If you want to get across Aberdeen, 8th Avenue North is an appealing alternative to Sixth Avenue South, a.k.a. U.S. Highway 12. From 390th Avenue on the east to U.S. 281 on the west, 8th Avenue North has three all-stops and four traffic lights, compared to sixteen traffic lights on the parallel stretch of 6th/US 12. If you’re staying at the Ramkota or coming into town from the north on 281 and want to get to Walmart, Target, or the movie theater, come through on 8th…
…but not today:

The city said they were going to start tearing up 8th Avenue North between Main and 5th Street today, and they meant it.

From today into mid-July, 8th Avenue NW will be torn up between North 5th Street (the road to the Brown County Fairgrounds) and Main Street. The road remains open at North 2nd Street so one can drive straight up to the Presentation campus from downtown, but the other crossings at 1st, 3rd, and 4th are closed.

The Aberdeen American News says this road destruction is part of a $1.56-million project in my neighborhood and $7.8 million in street and infrastructure work being done all around Aberdeen this summer.