Marty Jackley tries to blacken Kristi Noem’s reputation by running an ad showing her enchanting blue eyes cast lovingly upon Barack Hussein Obama:

If Jackley’s videographer had used the entire AP photo, Jackley would have had an even more damning (in his mind, and in the Trump base’s mind) image: Kristi Noem actually touching that man’s hand! But zooming out to show that handshake was not an option, since the full photo caught another prominent South Dakota Republican going all DC-gaga for Barack Obama during his May 2015 visit to Watertown:

Hey! Who’s that to Obama’s right? I’d know that thinning scalp anywhere, but to be absolutely clear, let’s check another photo from that Presidential visit to Watertown:

Mike Rounds! Senator Marion Michael Rounds!
Just like the undated audio clips from Noem, Jackley uses that photo of Noem and Obama without context to create false impressions. But hey—if Marty Jackley really wants to put that photo on the record as reason not to vote for a Republican, please keep that photo (and whatever accompanying video from the preceding few seconds may exist) around for the 2020 election when Mike Rounds asks for a second term in Washington.
But hey, Marty! How about a more honest picture with which to torpedo your opponent? Show Kristi palling around after Thursday’s debate in Sioux Falls with Libertarian insult-monger C.J. Abernathey:

If Noem gets any cred as the defender of women’s rights by playing the sexual harassment/retaliation card against you, she negates it by standing arm in arm in arm in arm with the Angry Dad Caucus of Abernathey and Rep. Tom Pischke (R-25/Dell Rapids), whose cries against Child Protection Services and about shared parenting and dads’ rights run interference for deadbeat dads. When a guy who thinks courts are unconstitutional because their flags have gold fringe says Kristi Noem would be a good governor, you’re entitled to think the opposite has a high likelihood of being true. Besides, Marty, your base should love seeing Noem standing next to a guy who has promised to burn an American flag at your office.
And that picture—that picture! The Pischke-Noem-Abernathey pic isn’t just some dignitary receiving line, a Congresswoman greeting the President of the United States to her state. This shot is Kristi cozying up and posing for a picture with a flag-burning conspiracy theorist who provides you hours of loony, angry video for background material to make your point that Kristi is a poor judge of character.
Drop the silly Kristi-loves-Barack ad, Marty. If you’ve got to slag Kristi, slag her with her pal C.J. Abernathey.
I remember the day President Obama visited Watertown. I was on the airfield waiting for him to depart and shook his hand. During that wait we were told that Kristi Noem was irritated that she had to welcome him. Allegedly she told him she was interrupted while she was cleaning her house for her son’s graduation party.
And here I was trying to say nice things about Rep. Noem doing her duty, and Mary reveals an alleged act that would show classlessness and pettiness on our Congresswoman’s part.
She is going to beat MJ
This is an act of desperation, tasteless desperation.
He Is play ‘n race under the table
And this should not be a factor or allowed by any paid public leader
Tasteless ,,,
I agree with T. This smells like desperation. I
That Mr. Pischke fellow just seems a little odd. He makes the hairs on grudznick’s neck stand up just a little bit, much in the way I think an eelpout might if I caught an eelpout in Deerfield Lake.
Jackley is desperate ever since Noem’s campaign started sharing Jackley’s involvement in Laura Kaiser’s settlement. I look forward to voting against him on Tuesday.
So that’s what Abernathy looks like. And Pischke. What a pair of misogynists to hang out with. Ick.
Caption: Kristi owning the LIb*s.
NOem would not have had to show up, after all, Thune missed it. She should have stayed home that way Jackley could have remarked about her being more of a housewife than an real legislator. As for Thune, he was busy being fitted for his custom tailored chinos. That takes time when you are a peacock.
This is the GOP primary I was counting on. These two were never going to fight it out on policy and vision. They were going to spend their big money trying to destroy each other, and, despite what looked like early superiority, Jackley appears to be less skilled at landing blows than Noem. A couple out-of-context quotes and a picture with the First Black President aren’t enough to wreck Noem. Accusations of corruption and retaliation, sold with Noem’s massive PAC war chest, may be enough to wreck Jackley.
I still believe Jackley is the more qualified of the two GOP candidates. He can manage the executive branch of this state; Noem cannot, not by her own wits. But politically, I am happy to see Noem permanently hobble Jackley and write a really effective script for anyone who has to run against him in the future.
I am surprised Jackley hasn’t gone for the estate tax issue. Noem’s lies about the estate tax, coupled with her farm subsidies, could damage her as much as the things she’s saying are damaging Jackley. That’s the killer counterpunch, not this limp, general “Kristi represents Washington politics” trope.
What’s she got on him that he can’t tread the estate tax?
the farm subsidies isn’t exactlt a dagger, rural base understands that one, but I do wonder about the estate tax, he hasn’t even pointed in that direction, is there something he wants us to keep from seeing once the box is open?
Neither Jackley or Noem are qualified to be the govoner of SOuth Dakota,
They are each creating mor reasons to vote for Sutton on November
Got to love Prostitute Journalism
I approached Congresswoman Noem to discuss the Crimes I am alleging against Marty Jackley. Kristi Noem was simply doing her job in both of these Pictures. Everyone knows that this website has zero credibility to the truth. I do not want to burn the flag, but will do so should the fraud kidnapping of my child reaches 1,500 days. This website is nothing more than Hooker Media. Congresswoman Noem and Representative Pischke and myself had a Conversation about Title 4 Funding and Paternity Fraud. But this incompetent site would never had known that. Either way, myself or Congresswoman Noem would be the better choice than a Criminal and Scandal ridden Attorney General. I hope she gets her Parties nomination and that I will face her in a debate about these concerns and the public will be made more aware of the crimes this Government commits.
I am going to send a letter to AG and ask him why he is accusing his opponent for shaking hands with POTUS? He clearly has some issues….
I am wondering how you get prostitute out of NOem being in “both of these Pictures”. As both means two, it is clear to me that you are referring to the two pictures of NOem with President Obama, how is that?
One thing for sure, neither you or NOem, Jackley or anyone other than Billie Sutton would be my choice for governor.
I hope she gets her Parties nomination and that I will face her in a debate about these concerns and the public will be made more aware of the crimes this Government commits.
Abernathey sounds like he would rather bully a woman than face a man in a debate. Maybe another Hitler Weasel Bush claiming he kicked Geraldine Ferrarro’s arse in a debate.
“Prostitute Journalism”—CJ makes my point about his constant resort to cheap, substanceless insults.
Tell us, CJ, to whom exactly am I whoring myself out? Who’s paying me to lie or whatever it is you think is the blogging equivalent of sexual favors?
CJ, whenever I critique your statements, I give clear reasons why you have spoken incorrectly (courts are still constitutional, yellow fringe is statutorily meaningless) or objectionably (your dad’s rights cries really are just a front for dads who don’t want to meet their legal responsibilities to their children).
Now, be clear for us: in what way is anything I’ve said in this blog post incorrect?
(1) You offer no critique of my analysis of Jackley’s use/abuse of the photo of Noem with Obama, so I assume you agree that my first paragraphs (up to “But hey, Marty!”) contain no factual errors.
(2) You affirm the veracity of the photo of you, Noem, and Pischke.
(3) You have not denied that you believe in conspiracy theories (like that the courts and other agencies of this state have conspired to kidnap your daughter… and, I suspect, like your mention of Title 4 Funding and paternity fraud).
(4) You affirm your intent to burn a flag at the Attorney General’s office, as you yourself declared on Facebook several weeks ago and which I have simply reported as your intent.
(5) You have not denied that your Facebook videos are angry (and you can’t deny that—your tone is clearly angry) and loony (easier to argue… but you must admit, arguing that yellow fringe nullifies the Constitution is a pretty crazy idea).
(6) You have not denied that Marty Jackley could use the photo of Noem with you to cast her in a negative light, arguably more negative than his stretched use of the photo of her with Obama.
Now, to what seem to be new claims on your part:
(1) What crimes has the Attorney General committed? Even Kristi Noem hasn’t gone that far and accused Jackley of breaking the law. She’s only accused him of doing a poor job of upholding it and preventing others from breaking it.
(2) Doing her job? How is it a Congresswoman’s job to put her arm around people and pose for photos with them? Did Kristi really have an obligation to stand there and listen to your conspiracy theories, or could she have left the room immediately for her next event?
(3) On what day was your daughter kidnapped? By whom? Where is she now? Why was she kidnapped? What ransom have the kidnappers demanded to return your daughter? What specific conditions would have to be met to get you to call off your flag-burning? Have you reported this kidnapping to law enforcement? If so, why has law enforcement been unable to return your daughter? If not, why have you not reported this crime?
Typical right winger. CJ can’t handle the facts.
Good grief CHA. 😒
Try this: 🤐
Damn autocorrect changed CJA to CHA in my previous comment. Sorry.
At least it didn’t change CJA to CAH! That’s confusion we must not commit.
grudznick….you have no idea…and your feeling is not far off. The fact this picture is out in circulation, due to the 2 men pictured, should give a chilling effect to anyone.
grudznick 2018-06-02 at 19:47
That Mr. Pischke fellow just seems a little odd. He makes the hairs on grudznick’s neck stand up just a little bit, much in the way I think an eelpout might if I caught an eelpout in Deerfield Lake.