Warning: This post is all image, no substance.
A couple weeks ago, I observed that Kristi Noem’s current ad image of herself on a horse inexplicably hides her best feature, her beguiling ice-blue eyes. Even though she’s a former beauty pageant winner, Noem somehow manages to never quite look really, really good.
However, her primary opponent in the governor’s race, Marty Jackley, knows how to work it. He even outdoes Noem in her native environment, on a horse:

Hub-ba Hub-ba. Pass me another slice of that beefcake.
The Black Hills Stock Show Foundation included Jackley as Mr. March in its 2004 fundraising calendar. Then South Dakota Stockgrowers president and 2010 gubernatorial candidate Ken Knuppe appeared in the same calendar in longjohns and a stock tank… but that photo was so provocative it may only be found on the Dark Web.
Jackley either had a short torso or his jeans are cranked up so high he sounds like Barry Gibb’s falsetto.
Not sure I want to know which is closer to the truth.
LOL mfi, dude kind of looks like Family Guy on his pony.
Sex sells!!
Wehell I see them every night in tight blue jeans
In the pages of a Blue Boy magazine
Hey I’ve been thinking of a new sensation
I’m picking up good vibration
Ooh she bop, she bop
That’s what Cyndi Lauper seems to be hinting at.
Kristi Noem, the centerfold for the GOP playbook had my attention until I saw one of her TV commercials where she rode up on her horse with a halter under the horse’s bridle and with the lead rope tied off on the saddle horn.
A definite NO NO among those of us astute practitioners of western horse disciplines in it’s purest form.
Meanwhile, Marty’s equine skills remind me of Judge Roy More when the judge rode to the polls on a paint horse who was just as confused as the rest of us who can ride halfway decent!!
Mike, I thought his jeans looked awfully high on the waist too, and was hoping for Jackley’s sake that was the original clothing pattern.
Maybe he doesn’t have a navel.
Or, Porter, he might be saving it for marriage. :)
Sigh….. no wonder the rest of the country thinks we are nothing but a bunch of dust bowl country slugs……
Lol who did it first him or Putin? When you don’t have good politics go for a body shot , but not when you don’t have a bod
Thanks alot, Cory! I can’t un-see this —- ha ha ha, I can’t stop laughing.
Hey, I respect a man who wears his waistband up where it belongs. I consider Ed Grimley a role model.
Could that waistband simply appear higher than normal due to perspective and his leaning back in the saddle?
On first look, I didn’t even get to the jeans. Jacket, tie, bare chest—dang! Every time Kristi Noem Tweets a picture of herself on a horse, someone needs to reply with this picture.
Someone also needs to dig up an original print copy of this poster.
I hear you, dave.