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Texas School Shooting Arises from Lethal Trumpist Combo of Male Entitlement and Gun Worship

Let’s put a Trumpist period on the explanation for last week’s school shooting in Texas. The killer targeted a girl who spurned his aggressive and unwanted advances:

The teen who was hounded and ultimately killed by Texas school shooter…* told her parents she was afraid the creep would hurt her – and that if he did, she’d “haunt him forever,” her dad said.

Shana Fisher, 16, made the chilling premonition just two weeks before she was gunned down – along with seven other students and two teachers at Santa Fe High School.

“Shana told her mother two weeks ago he was going to come and kill her,” her dad, Timothy Thomas, told the Daily Mail.

The girl’s mother, Sadie Rodriguez, recounted to multiple outlets how twister killer …, 17, went after her daughter for four months – until Fisher ultimately told him to cut it out in front of their class, a week before his rampage.

“I know he had pestered her to go out with him. She kept telling him no. For one, he supposedly already had a girlfriend. And two, she just didn’t have feelings for the boy,” said Thomas, 41.

“What kind of person thinks the appropriate response is to kill her and a class full of people?” [Tamar Lapin, “Teen Killed in School Shooting Knew Suspect Would Target Her,” New York Post, 2018.05.21]

Donald Trump is almost that kind of person. Trump considers himself entitled to make aggressive and unwanted sexual advances toward women. Trump considers himself entitled to publicly attack and humiliate any woman who does not please him. Trump has publicly suggested that guns can be properly used in response to women who oppose him. And Trump has claimed that he could shoot someone in public and suffer no consequences.

Donald Trump epitomizes a combination of misogynist male entitlement (the treatment of women as objects intended solely to satisfy men) and ammosexuality (the view of guns as markers of virility). From the account of victim Shana Fisher’s parents, last week’s Texas school shooting may demonstrate how that combination turns lethal.

*Editorial Note: I adopt here the journalistic position that reporting the name of the killer is not essential to understanding the story and only offers the killer undeserved fame that may encourage future killings. I am open to a First Amendment debate on this point, but I see merit in the idea of saying to school shooters, “Pull that trigger, harm your fellow beings, and you will disappear from history.” 


  1. Jenny

    If a Muslim commits a mass shooting they are terrorists and members of Isis. White guys,which commit the far far majority of mass shootings are just mentally ill and victims of bullying.
    Nothing to be alarmed about. Just some white Christian guys.

  2. Roger Cornelius

    The Santa Fe, TX school murderer father now claims his son was bullied, somewhat ironic that the killer was actually bullying a young girl because of his fixation with her.

    In the aftermath of every school shooting the ammosexuals come up with new excuses if not justifications.

    Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick has probably been the most vocal with his limiting entrance solution, and blaming abortion.

    Of course Sean Hannity claims to have the answer to school shooting by having the government monitor all school age children social media accounts, sounds like government expansion.

    And there is Ollie North who blames school shootings on Ritalin without any evidence

  3. Jenny

    Only 10 innocent bystanders this time…….this is America, not that shocking anymore.
    The NRA smiles as the the royal wedding makes more news time.

  4. Jason


    He made bombs also.

    What does the NRA have to do with bombs?

  5. Roger Cornelius

    Knowing the NRA’s propensity for supporting weapons of mass destruction it wouldn’t be a surprise if they try to legalize bomb making.

  6. mike fom iowa

    What does the NRA have to do with bombs?

    Ever heard of tannerite, Jason? It appears to be what many NRA members are using to blow up their Yeti coolers because they can’t read. And tannerite is endorsed by the NRA and is sold in most gun stores.

  7. OldSarg

    This is pathetic. Blaming Trump for this shooting is beyond stupid. I mean that. Blaming Trump for the Texas school shooting is the equivalent of Gore’s claiming to invent the internet. Just stupid. Families lost children. Families are suffering and all you can do is point and blame someone else. What are you doing to protect your kids at your school Cory? Are you standing at the door guarding the kids at all times? Are you showing them all how to climb out the windows and hide in the corners? What exactly are you doing Cory other than blaming Trump?

  8. Roger Cornelius

    It is in Trump’s DNA to blame someone for all his crimes and things that don’t work for him because of his incompetence.
    Next to Trump lying, blaming is a close second.

  9. T

    Well oldsarge it appears im almost giving u a thumbs up with what you are saying Blaming is not a solution and agree the solution is more than government banning something. Before I start taking hits on this, I’ve changed by stance a little on this….. the guns are already out there folks Blame us parents, yes I said that right, ….perfect background checks are done and we obtain guns legally, what we don’t do is lock them up away from kids teens young adults. We r too busy to recognize red flags; too busy working to pay for stuff to c
    Signs junior is thinking about taking a legal gun to school. Then it’s one of “our” own that takes innocents lives and we start screaming NRA etc, Blaming the presidork isn’t precautionary nor solutions. It will take years for anything to get done all while we keep legally buying guns in the reach of our kids ……it’s Coming down to defense not offense, metal detectors in schools yes, I am thinking this, crazy I know but there will be years before solutions over the great gun debate in our country and what then? Guns are there, so screen the schools, and those that enter.

  10. OldSarg

    T, well said.

  11. Debbo

    Blaming is one thing, looking for causes is another and the latter is extremely important as are immediate stop gap measures.

    Entrances to schools can’t be closed down due to safety issues in case of fire, gas leaks, etc. So if we’re talking about metal detectors and personnel to monitor them at every entrance, that sounds like a lot of money. That’s an immediate, stop gap issue.

    For the long term safety of our children and all places where people gather, we must look beyond the quickies. Nearly all gun safety groups have been talking about basic regulations that the majority of gun owners support– background checks for every transfer of ownership, denial for anyone under a protective order, no bump stocks or other devices to make guns function like automatic weapons, raise age to buy to 21, make gun owners liable for misuse of weapons they didn’t keep locked up, make it possible to sue gun manufacturers in civil courts.

    That’s all that comes to mind for me now. Its pretty basic stuff and legal experts across the political spectrum are saying these regs don’t conflict with amendment 2.

    The thing that I think will happen if any and all regulations don’t happen, is people will become more extreme and say, then let’s just ban private ownership of guns all together. I’ve seen an article like that in a mainstream publication. I don’t support that, but folks aren’t going to just sit back and watch their loved ones be gunned down and do nothing.

  12. T

    You know how many gun shows I have been through out the country and other states tha5 do NO paperwork? There is also a need here for some type of control I’m a civil war collector but I can easily buy automatics even though I’m not suppose to and I can obtain glocks or 9,s . There out there and not going away
    Regulations won’t do anything people, good luck with that
    The honest people are filling out their paperwork and backgrounds
    And more than likely that’s where someone can get a gun, if they can’t go to a gun show; if you have the cash you can get a gun

  13. Jason

    Debbo Wrote:

    Nearly all gun safety groups have been talking about basic regulations that the majority of gun owners support– background checks for every transfer of ownership, denial for anyone under a protective order, no bump stocks or other devices to make guns function like automatic weapons, raise age to buy to 21, make gun owners liable for misuse of weapons they didn’t keep locked up, make it possible to sue gun manufacturers in civil courts.

    Please explain in detail how each of the measures you mentioned would have stopped the shooting in Texas?

  14. OS, as usual, you can’t win the argument, so you make an emotional argument that loses sight of reality. If I’m standing at the door on guard at all times, then I’m not teaching, and the purpose of school is lost. That’s exactly why our school gunslinger law, arming teachers, is counterproductive: by surrendering to fear, we undermine education.

    In this case, pointing out that Trump is to blame is part of the solution. We have elected a negative role model, a vile leader who affirms harmful cultural concepts that make it easier for children to conclude that it is o.k. to harm others. The words the occupant of the White House says matter. They can inspire our children. Donald Trump needs to change his words… or we need to change our leader.

    OS missed the fact that I’m offering a cultural solution that does not require any Second Amendment debate. We can keep the right to bear arms, but we need to change the culture to say that bearing arms and using them against our fellow man is not a sign of ultimate manhood but a sign of ultimate failure.

  15. Jason


    Trump has nothing to do with it.

    Culture has nothing to do with it.

    Democrats are the ones shooting Representatives.

    There is no culture that advocates violence except for gangs.

    For you to blame Trump tells me all I need to know about your intelligence.

    It’s really sad that Democrats don’t offer solutions to keep children safe.

  16. T

    Geez jason
    A little harsh and unnecessary
    We all want the same thing here, safety and solutions
    You cannot Call out that Democrats are the shooters when some of them aren’t o,d enough to register and claim a party yet.
    Culture, prez, role models, movie stars, teachers, us, and them, and more::::::::we all have something to do with this
    Agree w CH ya it’s all part of the problem, but don’t agree regulations are going to save the day,,,,,, just say’n

  17. Jason


    Cory is the one that blamed Trump.

  18. Daniel Buresh

    If a 17 yr old can easily access firearms, the legal owner should no longer be allowed to own a firearm again and they should be charged with accessory. Once again, this was another shooting that was supported by an irresponsible gun owner.

  19. OldSarg

    “pointing out that Trump is to blame is part of the solution” No it’s not and it doesn’t help. I causes everyone else to get into a pissing match over dems/repubs/conservative/liberal/ hitlery/trump instead of focusing on the work that needs to be done and that my friend is in your court as you are a teacher. We entrust YOU to be there with our kids and protect them like they are your own and I would surmise you would do just that. I also suspect you would be willing to carry if asked and then where would you be? You trash gun owners because you are more enlightened but, if asked because of a real threat, you would arm to make sure the job is done. . . Catch 22

    In a way these shootings may be a result of the social construct of our schools themselves. I read once “Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” I don’t know who wrote it but it is true. Passion for teaching and inspiring students is an amazing thing. Maybe if students were taught to respect each other, respect the institution and respect learning maybe they would see the school as a place to learn as opposed to being a place to simply socialize and get their name in the news.

  20. T

    I know
    And your blaming CH for blaming trumpeter
    NRA is being blamed
    Dems blaming reps
    Reps blaming dems
    I partial blame the parents
    And so it continues…and yet another shooting…….
    No solutions just blaming
    Control the entrances is my solution what’s yours?

  21. o

    OldSarge, as a parent and a teacher, let me answer the question you posed Cory: to protect my children and my students, I do not allow them access to guns from my home.

  22. o

    Allow me to take the same track opponents of gun control take: What is the NRA doing to address the “causes” of gun violence they recognize? Where is the NRA funding of ritilin alternatives; where is the NRA funding for mental health? Where has the NRA worked to help with any of the “causes” of gun violence they have identified? Instead the marketing arm of gun violence keeps the factories rolling and the flow unabated of the very tools of that death and destruction.

    The President and the Legislature are all at fault in this crisis for perpetuating the flood of weapons in the US; they are all at fault for bowing to the political pressure of the NRA to put holding office above protecting society.

  23. Daniel Buresh

    “Control the entrances is my solution what’s yours?”

    Require responsible ownership with strict penalties. One lock minimum on all unattended weapons. If no lock, and they are taken and used in a crime, same penalty for the gun owner as the perpetrator. Require owners to take some sort of liability to insure their weapons are secure. If they do take the proper precautions and the weapons are still stolen and used in a crime, that is not longer the owners fault.

    Let’s see how many guns get stolen out of unlocked cars or how many toddlers shoot themselves in the head if we hold the owners accountable.

    I am a gun owner. I own many weapons. My weapons are always locked and stored away from ammunition. No one has access to my weapons without my consent.

  24. o

    Jason and OldSarge, et al, do you seriously make the claim that there is NO relationship between mass ownership of guns (unique to the US) and gun violence (unique to the US)?

    Is there a body count for either of you that warrants a reconsideration of mass gun ownership in the US? Or will all losses be acceptable losses for your political agenda?

  25. T

    If people traveled the circuits on these gun shows
    You would know that access is too easy to buy anything
    It takes a drump T-shirt or American flag hat and cash
    No paperwork even though it’s mandated to complete
    Danial that’s something to think about
    As a gun owner I would be responsible for my kid taking my gun That could carry some weight in a debate Just like when kids take the car there liability insurance
    For protection as a parent we should take
    Accountability w guns just as we do when they take the car …… thumbs up to that idea

    Communities and schools need to take their own precautions waiting for regulations and crack downs take too long as the debate has been going on for years Making things illegal? I agree but won’t
    Help the problem You think a shooter or suicide mission cares they possess a gun illegally? We created a monster w 2nd amendment weaponry is so advanced, I do not believe they invisioned an AK
    Or even a repeater for that matter

  26. OldSarg

    o I’m not saying that guns do not play a part however, I do make a correlation between mass shootings and mental health issues of the shooters.

    Mental Health: “59% of the 185 public mass shootings that took place in the United States from 1900 through 2017 were carried out by people who had either been diagnosed with a mental disorder or demonstrated signs of serious mental illness prior to the attack”

    Number of guns: I will also say that in the Americas the closer you get to the arctic circle the fewer homicides per gun you have:
    * Canada has 25.33 guns per 100 people and a gun related homicide rate of .61. That is a 0.02408 murders per gun.
    *The United States has 101.05 guns for every 100 people and a gun related homicide rate of 4.62. 0.0462 murders per gun.
    *Mexico has 15 guns per person yet a gun related homicide rate of 6.34. That is a 0.422 murders per gun. 10X higher than our rate.
    *Guatemala is 2.6 murders per gun.
    *Honduras 6.06 murders per gun
    *El Salvador 7.86 murders per gun

    But clearly the highest murder rate by guns is most easily seen between races. Take a look at this report by CNN:

    So, what we can conclude from the facts is: 1) Mental health plays the largest role in mass shootings then 2) you are safest the further north you go, and finally the most racist determination 3) It is very dangerous to be a Black Man confronted by another Black man with a gun.

    My point; I don’t have the answer. There are various and numerous reasons for the shootings and blaming Trump is what the frustrated do to express their anger instead of researching the actual reasons.

  27. Debbo

    “bearing arms and using them against our fellow man is not a sign of ultimate manhood but a sign of ultimate failure.”
    So well put Cory.

    I suggested some regulations no one has addressed. (Except liability insurance.) They aren’t perfect and wouldn’t stop every domestic terrorist attack, but they may stop some. In my book that makes them worth enacting. Also, they leave amendment 2 entirely intact. Here they are again:

    – background checks for every transfer of ownership, denial for anyone under a protective order, no bump stocks or other devices to make guns function like automatic weapons, raise age to buy to 21, make gun owners liable for misuse of weapons they didn’t keep locked up, make it possible to sue gun manufacturers in civil courts.

  28. mike fom iowa

    People won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

    Everyone from Teddy Roosevelt to John C. Maxwell has been attributed with coining the phrase above. It’s been repeated often enough to become a well-known truism, especially in education.

    Wasn’t hard to find.

  29. mike fom iowa

    When students bring band instruments to school, do they get the third degree and visually searched or x-rayed? What a way to smuggle guns in. How about athletes that come in for uniform changes before big games. Do their backpacks and gym bags get checked?

    How about after a road trip when the team returns to school late at night. Who mans the doors then?

    Who is going to frisk thousands of fans coming to the school for athletic or musical recitals?

    Lets ban assault weapons and clips that can hold more than 4 or 5 shells. This would be a good place to start and I don’t want ammosexuals crying the guns are already out there- boo hoo. They had been effectively banned one time but pols got bought off and rescinded the ban because responsible hunters needed a quick follow up shot or thirty to perforate Bambi so the meat was inedible.

  30. o

    T, you give us a good idea to ponder: gun insurance. Like an automobile (which the trolls always remind us are dangerous too), have all guns required to be insured against the potential liability of their unintended use. Let’s add up the total financial cost of guns, and spread that out through required insurance costs for gun owners. Let’s see if the NRA and their members want to foot the bill for hardening schools to be anti-seige fortresses, and better mental health care (for gun owners and those with access to guns) when we take the expense to do that out of their insurance premiums.

  31. o

    Mike, does banning assault weapons or clips, or anything else already on the streets, also mean taking them out of the hands of those who now possess them?

  32. mike fom iowa

    O- YES! How many examples do we need of phony so called responsible gun owners losing track of their assault weapons. These weapons should never have been legalized in the first place. History has shown us America’s superior barbarism continues to grow as weapons are made deadlier and deadlier.Weapons, mind you, that were built solely for the purpose of killing other humans as efficiently as possible.

  33. Jenny

    Sickening statistic this year…. more US school children have been killed by school shootings than US Soldiers in the Military. Chew on that one Pubs.

  34. o

    Mike – agreed!

  35. T

    What I’m saying is all the regulations put into place won’t help, so many ways around the paperwork for that one person that intends to do destruction, Making guns, certain types illegal? Take off the modifications then they are legal, so the time, money it costed is wasted…sawed offs illegal? So what ? doesn’t prevent one from having one. The weapons are here so how we deal with it? Fines for having illegal modifications are minuscule
    Yes search the hell out of sht if it prevents a shooting we have to be at airports 2 hours early so why not school events
    Charge insurance or fees and tax on guns and ammo to pay for all this, take a percentage of that pheasant hunting surplus of millions that suppose to come into SD annually many ways to come up w to pay for it Try and try to outlaw or ban we will lose and keep losing that battle
    Desperately need to do something that might actually minimize these shootings
    Weapons and ammunition tax has failed in states before, but currently it might just pass now

  36. OldSarg

    40,000 Americans died in car accidents last year. Licensing of drivers and cars did not reduce the number. Insurance on cars did not reduce the number of accidents. Putting drivers in jail who caused the accidents did not reduce the number of accidents.

    Shooting, like car accidents need to be addressed in a different manner. All the ideas of banning weapons, requiring a license, background checks, ammo limits, clip size all do nothing to address the real problem of mental health, failed communities and non-parenting parents. You are all like labs chasing balls. Stop reacting and start thinking.

  37. mike fom iowa

    Eat the apple one bite at a time. What have the most egregious school and workplace slaughters have in common? Assault Weapons with large capacity clips (and, have you noticed how ammosexuals stopped claiming clips are not clips but magazines?)

    We need to pick a lane and start from there. Allowing more and more guns is not going to fix the problem. You have seen numerous cases of “good guys with guns” not get involved for fear of being shot by the cops or just plain didn’t have the courage of their convictions to charge the proverbial machine gun nest ala Audie Murphy.

  38. o

    OldSarg – 40,000 versus what? You claim that licensing and insurance did not reduce accidents, but how do you show that? That accidents happened doesn’t mean that more would not have if we had shown a complete disregard for responsibility (as we do with guns).

    Owners and manufacturers of guns are absolved or responsibility for those weapons. That is wrong.

    Is it your argument that no other nation on earth has mental health problems, failed communities, non-parenting parents? I am thinking; I am thinking about how the US can be so much like its European and Eastern, and northern counterparts in so many ways, except ONE (massive gun ownership), yet that one fact eludes the focus of causality for the 2nd Amendment proponents.

  39. bearcreekbat

    OS makes claims that seem unsupported by any factual evidence. For example, OS claims

    Licensing of drivers and cars did not reduce the number. Insurance on cars did not reduce the number of accidents.

    This implies that there would not have been even more deaths if we did not license drivers. Perhaps licensing drivers actually helped help keep the number at 40,000 rather than some substantially higher number, such as 140,000?

    If we regulate guns like cars and 1,000 kids are still killed with illegal guns, isn’t it better than 10,000 kids being killed with legal guns? The “all or none” game is a reactionary nonthinking response.

    This brings us back to o’s question:

    Is there a body count for either of you that warrants a reconsideration of mass gun ownership in the US?

  40. Dicta

    If you are a parent and your child uses your gun to harm other people, I’d like to see a strict-liability manslaughter style charge for all fatalities. This way they can keep their firearm, but there are some consequences associated with not keeping it out of the hands of kids.

  41. o

    OldSarg: the conclusions you draw from your statistics are slight of hand to distract from the real focus.

    Mental Health: “59% of the 185 public mass shootings that took place in the United States from 1900 through 2017 were carried out by people who had either been diagnosed with a mental disorder or demonstrated signs of serious mental illness prior to the attack” AND 100% were carried out with a GUN!

    Number of guns: “The United States has 101.05 guns for every 100 people and a gun related homicide rate of 4.62. 0.0462 murders per gun.” That we have SO many guns does not mean guns are safe because you shifted to a per-gun ratio. By that thinking guns get safer as we get more because as a percentage fewer are used. Atomic/nuclear bombs are even less deadly – you know as a percentage of ones that exist to the one we have exploded.

    Even the race point you make shows that guns escalate violence.

    The key element in all this death and destruction was GUNS!

  42. mike fom iowa

    Not licensing drivers would lead to more racial profiling and more cops shooting unarmed minorities.

  43. jerry

    “BILLINGS, MO—Finding himself increasingly uncertain as to the purpose of his substantial cache of military-grade firearms, Billings resident Greg Carnes admitted Tuesday that he was unable to remember whether the 20 rifles he’d stockpiled were meant to aid in armed rebellion against the government or prevent the same. “I’m certain I got these guns for a patriotic purpose, and I know that I held strong feelings about that purpose at the time. I just wish I could remember exactly what it was,” said Carnes, opening his gun safe to inspect enough assault rifles to either outfit or destroy a small platoon in the hopes that doing so might jog his memory as to exactly why he was willing to go out in a blaze of gunfire and glory. “I mean, when Obama was president, they were for sure so I could overthrow the government. But now, I feel like it might be to defend it? Man, I sure don’t know. I got that ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ flag on my truck and all, but I can’t remember who that’s talking about either.” Carnes added that he was tentatively optimistic he could deduce the reason for his arms stockpile by flipping through his 6,000-page manifesto.” And there you have it.

  44. Debbo

    Ohferpetessake. People like him are scary. He’s got ’em, so he wants to use ’em . . . against Somebody! He just has to figure out who. There’s a loony who needs to be disarmed except for 1 pistol, 1 shotgun and 1 hunting rife– all standard issue. No add ones or modifications.

    Good gtief.

  45. o

    The Second Amendment was to ensure the US had a well-armed militia to defend the nation and its citizens. How often now are the very guns “protected” by the Second Amendment used AGAINST the legitimate, nationally recognized militia as happened with the Cliven Bundy types?

  46. Ryan

    I rarely agree with mike from iowa, but he raises a good point: one bite at a time. The problems with all the solutions offered on this site and elsewhere are that none of them are perfect and most of them are either so expensive that they would take a hundred years to be fully implemented, or they are so impossible to administer that the effort would be wasted. But I think we can take baby steps, or baby bites.

    Metal detectors go “beep” when they detect metal, they won’t stop a crazy killer from killing people. Gun manufacturers are not to blame for people killing other people, and you can sue them all you want but there is no cause of action unless there was negligence or intentional harm, so that wouldn’t stop one single murder. Armed teachers are a joke. Most teachers are probably good people but give me a break, they aren’t soldiers or body guards – they’d kill even more kids or they would shoot themselves in the femoral artery when some kid forgets to turn the volume off on his phone.

    I think the most important step is for a majority of us to stop letting the “I’m not listening because the second amendment is my impenetrable shield” crowd play their headgames. We need to collectively admit that the current system is not working. When a majority of the country wants reasonable gun control, and is willing to stand up to tired, worn out mouthpieces like jason and other NRA groupies, we will start to move in the right direction.

    God is not responding to your thoughts and prayers – or god doesn’t exist – or god wants people to die by gunfire. Each of those 3 possibilities means this is up to us, the people who really exist. I don’t want to tell smart and safe people what to do, but I also don’t want my daughter to be shot in the face in study hall. Until we can temper the “ban all guns” crazies, and also temper the “2nd amendment is god” crazies, nothing will ever change.

    Are there any reasonable people still out there? Anybody think for themselves any more? It feels like everyone enjoys arguing for whichever side they picked more than solving a problem. Both sides, too – it’s not just the people you disagree with that are the problem. Whichever side you are on, most of your side is just mimicking what somebody else told them they should think.

  47. o

    I really do get Mike and Ryan’s sentiment of one-bite-at-a-time, however I more believe that when jumping canyons, it is best not to take half steps.

  48. T

    Yes Ryan agree
    N w Mike from Iowa with the money involved keeps falling on deaf ears
    For example
    Watch (listen to barely hear her) Bonnie Watson Coleman
    In the house during moment of silence from r Santa Fe.
    Praying isn’t protecting the kids or schools

  49. OldSarg

    bear creek: OS makes claims that seem unsupported by any factual evidence. For example, OS claims “Licensing of drivers and cars did not reduce the number. Insurance on cars did not reduce the number of accidents.” that is called a logical sequence. I never voted the statement. If I had I would have provided you a link. Please don’t take offense. provide a logical sequence back.

  50. OldSarg

    o: “The key element in all this death and destruction was GUNS!” no, the key element is “people”. You can have all the guns in the world if it was populated all by dogs but they don’t have opposable thumps thus they wouldn’t shoot each other. Guns are not the problem. The problem is “people”.

  51. OldSarg

    A driver’s license serves no more purpose than a marriage license. Leave the licensing up to insurance companies. Pass a law that you are required to have insurance to drive and get out of the licensing business. You can do the same with guns. Get rid of background checks (clearly that hasn’t stopped any shootings) and go with gun insurance only. Then the high risk folks couldn’t afford to insure themselves and they wouldn’t have guns! Oh wait, we have gun laws now that say minors and criminals can’t have guns yet we still have shootings. . . Hmmmm? A paradox. (look the word up before commenting iowa.)

  52. OldSarg

    Ryan: “God is not responding to your thoughts and prayers – or god doesn’t exist – or god wants people to die by gunfire.” I don’t think that is the job of God. . . The worship of God is for his acceptance, not for gifts. I guess you can pray for gifts but that would be a bit selfish on your part, which would be a other paradox. I think prayers given to God should be to recognize wisdom in our daily lives and for salvation (entrance into God’s hands). I could be wrong as well as I don’t believe I have insight into God’s wisdom. Clearly you may have reached a level of higher enlightenment.

  53. bearcreekbat

    OS, okay I’ll bite. Here is a logical sequence:

    40,000 people died in auto accidents last year.

    More people could have died if there were more accidents or more fatalities.

    Licencing requirements improve the quality of drivers by limiting or restricting those that cannot pass a driving test.

    Improving the quality of drivers reduces accidents caused by a lack of skill.

    Reducing car accidents reduces injuries and fatalities.

    Therefore, the licencing requirements constituted a factor in reducing the death toll to 40,000.

    ?Entiendas, amigo?

  54. Jason

    While 374 people were killed using rifles such as the AR-15 in 2016, 656 were killed using what the FBI calls “personal weapons” like fists, hands and feet. This includes physical altercations and incidents of pushing. Another 472 people were killed that year using a blunt object. The FBI lists hammers and clubs as examples.

    A shotgun and pistol can do as much damage as an AR-15 in close quarters as was sadly proven.

  55. bearcreekbat

    Jason, imagine if you will that each individual killer you reference in your comment had his or her own AR-15 with a multiple 30 round magazines. I wonder whether they would have been able to kill more folks with the AR-15 than the fist, hands and feet? What do you think Jason?

  56. Jason

    Bear, Let’s imagine that the hands in my comment built multiple bombs which can kill more people than a gun.

  57. o

    OldSarge: “Get rid of background checks (clearly that hasn’t stopped any shootings)”

    Wrong again. You keep falsely stating things have not made a difference with no evidence or reasoning. Background checks have denied people guns when actually used appropriately. You cannot state that those denials did not stop shootings. It seems far more likely putting more guns in the hands of people we are currently denying guns to is a NOT good idea.

  58. bearcreekbat

    Good point Jason! I suspect that is why bomb-making is heavily regulated and ownership restricted. But I will concede that some people still make bombs (think of Boston), yet it still seems rational to restrict and regulate bomb making and ownership. Do you agree?

  59. o

    Jason, I only wish everyone had the dedication to recycling that your have in recycling your refuted nonsense comments. I am now concerned about the potential of deadly school pushings.

  60. Jason


    Bombs aren’t covered under the 2nd Amendment.

  61. Jason


    What is nonsense?

    My comments are crystal clear and factual about guns and the Constitution.

  62. o

    Mike, you just absolutely won the internet.

  63. bearcreekbat

    Jason, some folks might argue that bombs constitute “arms” under the 2nd Amendment – they are weapons or armaments, which fall squarely within in the definition of “arms” that the 2nd Amendment guarantees the “right to bear.” A few hand grenades and homemade bombs could assist our 2nd Amendment defenders or attackers of government as much as a bunch of AR-15s.

    I am impressed that you disagree with that extreme position. Most, if not all, courts agree with your position that bombs are not protected by the 2nd Amendment.

    The same holds true for courts that have considered whether AR-15 type weapons are protected by the 2nd Amendment – the courts have generally held that they are not (I have not seen a court ruling otherwise, but I acknowledge that there may well be an outlier somewhere).

  64. bearcreekbat

    mfi, my grandfather frequently told us grandkids to “listen” as we might be missing an important warning. He then described how he was out hunting when he heard a voice in his head that told him to “duck.” He ducked just as his dog jumped on the trigger and fired his shot gun over his head. Dogs can indeed fire weapons.

  65. mike fom iowa

    Jason, how many mass beatings and pushings can you find? How many mass homicides with hammers have there been?

    Was the human hand and hammer, lead pipes designed to efficiently kill human beings in mass quantities?

    I did see Pruitt, the moron at EPA, rescinded restrictions on fertilizer that were put in place after deadly Texas explosion killed a bunch of first responders.

  66. Roger Cornelius

    Not long ago I had a discussion with an off duty police officer about the gun debate and school safety.
    On guns he said that they don’t have artificial intelligence, they require a finger to pull the trigger, a finger that is attached to an arm that is attached to a human being.
    On school safety, he said that what it should come down to is having an armed and trained police officer in every school and depending the size of the school more if necessary.
    When I asked about the cost of policemen in every school he simply stated, what price should we pay to protect our children, you can’t put a price on children.

  67. o

    Roger, what then happened when you asked him to pay more taxes to cover the cost for that which we cannot put a price on?

  68. Roger Cornelius

    I didn’t ask him about paying more taxes. I took him at his word.
    How can anyone put a price on the safety of children?

  69. T

    It’s like we have accepted school shootings and deaths in our society
    Like we accept alcoholics homeless and crack people.
    “Put a price on child’s safety” is a good point because the ones that were shot or even there are putting a price on their experience . Florida school and police department getting sued by a few of them for not being better prepared How many counties here in SD can afford that?
    Going to cost either way unless we just
    Gamble it doesn’t happen here

  70. o

    Roger, we put a price on the health and safety of children every day. ACA premiums go up – forcing children out of health care; private health care costs go up – forcing children out of health care; employers pay poverty wages – forcing children (of those workers) out of health care; employers do not give health care benefits to workers – forcing children out of health care; neither the government or employees give extended family leave – forcing children away from parents; SNAP restrictions in funding force children into less healthy eating; district opt-outs for education fail FAR more often than pass – reducing opportunity, even safety, for children . . .

    My point is past the rhetoric, people tend to be pro-wealth over pro-child when the bills come to be paid.

  71. OldSarg

    You are all nuts. You don’t argue topics. You argue your very own thoughts. Blog posts only provide you all more feedback than your own minds. Please understand, this is not a personal attack on any of you. I just need to point out that the only place any of you are rational is in your own minds. I don’t know if there is any way to help most of you. . .

  72. Nick Nemec

    If you own a gun and it is used in the commission of a crime you should at the very least be charged with failure to secure a weapon. I don’t care if your kid snuck it to school or if your house was broken into and you failed to notify police. Additional charges should be filed if people are killed because of you negligence in securing your weapon.

  73. Roger Cornelius

    There is no help for OldSarge, he is drowning in his own thoughts and irrationality.
    OldSarge thinks that he above debate, but here he is spewing his own brand or irrationality.

  74. Robin Friday

    Roger, I think your patrolman needs to open his mind a bit on the “more guns, more officers in schools” idea. There were TWO armed and trained security officers in the school in Santa Fe, TX. More guns is an old NRA solution to a very modern problem that has gotten away from us.

  75. Roger Cornelius

    Robin, I didn’t specifically mention “more guns”, the officer said not necessarily more officers in schools, he said an officer is every school, not security officers.
    The officer was speaking from his heart since he was 3 school age children.
    At any rate, whatever congress decides to do, if anything as to be radical. No more two step.

  76. jerry

    The answer may be Catholic Schools! “WASHINGTON, D.C. – Eight days after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, a Catholic high school more than 1,000 miles away conducted an active shooter training – planned two months ago – that suddenly had added urgency.

    During the Feb. 22 training, teachers and administrators at Bishop McNamara High School in Forestville, Maryland, just outside of Washington, were asked when was the last time someone died in a school fire. The answer: 50 years ago. When asked when was the last time someone died in a mass school shooting the answer was last Wednesday.”

    Catholic schools seem to have situations in hand as the student’s tend to look out for one another as one. We are not gonna get rid of guns, and who wants to, so there is that. Trick is to take care of ourselves and those around us. I think that lawmakers should keep in mind that allowing just any old one to have a concealed weapon is about as dumb as allowing any old one to carry a grenade. Same thing, both require a finger to pull the pin or the trigger.

    Pay teachers like you would pay Catholic teachers or private school teachers. Improve the buildings where students attend and let everyone who is responsible have a gun or as many as they want to purchase. What some call ammosexuals is not far from the truth any more than someone who likes art could be called artosexuals. There is beauty in many of the guns that people own. Take a look at the gun library at Cabella’s (you paid the TIF on it so take a look), there are some art forms there for sure. A poster made a comment about a drivers licence and I agree, before you can have a gun, pass a test that shows you are competent enough to drive one.

  77. mike fom iowa

    what price should we pay to protect our children, you can’t put a price on children.

    Sure you can. Ask Russia/NRA. A few (or many) dead kids is the price to be paid to ensure morons can have all the guns they want. They, the NRA, chooses dead kids.

  78. Jason

    That is false Mike,

    The truth is planned parenthood chooses dead kids everyday.

  79. Dicta

    “You all are nuts”
    “Dont take this an an insult”

    Once again, Dunning Kruger is riding old sarg like secretariat.

  80. mike fom iowa

    It is 110% true, Jason. That is a fact. Here is another fact, a fetus is not a child until it is born alive. Another fact, childbirth is inherently more dangerous than abortion.

  81. Jason


    It is not a fact that a fetus is not a child until it is born alive.

    That’s an opinion.

  82. Dicta

    Opinion? Sure. The law? Also yes.

  83. mike fom iowa

    No, Jason. The law sez it is a fact. Another fact is what a woman chooses to do with her body is no business of yours.

  84. mike fom iowa

    BTW, how did Planned Parenthood make its way into this conversation? PP does not support the NRA.

  85. Ryan


    You talk about hands and blunt objects but you somehow miss the fact that those people could have killed a lot more people if they had a gun in their hands and decided to do it. A fact is that if a person wants to kill dozens of people, the easiest way to do that in this country is to use a gun.

    Jason then said, “Let’s imagine that the hands in my comment built multiple bombs which can kill more people than a gun.”

    You use bombs as a red herring often, but the reality is a bomb goes off once and then is no longer a bomb. A gun can kill people over a longer period of time, with much less effort, and with greater control by the killer. Bombs are rare in mass killings in this country because the people here who want to kill other people are mostly idiots and not engineers and they know they would likely blow themselves up trying to make a bomb that may or may not go off when they want and may or may not kill who they want. Guns are intuitive and most of us played with toy guns as a kid which makes them much more familiar to use. I disagree with your repeated idea that “bombs can kill more people than a gun.” That’s just word play and if you pretend it isn’t, any credibility you think you have as an intelligent part of this conversation evaporates.

    You seem to think that no number of innocent dead people warrants a conversation about restricting access to guns. I think most of America disagrees with you. I hope you have your seatbelt on, guy. Your idea of your constitutional rights is just your idea – it’s not fact and it’s not written in the stars. I actually support gun ownership and responsible use, but I look forward to the coming changes as much for the safety of innocent people as I look forward to it just to hear people like you whine about your rights.

  86. mike fom iowa

    Maybe Jason plans to use poison gas bombs.

  87. T

    Men Are Responsible for Mass Shootings Harpers bazaar
    Google it my copy and paste isn’t working so well good article about entitlements

    I believe that is topic CH is writing about and alluding to when “blaming” the prez

    Luckily we have OLDsarge room monitor to keep us on track

  88. OldSarg

    T, I’m not trying to keep you on track. . . There is no track.

    On a side note; mike from iowa, you should stop commenting. Heck, just stop reading the internet for awhile. You get too wrapped up in it all and you are endangering yourself. Just give your machine to someone to store for awhile and step away from all of this. It was a mistake on my part to confront you the last time and I seriously don’t want you to hurt yourself over some blog post. You need to reach out to someone. There is help available. Don’t be afraid to ask.

  89. T

    Referring to your 21:23 comment
    Off topic. We missed the boat on this article, by jumping to gun control
    Lack there of. There is substance in the entitlement topic as CH article and the article I pointed out
    Actually I agree w u (check my temp)
    LOL We hear campaigning for the bullies but do nothing with bestowing and birthing entitlements.

    Good conversation and excellent comments and ideas but not a “thought” on base of article.

  90. mike fom iowa

    OldSweathog, you’re a Sibby nutcase. That is not a good thing to be.

  91. Debbo

    Oh Mikey! 😨 You went there! Oh. My. Gawd. You went there. You called forth The Name That Must Not Be Spoken.

    “A Sibby Nutcase.”

    🎶Turn out the lights,
    The party’s over!🎶

  92. Debbo

    On the other hand, back to the title of this post and T’s comment. The worst terrorists in this country are white American males. How are white American males going to address their problem?

    They’ve killed more people in this country since 9/11 than any other group so that’s where the focus needs to be. Not Mexicans and not Muslims.

  93. mike fom iowa

    Yeah, Debbo, I went all nukular on OS’s s. He jumped the shark into Sibson derangement territory.

    On a brighter note, Pompous Ass SOS Pompeo admitted Putin tried to help Drumpf get elected. Maybe we can finally put to rest all those wingnuts that still claim there is no evidence of Putin or Russia favoring Drumpf.

  94. Ryan

    Debbo, you ignorant bigot. These poor kids who are dying in school hallways across the country with lead in their eye sockets shouldn’t be a platform for your sexist and racist crap. I hope you feel good about yourself using dead children as just another one of your many excuses to publish your hate for all white men.

    This is not a “men’s” problem. This is not a “white person” problem. This is not a “white men” problem. This is an American problem. The problem is criminals killing innocent people. The solution is gun control. You should go sit in your room quietly for a while, you sick f@*k.

  95. Ryan

    Debbo, did you know there are at least 30 times (THIRTY TIMES!!!) more elective abortions in the US every year than homicides committed by all genders and races? If you look at just white male killers, the ratio is closer to 100:1 with women aborting 10,000% of the lives that white males take through homicide.

    So, if a person thinks an innocent growing fetus is a life worth saving (like I do), that person might suggest that women are responsible for many more preventable deaths than men.

  96. Debbo

    Whoa Ryan. Got issues? Get some help. T and Cory mentioned the same thing. Good grief. Get a grip. You’re just coming unglued son. Wow.

  97. Roger Cornelius

    Abortions have absolutely nothing to do with school massacres and no place on this thread.

  98. It is not sexist or racist to note that members of the favored patriarchal class are responsible for the vast majority of school shootings. This public health crisis is exacerbated by the sexist, racist example set by Donald Trump, who affirms the worst impulses of privilege among white males made insecure by our progress in dismantling white patriarchy.

  99. Ryan

    I have issues, sure. One of them is racist bigots like you.

    Cory didn’t say anything remotely similar to your propaganda, Debbo. And T attempted to copy and past the title of an article; he or she didn’t make any statement about race and gender. I can’t even tell if he or she is saying the article is true, untrue, or just wanting us to read it. If T said “How are white American males going to address their problem?” I would call T an idiot and a racist, too.

    And anyway, would other people being stupid bigots make you more comfortable being a stupid bigot? It reminds me of the “if your friends all jumped off a bridge…” stuff from my childhood. Take some responsibility for yourself, you’re a grown woman for goodness sake.

  100. leslie

    10 minutes, 12 ar15s with hundred round magazines killed 60, maimed 1000 in Las Vegas by rightwing nut job accountant/gambler on 32nd floor.

    that’s about 1200 rounds fired in under 10 minutes.

    what were u saying jason about “656 killed using fists, hands and feet and 472 people using a blunt objects” IN A YEAR? pales by any comparison.

    A shotgun and pistol may be for those less adept ammosexuals in mass killings. Jason. the hipster fascist?

    The Austin university tower shooting had many fewer deaths/injuries. The Santa Fe Tx school shooting last week “only” had 10 deaths, about the capacity for those two guns, Jason.

    “A shotgun and pistol can do as much damage as an AR-15 in close quarters” is something you should text to a parent of Parkland or Sante Fe school. Instead your drivel comes here. cluck, cluck. cluck.

    os-“recognize wisdom in our daily lives” would be to implement reasonable gun regulation. os the red neck know-it-all steeped in useless knowledge.

    the Las Vegas shooter had no criminal record yet background checks slowed him down, maybe allowing a public discussion of regulation, then perhaps a system tracking/prohibiting assault weapons and large magazines, would have made such a mass shooting impossible. keep putting regulation off and shootings clearly continue.

    You guys are scared of gun debate, scared of race debate, fair voting laws, scared of Trump investigation yet Hillary and Bill’s investigations were never ending, scared of advice/consent of SCOTUS nominee Merrick Garland, scared of ACA, scared of diplomacy, scared of EPA regulation, scared of climate debate, scared of Palestine, Syria, Russia, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iran nuclear diplomacy, Muslim religion, Taliban, IS, drugs, drug/alcohol research, science and rehabilitation; the GOP is afraid of the religious right, voting minorities, and the poor, the middle class, and higher education for all. The only thing you are not scared of is the military industrial complex and unregulated economy.

  101. Ryan

    As I have said before, I have no problem with statistical facts. I have discussed statistical evidence that when a person is shot in the US, it is more likely that the shooter is white and male than non-white and non-male.

    However, Debbo is not interested in the recitation of facts. Debbo likes to say stupid things “How are white American males going to address their problem?” and I don’t mind being the only person willing to tell her she is ignorant and her misandry is not well hidden.

    If Neal Tapio or Al Novstrup said “They (meaning white men) have killed more people in this country since 9/11 than any other group SO THAT’S WHERE THE FOCUS NEEDS TO BE.” you would all feel proud to call them all sorts of names, like racists and bigots. But Debbo is apparently above your criticisms for some reason. Remember when Novstrup ran his mouth about the race of the 9/11 attackers and you all jumped on him for it? The only difference here is that you like Debbo and you don’t like Al.


  102. mike fom iowa

    Ryan is jumping into Sibson territory, too.

    Doc, it would be in Drumpf’s best interests if someone wired his mandibles shut and broke all of his fingers. He alone, is going to get himself indicted because he can’t keep his mouth shut or his fingers occupied.

    But, who am I to stand in his way to prison?

    Ryan is getting into Sibson Twilight Zone and bullying Debbo. Debbo is right. Bring on the victimhood, Ryan.

  103. Roger Cornelius

    Debbo is not a racist, bigot, or a hypocrite, I’ve known her long enough to be able to say that she is one of the most open and accepting people I have ever known.
    Deb has a world of experience in having had to challenge, racism, bigotry, and misogamy on a person to person basis. I trust her judgement and her word.
    Debbo has riled a lot of male egos on this blog for a number of years, perhaps her only problem is challenging someone’s manhood.

  104. Ryan

    Roger and mfi – don’t beat around the bush. Do you think people should be judged based on the actions of other people because they happen share the same gender or race?

    Mike, you want it simple, right? Yes or no?

  105. mike fom iowa

    Ryan, I think you bully Debbo because that is the way you are. Debbo doesn’t have a seriously mean bone in her body, but she is not afraid to call people out. Her years of experiences with all kinds of people through different vocations gives her the right to speak what she sees and feels.

    You, otoh,apparently have built walls that won’t allow you to admit men might be the obvious problem and the ultimate solution to those problems.

  106. mike fom iowa

    Well and truly spoken, Roger C.

    When I win the lottery I am getting you, bcb and Debbo around a fire ring and then I want to hear stories from all three of you. We can add others, as well. Donald Pay probably has good stories to tell.

  107. Ryan

    So Mike thinks it’s ok to judge people based on gender and race. Anybody else have a vote?

  108. mike fom iowa

    This is pathetic. Blaming Trump for this shooting is beyond stupid. I mean that. Blaming Trump for the Texas school shooting is the equivalent of Gore’s claiming to invent the internet. Just stupid

    OldSilly, Obama was blamed for the rise of white supremacists and the re-opening of the racial divide in this country.

    Drumpf doesn’t want unity. He wants whites to rule like before. Drumpf deserves all the criticism bestowed on his racist carcass.

  109. Roger Cornelius

    The simple answer is that people should not be judged based on the actions because they share the same gender or race.
    Debbo didn’t do that, she pointed to the fact that the recent rash of mass murders have been white males and they have been. Why does that comment disturb you, Ryan?
    As an Indian from South Dakota I’ve been judge and ridiculed all my life for the actions of my fellow tribal members. I don’t condemn all white men for their hate of me, but I do condemn those that wallow in their ignorance.
    Every culture has the good, the bad, and the ugly and this thread is about the ugly(not physical looks, but their actions) white men who commit horrendous acts against school children.

  110. Roger Cornelius

    “So Mike thinks it’s ok to judge people based on race and gender”.
    Ryan that is comment straight out of Jason’s playbook.

  111. Ryan

    Roger, you are putting words in debbos mouth. I have admitted the statistic you are mentioning. She isn’t talking statistics. She is saying this is the white man’s problem, and white men should be the focus of blame and are responsible for a solution to gun violence. That’s crap.

  112. bearcreekbat

    mfi – smores!!!

    ryan – I don’t think people should be judged based on race or gender, and I didn’t read Debbo’s comments as judging white men or men in general. I read her comments as recognizing common racial and gender characteristics of most, but not all, people who commit mass murders with guns, which appears to be statistically accurate according to the evidence.

    I read her comments as arguing that, given this history, perhaps other reasonable and peace loving white males might just be in a good position, perhaps the best position, to help troubled white males to experience empathy with others, and help the troubled white males in finding other ways to address life’s frustrations than by gun violence. She seemed to be encouraging white males to take aggressive action to reduce these tragedies without discouraging every other race and gender from also taking aggressive steps to reduce such slaughters.

    And based upon past history, I could be wrong and if so, Debbo will not hesitate to clarify her position! But that is how I interpreted her comments.

  113. Roger Cornelius

    You are putting words in Mike’s mouth with you Jason like comment, “So Mike thinks it ok to judge people on race and gender”. Mike didn’t say anything remotely close that comment.

  114. Ryan

    Everyone defending debbo by rewriting her comments is missing her words. She said what I quoted her as saying, no what you are all paraphrasing her as saying. I’m sure it’s tough not to defend a person you like, but you are all ignoring her words in favor of your other unrelated positive opinions of her as a person. That only encourages people like her. Just like trump’s words are encouraging other bigots.

  115. Jason

    MFI wrote:

    No, Jason. The law sez it is a fact. Another fact is what a woman chooses to do with her body is no business of yours.

    Most States have laws that say if you kill a pregnant woman, you get charged with a double homicide.

    Since Congress never passed a law on making abortion legal, let’s discuss what law you are talking about that says a fetus is not a child until it’s born?

  116. Jason

    Ryan wrote:

    You seem to think that no number of innocent dead people warrants a conversation about restricting access to guns. I think most of America disagrees with you.

    Most Americans have no problem restricting guns to felons and the mentally ill. Most do not favor restricting guns to law abiding citizens.

    The media is staying away from this incident because an AR-15 was not used. They are hypocrites.

    The Democrats need to step up to the plate and start campaigning in every County in the USA for the banning of semi-auto guns. (rifles and pistols)

    Why aren’t they doing that?

  117. T

    Thanks mike from Iowa
    That’s what I tried to do
    You are much cooler than I and you succeeded !
    I have fat old hands and couldn’t copy n paste for some reason
    Debbo most of us know what your saying
    Don’t know where the blast is coming from as you quoted an article
    Great comments

  118. bearcreekbat

    Jason, I am not sure that Congress has ever passed a law making anything legal. Instead they pass laws restricting the behavior of individuals and then sometimes repeal these restrictions. Other than the latter, I can’t think of a single example of Congress passing a law to make any type behavior legal. I think all behavior is already legal, including terminating a pregnancy, until Congress decides to restrict it. In the case of a woman’s right of privacy to decide family planning and to decide who can use her body is so far a Constitutionally protected right, hence Congress cannot take away this right of privacy from a woman.

  119. OldSarg

    mike from iowa, you are spot on! It’s good that you are back with us. I’m glad you are doing much better now. I hope the best for you and here’s to a speedy recovery!

  120. Ryan

    Jason, I think you are incorrect about restricting guns in the hands of law abiding citizens. I think most Americans do support reasonable restrictions even for the most law abiding folks.

  121. Robin Friday

    oh, Roger, I can see no real argument there, just semantics. Obviously, an officer in every school means nothing if the officer is not armed. So an officer in every school equals more guns. My argument is not with you, but with your friend. An officer in every school is not a solution. So far, our experiences with resource officers or security officers by whatever name, are not impressive.

  122. Debbo

    Thanks BCB. That’s exactly what I was saying. Thank you to Roger, Mike and T also.

    When there is some type of deadly recurrence, we look for causes. That was the case with 9/11, with a disease that’s spreading, with anything. It’s just good public practice.

    In the case of mass shootings/domestic terrorist attacks/whatever you want to call it, the chief cause is white males. Thats what we must look at, in addition to the weapons used. It’s just simple common sense.

    Ryan, if that sounds like hatred to you and enrages you, I guess you’ll have to find a way to cope, other than trying to stop me or anyone else from talking about it. We’re not stopping because we want these killings to end, or at least decrease.

  123. Debbo

    The issue of trying to change white male American culture to reduce the reliance on violence must be done from within. Outsiders, women, other skin colors, children, all have been trying for a very long time, with minimal success.

    Offhand I can’t think of a major cultural change that’s been imposed from without, except by brute force. I’m thinking here especially of indigenous people in the Americas and Africa. In the USA the hands on the levers of brute force are white male.

    It seems to me that there are 2 options for creating a less violent white male culture in this country. Either men create the change willingly, or the ones at the top impose it by law and punishment.

    Gentlemen, what do you think?

  124. grudznick

    Ms. Geelsdottir, I think you sure hate men who are white, even those you have never met, and I think that smirches on racism and sexism. #metoo

  125. Roger Cornelius

    That simply is not true, grudz, knock it off.
    It is not Debbo’s fault that you can’t accept facts and are the definition of male white privilege.

  126. grudznick

    I’m entitled to my opinion, Mr. C. Stop denying me that right. Knock it off.

  127. Jason

    Here’s another fact that’s important to mention in the context of America’s gun violence epidemic: The victims of this mass shooting were black. And it’s also a fact that in America, black men and women are far more likely to be victims of lethal gun violence.

    The study found that blacks represent 13 percent of the U.S. population yet account for 50 percent of all homicide victims.

    However, our study found that when the circumstances could be identified, 68 percent of the homicides with black victims were not related to the commission of any other felony. Of these, 51 percent involved arguments between the victim and the offender. The study also found that when the victim to offender relationship could be identified, 72 percent of black victims were killed not by strangers, but by someone they knew.

    That last paragraph I posted tells you how the MSM media lies.

    They never say what race percentage killed these people. They hint at it, but don’t say it.

    I will let Debbo answer the question.

  128. grudznick


  129. T

    I think wo education the challenge is impossible
    And even with education will it fall on deaf ears?
    When we live in society where my buddy takes his 12 year boy to hooters on his birthday for family tradition they called it,
    Post it on FB and have everyone congrats him including women
    No one saw the what’s wrong with this picture? And the mother and rest of family stood smiling in the pic
    I think it’s a long haul,,,,, especially in rural areas were
    Cycles do not change

  130. mike fom iowa

    But, bcb, Debbo, Roger and others say it much better than I can.

  131. Debbo

    I know T. There are ways some women need to stand up, but it can be dangerous. Women are most often killed by men who have a relationship with them. It takes a great deal of courage to oppose a man who has shown aggression and violence. There is just no getting aroung white male privilege, male privilege in just about every culture, and male size and strength.

    Mikey, good find. I see many women calling out white women who take advantage of their skin color to harass other people. There has been significant public calling out of those racist white women by other white women and there needs to be more.

    There are contributing factors to this bullying behavior. Sometimes when one is bullied they look for someone else on a lower cultural rung to bully in turn. While understandable, it is not acceptable. Of course there is always the truth that racism and cultural hatred must be taught, usually at a young age.

    Those factors and many others need to be addressed when dealing with racist women. Above all, other women and society in general needs to consistently reinforce that racism is not acceptable here. Period.

  132. Roger Cornelius

    There are consequences, sometimes harsh, for both white men and women that choose to publicly spread their hate.
    The attorney in New York that told some Latin patrons of a restaurant to speak English not only lost his office space, but has been relentlessly shamed on the streets.
    There are ample cases of whites emboldened by Trump that killed a minority and are now facing a life of prison.
    The list of racists abusers goes on and on with hardly a day passing when there isn’t another case of racial hatred.
    The key word is consequences whether it be legal or public shaming and in some cases civil litigation where businesses and the haters face million of dollarsin lawsuits.

  133. Roger Cornelius

    mrc news busters is an extreme conservative propaganda site, Debbo, don’t bother reading it.

  134. mike fom iowa

    Frank Vyan Walton at Daily Kos has given us a list of some of the most egregious racist actions since Trump became president — actions Trump has not spoken or tweeted against.

    This is certainly not a comprehensive list:

    Bi-racial Ohio couple woke up to a lynched toy monkey, racist ‘get out’ comments spray painted on their house.
    Racist vandals drive black family from home — but mayor ‘more concerned’ with getting paint off that ‘pretty building’ A black family has moved out of their Tennessee home after enduring months of racist abuse — but the town’s mayor doesn’t think it’s a big deal.

    Racist Houston police told a black woman to ‘pretend like we’re going to shoot you’ during traffic stop.

    Virginia high school student refuses to change his Confederate-themed art project after teacher calls it racist.

    Florida high school says their hands are tied after a student’s racist gun video goes viral: ‘These things happen’.
    St. Louis store clerk used racist excuse to refuse to sell money order to a black couple.
    White supremacist murder suspect wants his racist internet history blocked from his hate crime trial An alleged white supremacist who killed a black student is seeking to have his racist internet history removed from evidence because his attorneys consider it “irrelevant” to the case.
    Racist hotel clerk calls black man a ‘f*cking monkey’ after he asks for a refund. A hotel clerk at Country Inn & Suites in Newport News, Virginia yelled racial slurs at a customer, according to 13 News Now.

    An 80-year-old LA man arrested for screaming racist attack on black student in school parking lot dispute. An 80-year-old man has been arrested after he went on a racist tirade aimed at a black college student and then physically assaulted her on Tuesday, reports KTLA.
    North Carolina sheriff in damage control mode after racist Facebook remark goes viral on Election Day.

    Washington mother refuses to send her black autistic son back to school after a ‘heartbreaking’ racist attack. A Washington mom is refusing to send her son back to Sedro-Woolley’s Cascade Middle School after a student stabbed him in the arm and called him the N-word, according to KGW 8 News.
    Black NHL prospect given police escort after racist threats from opposing fans. A 20-year-old black hockey player in the NHL’s Detroit Red Wings’ system had to be provided with a police escort and a security guard after receiving racist threats from opposing fans.
    Sacramento veteran promises to seek mental health treatment after racist outburst goes viral. A Marine Corps veteran was caught on camera this week going off on a crazed rant against an elderly immigrant man who happened to be wearing a camouflage shirt.
    White commuter calls a black passenger a ‘f*cking monkey’ in racist NYC train rant. During a verbal altercation on New York’s Long Island Railroad, a white passenger told a black woman she’s a “f*cking monkey” — all while someone caught his racist rant on video.
    Oklahoma teen demands answers after her brother is called a ‘n**ger for auction’ in racist Snapchat post. Ashley Dawn Warner’s brother was in a school skit dressed in a black and white striped prison uniform. The skit was all in good fun, until someone took a photo and turned it into a racist meme.
    White Florida teen finds an incredibly racist way to ask his girlfriend to prom. A Riverview High school student in Florida is under investigation after posting a racist prom proposal, according to the Herald Tribune. The photo was created by 18-year-old Noah Crowley, who posted the photo to Snapchat.
    Confederate flag fight leads to racist fliers targeting Mississippi NAACP official.
    California frat bro wears blackface for ‘gangster’ event — but chapter denies costume was racist.
    Racist callers flood C-SPAN for MLK 50th anniversary: ‘James Earl Ray had a dream and it came true’.
    Axe-wielding man used racist slurs before killing Hispanic man in San Francisco attack.
    Michigan State refuses to expel shockingly racist student who keeps taunting black classmates.
    ‘Motherf*cking curry muncher’: Watch two white women unleash vile racist rant at Filipina during train ride.
    You’re a racist!’ Pro-gun teen freaks out on CNN after being reminded most school shooters are white.
    ‘Confederate’ school board candidate with history of racist statements says she’s not racist.
    ‘F*cking n****r!’ — Racist Seattle Lyft driver throws interracial couple out onto the side of the road.
    Racist harasses Hispanic family outside Arkansas Walmart.
    Ohio firefighter quickly fired because he was unable to resist sharing racist McDonalds meme on Facebook.
    Maine IHOP manager swears they’re not racist after server demands black teens pay for their meal up front.
    Oklahoma woman shaken after being called the ‘N-word with such venom’ by a racist road rage driver.
    ‘N****r leave:’ racist defaces centuries old African meeting house in Massachusetts.
    University of Missouri cancels student elections after multiple candidates drop out over racist tweets
    Hollywood woman throws racist tantrum after Hispanic man asks her to clean up after her dog.
    Racist Oregon woman harassed 4-year-old black boy before bashing his mom in the head with a bottle.
    ‘I’m white. I can kill you — nothing will happen’: Woman attacks black actor with beer bottle after racist tirade.
    Students viciously bully black teen as a ‘monkey’ in racist video — and school looks the other way.
    Kansas racist insults and spits on black preschooler at Hooters — and then tells cops ‘It’s OK, I’m a fireman’.
    One of the biggest recent incidents has been the racist rant by New York lawyer Aaron Schlossberg who threatened to “call ICE” on some people who had the temerity to speak Spanish in front of him.
    White coffee shop customer abuses Muslim woman standing in line — so the barista boots his racist butt out.
    Last month, a white woman in Oakland called the police on a black family that was having a cookout—then broke down sobbing when another white woman confronted her about her racism on video.

  135. Jason

    Daily Kos is an extreme leftist propaganda website.

  136. T

    Mike from Iowa
    Watch the guy getting thrown out in owassa Oklahoma
    At a hibbits sport store
    That woman who made the 911call had different stories why she called cops on him one is one tape Indian country today if I did not copy and paste correctly

  137. T

    So what?
    doesn’t mean this isn’t happening
    He is also Jewish Appalling

  138. Jason

    T, your statement should be directed at Roger.

  139. Roger Cornelius

    I don’t read Daily Kos for the same reason I don’t read News Busters.

  140. Jason

    When is Billy Sutton going to campaign on banning semi – auto guns?

  141. Jason

    Roger, read T’s post.

  142. Roger Cornelius

    “When is Billie Sutton going to campaign on banning semi-auto guns?”.
    If you have the courage call Billie Sutton and ask him, I doubt anyone here can answer that question.

  143. Jason

    You dont know your candidates positions?

  144. Roger Cornelius

    As a matter of fact I do know Billie’s position on semi-automatic weapons, I got the information by calling Billie and asking him.

  145. Jason

    So What Is It then?

  146. Roger Cornelius

    Call Billie and ask him.

  147. Jason

    Why should I call Billy when he isn’t man enough to proclaim it in public?

  148. Roger Cornelius

    Billie living in a wheelchair is twice the man you’ll ever be.

  149. Jason

    Roger, using his disability for your statements on a message board makes you a despicable human being.

  150. Roger Cornelius

    That’s a bunch of crap. Billie talks about his disability openly and uses it to stress the importance of making awareness for the physically handicapped.
    What is despicable is your cowardice when it comes to talking to candidates, you’d rather run your mouth then find answers.

  151. Jason

    Riger, you’re not Billy and you don’t have a disability. To bring his up to help your arguments makes you despicable. You and him are both cowards for not stating his stance on a semi – auto rifle ban.

  152. jerry

    The South Dakota Democratic Platform speaks very clearly about the 2nd Amendment. Future Governor Billie Sutton abides by that platform. In short, the dude abides.

  153. Roger Cornelius

    Are you absolutely certain that I don’t have a disability? How could you possibly know whether or not I have a handicap?

  154. Roger Cornelius

    Jison The very least of my political concerns is not Billie’s position on semi-automatic weapons.
    Guns, like abortion, are republican wedge issues that are brought up every election cycle.

  155. Jason

    So what is the SD Dem platform on semi – auto rifles?

  156. Roger Cornelius

    Jason’s mommy never taught him how to use Google, he wants everyone to do his research for him.

  157. jerry

    Full support of the 2nd Amendment has always been the South Dakota Democratic Platform for as long as you can remember.

  158. Jason

    Roger doesn’t know his party’s platform.

  159. Roger Cornelius

    Ignorantly thinks I don’t know the SDDP party platform and wants me to do his research because he is too lazy to look it up.

  160. Jason

    Thank you Jerry. I’m glad to hear SD dems don’t want to ban semi – auto rifles.

  161. mike fom iowa

    Nice video, T. That thug sure looked shady didn’t he? Foaming at the mouth and snarling at the cops and everything…….. not.

    Jason, the semi-auto rifle, one issue voter. Would argue a stopped clock is never right twice a day. This is what a perceived superior intellect gets you in whatever planet Jason comes from.

  162. mike fom iowa

    Jason, Scalia says not all guns have 2nd amendment protections. Assault weapons ban are legal and constitutional. Get over yerself.

  163. jerry

    mfi is correct mundo regarding 2nd amendment protection. “Sawed off shotguns can be especially deadly because the ammunition is propelled faster than it would be if the barrel was complete. … In the United States, it is illegal to posses a sawed off shotgun that has a barrel length of less than eighteen inches, unless the individual has obtained a taxed permit from the ATF”

  164. Roger Cornelius

    Another school shooting, this time in Indiana, there were no casualties but a report of two injured.

  165. T

    Ya the sawed off is but check out the mossberg 500 specifically advertised and sold as “home defense” kinda replaces sawed offs
    So when one is illegal, something similar always shows up.
    The shorter mossberg pistil grip from 1997 is illegal (don’t quote me on year can’t remeber exactly) because of barrel length but can be owned as collector only I believe as there is no “recall” type system it there wasn’t at the time anyway

  166. T

    Mossberg 500 pistol grip I meant

  167. T

    Mossberg 500 pistol grip

  168. T

    Good find I’ve said this all along both weapons the same
    We are wasting time with restriction and bans, even though I I may agree with, something else will get the job done
    I don’t think tannerite should be sold at the sporting store but it is
    And if it wasn’t anyone can make there own anyway
    Thanks for video

  169. jerry

    All guns in the wrong, mentally unstable hands, should not be allowed. We owe it to our country to protect our fellow citizens from the terrible threat of the mentally unbalanced and their accessibility to any gun.

  170. jerry

    Speaking of our country, let’s kick the NRA /Russians out of here. “The FBI has obtained secret wiretaps collected by Spanish police of conversations involving Alexander Torshin, a deputy governor of Russia’s Central Bank who has forged close ties with U.S. lawmakers and the National Rifle Association, that led to a meeting with Donald Trump Jr. during the gun lobby’s annual convention in Louisville, Ky., in May 2016, a top Spanish prosecutor said Friday”

    South Dakota republicans should be proud of yet another disclosure of the money, always the corrupted money, involved in their politics. Mueller has guilty plea after guilty plea against this NRA/Russian outfit that goes by the name of Republican.

  171. Debbo

    “this NRA/Russian outfit that goes by the name of Republican.”

    That’s an excellent summation Jerry. Can I use it?

    The GOP is totally corrupted. Real conservatives need to create a new, truly patriotic, conservative American political party. Conservatism is a necessary balance in any government, including ours. I’d welcome the Conservative Party.

  172. Agreed, Debbo. The Libertarian Party offers somewhat principled conservatism; I’d welcome their evolution into a viable opposition party.

  173. mike fom iowa

    There was another mass murder on the same day the Texas school shooting happened, hut you aren’t hearing about it. A woman’s ex snuck into her house, shot her boyfriend in the head while he slept cuddled up with her. The bullet went into her neck and then broke some ribs. The killer then executed his three children and then himself. He left his wife alive to deal with the pain.

  174. Jason

    I remember, it was before your generation started shooting up the schools David, even though we still had guns. Thank you for confirming..again…that it’s not the gun, it’s person, and in particular you & your peers millennial culture.

  175. mike fom iowa

    Guns don’t kill people, but backflipping while dancing, FBI agent’s gun hit the dance floor and wounded another dancing fool in Colorado.

    Now good dancefloors will be equipped with guns of their own to stop dancefloors with guns from killing anyone.

  176. Debbo

    Fantastic research Mike.

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