Beyond my general distaste for the jockocracy, you know what the problem is with having political fundraisers with big sports stars? They make you look shrimpy:

Remarkably, in this case, the pro athletes also outdress the candidate, sporting their jackets while Marty slums it in his poof-tucked polo shirt. Dress for the part, right, Pat?
Maybe Team Jackley is working on a little-guy theme: “Watching out for the little guy? Hey, I am the little guy!”
Jackley’s photographer appears inclined to shoot photos that make the crowd look small, too:

Tables more empty than full get the foreground, while the milling crowd that might fill those seats is tucked away in the background. I love those white shoes, but come one—reverse that angle! Shoot where the people are!
How little can two former pro athletes, each who has earned millions in their careers, be?
Greenway is heavily involved in charity and foundation works in Minnesota.
Yeah, they make the 6 foot tall Jackley look short. But hey, there is nothing wrong with how he’s dressed.
Where’s Lalley when you need him? He could probably do a three part series on the Jackley, Miller, and Greenway photo alone.
Mike Miller is homely, and Greenway is better looking than that.
He’s pretty darn good looking in his Vikings uniform.
Mikey Miller is the sparkplug of my BB team, Los Nuggets. Another SoDaker is the radio color guy for my first place National League Rockies and a famous air crash survivor and Madison superman, Jerry Schemmel. But, the truth is that Mr. Jackley is just really short. Short on what? Election will decide …..
Greenway looks like a gopher but he played in Iowa, where Mr. Mike is from. Jockocracy is how the world is run from the 6th grade to the 16th grade. Mr. H simply has to come to terms with that. My good friend Bob avoided many a near beating back in his day by not antagonizing those bigger, tougher fellows and keeping his head down and his hat firmly on.
Jackley: It could have been a t-shirt. Shees.
Greenway: Looks like his mom told him to wear that $150 blazer to look nice.
Miller: The NBA dress code has taught him a few things about your appearance/brand in public. Kinda dig the GQ monochrome color look.
Polo shirts are inferior to every other form of shirt.
Celebrities didn’t help Hillary.
Absolutely untrue, HC. Putin and Assange and prolly others helped HRC lose.
Does draining the swamp preclude wearing Izod Alligator shirts?
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million, perhaps celebrities did help her win by that margin.
But, Hap, celebrity is the only reason Trump is in the White House.
Mike, on precluding Alligator shirts, on my campaign staff, yes. However, I do approve of René Lacoste’s innovation of a longer tail to prevent untuckage.