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Both Sides, Both Sides, Both Sides… a Minor Language Experiment

Most Senators have gotten around to condemning contemporary Nazis, but hey, there’s plenty of criticism to be dished out on both sides, and by not publicizing more condemnations of Senators by Nazis, the press is treating those Nazis absolutely unfairly.

The Division of Criminal Investigation arrested nine men in a sex-trafficking sting during the Sturgis Rally. But hey, there’s naughty sex on both sides, men and women, so don’t just blame men for enticing children into prostitution.

Physical and online bullying are a problem in our schools, but violence happens on both sides, and there are plenty of kids who violently attack the bullies who attack them. Why aren’t we talking about those violent alt-victims?


  1. Loren

    Can’t wait to hear the pablum from our SD senators, especially that “#3 leader in the Senate”. They will come out with some weak statement and then slink back to DC and support our orange presidential impersonator. Some backbone, GOP!

  2. Leesa

    The silence from our senators is deafening.

  3. jerry

    The military leaders now have rebuked this farce so that is that. Think of a rebuke by the military for a moment… republicans, wake the hell up and just say you made a boo boo and lets all move on for the sake of the country. This rebuke by the military has never happened in our democracy. trump has got to go.

  4. mike from iowa

    Wingnuts cried wolf so often about Obama, they failed to learn what a wolf was. Now they got one and don’t know what to do about it. Just like Drumpfcare- not a clue among them.

  5. Cory writes:

    The Division of Criminal Investigation arrested nine men in a sex-trafficking sting during the Sturgis Rally. But hey, there’s naughty sex on both sides, men and women, so don’t just blame men for enticing children into prostitution.

    I’m wondering whether any actual children are even involved in the seven “attempted enticement” cases, or whether this is another one of those situations in which corrupt government agents use computer-generated images of fictitious 15-year-old girls to deceive, bait, entrap and destroy previously innocent men.

  6. jerry

    Kurt ask Jackboot Jackley, your kindred spirit about it and do get back to us.

  7. Roger Cornelius

    Thankfully Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies were involved in these stings and no children were involved. Think what would have happened if the perps accomplished their illicit schemes.
    These stings are not just about capturing culprits and they are also about letting the public know that if they engage in sex trafficking there is good chance they will be arrested.

  8. Mitt Romney gets it:

  9. John McCain gets it:

  10. Roger Cornelius

    mike from iowa,
    Along with the generals that are now opposed to Trump, today he disbanded his two advisory business council because CEO’s of major companies are fleeing and he can’t find replacements.

    Who will remain standing for Trump when this is all over?

  11. mike from iowa

    The answer you seek, friend Roger, is surely Obama. His stature grows by leaps and bounds as wingnuts realize the freaking mess they got America into because of their hatred for our Black Potus.

  12. Roger, whoever is left standing for Trump when all this is over will have far fewer statutes standing in their honor than the folks who have the good sense to stand against him.

  13. Mitch McConnell gets it (and the Nazis are coming to his home state this weekend):

    The white supremacist, KKK, and neo-nazi groups who brought hatred and violence to Charlottesville are now planning a rally in Lexington. Their messages of hate and bigotry are not welcome in Kentucky and should not be welcome anywhere in America.

    We can have no tolerance for an ideology of racial hatred. There are no good neo-nazis, and those who espouse their views are not supporters of American ideals and freedoms. We all have a responsibility to stand against hate and violence, wherever it raises its evil head [Senator Mitch McConnell, statement, 2017.08.16].

  14. jerry

    I have a feeling that the governor of Kentucky did not get the message.

  15. I’d written:

    I’m wondering whether any actual children are even involved in the seven “attempted enticement” cases, or whether this is another one of those situations in which corrupt government agents use computer-generated images of fictitious 15-year-old girls to deceive, bait, entrap and destroy previously innocent men.

    Jerry writes:

    Kurt ask Jackboot Jackley, your kindred spirit …

    I’m a traditional libertarian Protestant, Jerry. To the best of my knowledge, the attorney general isn’t, but hopefully someday he will be.

    Roger Cornelius writes:

    Thankfully Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies were involved in these stings and no children were involved… These stings are not just about capturing culprits and they are also about letting the public know that if they engage in sex trafficking there is good chance they will be arrested.

    Using deceit and entrapment to make an example of someone is morally wrong, especially when it involves locking a previously innocent man in a cage for a mandatory minimum of ten years.

  16. jerry

    You and Jackboot are still kindred in thought and action on many venues. As far as the religious aspect goes, I am not familiar with the way cults operate so I would not know one from the other, with the exception of Amish, I kind of have them figured by sight. Of course it is easy to catch sexual predators with just asking them. “Hey man, do you like to sexually abuse children?” and they will tell you for sure if they are or not. If that does not work, and they are still doing that, well you have to go about it differently. I do not care to much for Jackboot for many reasons, but if he takes these creeps off the street then I am okay with that. Why are you so supportive of child molesters? Is that part of your platform? How was the previously innocent man charged for being guilty?

  17. Roger Cornelius

    Law enforcement isn’t making an ‘example’ of these men, they are luring sexual child predators away from children and trying to keep them safe. I don’t understand why you can’t understand the difference.
    Do you share the same concern when the president is using federal government agencies to gather states voting lists for nefarious purposes?
    Sex stings have been widely effectively and nabbed many that are serial offenders.
    How would you protect children from predators in this age of the internet?

  18. jerry

    One side stood with the community religious members of Charlottesville, Virginia that was certainly not the Nazi’s, nor the white supremacists or the KKK, it was the anti-fascists you call the alt-left

    You folks who claim that you are all cloaked in the cloth, what do you say about those that were willing to put their lives on the line to protect your fellow religious brethren from the Nazi attacks?

  19. Porter Lansing

    As I’ve often said, Libertarians are just Republicans who want to smoke pot and cheat on their wives. But looking at child porn, Kurt? Do you believe USA needs child porn laws, Kurt? Or is it everyone for themselves. Let the chips fall where they may. Government has no business telling adults what to do. Is that what you see Libertarians as? If someone sends you porn and the subject identifies herself as 15 and you save it and share it, is that an infringement on your rights? Was that entrapment? Is that government run amok?

  20. So suppose Marty Jackley wanted to set up a neo-Nazi sting. How would we go about catching violent white supremacists the same way he catches these child-porn creeps?

  21. Porter Lansing

    White supremos are easy to find. Just follow Ron Branstner. But it’s not illegal to be a bigot.

  22. I’d written:

    Using deceit and entrapment to make an example of someone is morally wrong, especially when it involves locking a previously innocent man in a cage for a mandatory minimum of ten years.

    Jerry asks:

    Why are you so supportive of child molesters?

    Roger said no children were involved.

    Roger Cornelius had written:

    Thankfully Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies were involved in these stings and no children were involved… These stings are not just about capturing culprits and they are also about letting the public know that if they engage in sex trafficking there is good chance they will be arrested.

    But now he writes:

    Law enforcement isn’t making an ‘example’ of these men, they are luring sexual child predators away from children and trying to keep them safe. I don’t understand why you can’t understand the difference.

    I’m pretty sure I understand the difference, Roger, but you said no children were involved.

    Roger continues:

    Do you share the same concern when the president is using federal government agencies to gather states voting lists for nefarious purposes?

    Yes, that also concerns me.

    How would you protect children from predators in this age of the internet?

    Government should avenge crimes that don’t have to be jump-started through deceit, baiting and entrapment by corrupt government agents.

    Porter Lansing writes:

    As I’ve often said, Libertarians are just Republicans who want to smoke pot and cheat on their wives.

    Yes, you’ve said that often, Porter, but it isn’t true.

    Porter continues:

    But looking at child porn, Kurt? Do you believe USA needs child porn laws, Kurt? … If someone sends you porn and the subject identifies herself as 15 and you save it and share it, is that an infringement on your rights?

    And Cory asks:

    How would we go about catching violent white supremacists the same way [Marty Jackley] catches these child-porn creeps?

    I’m wondering whether either of you can explain what this situation has to do with pornography.

  23. Porter Lansing

    You’re purposefully obtuse and cryptic, Evans. That’s telling. Don’t bother answering my questions or responding to this post. I know enough from researching your history. As I said two years ago. Stay away from the children!!

  24. Porter Lansing had written:

    If someone sends you porn and the subject identifies herself as 15 and you save it and share it, is that an infringement on your rights? Was that entrapment? Is that government run amok?

    If a government agent sends another man a pornographic image of a 15-year-old girl, that’s government run amok. If the government then attempts to prosecute the man for possession of the photo, that’s entrapment.

  25. Rorschach

    The government doesn’t send pornographic images to people. They post on website like where certain people go to shop for a prostitute. They say something to the effect of, “13 year old girl here.” And then they wait and see if anybody sexually solicits someone they believe is a 13 year old girl. Then they wait to see if the person follows through and tries to meet who they think is a 13 year old girl. The guys that get convicted aren’t innocent, they are the ones that actually tried to get with an under age girl. Besides that they’re really stupid because that sting has been around forever.

  26. “Rorschach” writes:

    The government doesn’t send pornographic images to people.

    That isn’t true:

    “Project Looking Glass” was the name given to a U.S. Postal Service investigation designed to uncover purchasers of child pornography. The Postal Service apparently obtained names of potential targets for the investigation from raids of distributors of nudity-oriented videotapes.

    One target was a farmer from Shelby, Nebraska named Robert Brase. Brase’s name apparently turned up on a mailing list found during the raid of a California video distributor. There was no evidence that Brase had ever ordered an X-rated video or violated any of the nation’s obscenity laws. In 1987, Brase had been married for ten years and was the father of two children. He had no criminal record, and there was no evidence that he had ever sexually abused children.

    The Postal Service, as part of Project Looking Glass, mailed Brase a catalog advertising videos depicting minors engaged in sexual activity. Brase ordered a video tape. Less than one hour after the tape reached Brase’s Nebraska farm home, a team of postal inspectors arrived and searched Brase’s home. The only child pornography discovered was the tape received from the U.S. Postal Service.

    On October 22, 1987, a grand jury in Omaha indicted Brase for allegedly receiving by mail a videotape showing minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Eleven days later, Robert Brase drove his pickup truck to a seldom-used county road nine miles from Shelby and shot himself. Brase was one of four persons indicted in the government sting operation to commit suicide.

    H. Robert Showers, executive director of the Justice Department’s National Obscenity Enforcement Unit, defended the sting operation: “When normal law enforcement techniques don’t work to solve a problem, you have to go to new ones.” Showers denied any responsibility for the suicides: “This kind of sting is designed to penetrate into these underground, secretive operations, and we get some well-regarded people in the community — high-ranking professional people, persons who are considered upstanding citizens. In those circumstances, something like suicide is to be expected.”

    “Even at its height, the child pornography problem was largely a myth. The entire commercial industry is estimated to have generated only one million dollars in the decade ending in 1982, an insignificant share of the pornography market… By far the largest advertiser, manufacturer, and distributor of child pornography is the United States government.”

    Learn more here:

    More recent examples here:

  27. Porter Lansing

    “The gov’t doesn’t send child porn to people.”
    -The Justice Department said in court filings that agents did not post any child pornography to the site themselves. But it did not dispute that the agents allowed images that were already on the site to remain there, and that it did not block the site’s users from uploading new ones while it was under the government’s control.
    -As far back as 35 years ago 5000-7000 children’s pornographic images had appeared on the dark web. Imagine how that’s exponentially increased. A million dollars 35 years ago could easily be a hundred million today. Do you discount this as trivial because the children aren’t American, Evans? Because it’s proven psychologically that a child porn addict can’t be rehabilitated? Isn’t even one exploited child worthy of an FBI sting operation? Yes it is. Child porn fiends are a deviant sub-culture trading within the confines of Tor. Extraordinary means are justified.

  28. Porter Lansing

    PS, Evans … The pop-up that appears when accessing the link you posted shows the short term memory of where your computer was shortly before you downloaded the link. Not good security on your part.
    Anyone wishing to read the USA Today article can google – FBI ran website sharing child porn images to see it without Evans pop-ups.

  29. Porter Lansing writes:

    As far back as 35 years ago 5000-7000 children’s pornographic images had appeared on the dark web.

    The dark web didn’t exist 35 years ago.

    The pop-up that appears when accessing the link you posted shows the short term memory of where your computer was shortly before you downloaded the link.

    I’m wondering how you’d say the USA Today website would have acquired my recent online history, Porter, as well as why you’d say the USA Today website would have shown you my recent online history in a pop-up.

    I mean, unless you’re intentionally telling a ridiculous lie.

    Anyone wishing to read the USA Today article can google – FBI ran website sharing child porn images to see it without Evans pop-ups.

    The result of the search you recommend is exactly the same link I’d posted above:

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