Last updated on 2017-05-24

Whoo-hoo—the newest Dakota Free Press podcast heads to the farm to interview school board member Brian Sharp, who is running for reëlection. Sharp is the only active farmer on the school board, and he says that unique ag perspective is important in a school district that serves a large ag community outside of Aberdeen city limits and that will offer vocational agriculture classes for the first time at its A-TEC Academy next fall.
But first, Spencer and I talk about bad abortion politics causing more women to die in Texas, a Chinese company applying to dig for uranium and dump toxic water in the Black Hills, and Republicans pretending to be “inclusive.” We also talk about what we’ve learned (and what Donald Trump hasn’t) from Trump’s first 100 days in office.
Below are resources for this week’s conversation. If you like what you hear, ring that Blog Tip Jar and help us fill the Internet with more great South Dakota podcasts!
Maternal Mortality in Texas and California
Azarga/Powertech in the Black Hills
- DFP on Council for Responsible Mining’s argument against approving Azarga’s plan
- List of EPA public comment hearings in Black Hills May 8–11.
Inclusive Republicans?
- DFP on SDGOP chair Dan Lederman’s ridiculous Newspeak
- Southern Poverty Law Center profile of Lederman’s hero of inclusivity, David Horowitz
Trump’s First 100 Days
- Stephen Colbert on Trump 2020 campaign ad
- Center for American Progress lists “100 Days, 100 Ways the Trump Administration Is Harming Women and Families.”
- NPR analyzes Trump’s absurd comment about the Civil War
- Trump cuts off Face the Nation interview
Brian Sharp, candidate, Aberdeen School Board