Even Thune can’t ride with Trump in denying Russian meddling in U.S. elections.
During our meetings, we stated in no uncertain terms that Russia must stop its meddling in our elections and that its destabilizing actions in the region are not without consequence. The delegation also stressed that Russia respect the sovereignty of Ukraine and help bring about a peaceful resolution in Syria. These discussions were direct and to-the-point. It’s now up to the Russian government to demonstrate that it will be a responsible actor on the world stage [Senator John Thune, in Todd Epp, “Thune Issues Statement on July 4th Russian Trip,” KELO Radio, 2018.07.06].
Stop its meddling in our elections—meaning meddling has been happening, is happening, and needs to no longer happen.
Lol why didn’t Thune just whisper his concerns to Paul Erickson? It’d get back to Putin faster that way.
mike from iowa
Russia media said wingnuts weren’t near as forceful in their statements to Russian officials as their rhetoric from back in the Russian’s satellite of DC.
Pompeo got played in North Korea as well. American foreign policy has gone distinctively down hill since the adults were forced to make way for really rank amateurs. The fact that they are only the best really rank amateurs doesn’t give one immediate respite from a sense of impending doom.
Thanks Drumpf and OldSferbrains.
Veronica Shriver
But no explanation as to why he felt it worth his time to go? He thinks he’s such a good disciplinarian that Russia is going to clean up its act now he was the one delivering the stern talking-to? I just don’t get the purpose for this junket at all. Not seeing where it is to the benefit of the US.
Francie Ganje
How Thune can look in the mirror and consider himself an American is beyond me. And how he can think anyone with an ounce of independent thought would actually buy his line about this meeting with the Soviets is even more damning. His behavior is nothing short of treasonous.
Mountain Logic … If the last Presidential election was affected by Russian meddling and cyber hacking then President Trump wasn’t elected fair and square. Because of his compromised election his powers should also be compromised until we can have a fair election. A committee should be formed to remove many of his powers and limit many more. e.g. No more executive actions until a fairly elected President is in office.
Putin stop your cyber war on American democracy.
McConnell stop your separation of powers interference with American democracy stacking SCOTUS.
Sen Thune with Sen Ron Johnson (R, Ind.) at Kremlin July 4: “Time to remove Obama Russian Sanctions.”
mike from iowa
As for Syria Russia backed Syrian troops pushed into SE rebel held territory. The rebels were formerly American allies and Drumpf withdrew our help and air power and told them they were on their own. Drumpf warned Syria not to attack them and then stood by as Syria did just that.
Li’l Kim kicked sand in Drumpf’s face several times over missile launches and was rewarded with inaction.
Hmmm… when Senator Thune felt Iran was duping President Obama, he simply wrote a letter to the mullahs. This time, Senator Thune feels compelled to travel to Russia over the July 4th holiday and deliver a “Don’t mess with us” message in person to keep Donald Trump from giving away the farm. Could it be that Thune thinks Trump’s bowing to Putin poses a greater risk to American security than Obama’s negotiations with Iran?
Roger Cornelius
Can someone with more knowledge than I on the Russian investigation help me out here?
From what I understood early on the in the Mueller investigation Russia targeted 3 or 4 states with enough electoral votes to push Trump over the top despite Hillary winning the popular vote. I believe Michigan and Wisconsin were two of the states.
By targeting a few states with high electoral votes the Russians wouldn’t have had a broad swipe of influencing the electoral outcome.
Any thoughts?
When will Sen. Thune start showing some real backbone and patriotism by publicly rebuking this rogue President? and not hiding behind secretive, closed door meetings?
mike from iowa
when Senator Thune felt Iran was duping President Obama, he simply wrote a letter to the mullahs.
That was funny as the Mullahs understood how the constitution works better than the wingnuts. We know who got duped and his name was not Obama.
Roger, so far I have found nothing to help you out. I will keep looking.
Darin Larson
Cory, you and Senator Thune might not be saying definitively that the Russians affected the outcome of the 2016 election, but you surely cannot say that Russian meddling did not affect the outcome of the 2016 election. The Russians did try to affect the outcome of the election. We just don’t know for sure if they succeeded or if the election would have turned out the same in any event. This needs to be made clear.
McConnell/Thune talking point: Russian meddeling “if in fact it happened,… (a nothingburger…let’s get this behind us) is a great big garbled mess on both sides”. Thune repeats it twice in one FOX interview.
It should be interesting to see how “garbled” Trump family crimes with Russians ect has been, as Mueller is forced to sift thru the chaff. Unlimited GOP wealth masquerading as free speech covers up investigation, Hey, just like in SD (EB5, MCEC fraud against Gearup)!!
a link below for sarge, makes it easy to see who I try to be like, eh? You said: “you have so compromised your integrity you openly profess the views of others as your own to win acceptance. It is as if you cannot have your own thoughts out of fear of not being seen as “one of the boys”. I think it is this thinking that led to lynch mobs, internment camps and the KKK. In many ways it appears you have surrendered your free thought and speech just so you would be accepted by those you perceive as superior to yourself.” Democrats are precisely the opposite.
From what I can tell from your posts you haven’t the slightest bit of integrity or goodness in you. Grow a spine. Take the freaking hook out of your mouth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvQe6-5Jeyg
An unclassified report that reveals Russia meddled in far more extensive ways than previously known is yet another strong rebuke to Trump and many of his allies who continue to cast doubt on findings from the intelligence community that Moscow carried out an operation to help his candidacy and hurt Hillary Clinton. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/03/senate-russia-election-meddling-669405
mike from iowa
Dems need to get the vote out and retake the house this fall. Then Dems will have full subpoena power and can order Drumpf to turn over taxes and then we can get to the bottom of the Russian meddling. But, Dems have to stop playing nice and grow a pair and demand action.
The US Congressmen went to Russia to see the evidence the Russians gathered of the US deep state cabal that tried to overthrow our last election. This ain’y just 33,000 emails anymore boys! Down will fall many members of the Obummer administration when the traitorous acts during their rein are disclosed.
This is much like the trip Jared took to Saudi which resulted in the arrest of an unknown number of traitors to their crown.
Uh oh! The wave is going Tidal!
Let me see if I understand the algebra of this situation: Thune defers to Trump; Trump defers to Putin; therefore, Thune . . .
OldSarg, pick a lane: is Clinton the “deep state” or is Obama?
mike from iowa
Marlboro Barbie, where is your horse?
Back in Russia with Putin, of course.
My gift to Putie to ride bare chested
in front of Drumpf, his American invested.
Say what you will, no passport needed
to deliver a bribe- my horse was deeded
To our enemy’s leader with my compliments
For serious misdeeds and electile involvements
That easily explains why Drumpf is now king
Of a gubmint of which he knows not a thing
and won’t bother to learn as that is not his duty
His allegiance is owned solely by Putie.
Someday soon when stuff hits the fan
and pretty much will all stick to that man
with orange colored skin and a pelt on his head
he was taught racism by dear old dad Fred.
Drumpf has his defenders, none are too bright
They refuse to go kwietly into that good night
They protest the left, they like to fight and b*****
Their favorite pastime is yooooge taxcuts for the rich
They add to the debt with abandon and glee
Their slaves to the wealthy yet claim to be free
All they would ask for is many more guns
and lots of libs for target practice fun
So another sad chapter in the saga of Drumpf
Barely makes progress in climbing the humpf
Of self made enemies and trade wars abound
While driving this nation into the ground.
While I agree with you that we need to win the House this fall and start impeachment proceedings against Trump, we cannot be too hasty, we have to have to do it right. House prosecutors need to shut every gate that Trump might use to escape.
Mueller may seem to be moving at a pretty slow pace, but if you look at the time lines of other impeachment investigations he is ahead of the game.
Porter Lansing
Good poem, Mike. ✯✯✯✯✯
mike from iowa
Thanks< Porter. Riger, I hope Dems will use/abuse subpoena power as payback for the abuse HRC has had to put up with.
They need to demand and get Drumpf's tax returns and share them with Mueller, if he hasn't seen some already.
We saw what happens to congressional Dems when they take the high road and attempted to fix dubya's destruction of the economy. They lost both houses of congress to wingnut liars pretty pronto.
Noting says, “4th of July,” like a Russian ballet… IN RUSSIA! Those gents do know that the Russians were laughing at them after the meeting, right? !#%^&*!
“Today because of the internet, and because of the multiplicity of media what we see more and more is that we don’t agree on the same reality.” Obama 2018, Spain
(Translation: People have escaped the controlled media globalist narrative and are communicating with each other instead of being informed by us. This must be controlled and ideally stopped)
Thune is a lying traitor…or Senator Shelby is… or both are. Shelby said
“”Most countries would meddle and play in our domestic elections if they could, and some of them have,” the Washington Examiner quoted Sen. Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican and chairman of the powerful Appropriations Committee, as saying.
Two Confederate traitors speaking on the trump apology tour. Dress in your gray suits with red trim, and whistle Dixie boys.
Mr. C, at 12:49 I believe you are correct. It’s like when Mr. H blogs about things to try influence votes, or when I put signs on my property to instruct voters how to vote.
Will the russian oligarchs be able to stash their state-looted rubles (USD$Billions) in safe ol’ South Dakota once Trump drops the sanctions on Russia?
Roger Cornelius
Russian meddling in our elections in nothing like putting signs in your yard trying to influence voters or Cory blogging to influence them,
Excellent poetry Mike. You might be short-listed for the next Pulitzers! 😊
Thune and his GOP dumkopf pals have become a laughingstock all across Asia. Add that to Europe and they’re pretty much a worldwide joke. Thune is literally part of a punchline now in everyday Russian humor. What a collection of jackasses. smh 😒
Perhaps not, Mr. C, as Mr. H and I are both South Dakotans. But the majority of bloggers here are out-of-state libbies who try to influence South Dakota voters with their hateful messaging, and that’s exactly like Russian meddling in the US elections. Fortunately, neither made any difference.
Robin Friday
I had never heard of either Pompeo or Jim Jordan until I watched things develop within the Benghazi Select Committee one day. I find it interesting now that I decided then that Jim Jordan was a classless bully, and Pompeo was, as the North Koreans put it, “worthless”.
Robin Friday
Pardon me, Mr. G., but I’m not out of state, and I doubt your suspicion that most of us are. You have any stats in that regard?
Roger Cornelius
It doesn’t matter to me that there are out-of-state bloggers on Dakota Free Press, at least they are Americans and not Russians.
I haven’t seen a photo of Thune in some time. He doesn’t look very good. In fact, I’d say he looks like hell. Wan, drawn, worn, gray, pallid.
Traitorship takes a lot out of a senator apparently. I wonder if he’s beginning to doubt whether his Putie Paycheck is worth it?
“gray, pallid” Confederate uniform color worn by traitors like Thune, he fits the suit well. Add the red trim and he is the perfect Confederate.
Confederate Thune was probably working against women breastfeeding so Putin could come in and save the day.
A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly.
“Based on decades of research, the resolution says that mother’s milk is healthiest for children and countries should strive to limit the inaccurate or misleading marketing of breast milk substitutes.
Then the United States delegation, embracing the interests of infant formula manufacturers, upended the deliberations.” New York Times 7/8/2018
It looks like the Confederates threw Putin a bone so the Russians could get it passed without threat.
mike from iowa
You have any stats in that regard? Troll Grudz is a wingnut. Stats? Not a word about out of state money to Gruzilla’s wingnut pals in the lege, but us out of state posters are a major threat to Grudzilla’s insecurities.
I hope so. It is a scientific fact one can’t shame a wingnut, but some of us are eternal optimists and hope for a breakthrough some day and to hell with the Grudzillas who are jake with running South Dakota into the swamp with Drumpf. Decent South Dakotans, the majority of whom post here deserve much better.
Let me put it this way, Darin: I don’t invest a lot of energy in saying that Russia affected the outcome. We should be aware of their psy-ops efforts, but on that front, Russia only augmented the horsehockey that Trump voters get from Fox News, and there’s nothing to do about that besides point out sources, shout louder, and Get Out The Vote. My main focus on Russian interference will be on election systems security, keeping hackers from altering ballot counts.
Roger’s right about the difference between what we do and what the Russians do. When I try to influence South Dakota politics, I do it by name, nymously, in the open, with facts and evidence to back my devilish charm, with the goal of advancing our common good. The Russians engage in subterfuge with the goal of weakening America and strengthening their strategic position. That’s why John Thune tells the Russians, not me, to knock it off.
mike from iowa
Troll OlsSferbrains posted a walkaway video a couple days ago and whined about Libs attacking suspect charity, with good reason.
I guess this makes one troll a certified Russkie agent.
trump has been in the Russian orbit for years, who knows about Thune. It does to me seem rather strange that these Confederates would go to Russia to apologize for America’s past dealings when they will not even go to the local reservations and do the same. Our elections, as Cory notes, the ballot count needs the guarantee of security. Krebs failed miserably in the last election. Next up is our critical infrastructure, our power grid that has been compromised as well.
“The text comes as a score of Democrats and some Republicans have tried to caution that the United States has been compromised not only in terms of the election but also the U.S. power grid as well as other critical infrastructure. The security of the nation, however, has fallen by the wayside as the GOP has been able to score legislative and judicial victories they feared they’d lost.” https://www.rawstory.com/2018/07/new-york-magazine-writer-wonders-donald-trump-russian-asset-whole-time/#.W0LZ5dG_LtE.twitter
The Russian/German population of South Dakota has been diluted with time away from the old country. Think of why you are here and what drove you to this place, it damn sure wasn’t the warm ways in which your former countries treated ya, now you want to go back to those ways? Think it through.
Putin/trump/Thune know full well that voting tabulations do not need to be hooked up to the internet to be hacked. Simple stuff if you know your business.
It looks like Krebs may have found that to be true as well, who knows…but her. The primary fiasco kind of put the rubber to the road in that regard.
Putin/trump/Thune know full well that voting tabulations do not need to be hooked up to the internet to be hacked. Simple stuff if you know your business.
It looks like Krebs may have found that to be true as well, who knows…but her. The primary fiasco kind of put the rubber to the road in that regard.
But. But, but, but. If there are paper ballots they can be handcounted to verify. That is our ace in the hole. And why the GOP Diebold machines do not have a paper trail.
Lol why didn’t Thune just whisper his concerns to Paul Erickson? It’d get back to Putin faster that way.
Russia media said wingnuts weren’t near as forceful in their statements to Russian officials as their rhetoric from back in the Russian’s satellite of DC.
Pompeo got played in North Korea as well. American foreign policy has gone distinctively down hill since the adults were forced to make way for really rank amateurs. The fact that they are only the best really rank amateurs doesn’t give one immediate respite from a sense of impending doom.
Thanks Drumpf and OldSferbrains.
But no explanation as to why he felt it worth his time to go? He thinks he’s such a good disciplinarian that Russia is going to clean up its act now he was the one delivering the stern talking-to? I just don’t get the purpose for this junket at all. Not seeing where it is to the benefit of the US.
How Thune can look in the mirror and consider himself an American is beyond me. And how he can think anyone with an ounce of independent thought would actually buy his line about this meeting with the Soviets is even more damning. His behavior is nothing short of treasonous.
We should have these billboards all over South Dakota.
Along with the photo of Thune in Moscow over the Fourth of July labeling him, NOem, and trump as “Moscow Mules”.
The Russian bots are still at it – the ‘civility’ nonsense thrown at trumps protestors and detractors. This is despite the fact that trump and his apologists are the least civil folks out there.
One is able to buy stickers in bulk and “paint your town”.
Mountain Logic … If the last Presidential election was affected by Russian meddling and cyber hacking then President Trump wasn’t elected fair and square. Because of his compromised election his powers should also be compromised until we can have a fair election. A committee should be formed to remove many of his powers and limit many more. e.g. No more executive actions until a fairly elected President is in office.
Putin stop your cyber war on American democracy.
McConnell stop your separation of powers interference with American democracy stacking SCOTUS.
Sen Thune with Sen Ron Johnson (R, Ind.) at Kremlin July 4: “Time to remove Obama Russian Sanctions.”
As for Syria Russia backed Syrian troops pushed into SE rebel held territory. The rebels were formerly American allies and Drumpf withdrew our help and air power and told them they were on their own. Drumpf warned Syria not to attack them and then stood by as Syria did just that.
Li’l Kim kicked sand in Drumpf’s face several times over missile launches and was rewarded with inaction.
Hmmm… when Senator Thune felt Iran was duping President Obama, he simply wrote a letter to the mullahs. This time, Senator Thune feels compelled to travel to Russia over the July 4th holiday and deliver a “Don’t mess with us” message in person to keep Donald Trump from giving away the farm. Could it be that Thune thinks Trump’s bowing to Putin poses a greater risk to American security than Obama’s negotiations with Iran?
Can someone with more knowledge than I on the Russian investigation help me out here?
From what I understood early on the in the Mueller investigation Russia targeted 3 or 4 states with enough electoral votes to push Trump over the top despite Hillary winning the popular vote. I believe Michigan and Wisconsin were two of the states.
By targeting a few states with high electoral votes the Russians wouldn’t have had a broad swipe of influencing the electoral outcome.
Any thoughts?
When will Sen. Thune start showing some real backbone and patriotism by publicly rebuking this rogue President? and not hiding behind secretive, closed door meetings?
when Senator Thune felt Iran was duping President Obama, he simply wrote a letter to the mullahs.
That was funny as the Mullahs understood how the constitution works better than the wingnuts. We know who got duped and his name was not Obama.
Roger, so far I have found nothing to help you out. I will keep looking.
Cory, you and Senator Thune might not be saying definitively that the Russians affected the outcome of the 2016 election, but you surely cannot say that Russian meddling did not affect the outcome of the 2016 election. The Russians did try to affect the outcome of the election. We just don’t know for sure if they succeeded or if the election would have turned out the same in any event. This needs to be made clear.
McConnell/Thune talking point: Russian meddeling “if in fact it happened,… (a nothingburger…let’s get this behind us) is a great big garbled mess on both sides”. Thune repeats it twice in one FOX interview.
It should be interesting to see how “garbled” Trump family crimes with Russians ect has been, as Mueller is forced to sift thru the chaff. Unlimited GOP wealth masquerading as free speech covers up investigation, Hey, just like in SD (EB5, MCEC fraud against Gearup)!!
a link below for sarge, makes it easy to see who I try to be like, eh? You said: “you have so compromised your integrity you openly profess the views of others as your own to win acceptance. It is as if you cannot have your own thoughts out of fear of not being seen as “one of the boys”. I think it is this thinking that led to lynch mobs, internment camps and the KKK. In many ways it appears you have surrendered your free thought and speech just so you would be accepted by those you perceive as superior to yourself.” Democrats are precisely the opposite.
From what I can tell from your posts you haven’t the slightest bit of integrity or goodness in you. Grow a spine. Take the freaking hook out of your mouth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvQe6-5Jeyg
An unclassified report that reveals Russia meddled in far more extensive ways than previously known is yet another strong rebuke to Trump and many of his allies who continue to cast doubt on findings from the intelligence community that Moscow carried out an operation to help his candidacy and hurt Hillary Clinton. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/03/senate-russia-election-meddling-669405
Dems need to get the vote out and retake the house this fall. Then Dems will have full subpoena power and can order Drumpf to turn over taxes and then we can get to the bottom of the Russian meddling. But, Dems have to stop playing nice and grow a pair and demand action.
The US Congressmen went to Russia to see the evidence the Russians gathered of the US deep state cabal that tried to overthrow our last election. This ain’y just 33,000 emails anymore boys! Down will fall many members of the Obummer administration when the traitorous acts during their rein are disclosed.
This is much like the trip Jared took to Saudi which resulted in the arrest of an unknown number of traitors to their crown.
Uh oh! The wave is going Tidal!
Let me see if I understand the algebra of this situation: Thune defers to Trump; Trump defers to Putin; therefore, Thune . . .
OldSarg, pick a lane: is Clinton the “deep state” or is Obama?
Marlboro Barbie, where is your horse?
Back in Russia with Putin, of course.
My gift to Putie to ride bare chested
in front of Drumpf, his American invested.
Say what you will, no passport needed
to deliver a bribe- my horse was deeded
To our enemy’s leader with my compliments
For serious misdeeds and electile involvements
That easily explains why Drumpf is now king
Of a gubmint of which he knows not a thing
and won’t bother to learn as that is not his duty
His allegiance is owned solely by Putie.
Someday soon when stuff hits the fan
and pretty much will all stick to that man
with orange colored skin and a pelt on his head
he was taught racism by dear old dad Fred.
Drumpf has his defenders, none are too bright
They refuse to go kwietly into that good night
They protest the left, they like to fight and b*****
Their favorite pastime is yooooge taxcuts for the rich
They add to the debt with abandon and glee
Their slaves to the wealthy yet claim to be free
All they would ask for is many more guns
and lots of libs for target practice fun
So another sad chapter in the saga of Drumpf
Barely makes progress in climbing the humpf
Of self made enemies and trade wars abound
While driving this nation into the ground.
Thanks Drumpf and OLdSferbrains.
Thune got owned by Russian interviewers. https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1015998913365663744
Ignore the Troll
Sorry missed that Chris posted same link as I did. There is, however, another part of the interview when Thune gets told he’s not the next James Bond. https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1015986456144371714
While I agree with you that we need to win the House this fall and start impeachment proceedings against Trump, we cannot be too hasty, we have to have to do it right. House prosecutors need to shut every gate that Trump might use to escape.
Mueller may seem to be moving at a pretty slow pace, but if you look at the time lines of other impeachment investigations he is ahead of the game.
Good poem, Mike. ✯✯✯✯✯
Thanks< Porter. Riger, I hope Dems will use/abuse subpoena power as payback for the abuse HRC has had to put up with.
They need to demand and get Drumpf's tax returns and share them with Mueller, if he hasn't seen some already.
We saw what happens to congressional Dems when they take the high road and attempted to fix dubya's destruction of the economy. They lost both houses of congress to wingnut liars pretty pronto.
Noting says, “4th of July,” like a Russian ballet… IN RUSSIA! Those gents do know that the Russians were laughing at them after the meeting, right? !#%^&*!
“Today because of the internet, and because of the multiplicity of media what we see more and more is that we don’t agree on the same reality.” Obama 2018, Spain
(Translation: People have escaped the controlled media globalist narrative and are communicating with each other instead of being informed by us. This must be controlled and ideally stopped)
Thune is a lying traitor…or Senator Shelby is… or both are. Shelby said
“”Most countries would meddle and play in our domestic elections if they could, and some of them have,” the Washington Examiner quoted Sen. Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican and chairman of the powerful Appropriations Committee, as saying.
“We have to be realistic nations are going to do what is in their next [sic] interest; we’ve done a lot of things too.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/gop-senator-on-russian-election-hack-hey-everyone-does-it
Two Confederate traitors speaking on the trump apology tour. Dress in your gray suits with red trim, and whistle Dixie boys.
Mr. C, at 12:49 I believe you are correct. It’s like when Mr. H blogs about things to try influence votes, or when I put signs on my property to instruct voters how to vote.
Will the russian oligarchs be able to stash their state-looted rubles (USD$Billions) in safe ol’ South Dakota once Trump drops the sanctions on Russia?
Russian meddling in our elections in nothing like putting signs in your yard trying to influence voters or Cory blogging to influence them,
Excellent poetry Mike. You might be short-listed for the next Pulitzers! 😊
Thune and his GOP dumkopf pals have become a laughingstock all across Asia. Add that to Europe and they’re pretty much a worldwide joke. Thune is literally part of a punchline now in everyday Russian humor. What a collection of jackasses. smh 😒
Perhaps not, Mr. C, as Mr. H and I are both South Dakotans. But the majority of bloggers here are out-of-state libbies who try to influence South Dakota voters with their hateful messaging, and that’s exactly like Russian meddling in the US elections. Fortunately, neither made any difference.
I had never heard of either Pompeo or Jim Jordan until I watched things develop within the Benghazi Select Committee one day. I find it interesting now that I decided then that Jim Jordan was a classless bully, and Pompeo was, as the North Koreans put it, “worthless”.
Pardon me, Mr. G., but I’m not out of state, and I doubt your suspicion that most of us are. You have any stats in that regard?
It doesn’t matter to me that there are out-of-state bloggers on Dakota Free Press, at least they are Americans and not Russians.
I haven’t seen a photo of Thune in some time. He doesn’t look very good. In fact, I’d say he looks like hell. Wan, drawn, worn, gray, pallid.
Traitorship takes a lot out of a senator apparently. I wonder if he’s beginning to doubt whether his Putie Paycheck is worth it?
“gray, pallid” Confederate uniform color worn by traitors like Thune, he fits the suit well. Add the red trim and he is the perfect Confederate.
Confederate Thune was probably working against women breastfeeding so Putin could come in and save the day.
A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly.
“Based on decades of research, the resolution says that mother’s milk is healthiest for children and countries should strive to limit the inaccurate or misleading marketing of breast milk substitutes.
Then the United States delegation, embracing the interests of infant formula manufacturers, upended the deliberations.” New York Times 7/8/2018
It looks like the Confederates threw Putin a bone so the Russians could get it passed without threat.
You have any stats in that regard? Troll Grudz is a wingnut. Stats? Not a word about out of state money to Gruzilla’s wingnut pals in the lege, but us out of state posters are a major threat to Grudzilla’s insecurities.
I hope so. It is a scientific fact one can’t shame a wingnut, but some of us are eternal optimists and hope for a breakthrough some day and to hell with the Grudzillas who are jake with running South Dakota into the swamp with Drumpf. Decent South Dakotans, the majority of whom post here deserve much better.
Let me put it this way, Darin: I don’t invest a lot of energy in saying that Russia affected the outcome. We should be aware of their psy-ops efforts, but on that front, Russia only augmented the horsehockey that Trump voters get from Fox News, and there’s nothing to do about that besides point out sources, shout louder, and Get Out The Vote. My main focus on Russian interference will be on election systems security, keeping hackers from altering ballot counts.
Roger’s right about the difference between what we do and what the Russians do. When I try to influence South Dakota politics, I do it by name, nymously, in the open, with facts and evidence to back my devilish charm, with the goal of advancing our common good. The Russians engage in subterfuge with the goal of weakening America and strengthening their strategic position. That’s why John Thune tells the Russians, not me, to knock it off.
Troll OlsSferbrains posted a walkaway video a couple days ago and whined about Libs attacking suspect charity, with good reason.
Now, this came out today- http://www.the-immoral-minority.com/this-phony-russian-bot-driven-walkaway-movement-should-not-be-fooling-anyone/
I guess this makes one troll a certified Russkie agent.
trump has been in the Russian orbit for years, who knows about Thune. It does to me seem rather strange that these Confederates would go to Russia to apologize for America’s past dealings when they will not even go to the local reservations and do the same. Our elections, as Cory notes, the ballot count needs the guarantee of security. Krebs failed miserably in the last election. Next up is our critical infrastructure, our power grid that has been compromised as well.
“The text comes as a score of Democrats and some Republicans have tried to caution that the United States has been compromised not only in terms of the election but also the U.S. power grid as well as other critical infrastructure. The security of the nation, however, has fallen by the wayside as the GOP has been able to score legislative and judicial victories they feared they’d lost.” https://www.rawstory.com/2018/07/new-york-magazine-writer-wonders-donald-trump-russian-asset-whole-time/#.W0LZ5dG_LtE.twitter
The Russian/German population of South Dakota has been diluted with time away from the old country. Think of why you are here and what drove you to this place, it damn sure wasn’t the warm ways in which your former countries treated ya, now you want to go back to those ways? Think it through.
Putin/trump/Thune know full well that voting tabulations do not need to be hooked up to the internet to be hacked. Simple stuff if you know your business.
“As explained in this article by Princeton University professor Andrew Appel, all voting machines — including Direct Record Electronic (“DRE”) devices, ballot-marking devices (“BMDs”), and optical scanners — can be hacked through the internet, even if the voting machine itself isn’t connected to it. https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2016/09/20/which-voting-machines-can-be-hacked-through-the-internet/ … [“Which voting machines can be hacked through the internet? …The answer: all of them.”] https://medium.com/@jennycohn1/all-voting-machines-can-be-hacked-including-through-the-internet-8d054645e860
It looks like Krebs may have found that to be true as well, who knows…but her. The primary fiasco kind of put the rubber to the road in that regard.
Putin/trump/Thune know full well that voting tabulations do not need to be hooked up to the internet to be hacked. Simple stuff if you know your business.
“As explained in this article by Princeton University professor Andrew Appel, all voting machines — including Direct Record Electronic (“DRE”) devices, ballot-marking devices (“BMDs”), and optical scanners — can be hacked through the internet, even if the voting machine itself isn’t connected to it. https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2016/09/20/which-voting-machines-can-be-hacked-through-the-internet/ … [“Which voting machines can be hacked through the internet? …The answer: all of them.”] https://medium.com/@jennycohn1/all-voting-machines-can-be-hacked-including-through-the-internet-8d054645e860
It looks like Krebs may have found that to be true as well, who knows…but her. The primary fiasco kind of put the rubber to the road in that regard.
But. But, but, but. If there are paper ballots they can be handcounted to verify. That is our ace in the hole. And why the GOP Diebold machines do not have a paper trail.
Thune = All around POS.
This is what so many wingnuts voted for- a bratty 2 year old.
Plus- how to dismiss critics of wingnuts attempts to kiss Putin’s ring- https://www.rawstory.com/2018/07/kansas-senator-went-russia-dismisses-criticism-saying-didnt-good-time-anyway/
Flying Spaghetti Monster help us all, please.