The Alexander Mitchell Library Foundation announced yesterday that Aberdeen’s new public library will be named K.O. Lee Public Library, in honor of homesteader turned auto/tractor/grinding equipment magnate Knute Oscar Lee. Grandson Karl O. Lee secured the name with a $900,000 donation to top off the library foundation’s capital campaign.
Nine hundred thousand reasons is plenty to stamp any old name on a public building, but let’s have five more reasons that “K.O. Lee” is a great name for our new library!
- It’s short! Five letters, two dots—we’ll save money on big metal letters and be able to buy more books!
- Aberdeen’s public library will no longer have the name of another town (the Mitchell library in Aberdeen—I can’t be the only person who found that confusing).
- Great slogans: “Knock Out illiteracy at K.O. Lee!”
- Prominence of “K.O.” could help bring back the really cool names Knute and Oscar.
- All sorts of verbal fun to be had in a library named for a guy whose greatest industrial legacy appears to be grinders. (Let’s just not host any dances….)

“Nine hundred thousand reasons is plenty to stamp any old name on a public building, but let’s have five more reasons that “K.O. Lee” is a great name for our new library!” It’s all about the money. . .
“If thou wilt lend this money…lend it rather to thine enemy, who, if he break, thou mayst with better face exact the penalty.”—Antonio, Merchant of Venice, Act 1 Scene 3
Democrats; stealing from Capitalist at every opportunity.
Heard from reputable SD Wildlife Federation sources he was also a great conservationist.
OldSarge, how did you determine it was Democrats “stealing” this money for the library?
Roger, OldSarg found this quote on the back of a cereal box and wanted to use it. I think he thought the merchant was from Venice, California, but, it is as it is. As long as we are doing useless quotes for the subject, how about this one? “Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero.” (Voltaire, 1694-1778) There, I always wanted to quote Voltaire and finally, there it is.
Indeed, Roger C—I’m having trouble seeing how the naming of this library has anything to do with Democrats or OldSarg’s desired calumny against us. A rich guy bought the naming rights to a public building. Is Old Sarg saying he disapproves of this tit-for-tat philanthropy?
I’ve used KO Lee tool grinders for 45 years. Still in use today. Great company, well built, durable, affordable. It was a company everyone in Aberdeen should be proud of. Sadly, the computer has displaced more skilled American workers. Thank you, KO Lee for supporting my business and family.