Well, since the GOP spin machine is at it, let’s all pile on Rep. Lynne DiSanto for saying more stupid things on the Internet. Check out this March 3 Facebook post from the Legislature’s gun moll quoting Gail—a.k.a., Hitler—on gun control:

DiSanto’s Facebook followers do an excellent job of debunking DiSanto’s quote. Briefly:
- Hitler never made this statement. I easily find an online debunking dating back to 2000.
- There was no German Weapons Act of 1935. A 1938 German Weapons Act removed gun restrictions from long guns and ammo, lowered the legal age for buying guns, tripled how long gun permits were good for, and exempted hunters, government workers, and Nazi Party members from gun laws. The only new restriction it imposed was kicking Jews out of the guns and ammo business.
As one astute Rapid City observer notes in DiSanto’s comment section, “Why should we trust you to represent us when you can’t even factcheck a Facebook post?”
Right-wingers aren’t too good when it comes top history.
Duh!!!! Seeing it on Facebook IS the fact check.
Facebook is for dummies.
Ain’t it amazin’ that yo just can’t make this stuff up ??
Rep. DiSanto meekly presents herself as a passive and gullible person. She let people push her into filing a complaint against Rep. Johnson, then she let people push her into withdrawing it, then she let people push her into talking to the press and retracting her own statement about being friends with Johnson, and she buys into stuff unquestioningly that she reads on the internet. That apparently makes her the perfect GOP Party representative. She’s a sheep who follows whichever fuzzy butt is in front of her at the moment.
Folks in Box Elder voted her into the legislature because it gets her outa town for a few weeks a year. Kinda like what District 30 people do with Lance Russell and Tim Goodwin.
Facebook is a clear and present danger to democracy: An short sense of the 60 minute news article with Lesley Stahl on Brad Parscale on how Facebook sold out democracy even in our rural areas like South Dakota. All states were infected with this, all of them.
Brad Parscale: Yeah. So Facebook now lets you get to places and places possibly that you would never go with TV ads. Now, I can find, you know, 15 people in the Florida Panhandle that I would never buy a TV commercial for. And, we took opportunities that I think the other side didn’t.
Lesley Stahl: Like what?
Brad Parscale: Well, we had our– their staff embedded inside our offices.
Lesley Stahl: What?
Brad Parscale: Yeah, Facebook employees would show up for work every day in our offices.
Lesley Stahl: Whoa, wait a minute. Facebook employees showed up at the Trump headquarters —
No wonder disanto loves her some Facebook, it is the social media of Putin’s Russian takeover of America. Another one to hand the hammer and cycle too. Count on her to be with Nelson and the Goofs singing praise to the Russian cause.
Ah yes, the infamous “All Lives Splatter” duchess of doom………. Her husband is on the Pennington County Commission and doesn’t do a whole lot better than she does but at least he tends to think a bit before slapping leather………. None of these people run to honestly serve the public interest and greater public good……. They just run a regurgitated anti-liberal, pro-gun, anti-socialism platform up the flagpole and sensationalize enough so the media will grant them an interview and voooallah, they are a political celebrity that knows stuff…….. Its a great example of a colonized Betty Olson…………….
John W. I was just pleasantly digesting supper when I see the name of the turnip of the legislature, Betty Olson..ye gads..what a dolt. Now it is off to the tums.
If it’s on Facebook and it doesn’t have a source, treat it as fake. Ignore it. “Anonymous” is code for “Baloney.”
Young Ms. DiSanto has a lot of reality to learn. It’s not all just skittles and modeling school, you know.
As Abraham Lincoln said in the Gettysburg Address: “90% of what you read on the internet is BS.”
Mr. Lincoln was not a BAG. As such, not being a big acronym guy, he actually said “10% of what you read in the internets is right 60% of the time, the rest is the poop of bulls.”
If you guess wingnuts, go beyond the head of the class.
Interesting topic.
Additionally, Kitty Werther is a nonagenarian Austrian-South Dakotan who has given multiple speeches about gun control under the Nazis. She was an eyewitness to the process, and has described it as voluntary. First registration, then surrender.
Ms Beal – Accuracy is important and Ms “Werther” is actually Kitty Werthmann. Use her real name and a quick Google search will debunk the claims you make on her behalf.
STEM. History. The interwebs. What morons. Thank you Rapid City. Are you RAP voters really this stupid to elect this as your representative?! You wanted a blonde. You got one. Aside from the play, how was your evening, Mrs. Lincoln?
Citibank just lowered the boom (pun intended) on funding gun purchases.
This is huge, if lawmakers won’t enforce sensible gun laws, banks will make it happen. http://www.businessinsider.com/banks-could-enforce-gun-control-florida-shooting-2018-2
Citigroup declares it will no longer be a compliant outsider regarding guns and their manufacture funding. Up on CNBC https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/22/citigroup-sets-restrictions-on-gun-sales-by-business-partners.html
Looks like Cabela’s is getting a face slap as well. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/03/goldman-sachs-investment-in-a-gun-retailer-puts-it-in-an-awkward-position.html
Goldman is indeed in an awkward place now. Much like DiSanto, awkward. Got a march coming up here right quick like. Those who stand in the way of public safety of our children might get run over by the public’s unfavorable view.
FB makes us dumb yet provides us with immediate satisfaction of feeling intelligent, superior and better then our fellow beings, just from clicking “post” or “share if you agree” it’s like the “brown eye study” on steroids
You’re right Curt. Facts are important
So Dems are OK with gun bans based on religion?
Before you respond to me, there has been mass shootings in Australia after their ban.
Why are the Democrats on this board uneducated?
I think both parties are and have been OK, with the banning of military style weapons of war with high capacity clips or drums on whatever religions that may have them in the United States. Turns out that even a huuuuge banking interest, Citigroup, also feels that way. You may have missed the protests in the street yesterday, but there were many. In fact, more protesters were in Washington, D.C. than were at your boy trump’s inaugural. Fact
Yes, there was a mass shooting in Australia, involving rabbits. Some Australians are hopping mad about it too https://www.dailymercury.com.au/news/why-toowoomba-council-is-hopping-mad-over-rabbit-f/3230392/
Democrats on this board are uneducated in Jason speak. We hear the mumbling’s of Jason and the hollow sound of someone clearly with their head up their arse.
Stormy Daniels knows how to shut down an abusive twitter dude,
“…By now, the public knows both too much about Ms. Clifford, who goes by Stormy Daniels, and almost nothing at all.
She is the actress in pornographic films who is suing a sitting president, with whom she said she had a consensual affair, in order to be released from a nondisclosure agreement she reached with his lawyer just before the 2016 election. Over the past two months, she has guided the story of her alleged relationship with President Trump — and the $130,000 she was paid to keep silent — into a full-fledged scandal. If Ms. Clifford’s court case proceeds, Mr. Trump may have to testify in depositions, and her suit could provide evidence of campaign spending violations. She is scheduled to appear on “60 Minutes” on Sunday.
And if her name has seemed ubiquitous — repeated on cable television and in the White House briefing room, and plastered on signs outside nightclubs, where her appearance fees have multiplied — there is this to consider: Unlike most perceived presidential adversaries, about whom Mr. Trump is rarely shy, Ms. Clifford has not been the subject of a single tweet.” New York Times article,
It is a beautiful thing man to see the shut down and to see Stormy, in addition to the protests. Gotta golf some more. Yep, that’s the ticket. Probably will not be golfing with Melania though, she would beat him with a 9 iron.