Last updated on 2017-06-07

Dakota Free Press Podcast #10 is ready for your earbuds! Aberdeen City Council northwest district candidate Tom Black sits down to talk with the blog. Black talks the city’s wise choice to choose long-term planning over public sentiment and avoid signing up for rural water. Black rejects fear of immigrants and says new residents have already boosted our workforce and economy and are essential to Aberdeen’s future growth. Plus, Black talks about bringing films and culture to Aberdeen and getting pigeons out!
But first, co-host Spencer Dobson and I also talk about chickens and swastikas and Aberdeen, Jackley and Krebs at the Rapid City hate fest, and how the only people who stand to benefit from Trumpcare are the rich people who get the tax cuts and the smart Democrats who campaign to protect everyone else from this awful, awful bill.
If you like what you hear, be sure to ring the Dakota Free Press Tip Jar!
Backyard Chickens [2:25]
- Aberdeen American News video with local chickeneer Catherine Falk
- Info on Aberdeen chicken ordinance
- USD Volante on chicken ordinances in other towns
Swastikas in Aberdeen [5:20]
- John Pfeifer, letter to the editor (subscription required), Aberdeen American News, 2017.05.09.
- AAN editorial against Nazi graffiti
Jackley & Krebs at Rapid City Hate Fest [12:00]
Everything Wrong with Trumpcare [17:00]
Articles on the GOP health care bill:
Interview: Tom Black [32:00]
Again, if you like the Dakota Free Press Podcast, help us keep it going by sending some cash via PayPal through the Blog Tip Jar! Thanks for listening!