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Kushners in Beijing Pushing EB-5 Visas

Build a wall, says Donald Trump… but leave a big golden gate for rich Chinese who buy their green cards, says Trump lieutenant Jared Kushner’s family business, which is angling for EB-5 visa investment money to build a New Jersey real estate project:

The Kushner family came to the United States as refugees, worked hard and made it big — and if you invest in Kushner properties, so can you.

That was the message delivered Saturday by White House senior adviser Jared Kushner’s sister to a ballroom full of wealthy Chinese investors, renewing questions about the Kushner family’s business ties to China.

Over several hours of slide shows and presentations, representatives from the Kushner family business urged Chinese citizens gathered at the Ritz-Carlton hotel to consider investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in a New Jersey real estate project to secure what’s known as an investor visa.

The EB-5 immigrant investor visa program, which allows foreign investors to invest in U.S. projects that create jobs and then apply to immigrate, has been used by both the Trump and Kushner family businesses [Emily Rauhala, “In a Beijing Ballroom, Kushner Family Flogs $500,000 ‘Investor Visa’ to Wealthy Chinese,” Washington Post, 2017.05.06].

And remember: when rich immigrants buy their EB-5 visas, they also pay tens of thousands of dollars in fees to the lawyers and other agents who help arrange their visas.

Rauhala reports that the organizers of the Kushner EB-5 pitch kept reporters away from the speakers and attendees, saying, “This is not the story we want.” I imagine it’s not the story the Kushners and the Trumps want, either: everything for sale, including American residency!

Related: It appears Rep. Kristi Noem has voted for another clean extension of EB-5 through September 30, even though she said in November 2015 that she would not vote to extend EB-5 without reforms. Yes, we wouldn’t want to get in the way of one of the Donald’s business revenue streams.


  1. Buckobear 2017-05-07

    There is a word that seems to define kristie pretty well. I won’t use it here, but suffice it to say we are getting a pretty good idea of her price.

  2. mike from iowa 2017-05-07

    Mexico. China and India lead the way in number of immigrants to America. Let’s play a game of semantics. Which word best describes immigrants from Mexico-immigrunts or immi-grants? How about the far wealthier, recruited Chinese?

  3. Buckobear 2017-05-07

    How ’bout “Sino-itis?”

  4. CLCJM 2017-05-08

    Trump promised Kristi that he would repeal the estate taxes!! ” That’s all she needs!

  5. jerry 2017-05-08

    The EB5 for NOem will be a trump resort in the Badlands, on top of Mt. Rushmore and in Wind Cave. The EB5 crowd will dust off Joop and his experience of the grift to make it happen. Who knows, Rounds may find that there is simply not enough to fleece in Washington and come back to EB5 with his inside knowledge as well, Jackboot Jackley as the legal consigliere. The gang then would all be in place with a warning to any whistle blower of what can happen to you if you go against the triad of South Dakota corruption, by putting a tattoo of a Benda cornstalk on the forearm.

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