As expected, Jenna Netherton has resigned from the South Dakota Legislature. With Veto Day long gone, Netherton can finally give up the charade of living in a P.O. Box in District 10 and jump for the nice corporate ultra-con sinecure the Koch Brothers have offered her in (Dakota Free Press guessed it!) the Beltway.
Jenna Netherton tells Facebook she’s going to work for the Americans for Prosperity Foundation. Last year, her dad Don quit the Legislature to be the Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity mouthpiece in South Dakota. The AFP Foundation’s main office is in Arlington, Virginia, a measly five minutes across the Potomac from the State Department, where hubby Mike Netherton’s old boss Mike Pompeo awaits installment as Rex Tillerson’s replacement. Isn’t that lovely?
Locally lovely is the opportunity Governor Dennis Daugaard has to appoint a replacement to the District 10 Senate seat. The usual move here would be to appoint the filed Republican candidate to that seat, but District 10 has a Republican Senate primary between Margaret Sutton and Spencer Wrightsman. Governor Daugaard could politely wait until after June 5 and appoint the primary winner, but he could have some fun (and hey, you’re not running for anything, Dennis, so why not?) and put his thumb on the primary scale by granting his preferred candidate the advantage of instant incumbency!
Sutton, Wrightsman, or a special surprise guest will be Governor Daugaard’s 16th Legislative appointment.
Jenna leaves us with pleasant memories of her last day in the Senate, with a special appearance by her man of mystery, Mike Netherton:

Good riddance! Too bad she isn’t taking her father with her.