The end of Session means today is the last day Pierre residents can witness the awesome spectacle of Senator Stace Nelson lumbering down the street in his skivvies to take his morning shower:
Even if Nelson is part Swede, there’s got to be something in the Joint Rules against this kind of exhibitionism.
Nice of Jason Glodt to make that space available. It looks like a fun and non-traditional place to call home away from home.
Stace’s temporary lodging is obviously in the Central Business District of Pierre. I wonder if his friend is in compliance with the requirement for a conditional use that is present in the Pierre Zoning ordinances in renting this to Stace and buddies? If NOT, that would make Stace and buddies – what could be referre3d to as “illegal residents” of Pierre.
The ordinance seems to prohibit single family dwellings – so of course, it’s not that. Multiple family dwellings, ( (which typically include boarding houses and hotels) would require a conditional use permit – as well as a state license.
Hmmm. Have Stace and his friends been in violation of Pierre’s ordinances for the entire session? For more than just this session? If Pierre’s ordinances are like the typical SD municipal ordinances, every day of violation is considered a separate crime and punishable by a $500 fine and/or 30 days behind the iron.
Or, is Stace somehow relieved of compliance with the city’s ordinances due to his being a legislator, leaving the property owner entirely on the hook?
These are the types of posts that really allow the D—s of the world to present themselves.
I’m not going to claim to be able to make complete sense of the definition of the CBD as listed in the link, but it indicates the northern border being the centerline of Pleasant Drive. Where he is staying is just on the other side of Pleasant Drive, and therefore would not be a part of the CBD.
Stace’s lodging is not in the central business district of Pierre. But if it were, who cares? If I had to choose that place or some hotel I’d choose that place too.
Give Stace Nelson credit for going to Pierre and doing his job. He didn’t need a room in a fancy hotel to get it done. Anyone that thinks he should be punished is a D—.
Tyler – so, here’s a MAP of the Zoning Districts of Pierre. Maye you could pinpoint the location of this property If it’s across the street from the CBD on Pleasant Drive, then it may be either a residential district of some sort (IN A STORE-FRONT?) or a “Local Business” district. If the former (doesn’t look like it from the video) I’m okay with that. If the latter – it could ONLY be permitted to be used as a hotel/motel for residential purposes, which would also require a state license. Any other residential use would require a conditional use permit from the city.
As to the notion of Stace “saving the taxpayer money” by not staying at some “fancy hotel” – He gets his per-diem whether he spends it or not – or passes some of it on to his pal Jason, or not.
So much for Stace being a “law and order” or “anti-corruption”, or opposed to the “good ole’ boy” way of doing things as a government official. Boy has he got you rubes hoodwinked on this one.
Tyler, I don’t think you are correct about the location of Stace’s hole-up. Look closely at that video. It’s shot on a one-way street, with corner bump-outs, ending in a curve. There is only one street in Pierre that meets those criteria – it is S. Pierre street and that particular block sits SQUARELY in the center of the CBD.
Hubris and corruption starts with “who cares” baby steps just like this.
Richard, the map and the description do not appear to agree. It is indeed S. Pierre St, the section between Capitol Ave and Pleasant Dr. I believe 113 S. Pierre St.
No innocent Pierre denizens were harmed in the filming of this “basement video.” I had on a pair of ugly old red & white long basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I did have to cut the video short of the shower as it was ocupado.
Thought it would be good to show folks that it isn’t 5-star hotels and cavier serving them in their Capitol.
Mr. “H” It was originally “Nielsen” but my great-grandfather changed it to be more American. German-Danish-South Dakotan-American. Good Lord built me like a grizzly bear for a reason ?
Richard, the accommodations, building, and my host are in compliance.
@Stace Nelson: Pierre has a 5-star hotel? Frankly staying in a van down by the river is more appealing than your domicile. Hoping you get to stay for free.
Stace, you are a tougher Marine than I am. Were I living there I’d at least be wearing flip flops for the trip to the shower.
Good to hear Stace.
I was only wondering/asking.
Stace Nelson is no tougher or more thrifty that the average college kid.
The fact that he lives like a student during Session is a bit weird to me. I completely understand, as Al Novstrup waxes on… and off… and on again (all the time) about how we have a citizenry Legislature, but if we’re all lucky, Stace sees his time in Pierre as more of a learning experience than a public service.
I am told that the Lieutenant Governor kicks Mr. Nelson’s large flacid buttocks today. That would have been a sight to see, far better than watching Nelson waddle to the head.
If Mr. Nelson is violating zoning ordinance that is a different matter, and one I am sure the real cops will come a knocking next year. Right now it is likely Mr. Nelson has other matters to get into the right order, I am sure.
Hopefully, Stace’s little neighborhood has enough ‘local control’ to look into Stace’s potential ordinence infraction.
I wholeheartedly support Stace’s personal fiscal conservatism in choice of digs… although how much Session lodging offers a pool table while you wait for a shower?
Ror—Glodt? Is he trying to lure Nelson over to a Jackley endorsement?
Mr. Nelson no doubt gets to attend all the fancy parties you hear about taking place down there in Mr. Glodt’s basement. All the behind the scenes deal making takes place literally right under where Stace sleeps. Who’da thunk it.
If living as rustic as possible is a sign of admirable adult fiscal conservatism, then let us all revere the homeless community THE MOST – for they ‘choose’ to live the most rustic life one can live.
Ask our new conserva-Jesus [U.S. President] about rustic living. He’d prolly say, “It reflects a lack of financial success in life.”
Financial success is more revered in conservative culture than rustic living – I’m pretty sure.
When I read the title of this post I thought we would see Stace in the buff or scene from the Bate’s Motel.
And its post like this that continue with the reason why Pierre doesn’t get better.
Pierre stinks, even more so in the Winter and you don’t make any money being there. Which basically makes it so the only people who run are people who are wealthy enough to afford decent living conditions or people who have to do something like this. Again why Pierre sucks and why South Dakota state government sucks