Tim Bjorkman was just here in Aberdeen last weekend to march in the Northern State homecoming parade; he’s coming back Tuesday for lunch!
The Democratic candidate for U.S. House will speak to the Brown County Democratic Forum on Tuesday, October 10, at noon at Pizza Ranch, 1010 6th Ave SE. You don’t have to be a Democrat or buy lunch to hear Bjorkman speak, but Tuesday’s forum is a great chance to meet your next Congressman.
I also hear Bjorkman will be around town for supper. Local Democrats are hosting a suppertime fundraiser for Bjorkman at the Ward Plaza Tuscany Room—assuming no more semis run into the building (and don’t get a citation? what’s with that?). Bjorkman will be at the Ward from 5 to 7 p.m. and will welcome your contributions to his campaign.
Can I get you to do me a favor? Ask him his views on abortion. I can’t get an answer out of him. Nor will he answer me when I ask who he’s talking about when he mentions “sloth” in one of his official statements. Thanks.
I’m sorry to hear you haven’t gotten a straight answer on those questions, Randee. I’ll miss Tuesday’s public forum for work, but perhaps one of my Brown County neighbors can pose those questions at lunch?
Randee, are you planning to have an abortion?
Randee, Judge Bjorkman is most likely aware, based on his legal background, that women have a Constitutional right of privacy that protects their right to decide whether to terminate a pregnancy.
So perhaps a better question would be whether Judge Bjorkman advocates amending the federal Constitution to remove Americans’ “right of privacy” in family planning matters.