Novotny Enters Contest for Libertarian Gubernatorial Nomination
Published 2018-04-09 by
Cory Allen Heidelberger
With its convention coming up this Saturday, the South Dakota Libertarian Party gets a second candidate for governor. Winner rancher Steve Novotny announced his bid for the Libertarian gubernatorial nomination this morning on the LPSD Facebook page:
Steve Novotny
Novotny, 61, is married to his wife of 42 years, Denise. The couple have two daughters, two sons in law, and four grandchildren. In addition to being a third-generation farmer on a century-old homestead, he also runs an aerial application business, utilizing helicopters in agricultural spraying. Novotny has also been a huge supporter of military veterans, he’s flown in parades and memorials, and has dedicated a lot of his time and energy helping people who have served the country.
Known by the nickname “Air Wolf”, Novotny says he knows the trials and tribulations of hard work and the dedication it takes to make a business succeed. He hopes to take his lifetime of experience to the Governor’s office in 2019.
In a release dated Monday, Novotny said it was time for the people to take back control from corrupt career politicians and make the state more prosperous and people-friendly.
“With years of corruption under the two-party government’s lack of leadership, it’s time to clean up South Dakota’s image,” Novotny said. “The trail of tears and corpses littered across this state must end, and non-politicians must take the controls to navigate South Dakota into the future” [Libertarian Party of South Dakota, Facebook post, 2018.04.09].
Libertarians thus have an alternative to brand-wrecking, conspiracy-theorizing, woman-hating C.J. Abernathey of Pierre. Novotny and Abernathey will have an opportunity to debate face to face at the Libertarian convention in Sioux Falls Saturday (delegates convene at 5 p.m.; gubernatorial debate is scheduled for 7 p.m.).
Novotny popped into my past blogging in 2013, when he criticized a Crow Creek Sioux Tribe boycott of Chamberlain businesses by saying Indians are “cradle to grave” welfare recipients. Novotny said then that he’s not racist; he just thinks that all welfare recipients, as well as children of rich people, are “worthless.” I look forward to Novotny’s affirmation of that opinion on the stump in reference to Donald Trump and his offspring, as well as to his explanation of his own worth, given his receipt of $383K in farm welfare.
In 2009, Novotny criticized a settlement between the Winner School District and the ACLU intended to address racial inequalities as creating “a racially charged system where nobody’s safe.” Novotny nonetheless appreciated the ACLU’s efforts:
Despite his concerns about the agreement, Novotny thanked the ACLU representatives for their attendance at the meeting.
“I think what you guys have done is opened some eyes so people understand what’s going on,” Novotny said as the meeting closed. “Now, our school board needs to speak up” [A. Kaus, “Winner Residents Question ACLU Case vs. School,” Mitchell Daily Republic, 2009.02.04].
Novotny also earned one brief mention in former U.S. Attorney Randy Seiler’s 2015 annual report for the District of South Dakota under “Program Litigation”:
Becky Zirpel vs. Steve Novotny (FSA intervening on behalf of Farm Service Agency)
The USAO assisted with a protection order sought by FSA employee Zirpel against Steve Novotny. It was resolved by a permanent injunction which enjoined and restrained Novotny from coming upon the premises of the FSA property in Winner and Burke, South Dakota [Randolph J. Seiler, U.S. Attorney, District of South Dakota, Annual Report 2015, p. 55].
The Aspen Institute is an ultra liberal think tank based in Washington, D.C., that promotes radical environmentalism and views America as a nation plagued by deep-seated “structural racism.”
The Aspen Institute is directly funded by none other than George Soros and his Open Society Foundations. Aspen Institute is filled with Soros sympathizers. Ask yourselves, what good can possibly come to South Dakota from a candidate who has anything to do with Soros and his liberal think tanks? Afore written information is easily confirmed by Google and a mouse click. Why risk South Dakota’s future with Jackley embracing Soros liberalism? [Steve Novotny, letter to the editor, Mitchell Daily Republic, 2018.02.10].
Jackley a liberal Soros minion—of course! Why haven’t I seen it already?
Also honored by the Aspen Institute that year was Jackley’s Florida counterpart and boon Trump supporter Pam Bondi. Bondi and Jackley, Soros minions—you betcha.
Novotny has five days to prove to his newly fellow South Dakota Libertarians that he’s less wild and crazy than his opponent for the Libertarian nomination for governor. Believe it or not, even with the above history, Novotny may still win that argument.
Is this the best the Libertarian Party has to offer? A choice between two evils?
steve novotny
Well, Mr. Kurtz, thanks for the warm welcome, You might want to check your facts a little closer. for the US attorneys office crack with Randy Sieler. The Governments own forensics expert verified Becky Zirpel committed perjury in her Affidavit, that would be class six felony. I also have a tape where FSA employee admitted to lying two years after the fact, that I believe is fraud, They stated and I quote, “I never lied I just didn’t tell the whole truth” let’s see that’s perjury and fraud upon the court. Oh but Govt. and their attorneys never lie, do they? and if you don’t have a million or two laying around to pay attorneys to fight the Govt. you’re pretty well screwed. Govt. Corruption at its finest. You also might want to check ACLU records, our school board was kept in the office at Sioux Falls Federal courthouse till they signed Judge Chucky Korman’s consent decree. More Govt. heavy-handed so-called justice tactics’ The school board had no choice but to settle or bankrupt the district and be dissolved. Check your facts sport before you let your mouth run wild. And yes there is cradle to grave welfare cases. color is not a deterrent. Welfare was designed as a hand up not hand out. Farm subsidies yes I have taken them. they allow people like you to have a full belly on food and fiber produced below production cost, so you can let your bell clapper run wild. As for EB5, gear up and Redfield sunflower plant scams. A lot of information I gleaned came fro TeaParty Tribune, and your little stir the pot rag of ranting. Check your own site and your own words. Mike Rounds, Dennis Daugaard, Larry Long, Marty Jackley, and Board of regents looked the other way on Joop Bollens illegal state set up private corporations. Bollen should have gone to Jail, right along with some other state officials. So talk facts or shut your pie hole.
What evil, Roger? Novotny has a tux! That’s definitely a step in the right direction. ;-)
Roger Cornelius
Evil for Novotny comments about Indians and C.J. Abernathy’s opinions about women make them evil enough for me.
I once saw a cartoon with the devil wearing a tuxedo.
steve novotny
I look to have a lot of fun with guys like Heidelbugger and Cornelius. until you know all the facts, you might want to guard your pieholes against regurgitations. Once you know my full story and what I’ve done for people suffering from cancer and Veterans and their organizations, you’ll be eating crow sandwiches. I’m a guy that puts my money where my mouth is and shoots straight from the hip, save your racial bull[—-] and degrading insults for yourselves, looks like you’ve earned them
We’re watching Charmed here. Billy Drago makes a couple of appearances as a serious demon, and he dresses very well. He also looks great as Capone’s man in that white suit in The Untouchables.
Mr. C, if my good friend Bob gets back into this race he will mop the floor with these fellows.
as he trashes Geo Soros, (As of February 2018, Soros had a net worth of $8 billion,[12] after donating $18 billion to his philanthropic agency, Open Society Foundations.[13]
Born in Budapest, he survived Nazi Germany-occupied Hungary and emigrated to England in 1947.Wiki), republicons’ savant, alt-right Robert Mercer financier of Putin’s puppet election, is a gun cuckoo (
Looks like Novotny’s preferred tone is not much different from Abernathey’s. Sigh.
I have frequently run into people who confuse Mr. Kurtz and Mr. H if they know anything about the bloggings. It is an understandable mistake, but a mistake regardless. I find the best way to keep the separated in my softening mind is that Mr. H is generally polite and doesn’t often use profanities.
Roger Cornelius
Bring it on Novotny or “Mr. Kurtz” or whoever.
Roger Cornelius
My hope is that Bob will straighten out his party and get rid of any bigots.
Wow. The Libertarians really got a pair with these two. Racists and misogynists abound. I have a cousin who’s an active member of the Libertarian Party in a different state. Neither of those 2 would get a vote.
Reminds me of a guy in Louisiana who complained about how welfare was bad, except for the welfare he received. Why? Because HE got it.
Roger, I think you’re right, Bob and Kurt too, will probably clarify a thing or two for them. Life is just too short to be so angry and hateful.
Roger, I think you’re right, Bob and Kurt too, will probably clarify a thing or two for them. Life is just too short to be so angry and hateful.
I rejoined the Constitution Party in 2016, Deb, but if you’re suggesting I’m not very angry and hateful, then thanks. :-)
steve novotny
Mr. Heidelbeger, perhaps if you would actually report the news instead of pandering the liberal ideology of ignorance you may learn something. It appears the best you and your followers can muster is Race-baiting and name calling. I would ask you how much time or money have you personally donated to veterans or cancer patients. I don’t see even a small attempt on your part to address the drug or alcohol plague on the rez. I have never seen one article in your rag that addressed the young man who was fatally shot in the parking lot of Susanne Big Crow center at Pine Ridge or many of the other murders that occur on a regular basis. And yes I wrote letters to the editor about several issues. does that make me Racist? hardly. Writing or speaking my opinion has nothing to do with race. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, you can agree or disagree as you wish. It is obvious you and your readers support the ultra-liberal left. I have neither the time nor patience for your ignorance. My main concern is for those who work and pay the taxes that run this country. Not a bunch of liberal bloggers who tear it down with half-truths and ignorance. I have read your articles and many of your followers, you simply attack everyone and everything, but never offer any good ideas to make things better.
(1) The original article does report the news, giving readers more background on Novotny than any of the major media outlets have so far.
(2) One cannot pander to an ideology.
(3) This blog post does not reflect a particularly liberal ideology.
(4) This blog post baits no race and calls no names, although it does apply some accurate adjectives to the candidates.
(5) Donating to veterans and cancer patients is admirable. So are many other forms of community service. But no such “what about”s prove incorrect any of the facts I reported above. Nor does any of Novotny’s admirable public service prove that Marty Jackley will name George Soros his lieutenant governor.
(6) Novotny lodges seemingly irrelevant complaints about a post that is more favorable to him than toward his immediate convention opponent.
(7) There is no bunch of liberal bloggers here. I work solo… and I am certainly not tearing this country down.
(11) Or maybe it wouldn’t be a fund debate, since Abernathey and Novotny seem far too quick to resort to shouting “liberal!” and other names that distract from actual discussion of policy and qualifications to govern.
(12) If Novotny has any complaint this morning, it should be about the conservative blog Dakota War College, which seems much more committed to attacking any candidate from any party, especially the alternative parties, who threatens to challenge the SDGOP one-party status quo. While I’ve done one post on Novotny’s entry into the race, DWC has done three (here, here, and here), two of which are clearly attack pieces.
Dana P
Wow, Mr Novotny. Can you address, with proof/evidence, of how Cory’s detailed documentation is incorrect?
Or will this just fall under “thou doth protest too much”?
Roger Cornelius
It would be fun to address each of Novotny’s rabid and sometimes vile comments, but it really isn’t worth the time.
While Novotny maybe able to secure the Libertarian Party nomination for governor, he doesn’t stand a snowflake’s chance in hell of being elected governor.
Novotny seems to think ‘liberal’ is a dirty word, I think ‘Novotny’ is an even dirtier word.
I am as liberal as they come, but even I have to admit that it would be hard for me to resist voting for someone that goes by Air Wolf.
Novotny seems to think ‘liberal’ is a dirty word, I think ‘Novotny’ is an even dirtier word.
Steve and I haven’t met yet, but I’ve met several Novotnys from the Winner clan (that’s clan with a c), and they seemed to be great people. It might be better if we left them out of this. I’m pretty sure some of my relatives would prefer not to be associated with my political endeavors, so …
Roger Cornelius
Kurt Evans
Clearly I wasn’t making reference to ‘all’ Novotny’s’, just the one running for governor.
That was a pretty long stretch, Kurt.
Roger Cornelius
After following the 3 links Cory provided to the press blog and Novotny threads and reading the comments, Novotny has not attempted to dispute any claims made by Pat Powers.
“Air Wolf” Novotny? Not really, it is more like “Stalker Novotny”.
“if you’re suggesting I’m not very angry and hateful”
That’s exactly what I’m suggesting. :-)
mike from iowa
Is Novotny what the recently discovered flock of Antarctic penguins look like?
Like Brett, I view “Air Wolf” as a campaign plus. But Jan Michael Vincent has issues, too….
The protection order above and the others that DWC has documented suggest the bullying tone Novotny assumes in this comment section is not an anomaly. Abernathey takes a similar tone. I hope George Hendrickson can keep his wits about him and offer voters an inviting Libertarian voice.
The protection order above and the others that DWC has documented suggest the bullying tone Novotny assumes in this comment section is not an anomaly.
Those temporary orders are examples of what a judge issues when someone is initially accused of stalking. An attorney told me that many South Dakota judges issue them without even reading the accusations. They’re normally in effect until a hearing can be held.
At the end of the hearing, if the judge rules by a mere preponderance of the evidence (nowhere near the standard for a criminal conviction) that the accused person has harassed the accuser, then the judge signs a statement that “stalking” has occurred and issues a permanent protection order.
As far as I can see from these blog posts, no judge has ever granted a permanent protection order against Steve Novotny, which suggests that no judge has ruled, even by a mere preponderance of the evidence, that Steve has “stalked” anyone.
Maybe there’s more information out there, but so far the worst I’ve seen from Steve is a fairly standard rudeness.
Was Bob Newland as bad as these two guys?
Well, maybe if we compare based on actual criminal convictions … :-)
I’d be happy to see Bob run.
steve novotny
Boys and girls on the blog. The above tale is true there are no protection orders against me, they’ve all been dropped. In one case the petitioner actually pled guilty to perjury, Powers warped college neglects to provide that information. The Becky Zirpel case is simple, I caught FSA employees redhanded giving out my private information, which is against the law. I called them on the carpet over it and Becky Zirpel tried to cover her tracks by making up BS. She left her same Govt. job inBuffalo SD in the middle of the night for the same type of lying. All local FSA employees were given the chance to take a voluntary polygraph to back up their claims, the all refuse along with their legal counsel, go figure! I will answer any and all questions about these matters at the convention or to anyone who wishes to call me and get the facts. Powers is doing nothing more than what the Republican regime hires their hit man to do, twist facts and lie. Jackley, Noem, Nor Sutton have the intestinal fortitude to take me head on in open debate. I’ve studied them too much and have facts on all of them. They all have ties to EB5 and State corruption. Powers himself along with Jason Gant got caught doing improper things in the Secretary of States office back in 2012. I posted the story on my facebook site this morning. The worst thing I’m guilty of is the straightforward matter of factly speech. Most people can’t handle the truth, they have a meltdown when it’s straightforward. Is it abrasive, at times, rude probably not? And I have zero criminal histories. I’ll be the first to admit, 61 years on the prairies of Dakota gubbing out a living have hardened me. 29 years of flying choppers in Ag work, with extremely intense concentration and stone cold reflexes, have made my speech straight and to the point with little embellishment. I changed parties, which was tough for lifelong Republican, to Libertarian because I’m fed up with State Govt. corruption and lies. I’ve studied the EB5 and Gearup BS. It all took place under corrupt Govt. control and blessing. I’ve seen the photos and obituary of little 9-year-old Kailey Westerhuis, And I’ll be GodDamned and go to Hell if I’ll sit back and watch this type of Govt. corruption, take an innocent little girls life. There you know what this grizzled old cowboy/chopper jockey is all about, Straight truth and honesty. AirWolf
Roger Cornelius
Don’t you just love it when candidates attempt to explain away their criminal activity?
steve novotny
Let’s see Cornelius, you the same Roger Cornelius that was Aim Activist in 60’s and 70’s One of those guys that used to go around and burn ranchers haystacks, that same bunch of Aim Jackasses that killed Anna Mae Aquash.
After following the 3 links Cory provided to the [South Dakota War College] blog and Novotny threads and reading the comments, Novotny has not attempted to dispute any claims made by Pat Powers.
I’m not approving of Steve’s rudeness and vulgarity, but I’m pretty sure Pat Powers has deleted some of Steve’s responses at SDWC and left others visible in order to portray him in the worst possible light. Powers has a history of using such tactics when he’s publishing defamation.
Don’t you just love it when candidates attempt to explain away their criminal activity?
What criminal activity do you mean, Roger?
Cory, please keep watch on Novotny on your blog. This guy is scary.
Roger is a very nice guy, Steve. So back off.
Roger Cornelius
Steve Novotny
Are you always in the habit of making stories up to suit your scary agenda?
No, I have never an AIM activist of the 60’s and 70’s although many of them I have called my friend.
What I was in 60’s & 70’s was a political activist, just as I am today.
Steve Novotny sound like he was a supporter of Dick Wilson’s goon squad.
Thanks Jenny.
Roger Cornelius
Stalking is a criminal activity, is it not?
mike from iowa
’ve seen the photos and obituary of little 9-year-old Kailey Westerhuis, And I’ll be GodDamned and go to Hell if I’ll sit back and watch this type of Govt. corruption, take an innocent little girls life
A little late, ain’t ya, Hoss? Don’t the other Westerhuis kids lives and deaths matter?
Cory ran many posts about all these scandals and I truly don’t recall you posting anywhere on here, back then, about that.
steve novotny
Your right powers deleted things. I called him out to show what he has donated to vets, churches or people with cancer. No reply. I also posted his questionable activity while in S.O.S office No Reply. I called out Mr. Corneilus on his comment about criminal activity, no reply I also questioned him about AIM activists, was he one or not? No Reply. The problem in this country Jenny, is people think they can say anything they want and not get called on it. You call me scary because I’ve questioned his comments. You don’t know me nor have ever talked to me. What exactly supports your claim I’m scary. Are you saying because I call people on their claims bluntly that makes me scary/ think about it Jenny. if our Past Governors and Attorney general had called some people out, perhaps the corruption would have never taken place and the westerhuis family would be alive today. Judge me not on the lies of others.
Dana P
Wow, Mr Novotny. You are showing why you are the perfect candidate to NOT represent the people of South Dakota. Truly frightening
Roger, did you notice this quote from Mr. Novotny? “In a release dated Monday, Novotny said it was time for the people to take back control from corrupt career politicians and make the state more prosperous and people-friendly.” Catch that? “People-friendly” Something about his accusations regarding you seems to be saying something else. Maybe Roger, you are a representative of a different kind of people who he feels he needs not to be friendly to. Maybe Mr. Novotny can explain how his gubernatorial candidacy will reach out to voters around He Dog or Blackpipe and even Pine Ridge.
Don’t you just love it when candidates attempt to explain away their criminal activity?
I’d asked:
What criminal activity do you mean, Roger?
Roger replies:
Stalking is a criminal activity, is it not?
Last I knew. Who are you claiming engaged in criminal activity?
Dana P. writes:
Wow, Mr Novotny. You are showing why you are the perfect candidate to NOT represent the people of South Dakota. Truly frightening
For whatever it’s worth, Steve strikes me as gratuitously abrasive but not at all frightening.
Roger Cornelius
Note that I did respond to Novotny’s claim that I was an AIM activists and he disregarded it. What the hell difference would it be if I were an AIM activists? Being a member of KKK or a neo-Nazi group isn’t against the law, why would an AIM membership.
In the early days of AIM’s birth I told the leadership that I’m not joiner of anything and that I respect much of what they do, they accepted that and my friendship with AIM leadership endured even though most have passed to the spirit world.
Novotny’s distraction about AIM isn’t going to fly, I’ll continue to press him on his despicable agenda and that foul mouth and will continue to push for more information about all those stalking charges.
Indeed, jerry, I did catch that “people-friendly” comment made by a belligerent out of control republican that makes no attempt at being “people -friendly”.
Roger Cornelius
Kurt Evans
Do you always blithely dismiss stalking charges made by women as the court orders have reported?
steve novotny
you are the same Roger Corneluis Mr. Heidelberger wrote about in his Dakota free press 2015 06 05 15.12 article, this article states. Cornelius personal history provides an example. He says that in the 60’s and 70’s he was a typical AIM warrior, hating all whites and all of white culture. Those are your words Roger. seems you and powers are cut from the same troll cloth. I rest my case.
What is with the peculiarity of experience being a bad thing in politics? If I am making a hire for a senior position in a business, I want someone who understands the ins and outs of what the job requires. Yet somehow, that experience is used as a cudgel against people in some of the most powerful and influential jobs in the country. How goddamn stupid are we?
“But Dicta,” you say, “Experience=corrupt!”
as if balancing the competing interests of hundreds of thousands to millions of people doesn’t mean that someone will be shorted. Once again, reality is showing that populism is little more than the weaponization of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Roger Cornelius
Stalker Steve
Do you know the difference between warrior and member?
Dicta in an interview for CEO of Sanford position:
“Hey guys! I am not a career health care person, I worked in manufacturing.”
South Dakotans nod their heads sagely at this wisdom.
Roger Cornelius
Stalker Steve is that ‘nothing burger” republicans keep talking about.
He doesn’t stand a snowflake’s chance in hell of being elected governor for obvious reasons.
If Stalker Steve chooses to make a complete ass of himself in public that is his Constitutional right, but South Dakotans will reject him, again, for obvious reasons.
Why am I wasting my time with a “nothing burger”?
Dicta would rather have an “experienced” politician, even if they’re bought n paid for, and corrupt. Well, because, they have EXPERIENCE!
Dicta, you ever think that may the problem with the current state of this country? Even though I may not agree with Novotny on everything, he’d sure as heck be better than Jackley, Noem, or Sutton. Without a doubt.
Hey there, LL. You remember that part where I said people are gonna conflate experience and corruption like boneheads? QED, dude. QED.
Kurt, I’ll grant you innocent until adjudicated guilty. However, where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and where there are multiple accusations of stalking from multiple parties inducing multiple judges to issue multiple temporary protection orders against a person who’s own words here prove himself quick to aggress, there’s a reasonable concern that the person in question may have some issues that voters (and, more immediately, Libertarian convention delegates seeking the best possible candidate to carry their brand in the gubernatorial race) should ask about.
Dicta seems to be an intelligent observer (heck, Dicta uses French and Latin in one thread! Bonus points!). Let’s read Dicta’s argument about experience carefully.
At no point does Dicta say or imply, “I’ll take an experienced corrupt governor over an inexperienced honest governor.” LL appears to assert that all of the experienced gubernatorial candidates in this specific race are corrupt, but even if that were true, that would not refute Dicta’s main point, which is that decrying experience in and of itself in politics runs counter to the logic we apply in almost any other candidate selection process. As a general rule, experience—practical knowledge of the field, development and frequent exercise of necessary skills, demonstrated effective performance—is a plus.
Notice that even Novotny refers to “a lifetime of experience” in his opening press release. Novotny agrees with Dicta that “experience” is a virtue; Novotny and Dicta appear only to disagree on what kind of experience matters as we choose a governor.
Dicta gives a very good example of the kind of job-specific experience that can benefit candidate for “some of the most powerful and influential jobs in the country”: “balancing the competing interests of hundreds of thousands to millions of people.” Novotny and Abernathey both, in their online statements, have suggested their lack of experience in this area: when confronted with journalists and other South Dakotans with competing interests and opinions, their first impulse is not to seek balance but rather to reach for the flamethrower. (I have that problem, too… but while I believe the flamethrower has its proper time and place, I’m open to the argument that first contact with the job interview committee is not that time or place.)
Dicta does not assert that experience is an absolute plus. Read Dicta’s Sanford CEO interview scenario carefully. Dicta mocks the idea of hiring a manufacturing manager to run the hospital immediately. Dicta does not dismiss the idea out of hand. But if Sanford replaced Kelby Krabbenhoft, who’s worked his entire professional life in hospital administration, with some factory boss without asking any other questions or interviewing any other candidates, everyone in South Dakota would wonder what the heck Sanford was thinking. Dicta’s statements don’t preclude Sanford from hiring a highly skilled and principled manufacturing CEO over a highly experienced hospital admin who gives them bad vibes in the interview process; Dicta simply says it would only happen in unusual circumstances, because experience matters a lot.
Steve, if you have facts on EB-5 and the connections of all other candidates to that scandal, please bring them forward. But be careful: make sure you have your facts absolutely straight. If you come shouting accusations about EB-5 that you can’t back up, you could permanently remove EB-5 from the election table by making it sound like just another kooky conspiracy theory or politically motivated fairy tale. EB-5 happened. Richard Benda died because of it. Millions of dollars went poof. Campaign on that issue, but campaign responsibly.
And don’t dismiss people who challenge your statements as “boys and girls.” Again, you’ve got to show that you can govern for everyone, not dismiss every opponent as an inferior.
Faced with Roger Corenlius’s charge that Steve Novotny’s language sounds racist, Novotny replies by calling us names, trying to change the subject to his charity in other areas, and accusing Roger of belonging to AIM and participating in destruction of property and murder. As the eminently logical Cornelius recognizes, none of Novotny’s sallies refute any of the complaints lodged against him.
But let me jump the track to follow Novotny down his path of slandering Cornelius. On the bright side, Novotny is reading. He cites this June 7, 2015, Dakota Free Press post in which I tried to do justice to some wise observations Roger shared with me about racism in Rapid City. Novotny is correct in promoting the view that one can learn a lot by reading my blog.
Alas, on the dark side, Novotny isn’t reading enough. He pulls one sentence that suits his desires (we call this prooftexting) and ignores the context. Let’s read the paragraph before and the paragraph containing:
Cornelius says racism can persist only because “People refuse to learn. People refuse to educate themselves.” People accept simple stereotypes, negative and inaccurate categorizations borrowed from others, instead of looking at a more complicated reality. Cornelius says a growing challenge to racial stereotypes is the increasing diversity of individuals’ racial backgrounds.
Cornelius’s personal history provides an example. He says that in the 1960s and 1970s, he was a typical AIM warrior, hating all whites and all of white culture. Yet he could not square that hate with the knowledge that one of his grandfathers was a white rancher from Interior. When he traveled to Iowa to meet the white side of his grandfather’s family, he was humbled. Those relatives had known about the Indian side of their forebear’s family, but they had never met. The white Iowans were proud to claim kinship with Cornelius. He had spent years saying he hated white people, but he could not say that to or of white people with whom he shared an ancestor. He could not indict all whites without indicting himself. The stereotypes that fueled his hate became unsustainable [CAH, “Cornelius on Race Relations: There’s Hope for Rapid City,” Dakota Free Press, 2015.06.07].
Dang. You made a pretty good blog post, Roger. Everybody, click and read the whole thing. Three years ago, Roger provided a beautiful statement of principles for personal growth, inclusion, and hope. He tells a story of overcoming prejudice by embracing facts and real people. Roger’s story and thoughtful principles expressed in that blog post respond perfectly to Novotny’s angry, divisive, and sublogical dismissal of Indians and debate opponents.
Novotny attempts with a brief Google search to undermine Cornelius’s credibility by citing one sentence, out of context, to brand Cornelius a racist terrorist. Ad hominem is already a fallacy, but Novonty’s response completely backfires, since the article he cites actually strengthens Roger Cornelius’s credibility to speak to racial issues.
Libertarians, improve your chances of winning the Governor’s race—nominate Roger Cornelius.
Roger Cornelius
Thank you, Cory, for the vote of confidence. As I’ve told you many times, I have no desire to run for any political office. I’m the proud son of parent’s that were Roosevelt Democrats and fighters for equality, this I will always carry with me.
It is true, I had to teach myself to quit hating, it was difficult, but it opened the world to me and aided me in making contributions to society, not being the problem.
My opinion of rogue politicians is harsh, when I see a politician offering only hate and discrimination it tells me that they have no sense of government and policy. These rogue politicians have no place in our government regardless of their party.
steve novotny
well, playtime is over boys, trying to reason with Aim Warriors who hate all white culture, is like teaching a pig to sing, wastes your time and annoys the pig. Also, the courthouse is open 8 to 5 knock yourselves out to find any criminal record on me.
Roger Cornelius
Stalker Steve,
You are the one running for governor, not me, but I’l dol my part to make sure are never elected.
So what’s the story Steve, why were you chasing after a woman? You probably scared the crap out of her.
Under grudznick’s rule, with my man Mr. Rorschach presiding over the senate and running special projects, the Libertarian party will be brought to heal under the iron fists of the appointed overlord of behavior, my good friend Bob. Governor “air bear” grudznick, who is likely to die in office, will leave a legacy of politeness never seen since…well…since Dennis Daugaard. I will just be more libertarian.
Kurt said, “Those temporary orders are examples of what a judge issues when someone is initially accused of stalking. An attorney told me that many South Dakota judges issue them without even reading the accusations. They’re normally in effect until a hearing can be held.
“At the end of the hearing, if the judge rules by a mere preponderance of the evidence (nowhere near the standard for a criminal conviction) that the accused person has harassed the accuser, then the judge signs a statement that “stalking” has occurred and issues a permanent protection order.”
I worked in domestic violence as a shelter manager and advocate in SD for many years. Getting a TPO really depends on the judge. Some were willing to err on the side of protecting the victim. Others were quite hesitant. Still others might issue the order, but not enforce it. It was very, very rare that a woman requested a TPO because she was just ticked off at the perp. More likely she needed to be made aware of the option and have it’s purpose and function explained in detail. Generally there was a substantial level of reluctance due to fear. When he was served with the TPO, he’d be enraged that she dared protect herself and come beat or kill her.
Women are most likely to be killed when they take action to protect themselves, especially legal action. Most importantly, women are most often murdered by someone they know, usually their SO. It’s not a game women engage in lightly. It really is deadly. (I am not indicating that you feel it is a game.)
Roger Cornelius
A woman being stalked must be one of the most frightening experience a woman can have, next to actually being raped.
Some states have tightened TPO laws for the better, but the fact of the matter the TPO is still just a piece paper.
Judges need to take each and every TPO seriously and consider that a real threat exist. The result maybe that there is no eminent threat, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
Roger Cornelius
I meant to add this. TPO’s and the safety of women’s physical well being is what politicians should be talking about in their political planks, not chasing mythical boogeymen and acting out their paranoid charades.
Yup. Thanks Roger.
Just as the most rabidly anti-gay man often needs to check his own closet, men who claim that TPOs are just women playing games tend to have been served those orders with very good reason.
Libertarians believe, and I know this as I’m the annointed Libertarian leader, that everybody should be able to do everything they want, as long as they don’t hurt other people or infringe on these other people’s rights. Bad Libertarians forget about the hurting other people and just see the part about doing whatever they want. We, me and my good friend Bob, intend to drum those people out of the Party.
Roger Cornelius
Good for you Grudz, Novotny should be your first assignment.
Duly noted, Mr. C. Special assignments, such as Mr. Novotny, will be carried out with precision by my Lt. Governor, Mr. Rorschack. When constituents request, from whatever party, we (pending) Libertarians respond.
Roger Cornelius
Good news, grudz.
Go full black-ops on this Novotny guy, you’ll be doing South Dakota a huge favor. We may end up naming a street in Pierre after you when you deliver.
steve novotny
I was not chasing after any women period. The Becky Zirpel deal was in a county FSA committee meeting with several people present. The meeting was recorded with a tape recorder in my shirt pocket, she filed a false affidavit claiming I called her a couple of derogatory names, she also claimed it was a threat and she feared for her safety after I told her she better not give out my private information again. I’ve only seen and talked to that woman 3 times each time in her public office. The Govt. forensics expert examined the recording and verified what she said never happened, the female Deputy US attorney threatens me with a federal lawsuit if I didn’t sign an agreement. I didn’t have a quarter million to fight the Govt. The agreement is soon to be back in court challenge for fraud. as one FSA member recently gave new evidence stating, ” I didn’t lie I just didn’t tell the whole truth” when you are under oath it’s the whole truth and nothing but. You ever hear of 14th amendment. One restraining order the Judge made both ways and I requested it is kept that way in 2004. One of the guys involved was charged with rape, think I want that jerk around my wife and kids. A couple with a neighbor rancher he used as harassment techniques when I requested they go both ways he dropped them, seems he and his wife didn’t all of sudden think they were a good deal. the final one was with a male county employee, who after he found out our conversation was recorded dropped it, I had him charged with perjury and he pleads guilty as court records verify. So Roger Cornelius and Pat “Pasty” powers don’t know what they are talking about. And you might want to watch yourself Cornelius your comments may get you sued. So instead of running conspiracy theories, you all may want to check the records before you speak. You may have left a record or two back in 60′ and 70’s Roger, guess we’ll research it. Oh, and by the way, it is my understanding Becky Zirple took early retirement at Govt. request as lying is an automatic termination of employment.
You need to calm down, Steve. Go outside and have a cigarette or something. Making threats to Roger about suing him is just insane!!! Do you honestly expect anyone to take you seriously as candidate when you talk like that?
I can see why you would annoy and scare some of the Winner folks if you go around being mad and making threats like you are doing on here.
steve novotny
I am calm. I find it interesting. people on this blog accuse me of things they know nothing about. they accuse me of criminal acts which do not nor have ever existed. You accused me of chasing after women. I answered your question, you come back with more accusations that annoy me. when I respond you twist it to fit your mindset. I speak my opinion you condemn it. Yet I’m not to question yours or others opinions. Mr. Cornelius openly stated he hates all white and their culture, yet I am racist. An old classmate of mine recently had her breast removed for cancer, I opened a bank account with a thousand dollars in her name and challenged others to donate or match my donation, the account raised several thousand to help her pay bills. I wonder how you will twist this to make me scary or bad?
Do you always blithely dismiss stalking charges made by women as the court orders have reported?
No, the orders don’t say the accusations were made by women.
I’d written:
Those temporary orders are examples of what a judge issues when someone is initially accused of stalking. An attorney told me that many South Dakota judges issue them without even reading the accusations. They’re normally in effect until a hearing can be held.
At the end of the hearing, if the judge rules by a mere preponderance of the evidence (nowhere near the standard for a criminal conviction) that the accused person has harassed the accuser, then the judge signs a statement that “stalking” has occurred and issues a permanent protection order.
As far as I can see from these blog posts, no judge has ever granted a permanent protection order against Steve Novotny, which suggests that no judge has ruled, even by a mere preponderance of the evidence, that Steve has “stalked” anyone.
Cory writes:
Kurt, I’ll grant you innocent until adjudicated guilty.
To be clear, no one is ever adjudicated guilty in a protection-order hearing.
However, where there’s smoke, there’s fire …
Temporary orders indicate that the fire department was called. An absence of permanent orders indicates that no fire was found.
Jenny writes to Steve:
Making threats to Roger about suing him is just insane!!!
Roger has repeatedly accused Steve of criminal activity while demonstrating a reckless disregard for the falsity of those accusations. Even as a public figure, Steve has grounds for a defamation lawsuit.
I guess my lengthy explanation of the context and full meaning of Roger’s comments about his history of overcoming his own prejudices will go completely ignored by Steve, who is committed to personal insults and taking one line out of context to provide his rhetorical distractions. Sigh. So much for Libertarians fielding a reasonable, trustworthy candidate. Steve’s tone throughout this discussion provides strong evidence that he’s just another bully who can’t make it in a real political party or civil political discussion and thus must seize the banner (much like Haber and Stranahan in 2014) of a small party and again ruin that party’s chance of building wider support and credibility.
No, Kurt, Steve has no ground for a public lawsuit. Roger has referred to facts on the record. Steve has made assertions with no documentation. Steve is a candidate for public office. If anything, Steve is the one making baseless, undocumented accusations against federal employee Zirpel, who got a permanent injunction against Novotny’s entrance onto FSA property in Winner and Burke. Permanent. That can’t be reversed by any assertions of charity to other causes.
Looks like SOMEBODY has been reading up on the actual malice standard as applied to public figures in defamation cases.
Also: Cory, my rhetorical devices aren’t as funny when you spoon feed them to the brain-dead.
steve novotny
Maybe you missed the part, the Zirpel case is going back to court with new evidence of FSA employees admitting they lied two years after the fact. You are attempting to tell me Govt. employees never lie to cover their own crimes. look at what’s taking place in Washinton. Look what happened in Oregon to the rancher Federal agents executed. “Lavoy Finicum shooting FBI agent indicted for alleged false statements” If my “so-called accusations” as you put it are false then Becky Zirpel can take it back to the courts can she not, that’s what I’m doing. and Roger never referred to facts on the record, there is, nor ever was any criminal activity. And the injunction of which you speak and know nothing about is not enforceable nor even valid in the light it was procured thru fraud which voided it from day one. Bottom line Heidelberger you are not even a resident of SD. So your brand of labeling people you know nothing about is invalid, as it is designed to tear down anyone or anything that holds a viewpoint opposite of yours. You claim Cornelius is a changed man from his questionable past. yet with your brand of labeling, you imply others are always guilty until proven innocent. Kinda backward of the constitution is it not? I’ll let people at the comvention pass judgement.
Innocent until proven guilty refers to the criminal law and has nothing to do with the court of public opinion. If you are going to run for a powerful office, try developing some nuance and learn about distinguishing things before you get there.
Not only does Steve call us names, but he can’t even call us the right names.
Steve, tell us: has the permanent order banning you from Winner and Burke FSA property been lifted?
Cory is most certainly a resident of South Dakota, Steve! He cares about the State of South Dakota and its residents very much. He has a wonderful blog and works hard to keep us up to date on SD State Govt.
I have never ever seen him call people names like you do on here He’s something you aren’t, a gentleman.
Not trying to jump all over your convo with Cory, Roger. :)
Roger Cornelius
Not jumping all over our convo, this is an open forum, thanks for posting this.
mike from iowa
Chad is a derivative of Cory’s name as interpreted by Novotny, Roger. He renamed Powers as well. Pay no mind. It isn’t funny or clever like when I misuse OS’ name.
Novotony is trying to use a decent thing, charitable contributions, to cancel out racist and threatening things, but it doesn’t work that way.
He says he has made charitable contributions to a person in need. Good act, deserves praise. Calls all Indians “worthless bastards” and has been served with multiple TPOs. Bad act, deserves condemnation.
Both are true, one does not cancel out the other. No individual or organization (RCC for example) is all good or all bad. Most are more one than the other. Even serial murderers had moments of decency.
Roger Cornelius
Most Americans do charitable acts everyday, some are monetary while others actions or in-kind.
Financial acts of charity that I have made are nobody’s business and I certainly would never brag about them. Often times people in need are shamed because someone makes them a political cause.
And yes, I have also actively raised money for a variety of causes including women’s shelters, community health centers, and other to numerous to name.
It would be hypocritical of me to raise money or make a contribution to a women’s shelter and than share my contempt for women on a public forum.
Poor pitiful Kurt Evans is gonna take weeks for his back to recover from the pretzel he has twisted himself into defending Mr. Novotny. Mr. Evans, Is this the best you can come up with to represent your party faithful? I am even thinking Old Sarge would stand the test better than this nut you have pinned the tail to. So who is Mr. Novotny gonna siphon votes from, that is the question.
Cory, thanks for the re-post of a very gracious gent, Roger Cornelius. I tried to find that in a search but failed miserably. You and your blog rule man! Oh and thanks to Mr. Novotny for being such a squirrel else I would not have been able to reread your post on Roger!
I agree Roger. Whenever I begin to feel overwhelmed by the bad news, I remind myself of people whose days are filled with acts of kindness, courtesy and generosity that they never speak of. It’s simply life. Such people outnumber the others by the tens of thousands or more to one.
If we are truly decent people, generous of heart and soul, we don’t need to convince anyone. They’ll recognize it in us. Conversely, ragefulness, greed, hardness of heart and hatred are even more quickly identified and named.
Roger Cornelius
Thanks, jerry, obviously Novotny did not take the time to read and digest Cory’s interview with me.
Roger has repeatedly accused Steve of criminal activity while demonstrating a reckless disregard for the falsity of those accusations. Even as a public figure, Steve has grounds for a defamation lawsuit.
Cory writes:
No, Kurt, Steve has no ground for a public lawsuit. Roger has referred to facts on the record.
What record would you say establishes the fact that Steve has engaged in criminal activity?
If anything, Steve is the one making baseless, undocumented accusations against federal employee Zirpel, who got a permanent injunction against Novotny’s entrance onto FSA property in Winner and Burke. Permanent.
Such an injunction isn’t even a protection order, much less a criminal conviction. Are you claiming it somehow establishes that Steve has engaged in criminal activity?
“Dicta” writes:
Looks like SOMEBODY has been reading up on the actual malice standard as applied to public figures in defamation cases.
The actual-malice standard is met when a statement like Roger’s repeated accusation of criminal activity is made with reckless disregard for whether it’s false.
“mike from iowa” writes:
The FBI agent fired his gun twice, neither bullet hit Fincum. He may have lied about the gunshotsn but, neither he nor any FBI agents executed anyone.
Steve’s point was that government employees often lie to cover their own crimes. I’m not sure how it’s relevant that the FBI agent’s attempt to execute LaVoy Finicum was unsuccessful.
Deb writes:
[Steve Novotny] has been served with multiple TPOs. Bad act, deserves condemnation.
Maybe, but those were the government’s acts, not Steve’s.
Jerry writes:
Poor pitiful Kurt Evans is gonna take weeks for his back to recover from the pretzel he has twisted himself into defending Mr. Novotny. Mr. Evans, Is this the best you can come up with to represent your party faithful?
As I’ve already said above (2018-04-09 at 23:54), I rejoined the Constitution Party in 2016.
Yep, Kurt, you did say that. All of these are more or less the same kettle of fish. You say Constitution Party and I say Libertarian Party. The public says what are they? I say that as well, yeah, really, what are they and then I answer myself and say “they are more or less the same kettle of fish”.
LaVoy was just slow on the draw and the trooper from Oregon was quicker, simple as that.
mike from iowa
Kurt E said something, something, something like this- I’m not sure how it’s relevant that the FBI agent’s attempt to execute LaVoy Finicum was unsuccessful.
Novotny stated as fact- Look what happened in Oregon to the rancher Federal agents executed. “Lavoy Finicum shooting
I guess that agent(s) have a right to sue you and Novotny, right?
Roger Cornelius
It is common rhetoric for people to say, “I’m going to sue you for defamation, slander, etc.”
But in reality how many of these cases even see the courtroom, if they are ever filed at all. Generally such claims are treated as threats.
I’ve known plenty of lawyers over the years and not one would take a defamation or slander case. They are notoriously expensive to file and fight in court and seldom if ever settled with a monetary judgement.
Read all the comments on Cory’s blog or any blog for that matter, and you will find people making outrageous claims, if everyone that threatened to sue for defamation or slander the courts would be bogged down.
If anyone has the money to waste, let them waste it.
Stormy Daniels has proven beyond a doubt that you can counter sue. See how that is working out for trump and his attorney. The problems with defamation and slander, etc. is that those damn depositions come into play and then if you really push it, interrogatories pop up. That means that all the background information is now public information. I don’t know why Mr. Evans is pushing for that kind of action, but maybe he could explain why he wants to see Mr. Novotny’s information in the public arena. BTW, at deposition, you have a court reporter, that must be paid. A couple of attorney’s that must be paid and a whole lot of other expenses that must be paid, all of this is under oath, so you must tell the truth or get in trouble. You would’t want that, would you Mr. Evans?
Sitting here playing armchair quarterbacks with the law isn’t a good idea for anybody and if Novotny wants to sue he should seek the advice of counsel. Watching people attempt to parse the intricacies of defamation law is just giving me a headache. And god forbid we get put on blast on Novotny’s facebook page along with women and native americans.
mike from iowa
Debbo-OT Steve Stockman guilty of 23 felonies, icymi.
“millions” were lost in EB5. Cory we don’t even KNOW how much, but up to $600 million was in the churn. that’s what I hold against the republcans who obfuscated, obfuscāre, or “El político ofuscó el tema a propósito para engañar al público.” :)
Millions were lost in the E-B5? I thought millions were paid in fees by these Chinese fellows and the fees went right where they were planned to go. And of course Aberdeen sunk that slime plant thing because of the bad reporting of a tv, but mostly Aberdeen wrecked that.
Mikey, Daily Beast says of Stockman, “He now faces “decades in federal prison” and will remain in federal custody until his sentencing hearing in August.”
I should get on over to TWMDBS, right?
Kurt, you know that I naturally lean toward the underdog. I want to like the Libertarian Party. I want to see them get their poop in a group and give Republicans and Democrats a run for their money. Unlike Pat Powers, who relishes taking a sledgehammer to little guys, I want to defend political underdogs and encourage their participation in elections.
However, when an underdog like Novotny comes on with his macho BS—and not even fun self-aware macho BS, but angry, insulting, threatening, misogynist, racist BS—my interest in defending the underdog wanes to a constitutional minimum. I stand by my smoke/fire comment. Every response Novotny has offered here and every past statement Pat Powers has dug up makes me think Novotny is a bully who has earned those multiple protection orders, injunctions, and whatever other official concerns about his menacing behavior have been lodged. Novotny’s public discourse makes clear he is no more suited to responsibly exercise power than Donald Trump.
Novotny gave money to charity. Garrison Keillor told good stories. Mussolini made the trains run on time.
Dana P
Kurt, reading Novotny’s numerous posts subsequent to your comment about what I said? I stand by my comment. “Frightening”. After witnessing every single Novotny entry on this blog, and you come to the conclusion that he is —- abrasive? LOL, well, yeah, that’s one way to describe it.
Novotny’s “behavior” on this blog is not someone who should hold an elected office, let alone run for said elected office.
Dana P, I am even starting to question his flying licence. A person with that much hate and anger… yikes. Thankfully, he was to young to be a Vietnam veteran or even a veteran, so we got that going for us, which is a good thing. We have enough issues without having to think about this kind of squirrel.
Jerry, if a Muslim pilot expressed that much anger, we’d hear Neal Tapio talking about taking away his pilot’s license.
Indeed Cory, the double standard we have is clear when you think of these two ding-a-lings and their hate for themselves as well as the anger they project. Clearly these two goofs hate themselves for not having enough stuff.
Hey, does anyone know if the Libertarians have called a snow day on their convention tomorrow night? Abernathey’s only supposed to get a couple inches of snow in Eureka, but NWS says Winner could get 19 inches.
Steve’s point was that government employees often lie to cover their own crimes. I’m not sure how it’s relevant that the FBI agent’s attempt to execute LaVoy Finicum was unsuccessful.
“mike from iowa” quotes Steve Novotny:
Look what happened in Oregon to the rancher Federal agents executed. “Lavoy Finicum shooting …”
Ah, so you’re only saying the shots that ultimately killed Finicum were the shots fired by agents of the state government rather than the initial shots fired by an agent of the federal government. Got it.
“mike from iowa” asks:
I guess that agent(s) have a right to sue you and Novotny, right?
If Steve and I were recklessly accusing agents by name of criminal activity in which they’d never engaged, even after they’d commented here directly telling us the accusations were false, they’d have grounds for defamation lawsuits.
Jerry writes:
BTW, at deposition, you have a court reporter, that must be paid. A couple of attorney’s that must be paid and a whole lot of other expenses that must be paid, all of this is under oath, so you must tell the truth or get in trouble. You would’t want that, would you Mr. Evans?
Yes I would. Getting both sides to tell the truth would be my primary goal.
I’d written:
As far as I can see from these blog posts, no judge has ever granted a permanent protection order against Steve Novotny, which suggests that no judge has ruled, even by a mere preponderance of the evidence, that Steve has “stalked” anyone.
Cory had written:
However, where there’s smoke, there’s fire …
I’d written:
Temporary orders indicate that the fire department was called. An absence of permanent orders indicates that no fire was found.
Cory writes:
Kurt, you know that I naturally lean toward the underdog.
Actually I don’t know that.
I stand by my smoke/fire comment. Every response Novotny has offered here and every past statement Pat Powers has dug up makes me think Novotny is a bully who has earned those multiple protection orders, injunctions, and whatever other official concerns about his menacing behavior have been lodged.
Telling us what you think is First Amendment speech, but recklessly accusing Steve of criminal activity in which he’s never engaged is grounds for a defamation lawsuit.
I just checked with LP chair Aylward—he says convention is still a go.
I’m wondering whether there’s any provision in state law for rescheduling a convention without thirty days’ notice.
Is this the best the Libertarian Party has to offer? A choice between two evils?
Well, Mr. Kurtz, thanks for the warm welcome, You might want to check your facts a little closer. for the US attorneys office crack with Randy Sieler. The Governments own forensics expert verified Becky Zirpel committed perjury in her Affidavit, that would be class six felony. I also have a tape where FSA employee admitted to lying two years after the fact, that I believe is fraud, They stated and I quote, “I never lied I just didn’t tell the whole truth” let’s see that’s perjury and fraud upon the court. Oh but Govt. and their attorneys never lie, do they? and if you don’t have a million or two laying around to pay attorneys to fight the Govt. you’re pretty well screwed. Govt. Corruption at its finest. You also might want to check ACLU records, our school board was kept in the office at Sioux Falls Federal courthouse till they signed Judge Chucky Korman’s consent decree. More Govt. heavy-handed so-called justice tactics’ The school board had no choice but to settle or bankrupt the district and be dissolved. Check your facts sport before you let your mouth run wild. And yes there is cradle to grave welfare cases. color is not a deterrent. Welfare was designed as a hand up not hand out. Farm subsidies yes I have taken them. they allow people like you to have a full belly on food and fiber produced below production cost, so you can let your bell clapper run wild. As for EB5, gear up and Redfield sunflower plant scams. A lot of information I gleaned came fro TeaParty Tribune, and your little stir the pot rag of ranting. Check your own site and your own words. Mike Rounds, Dennis Daugaard, Larry Long, Marty Jackley, and Board of regents looked the other way on Joop Bollens illegal state set up private corporations. Bollen should have gone to Jail, right along with some other state officials. So talk facts or shut your pie hole.
What evil, Roger? Novotny has a tux! That’s definitely a step in the right direction. ;-)
Evil for Novotny comments about Indians and C.J. Abernathy’s opinions about women make them evil enough for me.
I once saw a cartoon with the devil wearing a tuxedo.
I look to have a lot of fun with guys like Heidelbugger and Cornelius. until you know all the facts, you might want to guard your pieholes against regurgitations. Once you know my full story and what I’ve done for people suffering from cancer and Veterans and their organizations, you’ll be eating crow sandwiches. I’m a guy that puts my money where my mouth is and shoots straight from the hip, save your racial bull[—-] and degrading insults for yourselves, looks like you’ve earned them
We’re watching Charmed here. Billy Drago makes a couple of appearances as a serious demon, and he dresses very well. He also looks great as Capone’s man in that white suit in The Untouchables.
Mr. C, if my good friend Bob gets back into this race he will mop the floor with these fellows.
as he trashes Geo Soros, (As of February 2018, Soros had a net worth of $8 billion,[12] after donating $18 billion to his philanthropic agency, Open Society Foundations.[13]
Born in Budapest, he survived Nazi Germany-occupied Hungary and emigrated to England in 1947.Wiki), republicons’ savant, alt-right Robert Mercer financier of Putin’s puppet election, is a gun cuckoo (
novotny no doubt lives on Indian land.
In responding to “Mr. Kurtz,” Mr. Novotny appears to have gotten confused as to whose blog this is.
Looks like Novotny’s preferred tone is not much different from Abernathey’s. Sigh.
I have frequently run into people who confuse Mr. Kurtz and Mr. H if they know anything about the bloggings. It is an understandable mistake, but a mistake regardless. I find the best way to keep the separated in my softening mind is that Mr. H is generally polite and doesn’t often use profanities.
Bring it on Novotny or “Mr. Kurtz” or whoever.
My hope is that Bob will straighten out his party and get rid of any bigots.
Wow. The Libertarians really got a pair with these two. Racists and misogynists abound. I have a cousin who’s an active member of the Libertarian Party in a different state. Neither of those 2 would get a vote.
Reminds me of a guy in Louisiana who complained about how welfare was bad, except for the welfare he received. Why? Because HE got it.
Roger, I think you’re right, Bob and Kurt too, will probably clarify a thing or two for them. Life is just too short to be so angry and hateful.
Deb writes:
I rejoined the Constitution Party in 2016, Deb, but if you’re suggesting I’m not very angry and hateful, then thanks. :-)
Mr. Heidelbeger, perhaps if you would actually report the news instead of pandering the liberal ideology of ignorance you may learn something. It appears the best you and your followers can muster is Race-baiting and name calling. I would ask you how much time or money have you personally donated to veterans or cancer patients. I don’t see even a small attempt on your part to address the drug or alcohol plague on the rez. I have never seen one article in your rag that addressed the young man who was fatally shot in the parking lot of Susanne Big Crow center at Pine Ridge or many of the other murders that occur on a regular basis. And yes I wrote letters to the editor about several issues. does that make me Racist? hardly. Writing or speaking my opinion has nothing to do with race. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, you can agree or disagree as you wish. It is obvious you and your readers support the ultra-liberal left. I have neither the time nor patience for your ignorance. My main concern is for those who work and pay the taxes that run this country. Not a bunch of liberal bloggers who tear it down with half-truths and ignorance. I have read your articles and many of your followers, you simply attack everyone and everything, but never offer any good ideas to make things better.
(1) The original article does report the news, giving readers more background on Novotny than any of the major media outlets have so far.
(2) One cannot pander to an ideology.
(3) This blog post does not reflect a particularly liberal ideology.
(4) This blog post baits no race and calls no names, although it does apply some accurate adjectives to the candidates.
(5) Donating to veterans and cancer patients is admirable. So are many other forms of community service. But no such “what about”s prove incorrect any of the facts I reported above. Nor does any of Novotny’s admirable public service prove that Marty Jackley will name George Soros his lieutenant governor.
(6) Novotny lodges seemingly irrelevant complaints about a post that is more favorable to him than toward his immediate convention opponent.
(7) There is no bunch of liberal bloggers here. I work solo… and I am certainly not tearing this country down.
(8) I also work and pay taxes.
(9) I do not attack everyone and everything.
(10) If Novotny has “read my articles,” he has not paid attention, since I offer many good ideas to make things better, like comprehensive initiative and referendum reform, broadening our rural economic development plans beyond psuhing CAFOs, expanding Medicaid, using ranked choice voting, and spending less time on curriculum standards and tests. Dang, there are more specific policy suggestions than either of the declared Libertarian candidates have offered. I shold switch registration and enter Saturday’s nomination contest. It would be a fun debate!
(11) Or maybe it wouldn’t be a fund debate, since Abernathey and Novotny seem far too quick to resort to shouting “liberal!” and other names that distract from actual discussion of policy and qualifications to govern.
(12) If Novotny has any complaint this morning, it should be about the conservative blog Dakota War College, which seems much more committed to attacking any candidate from any party, especially the alternative parties, who threatens to challenge the SDGOP one-party status quo. While I’ve done one post on Novotny’s entry into the race, DWC has done three (here, here, and here), two of which are clearly attack pieces.
Wow, Mr Novotny. Can you address, with proof/evidence, of how Cory’s detailed documentation is incorrect?
Or will this just fall under “thou doth protest too much”?
It would be fun to address each of Novotny’s rabid and sometimes vile comments, but it really isn’t worth the time.
While Novotny maybe able to secure the Libertarian Party nomination for governor, he doesn’t stand a snowflake’s chance in hell of being elected governor.
Novotny seems to think ‘liberal’ is a dirty word, I think ‘Novotny’ is an even dirtier word.
I am as liberal as they come, but even I have to admit that it would be hard for me to resist voting for someone that goes by Air Wolf.
Roger writes:
Steve and I haven’t met yet, but I’ve met several Novotnys from the Winner clan (that’s clan with a c), and they seemed to be great people. It might be better if we left them out of this. I’m pretty sure some of my relatives would prefer not to be associated with my political endeavors, so …
Kurt Evans
Clearly I wasn’t making reference to ‘all’ Novotny’s’, just the one running for governor.
That was a pretty long stretch, Kurt.
After following the 3 links Cory provided to the press blog and Novotny threads and reading the comments, Novotny has not attempted to dispute any claims made by Pat Powers.
“Air Wolf” Novotny? Not really, it is more like “Stalker Novotny”.
“if you’re suggesting I’m not very angry and hateful”
That’s exactly what I’m suggesting. :-)
Is Novotny what the recently discovered flock of Antarctic penguins look like?
Like Brett, I view “Air Wolf” as a campaign plus. But Jan Michael Vincent has issues, too….
The protection order above and the others that DWC has documented suggest the bullying tone Novotny assumes in this comment section is not an anomaly. Abernathey takes a similar tone. I hope George Hendrickson can keep his wits about him and offer voters an inviting Libertarian voice.
Was Bob Newland as bad as these two guys?
Cory writes:
Those temporary orders are examples of what a judge issues when someone is initially accused of stalking. An attorney told me that many South Dakota judges issue them without even reading the accusations. They’re normally in effect until a hearing can be held.
At the end of the hearing, if the judge rules by a mere preponderance of the evidence (nowhere near the standard for a criminal conviction) that the accused person has harassed the accuser, then the judge signs a statement that “stalking” has occurred and issues a permanent protection order.
As far as I can see from these blog posts, no judge has ever granted a permanent protection order against Steve Novotny, which suggests that no judge has ruled, even by a mere preponderance of the evidence, that Steve has “stalked” anyone.
Maybe there’s more information out there, but so far the worst I’ve seen from Steve is a fairly standard rudeness.
Well, maybe if we compare based on actual criminal convictions … :-)
I’d be happy to see Bob run.
Boys and girls on the blog. The above tale is true there are no protection orders against me, they’ve all been dropped. In one case the petitioner actually pled guilty to perjury, Powers warped college neglects to provide that information. The Becky Zirpel case is simple, I caught FSA employees redhanded giving out my private information, which is against the law. I called them on the carpet over it and Becky Zirpel tried to cover her tracks by making up BS. She left her same Govt. job inBuffalo SD in the middle of the night for the same type of lying. All local FSA employees were given the chance to take a voluntary polygraph to back up their claims, the all refuse along with their legal counsel, go figure! I will answer any and all questions about these matters at the convention or to anyone who wishes to call me and get the facts. Powers is doing nothing more than what the Republican regime hires their hit man to do, twist facts and lie. Jackley, Noem, Nor Sutton have the intestinal fortitude to take me head on in open debate. I’ve studied them too much and have facts on all of them. They all have ties to EB5 and State corruption. Powers himself along with Jason Gant got caught doing improper things in the Secretary of States office back in 2012. I posted the story on my facebook site this morning. The worst thing I’m guilty of is the straightforward matter of factly speech. Most people can’t handle the truth, they have a meltdown when it’s straightforward. Is it abrasive, at times, rude probably not? And I have zero criminal histories. I’ll be the first to admit, 61 years on the prairies of Dakota gubbing out a living have hardened me. 29 years of flying choppers in Ag work, with extremely intense concentration and stone cold reflexes, have made my speech straight and to the point with little embellishment. I changed parties, which was tough for lifelong Republican, to Libertarian because I’m fed up with State Govt. corruption and lies. I’ve studied the EB5 and Gearup BS. It all took place under corrupt Govt. control and blessing. I’ve seen the photos and obituary of little 9-year-old Kailey Westerhuis, And I’ll be GodDamned and go to Hell if I’ll sit back and watch this type of Govt. corruption, take an innocent little girls life. There you know what this grizzled old cowboy/chopper jockey is all about, Straight truth and honesty. AirWolf
Don’t you just love it when candidates attempt to explain away their criminal activity?
Let’s see Cornelius, you the same Roger Cornelius that was Aim Activist in 60’s and 70’s One of those guys that used to go around and burn ranchers haystacks, that same bunch of Aim Jackasses that killed Anna Mae Aquash.
Roger Cornelius writes:
I’m not approving of Steve’s rudeness and vulgarity, but I’m pretty sure Pat Powers has deleted some of Steve’s responses at SDWC and left others visible in order to portray him in the worst possible light. Powers has a history of using such tactics when he’s publishing defamation.
What criminal activity do you mean, Roger?
Cory, please keep watch on Novotny on your blog. This guy is scary.
Roger is a very nice guy, Steve. So back off.
Steve Novotny
Are you always in the habit of making stories up to suit your scary agenda?
No, I have never an AIM activist of the 60’s and 70’s although many of them I have called my friend.
What I was in 60’s & 70’s was a political activist, just as I am today.
Steve Novotny sound like he was a supporter of Dick Wilson’s goon squad.
Thanks Jenny.
Stalking is a criminal activity, is it not?
’ve seen the photos and obituary of little 9-year-old Kailey Westerhuis, And I’ll be GodDamned and go to Hell if I’ll sit back and watch this type of Govt. corruption, take an innocent little girls life
A little late, ain’t ya, Hoss? Don’t the other Westerhuis kids lives and deaths matter?
Cory ran many posts about all these scandals and I truly don’t recall you posting anywhere on here, back then, about that.
Your right powers deleted things. I called him out to show what he has donated to vets, churches or people with cancer. No reply. I also posted his questionable activity while in S.O.S office No Reply. I called out Mr. Corneilus on his comment about criminal activity, no reply I also questioned him about AIM activists, was he one or not? No Reply. The problem in this country Jenny, is people think they can say anything they want and not get called on it. You call me scary because I’ve questioned his comments. You don’t know me nor have ever talked to me. What exactly supports your claim I’m scary. Are you saying because I call people on their claims bluntly that makes me scary/ think about it Jenny. if our Past Governors and Attorney general had called some people out, perhaps the corruption would have never taken place and the westerhuis family would be alive today. Judge me not on the lies of others.
Wow, Mr Novotny. You are showing why you are the perfect candidate to NOT represent the people of South Dakota. Truly frightening
Roger, did you notice this quote from Mr. Novotny? “In a release dated Monday, Novotny said it was time for the people to take back control from corrupt career politicians and make the state more prosperous and people-friendly.” Catch that? “People-friendly” Something about his accusations regarding you seems to be saying something else. Maybe Roger, you are a representative of a different kind of people who he feels he needs not to be friendly to. Maybe Mr. Novotny can explain how his gubernatorial candidacy will reach out to voters around He Dog or Blackpipe and even Pine Ridge.
Roger Cornelius had written:
I’d asked:
Roger replies:
Last I knew. Who are you claiming engaged in criminal activity?
Dana P. writes:
For whatever it’s worth, Steve strikes me as gratuitously abrasive but not at all frightening.
Note that I did respond to Novotny’s claim that I was an AIM activists and he disregarded it. What the hell difference would it be if I were an AIM activists? Being a member of KKK or a neo-Nazi group isn’t against the law, why would an AIM membership.
In the early days of AIM’s birth I told the leadership that I’m not joiner of anything and that I respect much of what they do, they accepted that and my friendship with AIM leadership endured even though most have passed to the spirit world.
Novotny’s distraction about AIM isn’t going to fly, I’ll continue to press him on his despicable agenda and that foul mouth and will continue to push for more information about all those stalking charges.
Indeed, jerry, I did catch that “people-friendly” comment made by a belligerent out of control republican that makes no attempt at being “people -friendly”.
Kurt Evans
Do you always blithely dismiss stalking charges made by women as the court orders have reported?
you are the same Roger Corneluis Mr. Heidelberger wrote about in his Dakota free press 2015 06 05 15.12 article, this article states. Cornelius personal history provides an example. He says that in the 60’s and 70’s he was a typical AIM warrior, hating all whites and all of white culture. Those are your words Roger. seems you and powers are cut from the same troll cloth. I rest my case.
What is with the peculiarity of experience being a bad thing in politics? If I am making a hire for a senior position in a business, I want someone who understands the ins and outs of what the job requires. Yet somehow, that experience is used as a cudgel against people in some of the most powerful and influential jobs in the country. How goddamn stupid are we?
“But Dicta,” you say, “Experience=corrupt!”
as if balancing the competing interests of hundreds of thousands to millions of people doesn’t mean that someone will be shorted. Once again, reality is showing that populism is little more than the weaponization of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Stalker Steve
Do you know the difference between warrior and member?
Dicta in an interview for CEO of Sanford position:
“Hey guys! I am not a career health care person, I worked in manufacturing.”
South Dakotans nod their heads sagely at this wisdom.
Stalker Steve is that ‘nothing burger” republicans keep talking about.
He doesn’t stand a snowflake’s chance in hell of being elected governor for obvious reasons.
If Stalker Steve chooses to make a complete ass of himself in public that is his Constitutional right, but South Dakotans will reject him, again, for obvious reasons.
Why am I wasting my time with a “nothing burger”?
Dicta would rather have an “experienced” politician, even if they’re bought n paid for, and corrupt. Well, because, they have EXPERIENCE!
Dicta, you ever think that may the problem with the current state of this country? Even though I may not agree with Novotny on everything, he’d sure as heck be better than Jackley, Noem, or Sutton. Without a doubt.
Hey there, LL. You remember that part where I said people are gonna conflate experience and corruption like boneheads? QED, dude. QED.
QED, that’s very good, Dicta.
Kurt, I’ll grant you innocent until adjudicated guilty. However, where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and where there are multiple accusations of stalking from multiple parties inducing multiple judges to issue multiple temporary protection orders against a person who’s own words here prove himself quick to aggress, there’s a reasonable concern that the person in question may have some issues that voters (and, more immediately, Libertarian convention delegates seeking the best possible candidate to carry their brand in the gubernatorial race) should ask about.
Dicta seems to be an intelligent observer (heck, Dicta uses French and Latin in one thread! Bonus points!). Let’s read Dicta’s argument about experience carefully.
At no point does Dicta say or imply, “I’ll take an experienced corrupt governor over an inexperienced honest governor.” LL appears to assert that all of the experienced gubernatorial candidates in this specific race are corrupt, but even if that were true, that would not refute Dicta’s main point, which is that decrying experience in and of itself in politics runs counter to the logic we apply in almost any other candidate selection process. As a general rule, experience—practical knowledge of the field, development and frequent exercise of necessary skills, demonstrated effective performance—is a plus.
Notice that even Novotny refers to “a lifetime of experience” in his opening press release. Novotny agrees with Dicta that “experience” is a virtue; Novotny and Dicta appear only to disagree on what kind of experience matters as we choose a governor.
Dicta gives a very good example of the kind of job-specific experience that can benefit candidate for “some of the most powerful and influential jobs in the country”: “balancing the competing interests of hundreds of thousands to millions of people.” Novotny and Abernathey both, in their online statements, have suggested their lack of experience in this area: when confronted with journalists and other South Dakotans with competing interests and opinions, their first impulse is not to seek balance but rather to reach for the flamethrower. (I have that problem, too… but while I believe the flamethrower has its proper time and place, I’m open to the argument that first contact with the job interview committee is not that time or place.)
Dicta does not assert that experience is an absolute plus. Read Dicta’s Sanford CEO interview scenario carefully. Dicta mocks the idea of hiring a manufacturing manager to run the hospital immediately. Dicta does not dismiss the idea out of hand. But if Sanford replaced Kelby Krabbenhoft, who’s worked his entire professional life in hospital administration, with some factory boss without asking any other questions or interviewing any other candidates, everyone in South Dakota would wonder what the heck Sanford was thinking. Dicta’s statements don’t preclude Sanford from hiring a highly skilled and principled manufacturing CEO over a highly experienced hospital admin who gives them bad vibes in the interview process; Dicta simply says it would only happen in unusual circumstances, because experience matters a lot.
Steve, if you have facts on EB-5 and the connections of all other candidates to that scandal, please bring them forward. But be careful: make sure you have your facts absolutely straight. If you come shouting accusations about EB-5 that you can’t back up, you could permanently remove EB-5 from the election table by making it sound like just another kooky conspiracy theory or politically motivated fairy tale. EB-5 happened. Richard Benda died because of it. Millions of dollars went poof. Campaign on that issue, but campaign responsibly.
And don’t dismiss people who challenge your statements as “boys and girls.” Again, you’ve got to show that you can govern for everyone, not dismiss every opponent as an inferior.
Faced with Roger Corenlius’s charge that Steve Novotny’s language sounds racist, Novotny replies by calling us names, trying to change the subject to his charity in other areas, and accusing Roger of belonging to AIM and participating in destruction of property and murder. As the eminently logical Cornelius recognizes, none of Novotny’s sallies refute any of the complaints lodged against him.
But let me jump the track to follow Novotny down his path of slandering Cornelius. On the bright side, Novotny is reading. He cites this June 7, 2015, Dakota Free Press post in which I tried to do justice to some wise observations Roger shared with me about racism in Rapid City. Novotny is correct in promoting the view that one can learn a lot by reading my blog.
Alas, on the dark side, Novotny isn’t reading enough. He pulls one sentence that suits his desires (we call this prooftexting) and ignores the context. Let’s read the paragraph before and the paragraph containing:
Dang. You made a pretty good blog post, Roger. Everybody, click and read the whole thing. Three years ago, Roger provided a beautiful statement of principles for personal growth, inclusion, and hope. He tells a story of overcoming prejudice by embracing facts and real people. Roger’s story and thoughtful principles expressed in that blog post respond perfectly to Novotny’s angry, divisive, and sublogical dismissal of Indians and debate opponents.
Novotny attempts with a brief Google search to undermine Cornelius’s credibility by citing one sentence, out of context, to brand Cornelius a racist terrorist. Ad hominem is already a fallacy, but Novonty’s response completely backfires, since the article he cites actually strengthens Roger Cornelius’s credibility to speak to racial issues.
Libertarians, improve your chances of winning the Governor’s race—nominate Roger Cornelius.
Thank you, Cory, for the vote of confidence. As I’ve told you many times, I have no desire to run for any political office. I’m the proud son of parent’s that were Roosevelt Democrats and fighters for equality, this I will always carry with me.
It is true, I had to teach myself to quit hating, it was difficult, but it opened the world to me and aided me in making contributions to society, not being the problem.
My opinion of rogue politicians is harsh, when I see a politician offering only hate and discrimination it tells me that they have no sense of government and policy. These rogue politicians have no place in our government regardless of their party.
well, playtime is over boys, trying to reason with Aim Warriors who hate all white culture, is like teaching a pig to sing, wastes your time and annoys the pig. Also, the courthouse is open 8 to 5 knock yourselves out to find any criminal record on me.
Stalker Steve,
You are the one running for governor, not me, but I’l dol my part to make sure are never elected.
So what’s the story Steve, why were you chasing after a woman? You probably scared the crap out of her.
Under grudznick’s rule, with my man Mr. Rorschach presiding over the senate and running special projects, the Libertarian party will be brought to heal under the iron fists of the appointed overlord of behavior, my good friend Bob. Governor “air bear” grudznick, who is likely to die in office, will leave a legacy of politeness never seen since…well…since Dennis Daugaard. I will just be more libertarian.
Kurt said, “Those temporary orders are examples of what a judge issues when someone is initially accused of stalking. An attorney told me that many South Dakota judges issue them without even reading the accusations. They’re normally in effect until a hearing can be held.
“At the end of the hearing, if the judge rules by a mere preponderance of the evidence (nowhere near the standard for a criminal conviction) that the accused person has harassed the accuser, then the judge signs a statement that “stalking” has occurred and issues a permanent protection order.”
I worked in domestic violence as a shelter manager and advocate in SD for many years. Getting a TPO really depends on the judge. Some were willing to err on the side of protecting the victim. Others were quite hesitant. Still others might issue the order, but not enforce it. It was very, very rare that a woman requested a TPO because she was just ticked off at the perp. More likely she needed to be made aware of the option and have it’s purpose and function explained in detail. Generally there was a substantial level of reluctance due to fear. When he was served with the TPO, he’d be enraged that she dared protect herself and come beat or kill her.
Women are most likely to be killed when they take action to protect themselves, especially legal action. Most importantly, women are most often murdered by someone they know, usually their SO. It’s not a game women engage in lightly. It really is deadly. (I am not indicating that you feel it is a game.)
A woman being stalked must be one of the most frightening experience a woman can have, next to actually being raped.
Some states have tightened TPO laws for the better, but the fact of the matter the TPO is still just a piece paper.
Judges need to take each and every TPO seriously and consider that a real threat exist. The result maybe that there is no eminent threat, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
I meant to add this. TPO’s and the safety of women’s physical well being is what politicians should be talking about in their political planks, not chasing mythical boogeymen and acting out their paranoid charades.
Yup. Thanks Roger.
Just as the most rabidly anti-gay man often needs to check his own closet, men who claim that TPOs are just women playing games tend to have been served those orders with very good reason.
Libertarians believe, and I know this as I’m the annointed Libertarian leader, that everybody should be able to do everything they want, as long as they don’t hurt other people or infringe on these other people’s rights. Bad Libertarians forget about the hurting other people and just see the part about doing whatever they want. We, me and my good friend Bob, intend to drum those people out of the Party.
Good for you Grudz, Novotny should be your first assignment.
Duly noted, Mr. C. Special assignments, such as Mr. Novotny, will be carried out with precision by my Lt. Governor, Mr. Rorschack. When constituents request, from whatever party, we (pending) Libertarians respond.
Good news, grudz.
Go full black-ops on this Novotny guy, you’ll be doing South Dakota a huge favor. We may end up naming a street in Pierre after you when you deliver.
I was not chasing after any women period. The Becky Zirpel deal was in a county FSA committee meeting with several people present. The meeting was recorded with a tape recorder in my shirt pocket, she filed a false affidavit claiming I called her a couple of derogatory names, she also claimed it was a threat and she feared for her safety after I told her she better not give out my private information again. I’ve only seen and talked to that woman 3 times each time in her public office. The Govt. forensics expert examined the recording and verified what she said never happened, the female Deputy US attorney threatens me with a federal lawsuit if I didn’t sign an agreement. I didn’t have a quarter million to fight the Govt. The agreement is soon to be back in court challenge for fraud. as one FSA member recently gave new evidence stating, ” I didn’t lie I just didn’t tell the whole truth” when you are under oath it’s the whole truth and nothing but. You ever hear of 14th amendment. One restraining order the Judge made both ways and I requested it is kept that way in 2004. One of the guys involved was charged with rape, think I want that jerk around my wife and kids. A couple with a neighbor rancher he used as harassment techniques when I requested they go both ways he dropped them, seems he and his wife didn’t all of sudden think they were a good deal. the final one was with a male county employee, who after he found out our conversation was recorded dropped it, I had him charged with perjury and he pleads guilty as court records verify. So Roger Cornelius and Pat “Pasty” powers don’t know what they are talking about. And you might want to watch yourself Cornelius your comments may get you sued. So instead of running conspiracy theories, you all may want to check the records before you speak. You may have left a record or two back in 60′ and 70’s Roger, guess we’ll research it. Oh, and by the way, it is my understanding Becky Zirple took early retirement at Govt. request as lying is an automatic termination of employment.
You need to calm down, Steve. Go outside and have a cigarette or something. Making threats to Roger about suing him is just insane!!! Do you honestly expect anyone to take you seriously as candidate when you talk like that?
I can see why you would annoy and scare some of the Winner folks if you go around being mad and making threats like you are doing on here.
I am calm. I find it interesting. people on this blog accuse me of things they know nothing about. they accuse me of criminal acts which do not nor have ever existed. You accused me of chasing after women. I answered your question, you come back with more accusations that annoy me. when I respond you twist it to fit your mindset. I speak my opinion you condemn it. Yet I’m not to question yours or others opinions. Mr. Cornelius openly stated he hates all white and their culture, yet I am racist. An old classmate of mine recently had her breast removed for cancer, I opened a bank account with a thousand dollars in her name and challenged others to donate or match my donation, the account raised several thousand to help her pay bills. I wonder how you will twist this to make me scary or bad?
Roger Cornelius asks me:
No, the orders don’t say the accusations were made by women.
I’d written:
Cory writes:
To be clear, no one is ever adjudicated guilty in a protection-order hearing.
Temporary orders indicate that the fire department was called. An absence of permanent orders indicates that no fire was found.
Jenny writes to Steve:
Roger has repeatedly accused Steve of criminal activity while demonstrating a reckless disregard for the falsity of those accusations. Even as a public figure, Steve has grounds for a defamation lawsuit.
I guess my lengthy explanation of the context and full meaning of Roger’s comments about his history of overcoming his own prejudices will go completely ignored by Steve, who is committed to personal insults and taking one line out of context to provide his rhetorical distractions. Sigh. So much for Libertarians fielding a reasonable, trustworthy candidate. Steve’s tone throughout this discussion provides strong evidence that he’s just another bully who can’t make it in a real political party or civil political discussion and thus must seize the banner (much like Haber and Stranahan in 2014) of a small party and again ruin that party’s chance of building wider support and credibility.
No, Kurt, Steve has no ground for a public lawsuit. Roger has referred to facts on the record. Steve has made assertions with no documentation. Steve is a candidate for public office. If anything, Steve is the one making baseless, undocumented accusations against federal employee Zirpel, who got a permanent injunction against Novotny’s entrance onto FSA property in Winner and Burke. Permanent. That can’t be reversed by any assertions of charity to other causes.
Looks like SOMEBODY has been reading up on the actual malice standard as applied to public figures in defamation cases.
Also: Cory, my rhetorical devices aren’t as funny when you spoon feed them to the brain-dead.
Maybe you missed the part, the Zirpel case is going back to court with new evidence of FSA employees admitting they lied two years after the fact. You are attempting to tell me Govt. employees never lie to cover their own crimes. look at what’s taking place in Washinton. Look what happened in Oregon to the rancher Federal agents executed. “Lavoy Finicum shooting FBI agent indicted for alleged false statements” If my “so-called accusations” as you put it are false then Becky Zirpel can take it back to the courts can she not, that’s what I’m doing. and Roger never referred to facts on the record, there is, nor ever was any criminal activity. And the injunction of which you speak and know nothing about is not enforceable nor even valid in the light it was procured thru fraud which voided it from day one. Bottom line Heidelberger you are not even a resident of SD. So your brand of labeling people you know nothing about is invalid, as it is designed to tear down anyone or anything that holds a viewpoint opposite of yours. You claim Cornelius is a changed man from his questionable past. yet with your brand of labeling, you imply others are always guilty until proven innocent. Kinda backward of the constitution is it not? I’ll let people at the comvention pass judgement.
Innocent until proven guilty refers to the criminal law and has nothing to do with the court of public opinion. If you are going to run for a powerful office, try developing some nuance and learn about distinguishing things before you get there.
Not only does Steve call us names, but he can’t even call us the right names.
Steve, tell us: has the permanent order banning you from Winner and Burke FSA property been lifted?
Cory is most certainly a resident of South Dakota, Steve! He cares about the State of South Dakota and its residents very much. He has a wonderful blog and works hard to keep us up to date on SD State Govt.
I have never ever seen him call people names like you do on here He’s something you aren’t, a gentleman.
I know, Dicta, but when rapier wit appears not to pierce the veil of ignorance, I sometimes feel obliged to spoil the fun and try blunter instruments.
“I know the common Indian well, and this is the rule of life with these worthless bastards, not the exception”
Steve Novotny (11-21-16).
Thanks to Pat Powers and his post on Novotny
On my way to Facebook to read more on candidate Novotny.
Look what happened in Oregon to the rancher Federal agents executed. “Lavoy Finicum shooting FBI agent indicted for alleged false statements”
Fincum was shot and killed by State Police reaching for a loaded 9mm in his jacket.
The FBI agent fired his gun twice, neither bullet hit Fincum. He may have lied about the gunshots but neither he nor ant FBI agents executed anyone.
Look what happened in Oregon to the rancher Federal agents executed. “Lavoy Finicum shooting FBI agent indicted for alleged false statements”
Finicum was shot and killed by State Police reaching for a loaded 9mm in his jacket.
The FBI agent fired his gun twice, neither bullet hit Fincum. He may have lied about the gunshotsn but, neither he nor any FBI agents executed anyone.
Roger, could you provide us with a link to that DWC comment?
Sorry, I’m not too computer savvy, also my vision often gets me confused.
Here you go, Master. It is quite aways down the article.
Not trying to jump all over your convo with Cory, Roger. :)
Not jumping all over our convo, this is an open forum, thanks for posting this.
Chad is a derivative of Cory’s name as interpreted by Novotny, Roger. He renamed Powers as well. Pay no mind. It isn’t funny or clever like when I misuse OS’ name.
Novotony is trying to use a decent thing, charitable contributions, to cancel out racist and threatening things, but it doesn’t work that way.
He says he has made charitable contributions to a person in need. Good act, deserves praise. Calls all Indians “worthless bastards” and has been served with multiple TPOs. Bad act, deserves condemnation.
Both are true, one does not cancel out the other. No individual or organization (RCC for example) is all good or all bad. Most are more one than the other. Even serial murderers had moments of decency.
Most Americans do charitable acts everyday, some are monetary while others actions or in-kind.
Financial acts of charity that I have made are nobody’s business and I certainly would never brag about them. Often times people in need are shamed because someone makes them a political cause.
And yes, I have also actively raised money for a variety of causes including women’s shelters, community health centers, and other to numerous to name.
It would be hypocritical of me to raise money or make a contribution to a women’s shelter and than share my contempt for women on a public forum.
Poor pitiful Kurt Evans is gonna take weeks for his back to recover from the pretzel he has twisted himself into defending Mr. Novotny. Mr. Evans, Is this the best you can come up with to represent your party faithful? I am even thinking Old Sarge would stand the test better than this nut you have pinned the tail to. So who is Mr. Novotny gonna siphon votes from, that is the question.
Cory, thanks for the re-post of a very gracious gent, Roger Cornelius. I tried to find that in a search but failed miserably. You and your blog rule man! Oh and thanks to Mr. Novotny for being such a squirrel else I would not have been able to reread your post on Roger!
I agree Roger. Whenever I begin to feel overwhelmed by the bad news, I remind myself of people whose days are filled with acts of kindness, courtesy and generosity that they never speak of. It’s simply life. Such people outnumber the others by the tens of thousands or more to one.
If we are truly decent people, generous of heart and soul, we don’t need to convince anyone. They’ll recognize it in us. Conversely, ragefulness, greed, hardness of heart and hatred are even more quickly identified and named.
Thanks, jerry, obviously Novotny did not take the time to read and digest Cory’s interview with me.
I’d written:
Cory writes:
What record would you say establishes the fact that Steve has engaged in criminal activity?
Such an injunction isn’t even a protection order, much less a criminal conviction. Are you claiming it somehow establishes that Steve has engaged in criminal activity?
“Dicta” writes:
The actual-malice standard is met when a statement like Roger’s repeated accusation of criminal activity is made with reckless disregard for whether it’s false.
“mike from iowa” writes:
Steve’s point was that government employees often lie to cover their own crimes. I’m not sure how it’s relevant that the FBI agent’s attempt to execute LaVoy Finicum was unsuccessful.
Deb writes:
Maybe, but those were the government’s acts, not Steve’s.
Jerry writes:
As I’ve already said above (2018-04-09 at 23:54), I rejoined the Constitution Party in 2016.
Yep, Kurt, you did say that. All of these are more or less the same kettle of fish. You say Constitution Party and I say Libertarian Party. The public says what are they? I say that as well, yeah, really, what are they and then I answer myself and say “they are more or less the same kettle of fish”.
LaVoy was just slow on the draw and the trooper from Oregon was quicker, simple as that.
Kurt E said something, something, something like this- I’m not sure how it’s relevant that the FBI agent’s attempt to execute LaVoy Finicum was unsuccessful.
Novotny stated as fact- Look what happened in Oregon to the rancher Federal agents executed. “Lavoy Finicum shooting
I guess that agent(s) have a right to sue you and Novotny, right?
It is common rhetoric for people to say, “I’m going to sue you for defamation, slander, etc.”
But in reality how many of these cases even see the courtroom, if they are ever filed at all. Generally such claims are treated as threats.
I’ve known plenty of lawyers over the years and not one would take a defamation or slander case. They are notoriously expensive to file and fight in court and seldom if ever settled with a monetary judgement.
Read all the comments on Cory’s blog or any blog for that matter, and you will find people making outrageous claims, if everyone that threatened to sue for defamation or slander the courts would be bogged down.
If anyone has the money to waste, let them waste it.
Stormy Daniels has proven beyond a doubt that you can counter sue. See how that is working out for trump and his attorney. The problems with defamation and slander, etc. is that those damn depositions come into play and then if you really push it, interrogatories pop up. That means that all the background information is now public information. I don’t know why Mr. Evans is pushing for that kind of action, but maybe he could explain why he wants to see Mr. Novotny’s information in the public arena. BTW, at deposition, you have a court reporter, that must be paid. A couple of attorney’s that must be paid and a whole lot of other expenses that must be paid, all of this is under oath, so you must tell the truth or get in trouble. You would’t want that, would you Mr. Evans?
Sitting here playing armchair quarterbacks with the law isn’t a good idea for anybody and if Novotny wants to sue he should seek the advice of counsel. Watching people attempt to parse the intricacies of defamation law is just giving me a headache. And god forbid we get put on blast on Novotny’s facebook page along with women and native americans.
Debbo-OT Steve Stockman guilty of 23 felonies, icymi.
“millions” were lost in EB5. Cory we don’t even KNOW how much, but up to $600 million was in the churn. that’s what I hold against the republcans who obfuscated, obfuscāre, or “El político ofuscó el tema a propósito para engañar al público.” :)
Millions were lost in the E-B5? I thought millions were paid in fees by these Chinese fellows and the fees went right where they were planned to go. And of course Aberdeen sunk that slime plant thing because of the bad reporting of a tv, but mostly Aberdeen wrecked that.
Mikey, Daily Beast says of Stockman, “He now faces “decades in federal prison” and will remain in federal custody until his sentencing hearing in August.”
I should get on over to TWMDBS, right?
Kurt, you know that I naturally lean toward the underdog. I want to like the Libertarian Party. I want to see them get their poop in a group and give Republicans and Democrats a run for their money. Unlike Pat Powers, who relishes taking a sledgehammer to little guys, I want to defend political underdogs and encourage their participation in elections.
However, when an underdog like Novotny comes on with his macho BS—and not even fun self-aware macho BS, but angry, insulting, threatening, misogynist, racist BS—my interest in defending the underdog wanes to a constitutional minimum. I stand by my smoke/fire comment. Every response Novotny has offered here and every past statement Pat Powers has dug up makes me think Novotny is a bully who has earned those multiple protection orders, injunctions, and whatever other official concerns about his menacing behavior have been lodged. Novotny’s public discourse makes clear he is no more suited to responsibly exercise power than Donald Trump.
Novotny gave money to charity. Garrison Keillor told good stories. Mussolini made the trains run on time.
Kurt, reading Novotny’s numerous posts subsequent to your comment about what I said? I stand by my comment. “Frightening”. After witnessing every single Novotny entry on this blog, and you come to the conclusion that he is —- abrasive? LOL, well, yeah, that’s one way to describe it.
Novotny’s “behavior” on this blog is not someone who should hold an elected office, let alone run for said elected office.
Dana P, I am even starting to question his flying licence. A person with that much hate and anger… yikes. Thankfully, he was to young to be a Vietnam veteran or even a veteran, so we got that going for us, which is a good thing. We have enough issues without having to think about this kind of squirrel.
Jerry, if a Muslim pilot expressed that much anger, we’d hear Neal Tapio talking about taking away his pilot’s license.
Indeed Cory, the double standard we have is clear when you think of these two ding-a-lings and their hate for themselves as well as the anger they project. Clearly these two goofs hate themselves for not having enough stuff.
Hey, does anyone know if the Libertarians have called a snow day on their convention tomorrow night? Abernathey’s only supposed to get a couple inches of snow in Eureka, but NWS says Winner could get 19 inches.
I just checked with LP chair Aylward—he says convention is still a go. Drive carefully, Libertarian delegates!
Did he mention anything about me being annointed as their gubernatorial candidate? The interstate is closed and my ride chickened out.
I’d written:
“mike from iowa” quotes Steve Novotny:
Ah, so you’re only saying the shots that ultimately killed Finicum were the shots fired by agents of the state government rather than the initial shots fired by an agent of the federal government. Got it.
“mike from iowa” asks:
If Steve and I were recklessly accusing agents by name of criminal activity in which they’d never engaged, even after they’d commented here directly telling us the accusations were false, they’d have grounds for defamation lawsuits.
Jerry writes:
Yes I would. Getting both sides to tell the truth would be my primary goal.
I’d written:
Cory had written:
I’d written:
Cory writes:
Actually I don’t know that.
Telling us what you think is First Amendment speech, but recklessly accusing Steve of criminal activity in which he’s never engaged is grounds for a defamation lawsuit.
I’m wondering whether there’s any provision in state law for rescheduling a convention without thirty days’ notice.