they are suffering the sting of the Trump administration’s trade war, sounding alarm in an otherwise prosperous economy.”
Great news for consumers on both sides of the pond. “Companies including General Motors, Coca-Cola, Harley-Davidson and Brown-Forman have warned that the tariffs could push them to raise prices for customers.”
“General Motors said Wednesday that it has lowered its outlook for 2018 earnings in part because of significant increases in the costs of raw materials. GM’s stock fell about 6 percent by afternoon trading. GM’s chief financial officer Chuck Stevens said in a call with analysts that the company will offset some of the higher costs by raising prices for consumers.”
My Gwaad, I am suffering from the vapors with all of this winning. Meanwhile, trump says that all of these high prices are the result of him playing with the “bank”, meaning the economy. What a guy Putin put in charge, Putin knew what he was doing with the surrender monkeys.
The alleged European trade deal is a lot of deciding to talk about talking. From the Axios link that Debbo posted. “Smart take, from FT World Trade Editor Shawn Donnan: ‘This is basically an announcement to resume broad trade negotiations suspended since the Obama administration… TTIP 2.0.'”
If it seems as if this is a repeat, it probably is just like the deal Trump made with China in May.
As we all know China surre……oh wait, nothing changed.
One more photo op with nothing substantive to show for it.
This is funny.
The United States went down reminiscent of George Custer today in the trade war. The white flag went up and that was that. While I am sure of the LNG purchases because the US under President Obama, had built the ports on the East Coast with terminals for that exact thing.
“There has been no change under Trump. Energy Secretary Perry has now approved the first LNG export application presented to him for decision, explaining his decision in terms that echo broader themes of the Trump Administration: “[LNG] advances our national security interests. It enhances our allies’ access to diverse sources of energy.” President Trump’s top economic adviser, Gary Cohn, has asserted: “We could be and should be the largest exporter of LNG in the world,” adding “We’re going to permit more and more of these LNG plants.” This cake was already in the oven, no winning here, just the same.
“The U.S. and European Union have reached a deal to ease trade tensions and avoid further tariffs, President Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said Wednesday.
The deal calls for both sides to “work together toward zero tariffs” on industrial goods, Trump said at a joint appearance in the Rose Garden after meeting with Juncker. The European Union will also import more U.S. soybeans and liquefied natural gas, or LNG, both leaders said. And both sides will work together to reform the World Trade Organization, they said.” White flag of surrender.
Regarding Soybeans
“Europe is the world’s second largest GMO soy importer behind China. Approximately 90 percent of commercial feed produced in Europe is GMO. The European food industry, however, continues to greatly limit the use of GMO products due to labelling restrictions and a strong NGO presence. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the U.S. and the EU is being negotiated and could potentially create a quicker import approval process for Ag biotech events.”
The EU allowed trump to imagine he won the trade war with the EU, but in fact, he waived the surrender monkey flag because Europe already is a major purchaser of American soybeans and is already purchasing LNG. Sad to see this, really sad. But what the hell, roll out the 12 billion and party on, until the next 18 billion is needed. In the meantime ” Russia to increase production of Soybeans by 8.2%, Canada also to increase production.”
Here’s a good story about how Tangerine Wankmaggot’s farm bribe is a good teaching moment about what socialism actually is. From Grit:
Very good link Ms. Debbo and very timely.
Good read, Debbo. Guess what furry reddish brown critter with white spots was out here running around my front yard? No, it wasn’t a squirrel.
Thanks Jerry. You’re an excellent source of info yerownself.
The thing is, I’ve always been for farmers and missed farming ever since the family homestead was sold in 1986. Tangerine Wankmaggot’s bribe plan really has very little to do with farmers and everything to do with him getting panicky about losing all of Congress. He couldn’t care less about farmers, or really anyone else in this nation, other than himself and his misbegotten progeny, except Barron. I mean, except Barron from the “misbegotten” part.
What’s always made me crazy about farmers is their instinct for self-delusion. Examples:
I’m totally independent! [No, you’re not.]
I pull myself up by my own bootstraps! [No, you don’t.]
I’m a self-made man! [No, you’re not.]
I’m the backbone of the nation! [No, you’re not.]
We’re the only really good people left in the country! [No, you’re not.]
I feed the nation! [Okay, pretty much, but there are other sources, though more expensive.]
I work harder than anyone else! [No, you don’t.]
I built that! [Nope, nada.]
And on and on. You get my drift. If farmers were better at forming co-ops and unions and such, they’d be selling their products for their asking price, rather than waiting to see what the buyer would give them.
Farmers have been getting subsidies and other economic help since the 30s. Well good for them! I think they should. Our tax money helps farmers and our food prices are bearable.
I’d like to see the programs work better to create more economic equity so that food support wasn’t necessary for anyone. There is plenty of money to make such programs work, including health care for all, free college, etc. The problem is the wealthiest are hoarding most of the money and the greedy, dishonest, treasonous GOP is making it all worse.
We can’t subsidize healthcare for kids; but we can sure subsidize corn and beans.
Using a Great Depression-era program to bail-out the farmers says a lot about trump’s “great economy”. trump’s welfare will be gone weeks after the mid-term elections. This is the dufus who cheated on 3 wives, bankrupt companies, refused to pay workers, ran fraudulent education schemes , loves dictators and tyrants — yet he’s a hero to the right?
Maybe one lesson to be learned from all of these schemes is that GMO is not a hot item in either China or the EU. A new farm program could help to eliminate that so that our farmers could get the better deals for their crops to sell in the world markets. Maybe the other thing of importance would be to raise the commodity pricing and also to put some limits on what a farmer can cultivate on their lands. As long as we all are clear that this is socialized farming, then producers could produce less for more money. That way they would not be reducing ground cover for erosion and for cleaner water along with more habitat cover.
Will the authoritarian Quislings in Washington and Pierre listen though? Only if we run them out.
Now US military takes its orders from the Russian military. Talk about surrender monkeys, trump and his republicans have surrendered our military to Russian control. Anyone hear a shot, not me. Most complete capitulation since…forever.
“Washington (CNN)The Russian Ministry of Defense slammed US Gen. Joseph Votel Tuesday, accusing America’s top military commander in the Middle East of discrediting President Donald Trump’s position after Votel expressed hesitancy about working with Russia in Syria.”
Damn man, maybe we should ask NOem, Thune and Rounds along with Comrade Dusty, just what the hell is going on. Are we gonna be able to accept a Bribe in dollars or will it be a Bribe in rubles? What flag will the NFL use? What flag will we use?
From Axios:
“Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), on the Trump administration plan to provide $12 billion in emergency relief for American farmers slammed by trade disputes:
“This trade war is cutting the legs out from under farmers and White House’s ‘plan’ is to spend $12 billion on gold crutches. … This administration’s tariffs and bailouts aren’t going to make America great again, they’re just going to make it 1929 again.”
Jerry, are you really mike from iwacko?
Comrade Old Soviet, great news! You can be the Sgt. Schultz in the new Russo/Americana military. Here you are dude, we even have the same kind of helmet.
First off I have gotten the impression that the “12 BILLION” amounts to loans! WE have had plenty of those in the past and we need profits not more of them. The “12 BILLION” is supposed to be revenue neutral and I can’t see any way it can be that if it isn’t just loans!
Secondly, I am sick and tired of hearing the phrase ” FREE MARKET”. We have supposedly been moving to it for nearly 5 decades now and instead we have what movement towards the “FREE” market have brought in the past. TRADE WARS!! For those of you who just can’t stomach the word “subsidy” take a look at those countries that don’t subsidize their agriculture. There are plenty of them and their agriculture is known as “subsistence farming”. The rest of people of those country’s are not all that advanced or prosperous either. So you “FREE TRADERS” get it through your head. American agriculture is efficient at only one thing. GETTING RID OF LABOR!!! it is inefficient as H**L at everything else.
Finally, if this bail out amounts to buying up a bunch of “ham patties” or chicken it’s not doing much for the farmer. It would instead be helping the big vertical integrator that now owns those animals all the way to the supermarket shelf. There are virtually NO farmers still owning broilers or hogs. Those farm industry’s are dead. Producers are only slaves to the integrator.
Jerry, don’t have time right now, but you’re blaming farmers for the way that Thune, Rounds and Noem vote? Did you know that food programs are the largest part of ag disbursements under USA Dept. of Ag? or at least they were before you=know-who. So you think farmers are telling theirs reps to eliminate food programs? The 3 don’t care what farmers want, and neither does the administration. And try not calling farmers names sometime and see if it improves your outlook.
Thank you, Debbo, but the fact that people have called other people names forever, doesn’t make it alright for now.Yes, all those names that majorities use because it makes minorities look smaller somehow are still around, but more and more, minorities are saying “wait a minute, I don’t appreciate that” so think before you call someone names, looking down your nose and accusing them of doing something wrong like depending on undeserved “welfare”–and then doubling down when you’re called on it.
Robin, I’m not looking down my nose at farmers. I’m highlighting hypocrisy. I receive Medicare, Medicaid, prescription drug help, and live in subsidized housing. I’m very grateful for all of that and I don’t pretend I could have a decent life without this help. I think you’re missing my point entirely by focusing on something I’m not doing. Try reading more carefully.
In the meantime, Environmental Working Group has a list of all federal legislators who receive farm subsidies. It’s right here:
Yes Robin, I most certainly do blame ag producers for the the way that Confederate Comrade Thune, Comrade Rounds and Comrade NOem, along with Comrade Dusty vote. If you do not think that they vote what their supporters are saying, then you just don’t get politics. Of course I know how important SNAP is to agriculture, but agriculture does not seem too or they would be making these three dingalings vote with that in mind. Looking at the Farm Bill for 2018, it is plain to see that SNAP is cut, drastically, why would ag producers support this, maybe racism, I dunno, ask them. Look out your car window as you drive down the streets of this country and you will see food drives put on by Kelo Land, and by others, and thankfully so or our children would go hungry. You will see so much poverty if you want to look at it and all the while, ag producers have produced surpluses, huge stored surpluses that artificially deflate the costs of their goods. We have megatons of dairy and meat in storage that keeps the price flat while demanding more production through fraudulent Farm Bills that make middlemen campaign supporters of these 4, extremely wealthy. If the 4 don’t care what farmers want, then why do they get elected on their vote? My outlook is just fine, in fact, I have a clear vision of what farming and ranching are and what could be. Hint: It includes a partnership with the state and federal government regarding production of crops and their sale, more soil banks and more conservation and more socialism to insure that we always have a viable food production program. It involves, a real price for beef and a market for all, without overgrazing. It involves moving away from GMO as trading partners don’t want that crap.
Besides false anger, what is your solution. Your type want to argue, but you do not want to argue solutions. Stop defending these 4 Russian turncoats and start demanding we put people to represent that do not think it is wise to starve American citizens to death and deny them the same basic rights that we all should share.
Debbo your description of farmers is ridiculous. I know hundreds of farmers and none think or talk like you describe. You occasionally sound like you just don’t like anybody who works for a living.
It looks to me like Ms. Debbo knows exactly how it all works and she knows full well the benefits of social justice. That link that Ms. Debbo provides gives a lot of insight, maybe you should take a look at it.
Clyde, as always, you seem to have your finger on the pulse of what could be serious solutions to the problems we face here with our ag producers, yourself being one, of course. The subsidies that ag producers get are what keeps our food prices affordable. As you note, that is not only here in the US but around the world and especially with those on whom we have trade deals with. Yes, Canada subsidizes milk, so do we and so does the EU. So what, we all do it so that we can eat without breaking our bank.
The one thing that really galls me though is the fact that many many voting ag producers continue to allow this congressional delegation to deny food to the needy as if this is there way of saying they are not on socialized farms, but have theirs and to hell with you attitude. This is wrong headed. Embrace the markets, wherever and whatever they may be. Ag producers, you are businessmen and women, act like it. You have a product to sell, start selling it. Use your numbers to make a real Farmer’s Union not one that is a yes vote to every dumbass republican scam there is. Money is green, or multicolored, whatever, it is currency that will help make your operation profitable, especially with socialized guarantees.
Don’t be so easy that a con man like Comrade trump would even dare to think you would accept a Bribe for your vote. Comrade trump wants ag producers to not only be the hooker, but to pay for the bed with this Bribe. Don’t fall for it. Resist
Ryan, my brother and I know every real farmer in the state of South Dakota, rancher too, ask me.
Regarding the disdain for children, NOem supports a further weakening of an important market based program that brings needed funds to the American ag producer through the sale of their products. Apparently, ag producers agree that they do not need the funds to keep supporting this or they would vote to change it.
“The House version, passed mostly along party lines in May, deals a blow to food stamps, farm subsidies and conservation funding. The Senate’s bipartisan version, passed yesterday (June 28), mostly preserves the status quo on food stamps and other nutrition subsidies. Experts warn that the stakes are high—the health and development potential of a quarter of a million under-privileged American children.”
NOem goes even further into the weeds to deny even more sales to ag producers by this:
“This year’s debate calls the existing structure of SNAP–whose recipients are mostly children, working parents, elderly Americans, and people with disabilities–into question. The House version would eliminate the provision known as Broad Based Community Eligibility, which allows working families with low-wage jobs to phase out of SNAP assistance, with state oversight.
That’s important because it might prevent low-income families from being able to afford care for their children at home and also because children in families receiving SNAP benefits are automatically certified to receive free school meals. This means that these children could lose access to food both at home and at school, directly contributing to an increase in childhood hunger and food insecurity among low-income households.” So ag producers dumped Jackley to put NOem into the drivers seat of more pain for ag producers due to less sales and more uncertainty, why would they do that? How will ag producers become less dependent and profitable by denying marketplace sales from children, families, the disabled and the elderly, what gives with their thinking?
Jerry, I don’t believe I know you so I must not be a real farmer. Explain what a real farmer is. I think I am a real farmer, I work hard and long hours and a community minded person. I farm 1100 acres,am I not a real farmer.
Greg, My brother knows you.
Greg, what do you think about the Bribes being offered. For or against?
Looks like the EU knows that Comrade trump is full of beans (soy). Once more, there is a serious doubt on the American integrity, go figure.
“Is it actual, or is it just perfunctory?” said Maria Demertzis, the deputy director of Breugel, a Brussels-based think tank focusing on economic issues.
As far as soybean imports, prices from Argentina and Brazil tend to be a good deal lower than prices from the United States, according to an E.U. official.
U.S. prices have fallen somewhat in recent weeks, since China enacted its own set of soybean tariffs. But soybeans intended for Chinese markets can’t necessarily be redirected to the European Union, which has stringent regulations on genetically modified foods.
According to a senior E.U. official, there have been no discussions about lifting those standards to purchase U.S. soybeans. The same official said that agricultural products were outside the talks between Juncker and Trump, directly contradicting comments from Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who said Tuesday that “all agricultural products are something that will be discussed.”
“Ross can say what he wishes, but it does not correspond to the joint statement,” the diplomat said.” Washington Post, 07/28/2018
US Department of Agriculture needs to stop the GMO’s and get to the business of marketing product. Geesh, what kind of crooked dog and pony show do they think they can keep running? Looks like more BRIBES are on the way. Instead of Bribing our way out of this mess, how about fixing it? What say you, real farmers?
Instead of you guys bickering has anyone any more info on this HUGE so called “hand out”. If it is legitimate it is 4 billion more than farmers were given in the entire last farm bill. Something has an odor to it. Especially the “revenue neutral” bit. At the very least I would expect it to go to fat vertical integrator’s.
The way our crooked, controlled press has covered it I’m sure the hatred towards farmers has gone way up and when it is discovered to be a hoax you can bet they will hardly say a word about it.
Ryan, lad, here is a wooden nickel. For everyone’s sake go buy a sense of humor.
Clyde, here is so more information.
“The administration’s plan, which has yet to be formally released, would reportedly be aimed at stabilizing the agricultural industry through three programs:
1. Direct financial assistance for farmers.
(if I may, more loans and more debt, how is that good?)
2. A purchase and distribution program, where the government buys up surplus agricultural products and redistributes them for low-income food assistance.
(if I may, this should not be new, we should have been doing this all along.)
3. A trade promotion program.
(If I may, this one is my favorite line of bullpuckey ever Do you like the last part, number 3, “A trade promotion program.” That is rich, ain’t it, with trump and the existing Quislings, the only trade promotion that works is Bribery.)
The Washington Post reported that this stabilization package will use a Depression-era program that allows the government to borrow up to $30 billion from the Treasury without congressional approval.”
So the Bribes will continue as needed to make damn sure farmers vote republican this mid term election.
The only reason people are angry at farmers is because of the dumb stuff they do. They allow a sack of pus like Sonny Perdue in to run the program. How in the hell can that be. He is a career politician and would not know a soybean from a beanbag chair. The people are also angry at farmers for not standing up for the programs that actually help them, like SNAP, food stamps and the like. Ag producers could do a lot for their image by changing who they vote for. The gangsters they are putting in to represent them have done great harm.
Robin, the war on the poor is coming even faster than first thought. This 12 billion dollar Bribe is adding more to the bloated deficit that will in turn, come back to haunt these very ag producers who sent Comrades NOem, Thune, and Rounds will considering Comrade Dusty to higher office.
“The amount of corporate taxes collected by the federal government has plunged to historically low levels in the first six months of the year, pushing up the federal budget deficit much faster than economists had predicted.
The reason is President Trump’s tax cuts. The law introduced a standard corporate rate of 21 percent, down from a high of 35 percent, and allowed companies to immediately deduct many new investments. As companies operate with lower taxes and a greater ability to reduce what they owe, the federal government is receiving far less than it would have before the overhaul.” New York Times July 25, 2018
What this will do is to create a crisis that will go after Medicare, Social Security, Farm subsidies and every other social program a Democracy offers. That is pure hate.
Jerry, thanks for that….
Kinda looks like what I was expecting. More loans to get us in deeper and a commodity buy up from the vertical integrator’s that might have some pork, chicken or perhaps cheese piling up.
You are right about farmers not backing the right people or practices but I’m afraid a large percentage of the population will just grit their teeth and think that fat cat subsidized farmers are getting another hand out. A product of the 5 media company’s left that want them to think that way.
Clyde, I wonder why there is not more of a demand for change within the ag producing community? Who do ag producers want to make the changes that are needed if they are not willing to make the effort? We send one House member to Washington and that member has done what in the past besides vote party line. Is that what the ag producer’s message was, to just rubber stamp whatever their party gives them? The senate the same, with these two. You start looking about and you see all these rural states with the same clout as the big ones and yet they keep going down the same path and getting the same results.
Boy, it has been many years since South Dakota got any kind of solution to ag related issues. I think the last one was with rural water. Then, there was President Obama and his shovel ready projects like high speed internet that is still being done in rural areas. Nothing new though since the last election.
Here would be the chance for ag producers to shed that fat cat subsidized farmer attitude and be bold. Put people in the Stock Growers that would make some noise about COOL as an example and the Farm Bureau, to grab the bullhorn and speak about how the prices are controlled by 4 packers that is kind of like the 5 media company’s control. Talk about these vertical integrator’s and explain them. Be for social solidarity as the conservative strategy just gets Bribes and no solutions.
The Democratic Governor of Montana shows how to fight the good fight.
“Gov. Steve Bullock of Montana, a Democrat who has crusaded against the loosening of campaign finance rules, is suing the Trump administration to block it from eliminating a mandate that politically active nonprofit groups disclose the identities of their major donors to the government.
The Treasury Department announced last week that the Internal Revenue Service would no longer require a range of nonprofit organizations to identify any contributors giving more than $5,000, in a move it described as bolstering privacy and easing administrative burdens for those groups. Previously, certain nonprofits had to name their large donors to the government even though they were not supposed to be disclosed to the public.” New York Times 07/24/2018
The dark money has shown up in South Dakota, but it seems like no one really wants to tangle with the Russian connected NRA or any of the other corrupted fat cats.
tAx cuts only went to rich people Jerry, but I agree that messes everything up. What messes family farmers up is disastrous crop prices brought about by disappearing markets brought about by tariffs brought about by moron presidents.
BTW. you’re using the wrong term when you use “bribe”. A bribe is only a bribe if it accomplishes its objective, which in this case would be giving money to farmers to secure their votes for Trump. I don’t believe it’s going to happen in the first place (the 12B money, I mean), but every farmer
who’s going to vote for Trump has already voted for Trump, and will again, and the rest are sure not going to vote for the crop price trade assassin.
BTW2, the Farm Bureau is a strongly Republican farmer organization. Try again.
Robin Friday wrote:
“tAx cuts only went to rich people Jerry”
Please explain how the non-rich people did not get a tax cut?
Please explain how the non-rich people did not get a tax cut?
Jason, explain how the non-rich people got $4000 increase in pay like the WH claimed would happen.
Link us to this claim.
Jason, why are wingnuts NOT campaigning on their yooogely successful taxcuts for the koch bros?
Read it and weep, Jason. I don’t post much of anything without knowing I can back it up.
You posed that South Dakotans lost their grandfathered plans and that was a lie.
anyway, I found it.
“The Council estimated based on “conservative” estimates from academic literature that the corporate tax cuts in the GOP’s framework would raise average household wage and salary income annually by $4,000. optimistic estimates suggest that average household income would increase by than $9,000 per year, CEA said.”
Nowhere did they say it would happen in year 1.
So your post about it is useless.
Put a sock in it Jason, I did not say anything about year one. I copied the wrong link. You can hear it straight from Paul Ryan’s arse to your eyes. An annual increase of $4000 dollars. You lose again.
What the hell does grandfathered plans have to do with lies about pay raises?
Nowhere did they say it would happen in year 1.
I’m still waiting for my health insurance premiums to go down at all. Remember Obama said they would go down by $2,500 and they haven’t even gone down $1 and it’s been over 8 years.
How many working families got a $4000 to $9000 raise?
Not many at all. Not 126 million of them.
Don’t ever let anyone tell you Republicans are against socialism, especially wealthy Republicans. When it benefits them, socialism is a wonderful thing, but when it goes to the poor it’s bad.
Why can’t these farmers just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and work harder! Come on Kristi Noem, you hypocrite, don’t depend on the government!!
Noem vocalizes her disgrace when food stamps go to the poor needing help for groceries, but yet, it’s just fine that hundreds of thousands will go to wealthy farmers. Pffft…..
Where are the true conservatives speaking out against this? Hello, any true conservatives left out there?
Republicans just call this farm welfare fix a smart capitalistic move to get the Free Market going. When money in food stamps or housing goes to the truly poor then it’s bad, evil socialism. That is really the way these hypocrites think.
By the way, I grew up on a farm, Robin. My brothers still farm so don’t call me a farm hater.
Robin, The BRIBE has already accomplished its objective on votes that were counted in the last election, by saying, “you are now part of the gang”. . As you say, these ag producers that support trump will do so again with their pockets heavy with BRIBE money, just like the porn stars that their gangster pimp boss BRIBED to shut them up about their sexual encounters. One group gets a BRIBE for services and the other one gets a BRIBE to keep quiet. The encounters are slightly different but the results are the same. With either fact, America’s taxpayers are getting screwed with the BRIBES.
We have all stood with the ag producers to help in any way possible with drought, with floods and with natural disasters. How will these BRIBES be listed on the tax forms? Entertainment perhaps?
You also mention that the Farm Bureau is a Republican organization, that is not a shock to me as all organizations in this state are. My point was that ag producers should consider taking that organization and those like it over to the point of change. If ag producers want a political arm, they already have it with the political party’s. If they want to make a change in how their business platform is operated, then they should remove the obstacles that prevent that market platform to change. It can be done… unless this is the way they want it.
Mike, let’s deal with my health insurance premium that didn’t decrease before we get to rising wages.
Comrade Jason, what you should know is that your health insurance premium gets written off your taxes. So, it has risen with your age for the last 8 years because you got older and more importantly, you wrote off those premium increases with your tax.
You actually got a decrease in coverage on your grandfathered plan though, so you got that going for you, that always existed and never changed. We found that out luckily before it became a problem. See, pre ACA, all coverage had a maximum lifetime out of pocket the plan would pay. When you reached that 2 million, it was game over. Now with you and your buddies plan to sabotage even further the ACA, when you were to reach that 2 million limit you would not be able to get another plan because of pre existing conditions. Thank the Black dude for having your back and spit on the Russian that wants to take all of that away.
No fear though, you and yours can always ask for a Bribe to buy your vote. Seems to work in many cases.
Trump and the pubs are really socialists of the worst kind. Fleece the poor and give to the rich.
Jerry, my grandfathered plan premium did not decrease and I didn’t get to write off on my taxes.
Do you have any more lies you would like to posr?
Comrade Jason, yes your premium did decrease because it does not hold the same coverage as the Obamacare ACA plans do. In addition to that, your grandfathered plan has lifetime limits so that is why the premium did decrease as well, it is not as good as the Obamacare ACA plans so why would it increase for you other than your age. Each time you use that plan of yours, the lifetime limits decrease. How important is that? Ask the young guy in Iowa whose treatments were 1 million bucks a month and caused Wellmark to say adios to South Dakota, interesting that happened though as it was not even in our state. Promises kept I guess.
Speaking of lies, if you are self employed, you write your health insurance off on your tax. If you are not self employed then why do you have an individual grandfathered plan? Are you taking welfare Bribes to sustain yourself? Say it ain’t so.
You can be self-wemployed and not be able to deduct your health insurance premiums. You are not very smart Jerry.
My insurance premiums did not decrease.Thats a fact.
Bribery is acceptable to the ag community, but may have some unintended consequences, as in yikes!
“The Trump administration’s $12 billion emergency aid plan unveiled Tuesday to help farmers impacted by retaliatory tariffs could potentially run afoul of World Trade Organization rules, according to a former chief economist of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Some experts also have cautioned that such aid programs could distort markets and ultimately have negative consequences for the agriculture industry.
Nonetheless, farmers generally welcomed the announcement but said it is unlikely to make them “whole” due to the financial impact of the trade war and tariffs imposed on U.S. farm products by China and others.
“It’s a step in the right direction to try and make things better for us and help us get through this,” said an Illinois farmer.”
Wow, “a step in the right direction”, what the hell does that mean anyway, a step in the right direction. Have the ag producers really lost sight of what it is they do and now they just give up and take the BRIBE. Amazing, it shows there is more to all of this than planting stuff.
So what is the next step? Who knows, Comrade trump sure doesn’t know. What about next planting season, what about then? I guess Russia will put more than the 8.2% increase in the ground, other countries will do the same. The ag producers in South Dakota and wherever they are will just hope the Bribing continues…or they could change.
Comrade Jason, I really could care if your premiums lowered or if they did not. You do realize that you are under no mandate to keep that plan that keeps diminishing each time you use it.
Either you are an idiot who does not understand deductions or you are hiring one to do your taxes, but here is something that may help you out. This is of course, assuming you are not like your Comrade trump and lying about your status
And now, today, there are suggestions that DJT wants to give another tax cut to billionaires, some say the 1%. Any guess what the total of THAT handout which goes directly in the pocket of the wealthy, not to be shared with the unwealthy in any way, might be? A heck of a lot more than $12B.
And it would be done by EXECUTIVE ORDER!
Note Robin’s last point: like these election-buying farm welfare checks, the capital gains tax cuts would come via executive fiat. In this case, this executive fiat was explicitly rejected by the Bush I Administration in 1992. Republicans in general squawked that executive fiat violated our principles during the Obama Administration; under Trump, those principles have disappeared.
Aiready reported @ 100 billion mostly for the koch bros.
Wasicus love welfare as long as they themselves are the recipients.
Wow, Jerry, I should have known….
Chances are the ” World Court” could step in on Trumpy’s HUGE hand out. The same court that was brought into existence by the 1% for their benefit. The same court that says we can’t know where are food is coming from.
Gotta admit that if Trumpy rail’s against the WTO the way he has against the Koch bro’s I will gain a bit of respect. Of course action’s are another thing.
Clyde, yep, you should have known… Do you even know why the World Trade Organization exists? Here is what is said about the one of the most fundamental and important organization that exists for the free trade you and I profit from.
“WTO Membership Benefits. The WTO helps trade throughout the world flow smoothly through its trade agreements. … The WTO also provides its members with a fair method to resolve trade disputes. They don’t have to resort to violence or war.” Maybe what you mean is that the 99% of us all complete, benefit from the free flow of trade for peace and employment. The 1% survive on blood from fresh sacrifices that we have allowed as a means to show how damn dumb we are with this inequality thingy. I don’t know if you have ever been shot at, but it is a most unpleasant feeling and last with you for a lifetime,
“The International Court of Justice (known colloquially as the World Court or ICJ) is the primary judicial organ of the United Nations. It is based in the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands” which you speak. As far as Americans go, it is the one place Dick Cheney has avoided since the last misguided foreign policy in Iraq.
Drumpf said yesterday his tariffs are working big time. Of course that was all he did say because there is no evidence he is telling the truth for once.
“China has to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans,” Oil World said in its latest newsletter. “The South American supply shortage will make it necessary for China, in our opinion, to import 15 million tonnes of U.S. soybeans in October 2018/March 2019, even if the current trade war is not resolved.”
Chinese purchases of U.S. soybeans could re-start “in coming weeks,” Oil World added.
But, China, like everyone else will be buying discounted soybeans if they buy any.
Jason … If China will be forced to buy U.S. soybeans how much have you invested in buying long on bean futures? It’s a joke, shorty. Only a fool would invest in soybeans gaining value. At least until the farmers refuse to plant any, next spring.
“HURON — Concerns over the survival of South Dakota’s family farms and ranches motivated many members of South Dakota Farmers Union to meet in Huron July 25 and establish policy calling for Congressional leadership to act on behalf of our state’s number one industry.
“Our producers cannot afford lower prices along with higher input costs, they will be forced by lenders to leave the occupation they love.
“We request our delegation to support our states farmers and ranchers, to end the trade tariffs, get a Farm Bill passed immediately, and finish the NAFTA trade agreement.
“We believe this should be one of the top priorities for the remainder of this year. As our state’s number one industry, immediate action is paramount for the survival of agriculture in South Dakota and national security. We are in desperate need of leadership from you,” reads a portion of the Call to Action introduced by Pierpont farmers, Franklin Olson and David Sigdestad and passed unanimously by SDFU members.
“We have to do something about these tariffs,” said Sigdestad, who began his farming career in 1971. “I have seen tough times before, and I’m concerned about the devastating impact this trade war is having on all farmers.”
Sigdestad added. “I think the Congressional delegation is timid in speaking to the president. I understand they wrote him a letter. I’m not sure how much good a letter will do. This Call to Action is asking them to do more.”
Did you hear that sound? Of course you didn’t. It was the sound of farmer’s pleas falling on deaf ears of wingnut pols in an election year when the koch bros next taxcut is being discussed. Priorities, people.
Drumpf’s gullible fool followers are so gullible they will believe he had to collude with Russia to save America from Libs.
That was my though, too, Mike, and remains my thought as far as letters go. Our Republican delegation have proved that we are easy for them to ignore and vote with their party according to Thune’s pal Mitch. The FU are having a fly-in later. But somebody has to try. I think the heavily Republican Farm Bureau was mentioned before. Just reporting. No farmer that I know wants a handout rather than a fair price.
Thought, thought
China has already figured out their pork feed ratio to offset the South Dakota loss of import. Comrade trump opened up a can of beans that is for sure.
“China is the world’s largest producer of pork and more than 80 per cent of its soybeans come from overseas – with a third of this from the US last year.
But by using countermeasures such as Li’s, as well as increasing imports from other countries, encouraging domestic planting of the crop and other administrative interventions, China might help its farmers absorb the shock, analysts said.
Ma Wenfeng, an analyst from Beijing Orient Agribusiness Consultant, said China had been importing far more soybeans than it really needed and could do without US imports in the short run.” South China Morning Post 08/02/2018
Take the 12 billion Bribe and sit on that sack of seeds for next year boys, it looks like a long ride with no cavalry coming. Remember who put you in this sad state of affairs by not voting for NOem and certainly not voting for the status quo with Comrade Dusty, he may have the cooties from associating with the Russian spy.
If soybean farmers really wanted to sell beans, they should go GMO free. The EU would buy those babies up in a New York minute. The importers only buy US soybeans for livestock feed, because it is GMO. Wake up, diversify.
Theres only one way for SD farmers to get the attention of the local Russpublicans– Thune, Rounds, Noem, Johnson.
VOTE Democratic.
You’ll get their instant and total attention. Guaranteed. Elect Sutton, Bjorkman, and the AG candidate whose name escapes me right now, and Thune and Rounds will be at your beck and call. Maybe even Marky M will notice.
A growing trade war with the United States is causing rifts within China’s Communist Party, with some critics saying that an overly nationalistic Chinese stance may have hardened the U.S. position, according to four sources close to the government.
President Xi Jinping still has a firm grip on power, but an unusual surge of criticism about economic policy and how the government has handled the trade war has revealed rare cracks in the ruling Communist Party.
A backlash is being felt at the highest levels of the government, possibly hitting a close aide to Xi, his ideology chief and strategist Wang Huning, according to two sources familiar with discussions in leadership circles.
The cracks within the party come as China’s stock markets and currency have slumped, and the government has struggled to shore up the economy to cushion the impact of the trade war.
China in recent weeks has encouraged more lending and pledged to use fiscal policy – including tax cuts and more funding for local governments – to combat slowing economic growth and rising uncertainty driven in part by the escalating trade war.
Jason’s most recent post is plagiarized from someone else’s work, will have to do some research.
The trump Bribe train will bring even more handouts to others. Check out this dude and what he means to the Bribe-a-thon we have going in democracy.
“President Trump will nominate Bernard McNamee, head of the Department of Energy’s Office of Policy, to fill a vacancy on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission set to open this Friday, Politico reports.”
Bribes for votes, the Republican/Putin new way of Americana. Sweet.
Please explain how it is plagiarized when I gave the link to the article?
The author should be thanking me and giving me money for getting them more readers.
Ouch, Fox viewers, your tee vee’s are gonna be going up up up. Comrade Hannity better be worth it.
Drag out those old tube’s ya tossed in the back shed.
Cool Comrades are gonna get burned on the vapes as well. Oh no’es, back to rollin your own.
“New levies would increase prices just as the industry is facing slowing growth and as it begins to add new health warnings to packaging.
The Trump administration has threatened 25 percent tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports, including vape devices and parts, in addition to tariffs on $50 billion already imposed.
As a result U.S. vape manufacturers, who depended on China for 91 percent of imported vaping products in 2016, find themselves caught in the middle of a growing trade war. Vaping which is often cheaper than smoking, has surged in popularity in recent years. Viewed as a healthier alternative to smoking, users inhale steam from the nicotine-filled devices, rather than burning cigarettes with byproducts of paper, tobacco and a range of other chemicals.”
Start smoking ditch weed or something, vape stores will probably be closing down as we continue winning! Maybe they should ask for a Bribe or get in line for them.
Never heard of them. LOL.
If you can’t afford a $300 flat screen Samsung, you have bigger issues.
If you didn’t know Jerry, Samsung TV’s aren’t made in China.
Smart people don’t buy vape products from China.
They buy US made vapes.
Labor Day furniture sales? Say it ain’t so. Just get a bale of straw to sit on. There are quite a few big names in the furniture business here in South Dakota. More winning and the hits just keep coming. More and more industries are set for the Bribe give away.
When are you going to address that China is starting to fold?
That’s ridiculous. China will never fold. China will ration every citizen to a single cup of rice a day before they lose to a lightweight like Trump. China waited USA out in the Vietnam War and will wait out USA in a trade war, if need be.
As soon as China is done adding tariffs the next step will be to expel American companies and ban the manufacture of American products. Sound good, Jason? How about some $4.00 a roll toilet paper? It would only take about five years to build new American factories in Africa.
Of course they will. They will be buying US soybeans in few months.
The price has to do with supply and demand. China has no choice but to buy them from the US.
As for the US, we have plenty of trees on Federal land we can harvest so you have cheap toilet paper.
Why would anyone take business advice from Jason when he’s lived off his father’s money his whole life?
At least you haven’t called me a gay slur when i intellectually have kicked your butt.
Speaking of folding, we better be doing that more sooner than later. Maybe in the Chinese laundry business they are starting to fold, because they always have. China has been trading longer than any western country dude. They invented trade. Read up on your Marco Polo stuff. While we take the Bribe, China marches along on the One Belt One Road.
Hey, whatever happened to North Korea? Looks like we surrendered….again.
You’re not gay, Jason. You’re transsexual or were trying to be. Your intellect is superior … for a Roncalli graduate. Weak for anyone else.
While be Bribe our way along to get the same old tired song and dance, China moves forward. While we Bribe our way along, Comrade trump comes up with Space Wars, isn’t Reagan dead? We can’t secure our voting machines and he squawks about space wars. Right now, we use Russian rockets to go to the Space Station. Pathetic
“Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a New Year’s Day address December 31 that 2018 would be a big deal for ever-expanding economic ties with other countries. China since 2013 has been pushing its $900 billion “Belt and Road” initiative to help develop transport infrastructure in 65 countries as a way of improving trade relations with China despite the inevitable backlash over debt, labor or resource control.
Signed contracts between China and those countries already increased by 13.1% last year through November compared to 2016, French investment bank Natixis says. China this year will “actively push for the Belt and Road Initiative,” Xi said as quoted by the official Xinhua News Agency. “The Chinese people are ready to chart out a more prosperous, peaceful future for humanity, with people from other countries,” he said.”
They will still be buying our soybeans in a few months Jerry. That’s a fact.
I would rather pay more for toilet paper made in the US since it benefits a US worker.
How about you Jerry, Porter, MFI, and Cory?
“China will never fold. China will ration every citizen to a single cup of rice a day before they lose to a lightweight like Trump.” Porter has placed China ahead of his homeland. Very sad really. You would think he would have some pride but he has nothing. . . A man with no home. It must be tough being so angry in your heart. Peace brother.
There will never be factories in USA, again. Toilet paper, jeans or textiles. They polluted our air and water. Only third world countries will allow that pollution.
China, once again. We have been in Afghanistan for the longest war ever. While we are doing that stuff, guess who is making lucrative deals? Sure as hell is not us. Check out Kazakhstan and it’s new role in the production of soybeans for world trade, China is not gonna get stumped again with anything that has to do with food production for its people. Comrade trump sold us out dude. NOem was right there for the ride.
“China’s policy in Afghanistan could be described as one wherein it has sought to, and to a large extent, managed to, secure substantial gains primarily at the expense of the security cover provided by the ISAF/NATO allies. As opposed to the ISAF and NATO forces, China has chosen to assume a minimalistic role in the security sector, refusing to get involved in direct military operations. Given China’s refusal to contribute troops or monetarily assist military operations in Afghanistan, there is considerable umbrage in the West with Beijing getting hold of lucrative investment deals whose continued development rests with the security cover provided by the ISAF.”
Yeah, they’re folding alright. China even gets to use the infrastructure we built there. How about those apples? We missed out on that here in the United States, but China capitalized (key word).
When Republicans have coke addled Larry Kudlow as their deal maker, you really wonder, or should anyway. But on we trundle. Medicare and Social Security, you’re the next to fall, all in the name of winning.
Porter wrote:
There will never be factories in USA, again. Toilet paper, jeans or textiles. They polluted our air and water. Only third world countries will allow that pollution.
More Chinese children means more soybean demand.
Do you disagree with that?
Here is what I agree to Comrade Jason, Comrade trump sold out the American farmer and rancher. He tossed them some chum with the 12 Billion dollar Bribe for their vote in November. Probably will work as many of these guys have their backs up against the wall.
I agree that the US soybean farmer is probably gonna loose out this next year as well due to the production increases in Russia and in Kazakhstan due to Chinese long term planning for purchase and demand. This is huge, but we have Larry, so take that China.
“ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN — Soybean production is forecast to increase by 206,000 hectares by 2021, according to a forecast issued on July 30 by UkrAgroConsult.
The report noted a steady upward trend in soybean plantings.
The country’s total area has expanded by 58,000 hectares over the past six years to 129,000 in 2017, which compared with 71,000 hectares in 2011.
“Farmers harvested almost twice as much soybeans in 2017, 252,000 tonnes, as in 2011,” UkrAgroConsult said.”
Dream on about what could have been, but look at what reality hath wrought. Fighting with China is not solving our democracy issue, it is only highlighting it. Russia is still hacking and is still a threat to democracy here, but you boys don’t really care about that sort of thing, but you should.
You are finally correct Jerry. Supply is more than demand which means a lower price.
Now that China wants more kids, that means more demand.
SovietSargie & Jason
The problem with Chinese tariffs is easily repaired.
Are you ready to get into the quality of US Soybeans?
Comrade Jason, the Chinese use soybeans for pig feed. Speaking of pig feed, trump helped himself to the trough and got like 40 trademark items from China. Bribes work.
Higher quality soybeans means better bacon.
It’s not rocket science.
Chines swine producers simply change the ration of soybean feed, no big deal for them to do, just like we have to when there might be shortages. Maybe if you read up on this sort of thing…like feeding livestock, it would help you.
Here is what a major producer in China has to say
“Li says the impact can be minimised by changing the animals’ diets and looking for alternatives to soybean meal, a commonly used source of protein which normally accounts for about 20 per cent of hog feed. “We won’t die…but our profits will be somewhat affected,” he said.”
So there ya go, problem seems to be solved in China…How are we doing?
Did you read what you posted?
We won’t die…but our profits will be somewhat affected,” he said.”
Your post still didn’t address my post about the quality of soybeans.
Are you going to address that?
Rice paper works pretty good for that bacon
I did address that and you answered it Comrade senile. They could care as they have changed the feed ratio for the pig feed. Chinese people adapt very well to change, they call that winning.
Your post said they would reduce the protein and get lower profit.
Are you senile?
And more importantly, be damned happy about it. Might cost them some profit, but no big deal. No one was gonna take a Bribe, but they were still producing. What we doing? Taking the Bribe right quick like.
So it’s ok for the Chinese to take a profit hit, but not the US?
I’m sure you don’t know this but the smart farmers contracted a lot of their soybeans in April and May. The issue with prices is supply and demand. There hasn’t been a major grain shortage in years.
The US Farmers will keep the soybeans in storage and China will start buying when they have to at the price the US farmer will sell for.
Comrade trump surrenders to China. Turns out, trade wars are not so easy and neither are tariffs. Hey, I know, lets not do that again shall we? China accepts the invitation to talk, well ain’t that neighborly.
“China said late Wednesday that Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen will lead a delegation to the U.S. in late August for trade talks. The Commerce Ministry said China was accepting a U.S. invitation. That raises hopes for a breakthrough in the U.S.-China trade war, or at least avoiding a further escalation.”
@Jerry … Trump is a business eunuch and China knows he’s in over his head. First, Dems will win the Congress. Then, we’ll take over the trade process, invoke the Commerce Clause and return the business of foreign trade to where it constitutionally belongs. Dems will then sooth tensions with our worldwide trade partners. Trump will be sidelined dealing with his collusion issues. As usual, liberals will be called on to fix another Republican economic foul up. Hopefully in time for next Spring’s bean planting season.
Porter, ZTE was the first capitulation, and now the tariffs on Chinese products. We have proven, beyond a doubt to China that we are a paper tiger regarding trade. China invented trade and we seem to think we are better at it. We are good at consumption and should know our place as we continue to have companies leave for better deals.
Farmers need to take a hard look at GMO as the world has gotten pickier. Put a product out there that you can sell for what it is worth. Dump Agent Orange in all cases, and lets built a better tomorrow.
Perfect analysis, Jerry. As a food professional, I have daily contacts with food producers, purveyors and chefs around the world. As a group, the world of food wants nothing at all to do with anything grown in USA. Leading food countries (France, Sweden, Japan, Netherlands, Germany, India et al) value the quality of their food to the extent USA Republicans value our military. The fact that Americans put GMO food in their children’s mouths is considered child abuse. To them, our food is little better than American livestock feed. Other first world citizens won’t even feed it to their dogs. I agree that GMO helps nothing except Monsanto shareholders.
When you travel out of this country, you can taste the difference in the produce. You actually can. Soy milk in Europe all comes from non GMO soybeans and they drink a lot of it. The milk there does not need refrigeration until you open the container and that is a good thing to that reduces the need for so many dairy cattle and waste.
Soy milk makers in the US declare that the beans they use are GMO free, now if farmers could actually go to a supermarket and see that there is a market for GMO free products, they may change their ways.
No kidding. Food in USA is among the least flavorful in the world.
Jerry, we’re about the same age. You might be a few years older. Within out lifetime there will be no more ranches. Vegetarians will be eating meat. And prize Angus, Herfordshire, Charolais and Waguyu steers will die of old age. It’s already happening. It sounds gross. But it’s not, at all. Stem cell, laboratory grown beef. It’s real beef. It’s currently being combined with stem cell beef fat, for better marbling and it tastes exactly the same. Better than most of the common butcher cattle we currently eat. The price will be low. The quantity will be unlimited and the industry is already in the midst of change. (SoDak will be 20 years behind the times, as usual.)
Correct Porter, I will give you an example. Iberico pork from Spain and from certain parts of Texas. Very high dollar and special taste of pork that depend on a special acorn tree for its taste. It takes the acorn tree about 30 years to produce acorns for the Black Leg pig. Climate change is killing the trees, so this is coming to an end as with all of the things we once thought would never end. Beef producers are fighting the labeling of non meat hamburgers that taste pretty damn good so buyers will not be confused with the real deal. News flash, consumers already know and like the non beef product.
In South Dakota, we have been experience prolonged droughts that have made the once numerous stock dams depleted or dry or just filled with deep mud and stagnant water. Even now with the moisture we have received, crappy water. Thankfully we have the mni wiconi to provide fresh Missouri River water, until thirsty states take that water.
Here is an article that speaks of the laboratory ranching.
Jerry … BTW, stem cell beef isn’t GMO. It doesn’t need to be. GMO was invented to counter natural land, bug and climate conditions. None of those occur in climate controlled laboratories. In fact, SCBeef will be more pure than the finest cattle on the hoof. Oh, yeah. And you don’t have to kill them. Just breed them for better quality and take a few cells to get started on your “lab herd”.
I should have known you’d be up to speed. Bravo, sir. On the hoof beef growers may call it “non meat” but it’s as real as any slaughtered steer every eaten. GMO fed beef is the real “non meat”.
PS … I’ve eaten Iberico jambon products. Makes your knees buckle, it’s so damn good. :0)
Zager and Evans (1969) were spot on except for actual timing.
orus 1]
In the year 2525
If man is still alive
If woman can survive
They may find-
[Chorus 2]
In the year 3535
Ain’t gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies
Everything you think, do, and say
Is in the pill you took today
[Chorus 3]
In the year 4545
Ain’t gonna need your teeth, won’t need your eyes
You won’t find a thing to chew
Nobody’s gonna look at you
[Chorus 4]
In the year 5555
Your arms are hanging limp at your side
You legs got nothing to do
Some machine’s doing that for you
[Chorus 5]
In the year 6565
Ain’t gonna need no husband, won’t need no wife
You’ll pick your sons, pick your daughters too
From the bottom of a long glass tube
trumps tariffs have caused bankers to withhold lending to ag producers as well as to demand more collateral in order to even get a loan. The 12 Billion dollar Bribe to producers is probably only going to go to the corporate farmers as the family farm will be even more stressed. So family farmers, you may be on your own once again. Fight back, vote Democratic. Send Tim Bjorkman to Washington to use his legal skills to work for you. He will!
“OMAHA, Neb. | More farm loan applications are being rejected in rural parts of 10 Plains and Western states in reaction to weak farm commodity prices and income.
The latest Rural Mainstreet survey says nearly one-third of bank CEOs reported rejecting a higher percentage of farm loans, while nearly 55 percent indicated their banks had raised collateral requirements in the face of weak farm prices and income.”
The good news though is that farmers in Russia have seen gains from the wet kiss Comrade trump threw them with the tariffs/trade war con scam. Of course it caused pain to American farmers, but that pain is their gain.
China loves us some more….I guess that they are going to stop butchering the hogs here and just have them killed and then shipped to China for processing. America wins again!
ut there’s a problem: Many who accept this dogma are the very people who need the government the most. Research shows, for instance, that Republican states are disproportionately dependent on federal aid. Yet many Republican voters appear blissfully unaware of this contradiction.
Clyde, how does America win shipping jobs overseas? Is this Obama’s fault?
Belongs with above post, sorry.
Uh Clyde, that article is 10 years old. But you are correct, China loved us more then and we them too. The business decision was because of lack of demand, logistics and restructuring, many workers transferred as the work force was mainly immigrant.
“”Four of its existing independent companies will be combined under The Smithfield Packing Co Inc, John Morrell & Co and Farmland Foods Inc units, Smithfield said.
The restructuring is expected to save about $55 million in fiscal 2010, and $125 million by fiscal 2011, Smithfield said.
The company said it expects a pretax charge of about $85 million tied to noncash asset write-downs in its fiscal third quarter, ended February 1.”
Shows you how far behind the times I am……Its new news to me. Ho hum.
How about this for your viewing pleasure….
Mike, I was trying to be factious.
If you meant facetious, I apologize, sir.
Yes, can’t spell check either…..
Blaming it on age and eyesight.
My humblest apology to you, Clyde.
This had completely slipped my mind how congress changed the law so Obama couldn’t help farmers and then changed it back so Drumpf could. No politics here, huh?
Mr. Nemec mentioned that trump will cost his farm tens of thousands of dollars. The numbers are in on what farmers can expect from the Bribe trump is putting for your vote. At the most $6,000.00 to make everyone shut up and wear brown to vote in lockstep for anything with an R in front of it. Kind of reminds me of the $4,000.00 Bribe we taxpayers were supposed to collect with the tax scam. It ain’t gonna happen boys, suck it up and accept the fact that we are all not gonna get nothing but pennies of those numbers.
“Republican leaders in Congress have done nothing to rein in Trump’s actions on trade, beyond complaining and holding a symbolic vote in the Senate about tariffs. Under pressure to protect farmers, the administration announced last month that it would offer $12 billion in aid as the trade spats play out. But nobody knows how or when that money will be distributed, and farmers want a long-term solution.
Swanson said by her calculation, the $12 billion “band-aid” translates to less than $6,000 per farmer if it gets divided evenly. “So if I’m negative $20,000, the $6,000 helps,” she said, “but it’s not fixing the issue at hand.”
It was, at times, mind-boggling to hear farmers describe the kind of financial hit they’re bracing for ― and then skip over that this was caused by Trump. Seventy-five percent of farmers voted for him in 2016, so some simply may not want to go on record criticizing a president they and their community supported.”
So, it helps…really? Some rain helps, but if there is not enough, your crops wither and die.
Attn: Cattle Producers, want to track your beef? You can with this program, might be an alternative to COOL that the Republicans don’t want you to have. Spit in their eye and take a look at what is going on in Wyoming.
Good article, Jerry. Europeans and Japan will soon demand blockchain data before buying American beef. The world knows American’s care a whole lot less about our food quality than other countries. That GMO’s are even allowed for cattle feed is enough to nix a purchase of American meat. Tracking grass fed status would help … but the data still depends on honest data entry by humans.