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Milbrandt Gets Police Chief’s Endorsement; Kaiser Gets Campaign Help from Randall

The powers that be continue to weigh in for Brown County Sheriff Mark Milbrandt over his Republican primary challenger Dan Kaiser:

Mark Milbrandt, campaign Facebook post, 2018.04.22.
Mark Milbrandt, campaign Facebook post, 2018.04.22.

On the right, that’s Aberdeen Police Chief Dave McNeil, Kaiser’s boss, endorsing the incumbent sheriff. The Aberdeen American News notes that on the left is Deputy Terry Evans, one of Milbrandt’s employees.

Add the fact that we have former cop/DCI agent-turned city councilman Dave Lunzman  backing Milbrandt over city cop Kaiser, and my anti-Establishment impulses start twitching. Should I be nervous that the people in power are leaning toward Milbrandt?

Nah—Kaiser has his own powerful backers:

Dan Kaiser for Sheriff, Facebook post, 2018.04.23.
Dan Kaiser for Sheriff, Facebook post, 2018.04.23.

That’s financial planner and GOP muckety-muck Dana Randall knocking doors with Kaiser on Monday. I like to think of Kaiser as somewhat outside the mainstream of the Republican Party, but Dana Randall reminds me not to run to far with that thinking. No matter whom the Republican primary voters pick on June 5, Brown County’s next sheriff will be an establishment Republican.


  1. Stace Nelson 2018-04-26 21:52

    You are waaaaaaasaay off base on this one. Representative Kaiser is far from “establishment.” He has shown himself to be a conscientious legislator who has opposed our current tax and spend governor and legislature at every turn. He has been one of the few legislators who has supported efforts to look into both the EB5 & GEAR UP corruption.

    I think the recent results of a sexual harrassment and retaliation lawsuit should be ample evidence for the need for change in attitude and those “leading” such illegal behavior.

    I’ve got friends and family who are liberal Democrats, who I love dearly. It doesn’t make me one.

    Dana is no longer a national delegate who has to appease the RINO pretender sect of the SD GOP. Bravo Zulu to him for getting out and helping Rep Kaiser.

  2. grudznick 2018-04-26 21:59

    Mr. Kaiser is the epitome of being an establishment whore. He simply votes no on all the law bills to hide his real agendas. Plus, he’s bilking the public of millions of dollars of tax payer money.

  3. Stace Nelson 2018-04-27 00:58

    “Grudznick” The “establishment whore” is you. Not sure who the bigger political prostitute is, you.. or Pat Powers. Pat is at least openly a pandering opportunist. You? You perform your fallacious acts from the dark recesses of the thick paper bag you have tightly pulled down over your RINO visage.

  4. Porter Lansing 2018-04-27 02:32

    Bravo Zulo means “well done” in steaks and the CubScouts 😊

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