The rally is to call for justice and a full investigation into the apparent conspiracy that has been conducted by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee, working together with heads of Federal Law Enforcement, members of the Obama Administration, and a host of others in the private sector, to produce a false narrative regarding candidate Donald Trump and now President Trump, toward the first end of defeating him in the election, and then, that having failed, seeing him removed from office through the constructed ‘Russian Collusion’ scandal.
…Americans United Against Tyranny (AUAT) is a Texas non-profit corporation working to build a nationwide Patriot Union with the express purpose of restoring a Constitutional Republic of Sovereign States. It is to give a voice to the millions of American Patriots that are now silenced by the Mainstream media outlets pushing a Leftist partisan agenda and narrative. The Patriot Union seeks to reform all of our American Institutions and to see the realization of a true Government by, of and for the People [Michael Hutton, Facebook post, 2018.03.07].
There also strong whiffs of Christian persecution complex:
The American Patriot Union is an organization working to build a nationwide Patriot Union for the purpose of providing a voice to the millions of Americans that make up the ‘silent majority’, Christians and Conservatives that hold to ideals of Patriotism and virtue on which we believe America stands. At this time in our country that term is more appropriately stated, ‘the silenced majority’ because much of our news media has become so politically biased and supportive of a narrow perspective that they either demonize of marginalize the views of Christian Conservatives and Patriots [Michael Hutton, cited by Pat Powers, Dakota War College, 2018.03.19].
The event schedule promises speakers and other noise from 09:00 to 17:00—a whole Sunday shot to heck at Mount Rushmore.
Former US Sen. Scott Brown’s “American Idol” contestant daughter had an affair with a patriotic-rock singer while married to a former Major League Baseball player, according to a bizarre lawsuit involving a singer that plays at Donald Trump rallies.
Ayla Brown, who married onetime Colorado Rockies pitcher Keith Weiser in 2014, got hot and heavy with the lead singer of Madison Rising, which bills itself as “America’s most patriotic band,” the band’s management claims in court papers.
The “indiscretions” between Brown and married vocalist Dave Bray damaged Madison Rising’s reputation, claims the band, which toured with Brown last year. Brown, at age 17, competed on “American Idol” in 2006, finishing 13th.
Her Republican father represented Massachusetts for three years before losing his seat to Elizabeth Warren in 2013.
Bray, whose wife, Rebecca, also worked for the band, allegedly had a “lengthy extramarital affair” with Brown, according to court papers that include text messages from Weiser regarding the alleged trysts.
The affair revelation was made in a Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit filed against David and Rebecca Bray by Purple Eagle Entertainment, which owns and created Madison Rising.
The management claims in court papers that David Bray, who earned $78,000 annually, turned out to be a violent, binge-drinking lout who assaulted bandmates and manager Richard Mgrdechian and stole the group’s music and fans after he was canned earlier this year.
“Under the direction of my attorney, I’ve been told not to comment. Any further comments may be found by subscribing to:,” Bray told The Post.
Bray, whose patriotic schtick includes praising God and accolades on military and law-enforcement personnel, bragged about his violent past, including a claim that he beat up a pair of Pennsylvania cops years ago, and “choked out” his superior officer in the Navy, Mgrdechian charges [Kathianne Boniello, “Rocker’s Lawsuit Unearths Affair with Ex-Senator’s ‘Idol’ Daughter,” Page Six, 2016.12.04].
Ah, Christian family values on display again, courtesy of Trump supporters.
Reminds me of the old circus side shows. What did PT Barnum say? “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
mike from iowa
Grudz, you run yer buns to Mt Rushmore and chide these people if they leave any trash around the monument.
They’re gathering the oddities together and putting them on display. It won’t be the greatest show on earth, but there will be more than a few bearded ladies and mental midgets – guaranteed. Step Right Up!
Donald Pay
Somebody should tell these guys that “less is more.” Really, that graphic design is probably one reason I wouldn’t bother. First, the American flag is denigrated and defiled with bright yellow block lettering. Second, the dude with the old-fashioned weapon looks more 1918 than 2018, and his footwear looks vaguely effeminate. Third, there’s a NO over this guy’s genitals. Trying to figure out what that might mean given the context of Cory’s research. Fourth, way too many fonts and colors. Fifth, no screening of nuts appearing: Challice Finicum is a crisis actor, and daughter of a domestic terrorist who died when he resisted arrest.
Silent majority? Give me a break. Christians and conservatives are certainly not silent. The only thing that whines more than a crazy liberal who wants everything for free is a conservative christian who wants to prove he is more conservative and christian than you.
mike from iowa
The only thing that whines more than a crazy liberal who wants everything for free
You meant to say wingnuts whine about libs wanting everything for free and then they produce no evidence to back up their statements,.
I did not know you could do that at a National Park like Rushmore. For equal time then, what other protest groups can come there and take it over? I am wondering about the Impeach trump group as an example. Anti gun organizations would be my guess for another venue. Once the camel’s nose is in the tent, then whatever group or organization wants to protest will be able to come. Should be great for vendor’s just fly the flag one day upright and the next day upside down. Thanks to you Little Al and the Screamers for opening the gate to protest. Who needs tourists?
Yet another high school shooting incident in Maryland this morning. The tax and spend republican’s will parade at Rushmore showing their guns and their arse’s. This bunch of misfits are the opening act for the headliner, Vlad Putin, fresh off a surprising win in Russia. He plans to be there as a special guest of those that wish to destroy democracy. April 15th, now to be known as tax scam day courtesy of the republican party. Take a bow Little Al and the Screamers.
I want to see Stormy Daniels and the 16 to 25 more women appear there sometime soon to discuss sexual abuse at the hands of the leader they worship.
mfi – take it easy, libbie. I wasn’t saying all liberals want everything for free. I’m saying there are some of them who do, and they are the loudest bunch of entitled whiners out there. A close second is the “holier than thou” conservative crazies that this article is talking about. I hope you aren’t so attached to your self-applied labels that you feel the need to defend other people who self-apply those labels, whether or not they are good people worth defending.
mike from iowa
If you have to beller to the world you are patriotic, you probably aren’t. If you have to daily remind yourself of the Pledge, you probably aren’t the patriot you think you are.
The only people I hear whining about Libs wanting everything for free come from Fake Noize, dead Breitbart, Alex Jones, etc. They recite verbatim having new SUVs, Obama phones, EBT cards they buy steak and lobsters and energy drinks and then lie about using the change to buy lottery tickets and cigarettes.
Throw in a few Flat Earthers, Obama Birthers, Moon-Made-of-Green-Cheese folks, and you’d have a complete circus. Will Kristi show up on her horse and deliver a rousing campaign speech? I’m sure Thune will attend if there is opportunity for a photo op. !@#%&*!
Mary Perpich
Cory this is a great piece. Good investigative reporting skills. About the story—I am surprised these goofs can do this at the site. I should think the feds would not have allowed it.
Christian right wing extremists are the worst. Southerners have made it legal in states such as Tennessee that marrying a 10 year old girl is legal with parental consent. Such good right wing Christian values.
I’m surprised pseudo-patriotTed Nugent isn’t opening for them, must have demanded too much money.
According to Findlaw, the minimum age for marrying with parental consent in Tennessee is 16, not 10. It appears, however, that so long there is judicial consent there is no age limit and a 10 year old could marry in Tennessee (as well as several other states) if a judge agreed.
Stace Nelson
Its saddening how much gnashing of teeth there is of some Americans getting together at the Shrine of Democracy, to enjoy their 1st Amendment rights. What should frighten us all is that it incites such a rabid response from those on the left AND the RINO cabal over at the RINO toilet. As Mr H reported out previously, we have the RINOs joining the underhanded efforts to inappropriately use the process to silence opposition
When I was originally approached about this, I was tired from session and was reluctant to commit. I have made every effort while being in office to answer the public’s questions and be responsive and am ashamed that I didn’t commit to this right away. After reading the comments of both articles, I’m now glad those folks didn’t take my feet dragging as a “no” and have written me into their event.
Stay tuned sports fans, I promise all you good folks on the Left (to include the RINO herd), I shall not disappoint.
I promise photos with any who have the courage to come out and enjoy the festivities. :-D
Good for you Nelson, thanks for opening the doors on free speech at Rushmore! Looks like we may finally be able to see a variety of gatherings there in front of the Six Grandfathers of Lakota history.
I would think that the future gatherings would be interesting with the back drop your group has blazed a trail too. I am thinking your name and your sidekick, Goodwin name may be invoked at a gathering of LGBT support groups that could easily be mustered to be there as well. I think they will indeed provide you photo’s!
#NeverAgain could show up as well. This whole thing seems like the right thing to do. Protesting.
Roger Cornelius
Another excellent Dakota Free Press thread shot to hell by the poisonous Nelson.
We can expect Nelson to go off the rails with Hillary conspiracies, President Obama conspiracies, all Democrats support slavery and are members of the KKK and other altered historical facts and of course, Trump never did anything wrong.
At some point Nelson will add his creds to bolster his perfect image of himself.
Naturally, he will call me a racist and bigot.
Let’s roll Nelson, you blocked me from debate with you on Owen’s Facebook thread, but you can’t block me here.
Roger, as noted in Cory’s reporting, Nelson and the goofs (Thanks Mary Perpich) are accusing Hillary Clinton of saying bad things about their boy trump. Hillary Clinton is not, but these ladies are: Another one, with the same claim of a campaign payoff. Nothing to do with Hillary, but women…those damn women are bringing claims. We see what frauds Nelson and the goofs are.
“A former Playboy model who claimed she had an affair with Donald J. Trump sued on Tuesday to be released from a 2016 legal agreement requiring her silence, becoming the second woman this month to challenge Trump allies’ efforts during the presidential campaign to bury stories about extramarital relationships.
The model, Karen McDougal, is suing the company that owns The National Enquirer, American Media Inc., which paid her $150,000 and whose chief executive is a friend of Mr. Trump’s. The other woman, the adult entertainment star Stephanie Clifford, better known as Stormy Daniels, was paid $130,000 to stay quiet by the president’s personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen. She filed suit earlier this month.
Both women, who argue that their contracts are invalid, are trying to get around clauses requiring them to resolve disputes in secretive arbitration proceedings rather than in open court, where the proceedings. Mr. Trump has denied the affairs.
Trump seems to be a creature of habit.
Ms. Clifford and Ms. McDougal tell strikingly similar stories about their experiences with Mr. Trump, which included alleged trysts at the same Lake Tahoe golf tournament in 2006, dates at the same Beverly Hills hotel and promises of apartments as gifts. Their stories first surfaced in the The Wall Street Journal four days before the election, but got little traction in the swirl of news that followed Mr. Trump’s victory. The women even shared the same Los Angeles lawyer, Keith Davidson, who has long worked for clients who sell their stories to the tabloids.”
The conspiracy is clear Roger. Nelson and the Goofs are just the idiots to be seen locally for what they are, frauds.
Stace Nelson
@Roger Happy my post triggers you and shows you for who you are. I spent the majority of the time opposing current corruption and not dealing with the national issues, so as usual you are wrong. Your argument with your Democratic Party’s horrific past is with the facts of history
Perfect image? Where do you clowns come up with this? I’m overweight, balding, and long since the prime of my youth when I might have had something to crow about. You saw those shoes Cinderella and happily claimed them. I get it, you don’t like me being married to a woman of color, “Tango Sierra!” as we say in the Marines. I care not one iota of your racist hate for me or my beautiful wife.
“Let’s roll?” I blocked myself from being tempted to respond to your incessant FB trolling and bile spewing. Feel free to tarnish Mr H’s blog with it. Your rants and hatred wont pass the test of time and will be like dust in the wind. So blow on Mcduff.
I worry I cannot evaluate my GOP friends effectively: what exactly is the “RINO” litmus test?
Stace Nelson
@Jerry Make sure you climb out from under whatever rock you hide under to introduce yourself. I can always use a good laugh. “My group?” “My boy Trump?” Radon in the basement is building up, you may want to vacate. :-D
El Rayo X
At the bottom of the My Militia link, their bumper sticker says “Join or Die.” Did they steal that from ISIS or did ISIS steal that from them? They seem like all right guys, just a little over enthusiastic. I would hope they won’t be killing any non-members on Mt. Rushmore grounds, that would be unpatriotic and rude.
Race has nothing to do with your fraud Nelson. Women are coming out of the woodwork against your boy trump for campaign finance fraudulent dealings. Glad you are in support of that, makes you fit right into the current republican cabal called Pierre. So what is a feller to do, blame a woman. Blame Hillary for the crooked dealings of trump and then somehow, switch it to race. Hillary is a white woman just like you are a white man. Not race difference, gender difference.
Stace is a good guy when he’s in Pierre, I guess he can run around with these bad boy groups if he wants to as it is his right. Just make sure it doesn’t get out of hand, Stace. We don’t want to hear about anything bad happening.
Stace Nelson
“o” I draw the line at responding to lower case vowels.. You appear to be on the right track though, simply review the GOP platforms (SD & national) in appreciation of public voting records and you should be able to muddle through it.
owen reitzel
Hey Cory maybe your new BFF Reb Rider will be there. He’d fit right in with those right-wingers.
By all means Stace. Show us pictures from this show
Roger Cornelius
Hey folks
Didn’t I tell you exactly what Nelson would do? Every word he mutters is predictable and has been regurgitated.
Nelson continues to bring up bad Democrats and the history of slavery, what we don’t hear from the self-righteous hypocrite is the republican history of genocide and the annihilation of over 50 million Native Americans by Lincoln and other republican presidents.
Nelson has been busy pushing the republican ‘fake news’ that Hillary and President Obama should be tried for treason, is it patriotic to lie day after day?
Roger Cornelius
Nelson, I have never said one word about your wife, there you go making things up again.
Stace, don’t let the DFP boys get to you. They’re harmless, just like to rile you up. ; )
Stace Nelson
@Jerry Trying to keep up with you folks logic. Your saying that hundreds of years of horrific institutional racism by the Democratic Party is not shared by those who carry on that banner now; however, somehow I am personally responsible for President Trump’s activities as a private citizen during a period of time I opposed him because he was a registered Democrat. Seems you Democrats are to blame for any misconduct he engaged in as a Democrat? Or is it like in the late ’60’s when Nixon subtly appealed to racist Democrats with his “Southern Strategy” which somehow Democrats claim transferred hundreds of years of horrific institutional racism of the Democrat Party to the GOP..
@Roger You have posted lie after lie claiming I was a “Racist” and “member of the KKK” due to your ugly racist hatred of me being white and married to a woman of color. Having worked gang crimes, I am well aware that racist such as yourself hate “race betrayers” such as my wife and I more than anything. My life shows I am not a racist, your ugly hatred shows you to be.
@Jenny The only thing the trolls do is get me fired up to campaign harder, I’d like to break 80% in my whole district this next election, 78.2% can always be improved upon :-D
No, Nelson, I am saying that you are anti woman. You and the Goofs proclaim it on your funny ad thingy. You cannot hide the fact that you are cloaking your boy trump’s campaign finance crimes. You hide behind race to carry out your hatred of women by going after Hillary and then women in general with your support of every anti woman bill that has ever been presented in the republican cabal called Pierre.
Roger Cornelius
How about those republicans killing millions of Indians for defending their land?
Roger Cornelius
Nelson says he fights corruption, but the corruption continues to run rampant in South Dakota (i.e. Mickelson/CAFO).
Has it been presented for what it does to not only the groundwater, but the runoff as well?
Roger Cornelius
Minutes ago another sexual abuse victim of republican family values president came forward.
Summer Zerous from Celebrity Apprentice has filed suit against the evangelical president for a sexual assault that happened in 2007.
How many of Trump’s sexual assault victims have come forward?
Here is what and who Nelson and Goofs support with full throated glee, the same thing as their boy trump does. Courtesy of Senator John McCain, a man who has a hell of lot more creed than Nelson and the Goofs.
“An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections. And by doing so with Vladimir Putin, President Trump insulted every Russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election to determine their country’s future, including the countless Russian patriots who have risked so much to protest and resist Putin’s regime.”
There it is, about as clear as can be. Do proceed Nelson and the Goofs, do proceed.
Roger Cornelius
“Rally for Liberty & Justice”, the word ‘liberty’ caught my attention and it reminded me of South Dakota blogger Tom Lawrence who on Facebook called ‘liberty’ code for white.
Isn’t the Mueller investigation outcome how we will know if the Russian collusion narrative is false or real? Why have SO many Trump associates plead guilty to charges stemming from that investigation if it is not true?
The dam is about to break. Mueller is following the money; during the campaign, Trump never wanted to give insight to his financials — now Mueller will see all the holdings, loans, revenue streams. Then we will see if the facts show innocence or guilt.
The un-patriots got the flag color right, now all they need do is remove the stars and boom, they have their Russian flag to rally around.
Donald Pay
Yes. The corruption continues for sure. Read on:
Now we have the State of South Dakota, Trump’s EPA Superfund Program and a Canadian mining company in cahoots to mine at the old Gilt Edge Mine that another Canadian firm walked away from, leaving South Dakota and federal taxpayers on the hook for a multi-million dollar clean-up. Of course, none of the entities involved in this corruption have put the full text of the consent agreement on-line, so YOU PEONS don’t get to see it, but I called EPA and got a copy. I’m going through it. I’ll send it to Cory, who can, if he wants, post the whole thing.
This has been planned, of course, for at least three or four months, probably longer. No one, of course, bothered to gather input from South Dakota citizens regarding this proposal prior to foisting it, signed, sealed and just about delivered to the Canadians. I will be submitting a FOIA request to obtain more information from EPA, but I assume that request will not be satisfied for several weeks, by which time it will be past the date to comment on the proposal. I, of course, will ask for an extension of the comment period and public hearings in South Dakota on the proposal.
Funny how making American Great Again! does not include using good old American consulting firms for planning how to clean up Strawberry Creek and other parts of the Gilt Edge property, and taking into consideration the views of, you know, YOU AMERICAN PEONS, when Scott Pruitt and Steve Pirner, two environmental criminals, collude to put Canadians once again in charge of US mineral resources.
Roger Cornelius
Yesterday the GOP blocked passage of a bill to protect the Robert Mueller investigation. Today the republicans are making an effort to deny that Trump will have Mueller fired, but of course are not interested in protecting the credibility of the Russian investigation.
Senators Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Argus King, Orrin Hatch, and Rep. Paul Ryan, Trey Gowdy, and Mike Conaway have all issued statements cautioning Trump about doing something stupid that would cause a Constitutional crisis.
There are a lot of nervous politicians in Washington.
Roger Cornelius
Donald Pay,
Quick question. Are these Canadian mining companies operating in South Dakota fully owned by Canadians or are they a shield with American partners?
Roger, the Summer Zervos case was filed in New York last year as a defamation action against Trump for his public claims that Zervos had lied about the sexual assault. Trump’s lawyers were trying to get the case dismissed arguing that a sitting President cannot be sued in State court. The New York Court ruled that the case can go forward, relying on a similar decision in the Clinton/Jones lawsuit.
The cases filed by Stormy and the Playboy model are new cases that will have to deal with defense motions before discovery begins in earnest with sworn depositions. In contrast, the ruling denying the motion to dismiss in Zervos should mean that discovery can begin and perhaps Trump will have to give a deposition.
Good thing Trump never lies or he could be in as much, or more, legal trouble than Clinton. Can you say “perjury trap” = “deposition?”
Roger Cornelius
Thanks bear, I was in the process of updating the Zervos case, but you did a better job than I could have.
A Trump deposition in the Zervos case would be the same if he sits for an interview with Mueller on the Russian scandal, the way Trump lies he will perjurer himself in a New York minute.
Stace Nelson
@Jerry & Roger Don’t let the facts or reality slow your bile laced propaganda down. 🙄
Article is from April 2016.
So what are you doing about Mickelson’s corruption? Anything?
Roger Cornelius
After repeatedly telling Nelson that I don’t have a basement in my apartment he continues to believe that I do. Whoever brainwashed this guy did a good job.
What does a basement have to do with South Dakota and Trump’s corruption.
Stace Nelson
@Roger Way too busy to be your personal secretary who spoon feeds everything that occurred during session. If you chose not to be informed, that is your right. You clearly are simply throwing fecal matter without regards to facts of actual political events. I opposed efforts to deprive property owners of current due process provisions
You embraced the basement dwelling troll comment, Freudian slippage it appears.
Roger Cornelius
Nelson has called me a troll a number of times in the past few days here on DFP and on Facebook. The odd thing is that he posts comments on the same blogs that I do. I regularly comment on Owen’s threads, Nelson only posts when he can make political hay, so who is the troll?
What is up with Nelson’s fixation on basements, did something tragic happen to him in a basement?
Stace Nelson
Cornelius is the perpetual victim of his own hatred, and apparently paranoid. You’re the one that embraced the term thrown out in derision. If it pounds out rabid posts without any basis in facts on social media, and continues to do so.. 😉
This is entertaining reading … but most has no relevance to the original post which was covering the Rally at Rushmore. I note that the flyer promises ‘No Biased Media’. I wonder whose bias is used to determine bias.
Roger Cornelius
It seems that a rally promoting liberty and justice would welcome the press and their 1st Amendment Rights. The “No Biased Media” smacks of Trump’s hate language toward any media that doesn’t agree with.” Tell the public only what I want them to know” mentality of Trump.
Naturally these goofs promoting this circus believe that they are the only ones with Constitutional rights.
I like both Roger and Stace. You guys will just have to agree to disagree.
Are there ever any Pro-LGBT rallies or cannabis rallies at Mt Rushmore? That’s what I’d like to know.
mike from iowa
Way off topic, but Mike Conaway is the doof that said wingnuts in Russia investigation found no signs of collusion because they didn’t look for it.
As for biased media at Mt Rushmore, the legion of loons signed up to be there should give you an idea the alternative facts media will be there in full force.
Roger Cornelius
mike from iowa,
Could it be that Conaway is beginning to see some partial light or that he has to take the mid-terms into serious consideration?
The point is that Trump’s stranglehold on the GOP seems to be weakening. Mitch McConnell came to the defense of the Mueller investigation today, it really isn’t that much, but if McConnell is forced to see the investigation to its conclusion, it is a good start.
Mr. mike, who is from Iowa where there is ample trash, blogs ate 0740 hours that I should get a ride out to Mt. Rushmore, upon which the Shrine of Democracy is carved, and get wheeled up to the party area where Mr. Nelson will speak. I would enjoy that. And I would slap with a swatter at any litterers I see. I imagine the difference between this gathering and that illegal squatting at Cannonball is that at Mt. Rushmore they have garbage cans and a service to haul it away, and the ranger fellows probably would handcuff any slob who spits their chaw in the woods, and the woods don’t drain directly into a major water source without filtering through a lot of dirt and piney needles. But I’m all for having a crackdown on these nuts for littering.
I also wonder how many will open carry in a National Park Service property and if there will be extra rangers to slap them down for that.
grudznick may stand corrected. The nut jobs may very well be able to open carry or even, if they have a proper permit, conceal carry at Mt. Rushmore. Won’t that be a treat for Johnny from Iowa visiting with his cousins from Minnesota as they go to view the big heads! A slew of Rebb Riders sporting six-guns, just like the old days.
Roger, you see how Nelson and the Goofs continually want to change the subject of their support to Russian and trump into something personal? Guess what the republican cabal in Pierre’s new favorite dish is? Russian borscht soup. Yummy says Nelson and the Goofs, just what we need when we are waving the old Red, White and Blue (without the stars) frantically for our boys trump/Putin and now Zuckerberg from Facebook. Now they can favor one another, how charming.
BTW, Fox News has replaced the O in Fox to a hammer and cycle. Even the folks who Fox depends on to lie to Nelson and the Goofs has checked out. Here is Ralph Peters departure email:
“On March 1st, I informed Fox that I would not renew my contract. The purpose of this message to all of you is twofold:
First, I must thank each of you for the cooperation and support you’ve shown me over the years. Those working off-camera, the bookers and producers, don’t often get the recognition you deserve, but I want you to know that I have always appreciated the challenges you face and the skill with which you master them.
Second, I feel compelled to explain why I have to leave. Four decades ago, I took an oath as a newly commissioned officer. I swore to “support and defend the Constitution,” and that oath did not expire when I took off my uniform. Today, I feel that Fox News is assaulting our constitutional order and the rule of law, while fostering corrosive and unjustified paranoia among viewers. Over my decade with Fox, I long was proud of the association. Now I am ashamed.
In my view, Fox has degenerated from providing a legitimate and much-needed outlet for conservative voices to a mere propaganda machine for a destructive and ethically ruinous administration. When prime-time hosts–who have never served our country in any capacity–dismiss facts and empirical reality to launch profoundly dishonest assaults on the FBI, the Justice Department, the courts, the intelligence community (in which I served) and, not least, a model public servant and genuine war hero such as Robert Mueller–all the while scaremongering with lurid warnings of “deep-state” machinations– I cannot be part of the same organization, even at a remove. To me, Fox News is now wittingly harming our system of government for profit.
As a Russia analyst for many years, it also has appalled me that hosts who made their reputations as super-patriots and who, justifiably, savaged President Obama for his duplicitous folly with Putin, now advance Putin’s agenda by making light of Russian penetration of our elections and the Trump campaign. Despite increasingly pathetic denials, it turns out that the “nothing-burger” has been covered with Russian dressing all along. And by the way: As an intelligence professional, I can tell you that the Steele dossier rings true–that’s how the Russians do things.. The result is that we have an American president who is terrified of his counterpart in Moscow.
I do not apply the above criticisms in full to Fox Business, where numerous hosts retain a respect for facts and maintain a measure of integrity (nor is every host at Fox News a propaganda mouthpiece–some have shown courage). I have enjoyed and valued my relationship with Fox Business, and I will miss a number of hosts and staff members. You’re the grown-ups.
Also, I deeply respect the hard-news reporters at Fox, who continue to do their best as talented professionals in a poisoned environment. These are some of the best men and women in the business..
So, to all of you: Thanks, and, as our president’s favorite world leader would say, “Das vidanya.”
So there ya go Nelson, a commissioned officer with the balls to say enough is enough. Country first. Keep on destroying Democracy as a way to achieve your 80% vote, just like Putin. You are not impressing anyone.
Roger Cornelius
I read Lt. Col. Ralph Peters email earlier in the day and just have to say, “WoW”!
Are there others at FOX Liars that will be departing as the Russian investigation heats up?
There has been speculation that Shep Smith, although he just signed a new contract, maybe the next to leave.
It angered Hannity into seeing stars when Shep Smith reported that Hillary’s Uranium One deal was a dead story.
Donald Pay
Roger, I’ll be ferreting out some more information on the particular company involved. They are a major mining operator, with properties in Europe and South American. I expect they have international investors, which might include, of course, Putin-linked oligarchs from Trump’s favorite country, RUSSIA.
mike from iowa
Roger, Peters gave Fake Noize heck today and went after the Hannitys and Tucker Carlsons especially.
In better news, Cambridge Analytica is on tape saying they got Drumpf elected. Then Drumpf called and congratulated his bestest buddy Vlad for winning election. Drumpf just threw millions of Russians under the bus.
mike from iowa
Obama saved yer butt, Grudz.
Steve Miller Journal staff Feb 23, 2010
Hikers in national parks might notice that some of their fellow trekkers are packing more than their lunch, under a new federal law allowing loaded guns in the parks.
The law, which took effect Monday, allows people to have loaded guns in national parks and wildlife refuges as long as they are allowed by state law.
Can’t take them in buildings in parks. Can’t discharge them, either, unless of course, you can entice a bear to attack.
I hear dangerous critters sued Obama for not taking away Grudzies guns.
Roger Cornelius
Thanks Donald, that has been bugging me for awhile. Anxious to see the results of your research. A Russian connection wouldn’t surprise me.
Roger Cornelius
The all cap warning was at the top of Trump’s morning national security briefing and with his typical erratic behavior congratulated the dictator anyway. Gotta love these republicans.
mike, the Cambridge Analytica is a story now developing by the hour, hopefully we’ll have a concise review of the fraud soon.
Robin Friday
Haven’t read all the replies here, so if this is old news, please forgive. Seem to be a number of topics addressed. Re Militia activity: The Guys on the Mounden (as my little kid used to say) will be weeping. Re: Zervos, a fed court ruled against Trump lawyers today, ruled that the Zervos case could move ahead.
Roger Cornelius
republican Neo-Nazi Arthur Jones won his uncontested primary for a congressional district in Illinois.
Nelson and the Goofs should have to answer their support for Putin. Who do they run with, what flag? Here is some more about how trump got elected by Putin.
“An undercover investigation by Channel 4 News has revealed how Cambridge Analytica claims it ran key parts of the presidential campaign for Donald Trump.
The British data company was secretly filmed discussing coordination between Trump’s campaign and outside groups – an activity which is potentially illegal.
Executives claimed they “ran all the digital campaign, the television campaign and our data informed all the strategy” for President Trump.” So far, just the Brits are making moves called sanctions against Putin. The republicans/trump outfit, still holding hands and whispering sweet nothings to one another and longing for the Putin wet kiss.
How can two sitting legislators in South Dakota showing support of the Russian strong man over American Democracy? These are just two in the republican cabal called Pierre. Not a single dissenting republican voice coming out of Pierre that condemns the Russian/trump love fest. So far, the only sitting republican speaking out on this is John McCain. When I hear someone claim they were a Marine, the first thing I think of is honor. There is no honor saluting Putin as your commander in chief. Better go all in and just say that it really does not matter as the ends justify the means. Whatever that means, to me, that is dishonorable. But go ahead and bash Hillary in Putin’s name boys. She is not your problem, you are.
In the early 2000s there was a Gay Pride Rally at Mt. Rushmore. There may have been others, too. It is available for any group, though there are some restrictions.
These militia/patriot things are just silly. Grown males strutting around with big guns. The compensatory jokes almost write themselves. As for the ones who really believe the conspiracy theories floating through the ether, . . . . Fear is the most powerful emotion, and most uncomfortable. It’s a lot easier to flip to anger, feels safer. More macho too.
I’ve got a cousin who believes that loony crap, describes herself as a “trump fan.” She’s not stupid and I like her. Baffles me how she got sucked into that silliness. Oh well.
I just hope they don’t hurt themselves or anyone else. I’d rather they find a quiet place to play army with toy guns.
“No America Without Virtue” … while the Commander in Chief has three (count’em … 3) women accusing him of sexual misconduct ranging from sexual harassment to paying for sex and then paying them off to stay silent. Never mind it also includes sleeping around on his wife and accusations of having one physically threatened. I’m not sure where they are finding any virtue in this, because I’m having a hard time seeing it.
And never mind that the Russians have been meddling not only in the US elections, they’ve also been interfering in those across Europe, including France and Germany along with the UK’s recent Brexit vote, all to undermine and destabilize Western style democracy. But if these people think waving the flag and giving lip service to patriotism while they turn a blind eye to Russia’s attempts to destroy American democracy and rule of law, they are complicit in helping promote that destruction. I can pity them, but I as an American I cannot respect them. Anyone who willingly helps sell out our country is a traitor, no matter how many flags they wrap themselves in.
It is very hard to make out the symbol for Americans United Against Tyranny on this graphic due to its small size, but it comes uncomfortably close to the Blood Drop Cross symbol used by the KKK ( and leaves me wondering if it’s purposely meant to suggest that, especially since it seems to have replaced the normal white cross with a equal-armed Celtic cross. The more usual style of Celtic cross has an elongated base, the equal-armed one has been co-opted by white supremacist groups generally, including various Neo-Nazi groups. ( I am very concerned that this logo is a coded symbol for what is now being called the alt-right, but which includes most every hate group out there, including the neo-Nazi’s and KKK. We know they are alive and well in today’s US, what is far less well known is that the KKK has a history in the Black Hills that goes back to the 1920s.
Totally unrelated, what on earth is Overpasses for America? Underpasses can’t be American? Interstates? State Highways? County Roads? Cloverleafs? Bridges? Seriously, that’s one strange name that conveys nothing. But as they say, you can tell about people by the company they keep.
John W
Two names together smell like a white supremacist rally to me……. Somebody write the KKK in Carolina and send them an invite so the amateurs have somebody to mentor them while TR looks down from above and wills the entire slovenly entourage to their own self serving debauchery.
Roger Cornelius
John W
Earlier today Tom Lawrence made a comment on Facebook that ‘liberty’ is code for ‘white’.
Donald Pay
Finicum’s father was “Tarpman,” who got lots of time on MSNBC to explain his point of view. He was never censored in any way. He seemed to be a nice guy with extremely crazy ideas. His big issue with the government was thinking he was so special that he didn’t have to be like every other rancher and pay his grazing fees. So, he was free-ridin’ on our dime, and he expected to be a hero for being a deadbeat. That’s why he identified with fellow deadbeat Cliven Bundy. There was a disconnect with reality. He wasn’t even considered a real rancher. It was more of a hobby than anything. Engaging in criminal trespass and insurrection against the government, especially when the neighbors want you gone, isn’t a neighborly or smart thing to do. I don’t mind a little civil disobedience, but when you escalate to carrying a gun and threatening people, you can kind of expect you’re not going to be treated like someone who knows how to do civil disobedience. They made their point, and should have just submitted to arrest peacefully. Challice could have been visiting her father in prison and wouldn’t have abandoned her family, but he and she decided to take the coward’s way out. She needs to face up to that fact, and not eat herself up with hate.
Finicum was just too high strung, while being slow on the draw. That Oregon state patrolman pulled and shot him dead. Justified, as they say. Now, Nelson and the Goofs are saying that the very government that they are a part of, including very recently, is overreaching on them. Or should I say that Hillary Clinton is, along with the Democratic Party that is the minority in the House, The Senate, the White House and the Supreme Court as well as the republican cabal controlled legislature in South Dakota. This does not make sense. What makes sense is that Nelson and the Goofs are trying to put some daylight between their boy trump and the Russians. That train has left the station, we all know now that Russia elected trump while Nelson and the Goofs applauded like good little comrades. When those boys are there, it is then the Shrine of the Shame of Democracy.
Roger Cornelius
John W
The Southern Poverty Law Center has identified a KKK stronghold located in the Black Hills.
This Americans United Against Liberty group should do the gentlemanly thing and extend them an invitation to their April 15 hoe-down.
Ah, the heroes we choose, the demons we fight. These God-fearing Patriots rally in the name of a criminal who joined an armed takeover of a public facility, threatened to ram a police roadblock, and reached for a gun when approached by police. They demonize a woman who lost the Presidential election and holds no public office.
Instead they could rally for the children whom their gun culture is killing. Instead they could protest the adulterous traitor in the White House who coddles a foreign dictator bent on destroying America’s position as the leading superpower.
I notice that no one has commented in defense of the “entertainers” scheduled who have committed rather unchristian acts in the recent past. Grudgenutz may just drop by this gathering for a little post-April Fool’s Day entertainment. April 15, by the way, is the day Abraham Lincoln died. Is that just a coincidence, or is it the lord’s will in action?
mike from iowa
Speaking of evil whiteys, the once and former Austin bomber is on permanent vacation-all over I-35 north of Austin. Took the coward’s way out. Live by the bomb, kablooey.
9 year old kid offed his 13 year old sister because she wouldn’t give up game controller. Just popped her in the back of the head with parent’s gun. So much for the gun protecting the household.
John W
Many on here are more than familiar with Stace’s mental and emotional gymnastics but since Goodwin has thrust himself into the “March of the Viceroys”, he may not be as well understood…… Over the past several years, I’ve had occasion to both observe and interact with the man and with that first hand experience, I’ll candidly suggest that he’s as trustworthy and reasonable as an African Cape Buffalo……. He’s a government hating, manipulative, shape shifting ideologue that fits right in with the Bundy crowd even when his previous position was in full defense of public lands………. He holds himself out to be a big game hunter and focuses all of his activities on public lands. “Hypocrit.” He’s testified in public meetings and demanded cabinet secretaries be fired for no particular good reason. His testimony was full of angry fabrications and speculation and that approach continues today in elected office. As an Air Force Vet, he fancies himself an authoritarian figure knowledgeable in law and proposed that he and other state authorities should be able to just march into the ALDS Compound west of Pringle, unannounced and start seizing records and conducting interrogations based entirely on suspicion rather than probable cause. Thankfully, all that bluster seemed to disappear thus far but based on his overall demeanor, his artificial religious bent will bare it’s fangs again in the future with another equal insult to the 4th and 5th Amendment and religious prejudice.
In a conversation with him about problems within a state agency, he announced that he was supporting Jackley for governor. Further inference was that Jackley would vindicate him and his “axe” to grind with State Government. Sound like Stace to you? Not to suggest that State Government doesn’t have it’s problems but, like Stace, Goodwin only manages to make them worse. And I think we can sense his frustration with an inability to manipulate the US Forest Service which manages his surroundings…….. He holds himself out to know natural resource conservation and principles………. He knows nothing except the smell of gun powder.
In conversation with him about DiSanto’s open carry bill, I openly asked him to vote against it. He indicated he would. Checking the record after Daugaard vetoed the bill, I saw where he voted for the Bill……. I called him on it……..He was just pleased as punch with himself for his deception and dishonesty. Thankfully, Craig Tieszen’s vote cancelled his out. I miss that man…….. More credibility in his big toe than either Nelson or Goodwin. And watch out for Goodwins buddies……….. Frey Mueller is fumbling along in lock step with the anti-everything campaign. The impudence and civic mindedness of the new crop of Black Hills legislators is worse than the last…………
mike from iowa
Good information to know, John W. Even for those of us in far SE South Dakota (nw iowa).
Kind of explains the gun fetishes as well as the abuses to their women.
Nelson is not the enemy! He’s the only Pub that EVER talks about corruption in Pierre! You guys are fighting the wrong guy. Who was the one that got rid of legislators screwing their interns last year! Cory knows that Nelson is a good guy. Sure, Nelson may be insaner than most but he is not the enemy you think he is! Just ask Sutton and Frerichs.
And Nelson is a Marine, not an Air Force Vet. Fellow Marine, Democrat Nick Nemec likes Nelson in Pierre, even though they are on opposite sides of the spectrum. We need more Nelsons in Pierre – he scratches the holes of corruption.
Donald Pay
I don’t think anyone is the enemy. I think this “Rally of Liberty and Justice for All” is strange, and kind of a distraction, but those folks can rally if they want. I spent more time than I should have on this, given I’m trying to figure out what the EPA and the State of South Dakota are doing trying to foist the Consent Agreement about Gilt Edge Mine in a semi-secret fashion on the citizens. What does that portend? That’s what I’d be worried about, not some semi-paranoid guys rallying about delusions at Mt. Rushmore.
Is there a theme here? Trump and his followers seem to be doubling down on the rally as the venue for “information.” The president seems to be holding more rallies than other sitting presidents to get his message out. In contrast, news reports that do not carry the approved narrative are “fake”; investigations that do not come to wanted conclusions are “biased.” I have not heard the official White House response to the spanking the election fraud case was handed in court when truth, and nothing but the truth, unravelled the falsehoods of election fraud – a popular theme of the rallies.
I don’t see truth; I see only propaganda and the theatre to promote it in an unchallenged environment.
Based only on his campaign ads and the bill he proposed, I say Goodwin is the stupidest member of the SoDak legislature. And THAT is a tough call, given the number of members vying for that distinction.
Roger Cornelius
As jerry calls them, the goofs will spend a fair amount of time shoring up their defense of Trump with an investigation, trial, conviction, and execution of Hillary and President Obama. The goofs actually believe that whatever Hillary did will exonerate Trump for his collusion with Putin and force Mueller to shutdown his investigation. Go figure.
Roger, Nelson and the Goofs are not getting all patriotic about the Russian attack on the United States, wonder why that is? Instead, they go to Hillary Clinton. Wonder why they fear a woman more than Putin and the Russians? I am thinking they think that trump is really not president, and that would be correct. Russian interference stole the election, trump is a pretender.
Wow, touch a nerve Cory? In South Dakota what is the legal age to enter into a contract? A marriage is a contract, right? Also does a Non disclosure agreement apply to only actions in the past or to future actions as well?
John W
Jenny: Did you actually read the post??? Yes, we know that Stace Nelson is a former Jar Head (that is service slang for marine). Tim Goodwin, on the other hand is a former “prop jockey” (that is service slang for a member of the Air Force.) In Stace’s case, he is fully indoctrinated into the UCMJ way of doing business and ever since he ets’ed the service, it has been difficult for the old kid to adapt to civilian jurisprudence. Goodwin doesn’t have any of those types of credentials other than he seems to believe that military service is a good qualifier to advance the DOD command structure into civilian government. Its that do as I say or I’ll send you to disciplinary action cleaning the latrine with a toothbrush.
Funny how Nelson and the Goofs all hate the government while they take their government checks every month. I am sure they will start burning those checks along with the other government checks like Social Security, yeah, they hate the government alright, all the way to the bank.
“Overpasses for America”—just another Breitbart-wannabe site for right-wing nutbars spreading bogus conspiracy theories about George Soros and other wingnut bugaboos. Strangely, I can’t find “Sherrie Saunders” listed in association with their website anywhere but on the above poster.
Private Richard
I applauded when Hillary called these people deplorable.
National Russian Alliance also known now as the NRA just released funding information.
Grifters gots to grift man. Good news for the gathering though, the flags are the same color, just remove the stars and away ya go. Family values just mean more graft and corruption from a corrupt organization. A few million under the table that you can do a lot with. Wave that flag boys, ya ain’t foolin anyone.
Only in South Dakota can you have an FBI file as thick as the Bible and get elected to a State or Federal office………………….. Lol- South Dakota is an anomaly. Yep dude you know who you are.
Reminds me of the old circus side shows. What did PT Barnum say? “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
Grudz, you run yer buns to Mt Rushmore and chide these people if they leave any trash around the monument.
They’re gathering the oddities together and putting them on display. It won’t be the greatest show on earth, but there will be more than a few bearded ladies and mental midgets – guaranteed. Step Right Up!
Somebody should tell these guys that “less is more.” Really, that graphic design is probably one reason I wouldn’t bother. First, the American flag is denigrated and defiled with bright yellow block lettering. Second, the dude with the old-fashioned weapon looks more 1918 than 2018, and his footwear looks vaguely effeminate. Third, there’s a NO over this guy’s genitals. Trying to figure out what that might mean given the context of Cory’s research. Fourth, way too many fonts and colors. Fifth, no screening of nuts appearing: Challice Finicum is a crisis actor, and daughter of a domestic terrorist who died when he resisted arrest.
Silent majority? Give me a break. Christians and conservatives are certainly not silent. The only thing that whines more than a crazy liberal who wants everything for free is a conservative christian who wants to prove he is more conservative and christian than you.
The only thing that whines more than a crazy liberal who wants everything for free
You meant to say wingnuts whine about libs wanting everything for free and then they produce no evidence to back up their statements,.
I did not know you could do that at a National Park like Rushmore. For equal time then, what other protest groups can come there and take it over? I am wondering about the Impeach trump group as an example. Anti gun organizations would be my guess for another venue. Once the camel’s nose is in the tent, then whatever group or organization wants to protest will be able to come. Should be great for vendor’s just fly the flag one day upright and the next day upside down. Thanks to you Little Al and the Screamers for opening the gate to protest. Who needs tourists?
Yet another high school shooting incident in Maryland this morning. The tax and spend republican’s will parade at Rushmore showing their guns and their arse’s. This bunch of misfits are the opening act for the headliner, Vlad Putin, fresh off a surprising win in Russia. He plans to be there as a special guest of those that wish to destroy democracy. April 15th, now to be known as tax scam day courtesy of the republican party. Take a bow Little Al and the Screamers.
I want to see Stormy Daniels and the 16 to 25 more women appear there sometime soon to discuss sexual abuse at the hands of the leader they worship.
mfi – take it easy, libbie. I wasn’t saying all liberals want everything for free. I’m saying there are some of them who do, and they are the loudest bunch of entitled whiners out there. A close second is the “holier than thou” conservative crazies that this article is talking about. I hope you aren’t so attached to your self-applied labels that you feel the need to defend other people who self-apply those labels, whether or not they are good people worth defending.
If you have to beller to the world you are patriotic, you probably aren’t. If you have to daily remind yourself of the Pledge, you probably aren’t the patriot you think you are.
The only people I hear whining about Libs wanting everything for free come from Fake Noize, dead Breitbart, Alex Jones, etc. They recite verbatim having new SUVs, Obama phones, EBT cards they buy steak and lobsters and energy drinks and then lie about using the change to buy lottery tickets and cigarettes.
Throw in a few Flat Earthers, Obama Birthers, Moon-Made-of-Green-Cheese folks, and you’d have a complete circus. Will Kristi show up on her horse and deliver a rousing campaign speech? I’m sure Thune will attend if there is opportunity for a photo op. !@#%&*!
Cory this is a great piece. Good investigative reporting skills. About the story—I am surprised these goofs can do this at the site. I should think the feds would not have allowed it.
Christian right wing extremists are the worst. Southerners have made it legal in states such as Tennessee that marrying a 10 year old girl is legal with parental consent. Such good right wing Christian values.
I’m surprised pseudo-patriotTed Nugent isn’t opening for them, must have demanded too much money.
According to Findlaw, the minimum age for marrying with parental consent in Tennessee is 16, not 10. It appears, however, that so long there is judicial consent there is no age limit and a 10 year old could marry in Tennessee (as well as several other states) if a judge agreed.
Its saddening how much gnashing of teeth there is of some Americans getting together at the Shrine of Democracy, to enjoy their 1st Amendment rights. What should frighten us all is that it incites such a rabid response from those on the left AND the RINO cabal over at the RINO toilet. As Mr H reported out previously, we have the RINOs joining the underhanded efforts to inappropriately use the process to silence opposition
When I was originally approached about this, I was tired from session and was reluctant to commit. I have made every effort while being in office to answer the public’s questions and be responsive and am ashamed that I didn’t commit to this right away. After reading the comments of both articles, I’m now glad those folks didn’t take my feet dragging as a “no” and have written me into their event.
Stay tuned sports fans, I promise all you good folks on the Left (to include the RINO herd), I shall not disappoint.
I promise photos with any who have the courage to come out and enjoy the festivities. :-D
Muslim country, Saudi Arabia, is addressing the age limits to marry to 18 years of age.
Good for you Nelson, thanks for opening the doors on free speech at Rushmore! Looks like we may finally be able to see a variety of gatherings there in front of the Six Grandfathers of Lakota history.
I would think that the future gatherings would be interesting with the back drop your group has blazed a trail too. I am thinking your name and your sidekick, Goodwin name may be invoked at a gathering of LGBT support groups that could easily be mustered to be there as well. I think they will indeed provide you photo’s!
#NeverAgain could show up as well. This whole thing seems like the right thing to do. Protesting.
Another excellent Dakota Free Press thread shot to hell by the poisonous Nelson.
We can expect Nelson to go off the rails with Hillary conspiracies, President Obama conspiracies, all Democrats support slavery and are members of the KKK and other altered historical facts and of course, Trump never did anything wrong.
At some point Nelson will add his creds to bolster his perfect image of himself.
Naturally, he will call me a racist and bigot.
Let’s roll Nelson, you blocked me from debate with you on Owen’s Facebook thread, but you can’t block me here.
Roger, as noted in Cory’s reporting, Nelson and the goofs (Thanks Mary Perpich) are accusing Hillary Clinton of saying bad things about their boy trump. Hillary Clinton is not, but these ladies are: Another one, with the same claim of a campaign payoff. Nothing to do with Hillary, but women…those damn women are bringing claims. We see what frauds Nelson and the goofs are.
“A former Playboy model who claimed she had an affair with Donald J. Trump sued on Tuesday to be released from a 2016 legal agreement requiring her silence, becoming the second woman this month to challenge Trump allies’ efforts during the presidential campaign to bury stories about extramarital relationships.
The model, Karen McDougal, is suing the company that owns The National Enquirer, American Media Inc., which paid her $150,000 and whose chief executive is a friend of Mr. Trump’s. The other woman, the adult entertainment star Stephanie Clifford, better known as Stormy Daniels, was paid $130,000 to stay quiet by the president’s personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen. She filed suit earlier this month.
Both women, who argue that their contracts are invalid, are trying to get around clauses requiring them to resolve disputes in secretive arbitration proceedings rather than in open court, where the proceedings. Mr. Trump has denied the affairs.
Trump seems to be a creature of habit.
Ms. Clifford and Ms. McDougal tell strikingly similar stories about their experiences with Mr. Trump, which included alleged trysts at the same Lake Tahoe golf tournament in 2006, dates at the same Beverly Hills hotel and promises of apartments as gifts. Their stories first surfaced in the The Wall Street Journal four days before the election, but got little traction in the swirl of news that followed Mr. Trump’s victory. The women even shared the same Los Angeles lawyer, Keith Davidson, who has long worked for clients who sell their stories to the tabloids.”
The conspiracy is clear Roger. Nelson and the Goofs are just the idiots to be seen locally for what they are, frauds.
@Roger Happy my post triggers you and shows you for who you are. I spent the majority of the time opposing current corruption and not dealing with the national issues, so as usual you are wrong. Your argument with your Democratic Party’s horrific past is with the facts of history
Perfect image? Where do you clowns come up with this? I’m overweight, balding, and long since the prime of my youth when I might have had something to crow about. You saw those shoes Cinderella and happily claimed them. I get it, you don’t like me being married to a woman of color, “Tango Sierra!” as we say in the Marines. I care not one iota of your racist hate for me or my beautiful wife.
“Let’s roll?” I blocked myself from being tempted to respond to your incessant FB trolling and bile spewing. Feel free to tarnish Mr H’s blog with it. Your rants and hatred wont pass the test of time and will be like dust in the wind. So blow on Mcduff.
I worry I cannot evaluate my GOP friends effectively: what exactly is the “RINO” litmus test?
@Jerry Make sure you climb out from under whatever rock you hide under to introduce yourself. I can always use a good laugh. “My group?” “My boy Trump?” Radon in the basement is building up, you may want to vacate. :-D
At the bottom of the My Militia link, their bumper sticker says “Join or Die.” Did they steal that from ISIS or did ISIS steal that from them? They seem like all right guys, just a little over enthusiastic. I would hope they won’t be killing any non-members on Mt. Rushmore grounds, that would be unpatriotic and rude.
Race has nothing to do with your fraud Nelson. Women are coming out of the woodwork against your boy trump for campaign finance fraudulent dealings. Glad you are in support of that, makes you fit right into the current republican cabal called Pierre. So what is a feller to do, blame a woman. Blame Hillary for the crooked dealings of trump and then somehow, switch it to race. Hillary is a white woman just like you are a white man. Not race difference, gender difference.
Stace is a good guy when he’s in Pierre, I guess he can run around with these bad boy groups if he wants to as it is his right. Just make sure it doesn’t get out of hand, Stace. We don’t want to hear about anything bad happening.
“o” I draw the line at responding to lower case vowels.. You appear to be on the right track though, simply review the GOP platforms (SD & national) in appreciation of public voting records and you should be able to muddle through it.
Hey Cory maybe your new BFF Reb Rider will be there. He’d fit right in with those right-wingers.
By all means Stace. Show us pictures from this show
Hey folks
Didn’t I tell you exactly what Nelson would do? Every word he mutters is predictable and has been regurgitated.
Nelson continues to bring up bad Democrats and the history of slavery, what we don’t hear from the self-righteous hypocrite is the republican history of genocide and the annihilation of over 50 million Native Americans by Lincoln and other republican presidents.
Nelson has been busy pushing the republican ‘fake news’ that Hillary and President Obama should be tried for treason, is it patriotic to lie day after day?
Nelson, I have never said one word about your wife, there you go making things up again.
Stace, don’t let the DFP boys get to you. They’re harmless, just like to rile you up. ; )
@Jerry Trying to keep up with you folks logic. Your saying that hundreds of years of horrific institutional racism by the Democratic Party is not shared by those who carry on that banner now; however, somehow I am personally responsible for President Trump’s activities as a private citizen during a period of time I opposed him because he was a registered Democrat. Seems you Democrats are to blame for any misconduct he engaged in as a Democrat? Or is it like in the late ’60’s when Nixon subtly appealed to racist Democrats with his “Southern Strategy” which somehow Democrats claim transferred hundreds of years of horrific institutional racism of the Democrat Party to the GOP..
These public voting records, Nelson?
@Roger You have posted lie after lie claiming I was a “Racist” and “member of the KKK” due to your ugly racist hatred of me being white and married to a woman of color. Having worked gang crimes, I am well aware that racist such as yourself hate “race betrayers” such as my wife and I more than anything. My life shows I am not a racist, your ugly hatred shows you to be.
@Jenny The only thing the trolls do is get me fired up to campaign harder, I’d like to break 80% in my whole district this next election, 78.2% can always be improved upon :-D
No, Nelson, I am saying that you are anti woman. You and the Goofs proclaim it on your funny ad thingy. You cannot hide the fact that you are cloaking your boy trump’s campaign finance crimes. You hide behind race to carry out your hatred of women by going after Hillary and then women in general with your support of every anti woman bill that has ever been presented in the republican cabal called Pierre.
How about those republicans killing millions of Indians for defending their land?
Nelson says he fights corruption, but the corruption continues to run rampant in South Dakota (i.e. Mickelson/CAFO).
Roger, that Mickelson/CAFO/republican cabal called Pierre, corruption is the kind of thing that should be bought to the attention of the Department of Agriculture dealing with clean water. I am pretty sure ol’ Sonny would be like Nelson and vote for it, but you never know.
Has it been presented for what it does to not only the groundwater, but the runoff as well?
Minutes ago another sexual abuse victim of republican family values president came forward.
Summer Zerous from Celebrity Apprentice has filed suit against the evangelical president for a sexual assault that happened in 2007.
How many of Trump’s sexual assault victims have come forward?
Here is what and who Nelson and Goofs support with full throated glee, the same thing as their boy trump does. Courtesy of Senator John McCain, a man who has a hell of lot more creed than Nelson and the Goofs.
“An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections. And by doing so with Vladimir Putin, President Trump insulted every Russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election to determine their country’s future, including the countless Russian patriots who have risked so much to protest and resist Putin’s regime.”
There it is, about as clear as can be. Do proceed Nelson and the Goofs, do proceed.
“Rally for Liberty & Justice”, the word ‘liberty’ caught my attention and it reminded me of South Dakota blogger Tom Lawrence who on Facebook called ‘liberty’ code for white.
Isn’t the Mueller investigation outcome how we will know if the Russian collusion narrative is false or real? Why have SO many Trump associates plead guilty to charges stemming from that investigation if it is not true?
The dam is about to break. Mueller is following the money; during the campaign, Trump never wanted to give insight to his financials — now Mueller will see all the holdings, loans, revenue streams. Then we will see if the facts show innocence or guilt.
Nelson and the Goofs are protecting the Russians and voter suppression. This is about as un- American as it can be. Krebs supports this as well, how are Nelson and the Goofs gonna reconcile Krebs in the group? Oh, they already did with NOem so it is a professional courtesy.
The un-patriots got the flag color right, now all they need do is remove the stars and boom, they have their Russian flag to rally around.
Yes. The corruption continues for sure. Read on:
Now we have the State of South Dakota, Trump’s EPA Superfund Program and a Canadian mining company in cahoots to mine at the old Gilt Edge Mine that another Canadian firm walked away from, leaving South Dakota and federal taxpayers on the hook for a multi-million dollar clean-up. Of course, none of the entities involved in this corruption have put the full text of the consent agreement on-line, so YOU PEONS don’t get to see it, but I called EPA and got a copy. I’m going through it. I’ll send it to Cory, who can, if he wants, post the whole thing.
This has been planned, of course, for at least three or four months, probably longer. No one, of course, bothered to gather input from South Dakota citizens regarding this proposal prior to foisting it, signed, sealed and just about delivered to the Canadians. I will be submitting a FOIA request to obtain more information from EPA, but I assume that request will not be satisfied for several weeks, by which time it will be past the date to comment on the proposal. I, of course, will ask for an extension of the comment period and public hearings in South Dakota on the proposal.
Funny how making American Great Again! does not include using good old American consulting firms for planning how to clean up Strawberry Creek and other parts of the Gilt Edge property, and taking into consideration the views of, you know, YOU AMERICAN PEONS, when Scott Pruitt and Steve Pirner, two environmental criminals, collude to put Canadians once again in charge of US mineral resources.
Yesterday the GOP blocked passage of a bill to protect the Robert Mueller investigation. Today the republicans are making an effort to deny that Trump will have Mueller fired, but of course are not interested in protecting the credibility of the Russian investigation.
Senators Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Argus King, Orrin Hatch, and Rep. Paul Ryan, Trey Gowdy, and Mike Conaway have all issued statements cautioning Trump about doing something stupid that would cause a Constitutional crisis.
There are a lot of nervous politicians in Washington.
Donald Pay,
Quick question. Are these Canadian mining companies operating in South Dakota fully owned by Canadians or are they a shield with American partners?
Roger, the Summer Zervos case was filed in New York last year as a defamation action against Trump for his public claims that Zervos had lied about the sexual assault. Trump’s lawyers were trying to get the case dismissed arguing that a sitting President cannot be sued in State court. The New York Court ruled that the case can go forward, relying on a similar decision in the Clinton/Jones lawsuit.
The cases filed by Stormy and the Playboy model are new cases that will have to deal with defense motions before discovery begins in earnest with sworn depositions. In contrast, the ruling denying the motion to dismiss in Zervos should mean that discovery can begin and perhaps Trump will have to give a deposition.
Good thing Trump never lies or he could be in as much, or more, legal trouble than Clinton. Can you say “perjury trap” = “deposition?”
Thanks bear, I was in the process of updating the Zervos case, but you did a better job than I could have.
A Trump deposition in the Zervos case would be the same if he sits for an interview with Mueller on the Russian scandal, the way Trump lies he will perjurer himself in a New York minute.
@Jerry & Roger Don’t let the facts or reality slow your bile laced propaganda down. 🙄
Only basement dwelling trolls post such rubbish.
In regards to government pushed CAFOS
Article is from April 2016.
So what are you doing about Mickelson’s corruption? Anything?
After repeatedly telling Nelson that I don’t have a basement in my apartment he continues to believe that I do. Whoever brainwashed this guy did a good job.
What does a basement have to do with South Dakota and Trump’s corruption.
@Roger Way too busy to be your personal secretary who spoon feeds everything that occurred during session. If you chose not to be informed, that is your right. You clearly are simply throwing fecal matter without regards to facts of actual political events. I opposed efforts to deprive property owners of current due process provisions
You embraced the basement dwelling troll comment, Freudian slippage it appears.
Nelson has called me a troll a number of times in the past few days here on DFP and on Facebook. The odd thing is that he posts comments on the same blogs that I do. I regularly comment on Owen’s threads, Nelson only posts when he can make political hay, so who is the troll?
What is up with Nelson’s fixation on basements, did something tragic happen to him in a basement?
Cornelius is the perpetual victim of his own hatred, and apparently paranoid. You’re the one that embraced the term thrown out in derision. If it pounds out rabid posts without any basis in facts on social media, and continues to do so.. 😉
This is entertaining reading … but most has no relevance to the original post which was covering the Rally at Rushmore. I note that the flyer promises ‘No Biased Media’. I wonder whose bias is used to determine bias.
It seems that a rally promoting liberty and justice would welcome the press and their 1st Amendment Rights. The “No Biased Media” smacks of Trump’s hate language toward any media that doesn’t agree with.” Tell the public only what I want them to know” mentality of Trump.
Naturally these goofs promoting this circus believe that they are the only ones with Constitutional rights.
I like both Roger and Stace. You guys will just have to agree to disagree.
Are there ever any Pro-LGBT rallies or cannabis rallies at Mt Rushmore? That’s what I’d like to know.
Way off topic, but Mike Conaway is the doof that said wingnuts in Russia investigation found no signs of collusion because they didn’t look for it.
As for biased media at Mt Rushmore, the legion of loons signed up to be there should give you an idea the alternative facts media will be there in full force.
mike from iowa,
Could it be that Conaway is beginning to see some partial light or that he has to take the mid-terms into serious consideration?
The point is that Trump’s stranglehold on the GOP seems to be weakening. Mitch McConnell came to the defense of the Mueller investigation today, it really isn’t that much, but if McConnell is forced to see the investigation to its conclusion, it is a good start.
Mr. mike, who is from Iowa where there is ample trash, blogs ate 0740 hours that I should get a ride out to Mt. Rushmore, upon which the Shrine of Democracy is carved, and get wheeled up to the party area where Mr. Nelson will speak. I would enjoy that. And I would slap with a swatter at any litterers I see. I imagine the difference between this gathering and that illegal squatting at Cannonball is that at Mt. Rushmore they have garbage cans and a service to haul it away, and the ranger fellows probably would handcuff any slob who spits their chaw in the woods, and the woods don’t drain directly into a major water source without filtering through a lot of dirt and piney needles. But I’m all for having a crackdown on these nuts for littering.
I also wonder how many will open carry in a National Park Service property and if there will be extra rangers to slap them down for that.
grudznick may stand corrected. The nut jobs may very well be able to open carry or even, if they have a proper permit, conceal carry at Mt. Rushmore. Won’t that be a treat for Johnny from Iowa visiting with his cousins from Minnesota as they go to view the big heads! A slew of Rebb Riders sporting six-guns, just like the old days.
Roger, you see how Nelson and the Goofs continually want to change the subject of their support to Russian and trump into something personal? Guess what the republican cabal in Pierre’s new favorite dish is? Russian borscht soup. Yummy says Nelson and the Goofs, just what we need when we are waving the old Red, White and Blue (without the stars) frantically for our boys trump/Putin and now Zuckerberg from Facebook. Now they can favor one another, how charming.
BTW, Fox News has replaced the O in Fox to a hammer and cycle. Even the folks who Fox depends on to lie to Nelson and the Goofs has checked out. Here is Ralph Peters departure email:
“On March 1st, I informed Fox that I would not renew my contract. The purpose of this message to all of you is twofold:
First, I must thank each of you for the cooperation and support you’ve shown me over the years. Those working off-camera, the bookers and producers, don’t often get the recognition you deserve, but I want you to know that I have always appreciated the challenges you face and the skill with which you master them.
Second, I feel compelled to explain why I have to leave. Four decades ago, I took an oath as a newly commissioned officer. I swore to “support and defend the Constitution,” and that oath did not expire when I took off my uniform. Today, I feel that Fox News is assaulting our constitutional order and the rule of law, while fostering corrosive and unjustified paranoia among viewers. Over my decade with Fox, I long was proud of the association. Now I am ashamed.
In my view, Fox has degenerated from providing a legitimate and much-needed outlet for conservative voices to a mere propaganda machine for a destructive and ethically ruinous administration. When prime-time hosts–who have never served our country in any capacity–dismiss facts and empirical reality to launch profoundly dishonest assaults on the FBI, the Justice Department, the courts, the intelligence community (in which I served) and, not least, a model public servant and genuine war hero such as Robert Mueller–all the while scaremongering with lurid warnings of “deep-state” machinations– I cannot be part of the same organization, even at a remove. To me, Fox News is now wittingly harming our system of government for profit.
As a Russia analyst for many years, it also has appalled me that hosts who made their reputations as super-patriots and who, justifiably, savaged President Obama for his duplicitous folly with Putin, now advance Putin’s agenda by making light of Russian penetration of our elections and the Trump campaign. Despite increasingly pathetic denials, it turns out that the “nothing-burger” has been covered with Russian dressing all along. And by the way: As an intelligence professional, I can tell you that the Steele dossier rings true–that’s how the Russians do things.. The result is that we have an American president who is terrified of his counterpart in Moscow.
I do not apply the above criticisms in full to Fox Business, where numerous hosts retain a respect for facts and maintain a measure of integrity (nor is every host at Fox News a propaganda mouthpiece–some have shown courage). I have enjoyed and valued my relationship with Fox Business, and I will miss a number of hosts and staff members. You’re the grown-ups.
Also, I deeply respect the hard-news reporters at Fox, who continue to do their best as talented professionals in a poisoned environment. These are some of the best men and women in the business..
So, to all of you: Thanks, and, as our president’s favorite world leader would say, “Das vidanya.”
So there ya go Nelson, a commissioned officer with the balls to say enough is enough. Country first. Keep on destroying Democracy as a way to achieve your 80% vote, just like Putin. You are not impressing anyone.
I read Lt. Col. Ralph Peters email earlier in the day and just have to say, “WoW”!
Are there others at FOX Liars that will be departing as the Russian investigation heats up?
There has been speculation that Shep Smith, although he just signed a new contract, maybe the next to leave.
It angered Hannity into seeing stars when Shep Smith reported that Hillary’s Uranium One deal was a dead story.
Roger, I’ll be ferreting out some more information on the particular company involved. They are a major mining operator, with properties in Europe and South American. I expect they have international investors, which might include, of course, Putin-linked oligarchs from Trump’s favorite country, RUSSIA.
Roger, Peters gave Fake Noize heck today and went after the Hannitys and Tucker Carlsons especially.
In better news, Cambridge Analytica is on tape saying they got Drumpf elected. Then Drumpf called and congratulated his bestest buddy Vlad for winning election. Drumpf just threw millions of Russians under the bus.
Obama saved yer butt, Grudz.
Steve Miller Journal staff Feb 23, 2010
Hikers in national parks might notice that some of their fellow trekkers are packing more than their lunch, under a new federal law allowing loaded guns in the parks.
The law, which took effect Monday, allows people to have loaded guns in national parks and wildlife refuges as long as they are allowed by state law.
Can’t take them in buildings in parks. Can’t discharge them, either, unless of course, you can entice a bear to attack.
I hear dangerous critters sued Obama for not taking away Grudzies guns.
Thanks Donald, that has been bugging me for awhile. Anxious to see the results of your research. A Russian connection wouldn’t surprise me.
The all cap warning was at the top of Trump’s morning national security briefing and with his typical erratic behavior congratulated the dictator anyway. Gotta love these republicans.
mike, the Cambridge Analytica is a story now developing by the hour, hopefully we’ll have a concise review of the fraud soon.
Haven’t read all the replies here, so if this is old news, please forgive. Seem to be a number of topics addressed. Re Militia activity: The Guys on the Mounden (as my little kid used to say) will be weeping. Re: Zervos, a fed court ruled against Trump lawyers today, ruled that the Zervos case could move ahead.
republican Neo-Nazi Arthur Jones won his uncontested primary for a congressional district in Illinois.
Nelson and the Goofs should have to answer their support for Putin. Who do they run with, what flag? Here is some more about how trump got elected by Putin.
“An undercover investigation by Channel 4 News has revealed how Cambridge Analytica claims it ran key parts of the presidential campaign for Donald Trump.
The British data company was secretly filmed discussing coordination between Trump’s campaign and outside groups – an activity which is potentially illegal.
Executives claimed they “ran all the digital campaign, the television campaign and our data informed all the strategy” for President Trump.” So far, just the Brits are making moves called sanctions against Putin. The republicans/trump outfit, still holding hands and whispering sweet nothings to one another and longing for the Putin wet kiss.
How can two sitting legislators in South Dakota showing support of the Russian strong man over American Democracy? These are just two in the republican cabal called Pierre. Not a single dissenting republican voice coming out of Pierre that condemns the Russian/trump love fest. So far, the only sitting republican speaking out on this is John McCain. When I hear someone claim they were a Marine, the first thing I think of is honor. There is no honor saluting Putin as your commander in chief. Better go all in and just say that it really does not matter as the ends justify the means. Whatever that means, to me, that is dishonorable. But go ahead and bash Hillary in Putin’s name boys. She is not your problem, you are.
In the early 2000s there was a Gay Pride Rally at Mt. Rushmore. There may have been others, too. It is available for any group, though there are some restrictions.
These militia/patriot things are just silly. Grown males strutting around with big guns. The compensatory jokes almost write themselves. As for the ones who really believe the conspiracy theories floating through the ether, . . . . Fear is the most powerful emotion, and most uncomfortable. It’s a lot easier to flip to anger, feels safer. More macho too.
I’ve got a cousin who believes that loony crap, describes herself as a “trump fan.” She’s not stupid and I like her. Baffles me how she got sucked into that silliness. Oh well.
I just hope they don’t hurt themselves or anyone else. I’d rather they find a quiet place to play army with toy guns.
“No America Without Virtue” … while the Commander in Chief has three (count’em … 3) women accusing him of sexual misconduct ranging from sexual harassment to paying for sex and then paying them off to stay silent. Never mind it also includes sleeping around on his wife and accusations of having one physically threatened. I’m not sure where they are finding any virtue in this, because I’m having a hard time seeing it.
And never mind that the Russians have been meddling not only in the US elections, they’ve also been interfering in those across Europe, including France and Germany along with the UK’s recent Brexit vote, all to undermine and destabilize Western style democracy. But if these people think waving the flag and giving lip service to patriotism while they turn a blind eye to Russia’s attempts to destroy American democracy and rule of law, they are complicit in helping promote that destruction. I can pity them, but I as an American I cannot respect them. Anyone who willingly helps sell out our country is a traitor, no matter how many flags they wrap themselves in.
It is very hard to make out the symbol for Americans United Against Tyranny on this graphic due to its small size, but it comes uncomfortably close to the Blood Drop Cross symbol used by the KKK ( and leaves me wondering if it’s purposely meant to suggest that, especially since it seems to have replaced the normal white cross with a equal-armed Celtic cross. The more usual style of Celtic cross has an elongated base, the equal-armed one has been co-opted by white supremacist groups generally, including various Neo-Nazi groups. ( I am very concerned that this logo is a coded symbol for what is now being called the alt-right, but which includes most every hate group out there, including the neo-Nazi’s and KKK. We know they are alive and well in today’s US, what is far less well known is that the KKK has a history in the Black Hills that goes back to the 1920s.
Totally unrelated, what on earth is Overpasses for America? Underpasses can’t be American? Interstates? State Highways? County Roads? Cloverleafs? Bridges? Seriously, that’s one strange name that conveys nothing. But as they say, you can tell about people by the company they keep.
Two names together smell like a white supremacist rally to me……. Somebody write the KKK in Carolina and send them an invite so the amateurs have somebody to mentor them while TR looks down from above and wills the entire slovenly entourage to their own self serving debauchery.
John W
Earlier today Tom Lawrence made a comment on Facebook that ‘liberty’ is code for ‘white’.
Finicum’s father was “Tarpman,” who got lots of time on MSNBC to explain his point of view. He was never censored in any way. He seemed to be a nice guy with extremely crazy ideas. His big issue with the government was thinking he was so special that he didn’t have to be like every other rancher and pay his grazing fees. So, he was free-ridin’ on our dime, and he expected to be a hero for being a deadbeat. That’s why he identified with fellow deadbeat Cliven Bundy. There was a disconnect with reality. He wasn’t even considered a real rancher. It was more of a hobby than anything. Engaging in criminal trespass and insurrection against the government, especially when the neighbors want you gone, isn’t a neighborly or smart thing to do. I don’t mind a little civil disobedience, but when you escalate to carrying a gun and threatening people, you can kind of expect you’re not going to be treated like someone who knows how to do civil disobedience. They made their point, and should have just submitted to arrest peacefully. Challice could have been visiting her father in prison and wouldn’t have abandoned her family, but he and she decided to take the coward’s way out. She needs to face up to that fact, and not eat herself up with hate.
Finicum was just too high strung, while being slow on the draw. That Oregon state patrolman pulled and shot him dead. Justified, as they say. Now, Nelson and the Goofs are saying that the very government that they are a part of, including very recently, is overreaching on them. Or should I say that Hillary Clinton is, along with the Democratic Party that is the minority in the House, The Senate, the White House and the Supreme Court as well as the republican cabal controlled legislature in South Dakota. This does not make sense. What makes sense is that Nelson and the Goofs are trying to put some daylight between their boy trump and the Russians. That train has left the station, we all know now that Russia elected trump while Nelson and the Goofs applauded like good little comrades. When those boys are there, it is then the Shrine of the Shame of Democracy.
John W
The Southern Poverty Law Center has identified a KKK stronghold located in the Black Hills.
This Americans United Against Liberty group should do the gentlemanly thing and extend them an invitation to their April 15 hoe-down.
Ah, the heroes we choose, the demons we fight. These God-fearing Patriots rally in the name of a criminal who joined an armed takeover of a public facility, threatened to ram a police roadblock, and reached for a gun when approached by police. They demonize a woman who lost the Presidential election and holds no public office.
Instead they could rally for the children whom their gun culture is killing. Instead they could protest the adulterous traitor in the White House who coddles a foreign dictator bent on destroying America’s position as the leading superpower.
I notice that no one has commented in defense of the “entertainers” scheduled who have committed rather unchristian acts in the recent past. Grudgenutz may just drop by this gathering for a little post-April Fool’s Day entertainment. April 15, by the way, is the day Abraham Lincoln died. Is that just a coincidence, or is it the lord’s will in action?
Speaking of evil whiteys, the once and former Austin bomber is on permanent vacation-all over I-35 north of Austin. Took the coward’s way out. Live by the bomb, kablooey.
9 year old kid offed his 13 year old sister because she wouldn’t give up game controller. Just popped her in the back of the head with parent’s gun. So much for the gun protecting the household.
Many on here are more than familiar with Stace’s mental and emotional gymnastics but since Goodwin has thrust himself into the “March of the Viceroys”, he may not be as well understood…… Over the past several years, I’ve had occasion to both observe and interact with the man and with that first hand experience, I’ll candidly suggest that he’s as trustworthy and reasonable as an African Cape Buffalo……. He’s a government hating, manipulative, shape shifting ideologue that fits right in with the Bundy crowd even when his previous position was in full defense of public lands………. He holds himself out to be a big game hunter and focuses all of his activities on public lands. “Hypocrit.” He’s testified in public meetings and demanded cabinet secretaries be fired for no particular good reason. His testimony was full of angry fabrications and speculation and that approach continues today in elected office. As an Air Force Vet, he fancies himself an authoritarian figure knowledgeable in law and proposed that he and other state authorities should be able to just march into the ALDS Compound west of Pringle, unannounced and start seizing records and conducting interrogations based entirely on suspicion rather than probable cause. Thankfully, all that bluster seemed to disappear thus far but based on his overall demeanor, his artificial religious bent will bare it’s fangs again in the future with another equal insult to the 4th and 5th Amendment and religious prejudice.
In a conversation with him about problems within a state agency, he announced that he was supporting Jackley for governor. Further inference was that Jackley would vindicate him and his “axe” to grind with State Government. Sound like Stace to you? Not to suggest that State Government doesn’t have it’s problems but, like Stace, Goodwin only manages to make them worse. And I think we can sense his frustration with an inability to manipulate the US Forest Service which manages his surroundings…….. He holds himself out to know natural resource conservation and principles………. He knows nothing except the smell of gun powder.
In conversation with him about DiSanto’s open carry bill, I openly asked him to vote against it. He indicated he would. Checking the record after Daugaard vetoed the bill, I saw where he voted for the Bill……. I called him on it……..He was just pleased as punch with himself for his deception and dishonesty. Thankfully, Craig Tieszen’s vote cancelled his out. I miss that man…….. More credibility in his big toe than either Nelson or Goodwin. And watch out for Goodwins buddies……….. Frey Mueller is fumbling along in lock step with the anti-everything campaign. The impudence and civic mindedness of the new crop of Black Hills legislators is worse than the last…………
Good information to know, John W. Even for those of us in far SE South Dakota (nw iowa).
Nelson and the Goofs explained as to why they want the daddy figures of Putin/trump, interesting report on why they go for authoritarianism. Where ya gonna get that but with a dictator?
Kind of explains the gun fetishes as well as the abuses to their women.
Nelson is not the enemy! He’s the only Pub that EVER talks about corruption in Pierre! You guys are fighting the wrong guy. Who was the one that got rid of legislators screwing their interns last year! Cory knows that Nelson is a good guy. Sure, Nelson may be insaner than most but he is not the enemy you think he is! Just ask Sutton and Frerichs.
And Nelson is a Marine, not an Air Force Vet. Fellow Marine, Democrat Nick Nemec likes Nelson in Pierre, even though they are on opposite sides of the spectrum. We need more Nelsons in Pierre – he scratches the holes of corruption.
I don’t think anyone is the enemy. I think this “Rally of Liberty and Justice for All” is strange, and kind of a distraction, but those folks can rally if they want. I spent more time than I should have on this, given I’m trying to figure out what the EPA and the State of South Dakota are doing trying to foist the Consent Agreement about Gilt Edge Mine in a semi-secret fashion on the citizens. What does that portend? That’s what I’d be worried about, not some semi-paranoid guys rallying about delusions at Mt. Rushmore.
Is there a theme here? Trump and his followers seem to be doubling down on the rally as the venue for “information.” The president seems to be holding more rallies than other sitting presidents to get his message out. In contrast, news reports that do not carry the approved narrative are “fake”; investigations that do not come to wanted conclusions are “biased.” I have not heard the official White House response to the spanking the election fraud case was handed in court when truth, and nothing but the truth, unravelled the falsehoods of election fraud – a popular theme of the rallies.
I don’t see truth; I see only propaganda and the theatre to promote it in an unchallenged environment.
Based only on his campaign ads and the bill he proposed, I say Goodwin is the stupidest member of the SoDak legislature. And THAT is a tough call, given the number of members vying for that distinction.
As jerry calls them, the goofs will spend a fair amount of time shoring up their defense of Trump with an investigation, trial, conviction, and execution of Hillary and President Obama. The goofs actually believe that whatever Hillary did will exonerate Trump for his collusion with Putin and force Mueller to shutdown his investigation. Go figure.
Roger, Nelson and the Goofs are not getting all patriotic about the Russian attack on the United States, wonder why that is? Instead, they go to Hillary Clinton. Wonder why they fear a woman more than Putin and the Russians? I am thinking they think that trump is really not president, and that would be correct. Russian interference stole the election, trump is a pretender.
Ruh oh, Nelson and the Goofs are exposed again for anti Americanism, Mueller is now going after the trump campaign and its ties with Cambridge Analytical/Facebook, get the popcorn.
Wow, touch a nerve Cory? In South Dakota what is the legal age to enter into a contract? A marriage is a contract, right? Also does a Non disclosure agreement apply to only actions in the past or to future actions as well?
Jenny: Did you actually read the post??? Yes, we know that Stace Nelson is a former Jar Head (that is service slang for marine). Tim Goodwin, on the other hand is a former “prop jockey” (that is service slang for a member of the Air Force.) In Stace’s case, he is fully indoctrinated into the UCMJ way of doing business and ever since he ets’ed the service, it has been difficult for the old kid to adapt to civilian jurisprudence. Goodwin doesn’t have any of those types of credentials other than he seems to believe that military service is a good qualifier to advance the DOD command structure into civilian government. Its that do as I say or I’ll send you to disciplinary action cleaning the latrine with a toothbrush.
Funny how Nelson and the Goofs all hate the government while they take their government checks every month. I am sure they will start burning those checks along with the other government checks like Social Security, yeah, they hate the government alright, all the way to the bank.
“Overpasses for America”—just another Breitbart-wannabe site for right-wing nutbars spreading bogus conspiracy theories about George Soros and other wingnut bugaboos. Strangely, I can’t find “Sherrie Saunders” listed in association with their website anywhere but on the above poster.
I applauded when Hillary called these people deplorable.
National Russian Alliance also known now as the NRA just released funding information.
Grifters gots to grift man. Good news for the gathering though, the flags are the same color, just remove the stars and away ya go. Family values just mean more graft and corruption from a corrupt organization. A few million under the table that you can do a lot with. Wave that flag boys, ya ain’t foolin anyone.
Only in South Dakota can you have an FBI file as thick as the Bible and get elected to a State or Federal office………………….. Lol- South Dakota is an anomaly. Yep dude you know who you are.
what happened with this rally?
Anyone show?
totally stupid, or…?
Good question, Alex. Nelson and Goodwin made no mention of the event. I would assume they got snowed out.
Goodwin was there