Stace Nelson Declares Candidacy for District 19 Senate, Has About 1,000 Signatures
Published 2016-03-24 by
Cory Allen Heidelberger
In the worst-kept secret in District 19, Stace Nelson is running for Senate.
Stace Nelson, declaration of candidacy, sworn January 4, 2016.
The former two-term House member, who took a break from politics after his third-place finish in the 2014 GOP U.S. Senate primary, signed his declaration of candidacy for State Senate and took out his petition on January 4. How’s petitioning been going since then?
Stace Nelson nominating petition, 2016.02.23
Like most Republican candidates for Legislature, Nelson needs 50 signatures to qualify for the District 19 Senate ballot. Nelson says he personally has collected around 1,000 signatures from his neighbors in counties Hanson, McCook, Hutchinson, Douglas, and the Tyndall-Tabor-Scotland gerrymandered side of Bon Homme and has another couple hundred from other circulators.
Candidate Nelson favors this blog with responses to some key questions about his Capitol comeback. First, I asked the Fulton Fulminator to respond to the SDSU student and Tripp native Caleb Finck’s candidacy for District 19 Senate. What does Nelson think of his apparent primary challenger?
Stace Nelson, candidate, District 19 Senate
I am aware that some establishment moderates, from outside of District 19, have encouraged a young live-at-home college student to run for District 19’s senate seat. Leading up to 2016, I was asked by numerous people from within and without District 19 to run for several of South Dakotans’ elected offices. The most pressing requests were from friends, family, and neighbors who were extremely dissatisfied with our District 19 legislators’ records of increasing taxes, increasing spending, increasing state government, and facilitating the weakening of private property owner rights. I have been running an aggressive grass roots campaign to serve District 19 as their future senator since January 4th. I have personally canvassed 2/3rds of District 19 at this point, I have personally received almost 1,000 nomination signatures (our campaign is within signatures of our 1,200 goal), and have helped over 75 people get registered to vote. As of a week ago, Mr Finck was struggling to have his father obtain the 50 signatures needed for him to get on the ballot. As of a week ago, I had over 54 nomination signatures from the voters in Tripp alone [Stace Nelson, e-mail interview, Dakota Free Press, 2016.03.23].
23 ½ years serving as a Marine and NCIS agent (18 ½ overseas) was tough. Standing on conservative Republican principles, and opposing corruption in our state government (against persons claiming to hold conservative Republican principles) as a part-time SD legislator was arguably difficult at times; however, as many notice during election season, all of those moderate Republican politicians who oppose conservative Republicanism during session claim to embrace conservatism to get elected. If elected, I will be the same conservative, limited-government Republican I have always been and will serve South Dakotans with those principles I have proven I adhere to [Nelson, 2016.03.23].
Ever since the Concerned Citizens of Hanson County successfully fought the corrupt actions of members of this administration’s efforts to subvert their private property rights… we have seen a concerted effort to change statutes to stack the deck against tax payers’ private property rights. I do NOT support such crony capitalism. Voters in my district were outraged that their legislators supported many of these efforts over the last two years and this is Issue One of many that incited voters in my area to ask me to run again [Nelson, 2016.03.23].
Turning to education, what if anything would Nelson change about this year’s teacher pay legislation (HB 1182 and SB 131)?
These bills violate the explicit will of the voters. As you know, voters previously rejected a similar tax increase initiative. These bills were a further disservice, in a long line of such with this administration, to South Dakota’s educators. They again painted teachers as the bad guys and pitted the taxpayers against them. This tax increase is on the heels of some of the largest tax and fee increases in SD’s history, all of which have occurred in the last year. With a massive budget of over $4 Billion, the question everyone should be asking… why are our core infrastructure needs always intentionally underfunded? Why are so many crony capitalist spending programs fully funded? It is not happenstance that they claim we don’t have the money for education or roads while never mentioning the monies spent on GOED, etc. We do NOT have a revenue problem in SD, we have a spending, and a priority in spending problem. I support properly funding our core infrastructure needs first [Nelson, 2016.03.23].
Don’t ask Nelson to support Medicaid expansion: even if Uncle Sam will foot the entire bill via the Governor’s creative Indian Health Service/Medicaid swap, Nelson still doesn’t trust Obamacare:
Americans are seeing more and more problems, and increased costs, as a result of Obamacare. The solution to the problems of more government? Is not more government. I believe the only solution to making healthcare affordable again, is to get government out of it. Frankly, as long as we have DC special interests buying our elected officials (on both sides of the aisle)? This problem is not going to be resolved anytime soon and I fear it is going to continue to grow [Nelson, 2016.03.23].
What can we expect a Senator Nelson to work on if he gets to Pierre? Taxes and corruption:
I have a litany of concerns and issues from the thousands of folks in my district that I have talked to. #1 at the top of their list of concerns and complaints is the numerous tax and fee increases they are struggling under. Social security recipients have not received a cost of living increase in over 5 years and many of those on fixed incomes were struggling before our supposed Republican governor and legislature increased government spending, increased the size of government, and increased numerous taxes and fees over the last year. I have bill ideas I will bring based off of those concerns and complaints. The corruption of our legislative process that I originally blew the whistle on as a freshman legislator, has become more and more apparent to the public to be widespread within our state government. The mysterious deaths at the epicenter of two of the most notorious corruption scandals were within miles of District 19 and have been a major source of concern to the many folks I have talked with. I have bill ideas that will attempt to combat the culture of corruption and cronyism that voters are witnessing here in SD [Nelson, 2016.03.23].
Slight clarification, my campaign is within a couple signatures of our goal of 1,200 nomination petition signatures. The 1,000 signature mark is of those I have personally collected.
We have placed over 3,000 campaign pamphlets in District 19 voters’ hands or on the doors of their residences.
Steve Sibson
“Dang—if Senator Nelson wants to work on tax reform and corruption, I know a certain watchdog Democratic candidate from District 3 who will work with him.”
Stace, don’t fall for Cory’s claim that he is against corruption. He supported the corrupt education bills this year. And I heard on the news this morning that there is allegations of more misappropriations of federal money in Indian country. That last thing Cory wants is the only solution to the problem of corruption…starve the beast by reducing the size and scope of government.
Darin Larson
Steve, what do you mean when you say “corrupt education bills?” How are they corrupt?
And just to be clear, when you say “starve the beast” you mean you want to reduce funding for education?
If Stace is confident to stand on his records and is positive he can change things in District 19, there should be no need to attack a candidate taking their first chance at politics. Let’s have a clean race based on the interests and views of the constituents and candidates of District 19.
bob klein
why waste ink putting down his oponent, unnecessary.
I think it is a fact worth noting to voters that live at home college student Caleb Finck has his father out getting petition signatures for him as opposed to Stace Nelson going out and getting his own signatures by the thousands. Nelson’s effort shows commitment. Finck’s lack of effort shows a lack of commitment. I suppose that Finck was promised a nice government job if he takes one for the team. We’ll find out.
Bob, Stace makes some interesting decisions about where to put his ink. More interesting, though, is his decision to get 1,000 neighbors to put their ink on his petition when he only needed a twentieth of that number to do so. Ror is impressed; should we all be? And will those signatures all turn into votes?
And correction taken, Stace! I’ll edit my text to reflect your statement more accurately.
Stace, welcome back to the action. While any Republican who can fog a mirror can win a general election in D-19, you will improve the atmosphere in Pierre by making it more challenging for the weak-of-spin and entertaining for the rest of us.
I do hope that you learned a lot from the Rounds campaign and from the evidence pouring out of the Rounds/Daugaard regime of systemic corruption. Perhaps you can persuade the attorney general that his one and only shot at winning that second floor office near the front entrance is by hauling all the rats involved in the Rounds EB-5 racketeering scam to justice, including the Protected Class members.
Getting 1,200 signatures for a simple legislative seat is impressive in a district that you would win anyway if you just phoned it all in. Please channel your seriousness and your energies toward something that has great importance to an open and corruption-free state government.
And don’t let Sibby get within 10 feet of your campaign. He’s coo coo for Cocopuffs.
Sorry. It should say “weak-of-spine.” Spin seems to be a substitute for spine in Pierre.
Stace Nelson
“Robbie” and “Bob Klein,”
The young man did a press release stating he was going to be going door to door collecting signatures, asking the voters what issues they are concerned with, and educating the voters on his platform. I agree with you that the actual factual circumstances contradict his statements and in fact his own lack of follow through attack his credibility and question his honesty.
Our state has pressing issues that people in my district want addressed by a serious public servant who will follow through on commitments to them. I have no intention of humoring an inexperienced kid just because he thinks it would be fun to go out to Pierre, hang out, make friends, and network at the expense of my friends, family, and good citizens of District 19.
His official statements advocating for gun control and against law abiding citizens’ 2nd Amendment rights, on record at the LRC, show that there are significant differences between us. I will be running on my record and ensuring the voters know the difference betwixt us.
Caleb Finck advocating for gun control? Here it comes:
Thursday, lawmakers in Pierre will hear House Bill 1206. The bill would allow public university students 21 and over to carry concealed pistols everywhere on campus except for the dorms.
A group of students will be at the Capitol lobbying against the bill.
The student body president at SDSU says students already feel safe on campus and guns don’t need to be added to the mix in classrooms and public areas.
“It’s something we all grew up with in high school and middle school that guns and schools don’t go together and so when we came to public institution, that same philosophy applied,” said Caleb Finck, SDSU Student Body President.
Finck says he has a good general sense of what’s going on around campus. And if there was a big movement towards conceal and carry, he would have brought it up himself to the Legislature.
Dang: Caleb is right and Stace is wrong on policy. But this is a Republican primary in some strong red country. Stace will press on this issue; will Caleb press back and defend his sensible stance on guns on campus, or will he cave, pander, and promulgate the culture of fear?
Steve, I think the chances of Stace “falling” for anything I tell him are nil. A Senator Heidelberger will secure a Senator Nelson’s cooperation not with guile or deception but on straightforward principle… and maybe some serious horse-trading (the two can go together).
Stace Nelson
I think we can all agree that the current policy/law denies law-abiding South Dakotans the right to bear arms in and on school grounds? That policy also effectively denies them the ability to be armed to and fro.
The naïveté of an inexperienced college student living a protected life aside, let’s check what the SD Constitution says:
§ 24. Right to bear arms. The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the state shall not be denied.
Stace, specifically what taxes would you repeal and what cuts to state government would you make? The approved 2017 SD Budget was around $4.8 billion, if you were in charge, how much would get cut and from where?
Darin Larson
Mr. Nelson, If you are saying that you have a Constitutional right to have a gun on your person at all times and all places then I strongly disagree. Even SCOTUS with Scalia’s vote in Heller admitted there are limits to the right to bear arms. I’m certain the SD Supreme Court agrees.
Aside from the Constitutional arguments, as a practical matter, I would not feel comfortable sending my kids to a college campus that is militarized with kids carrying guns. If we need better security, then spend the money on professional security measures. Don’t rest the security of our kids on a wild-west mentality of everyone being armed.
The other point to be made here is that the college kids are not asking for this. You and others are trying to force this upon them. You talk about listening to constituents as being important to you. Why aren’t you listening on this issue?
Steve Sibson
“Caleb is right and Stace is wrong on policy.”
So a man does not have the right to defend himself on campus with a firearm, but has the right to put on a dress and walk into the girls locker? So this is the correct policy on “bearing arms”? I would like to see Caleb run a campaign ad on that policy. He can use some of those cross-dressing pictures of himself.
Steve Sibson
“And just to be clear, when you say “starve the beast” you mean you want to reduce funding for education?”
I don’t consider education the act of telling kids to give up their Second amendment rights and instead push for the right for perverts to enter the girls locker. It also does not include what some call sex education that helps create those perverts.
Steve Sibson
‘Steve, what do you mean when you say “corrupt education bills?”’
And Cory said:
“and maybe some serious horse-trading”
There you go: increase taxes and split it between teachers and crony capitalists. There was some “serious horse-trading”.
Darin Larson
My bad for asking a straight-forward question of Steve and expecting a straight-forward answer.
bob klein
I think itmakes Stacelook smaller to act TRumpish toward his opponent.
mike from iowa
Sibby’s back to sniffing glue. How many sexual assaults have transgenders committed in bathrooms,Sibby? Verifiable assaults by verifiable transgenders.
Now how many students have been protected by responsible gun owners on campuses? Remember Umpqua Comm.College where students with guns refused to use them for fear of being shot by police?
mike from iowa
BTW,Sibby,Caleb Finck looks to be the guy you need to follow around and make sure he doesn’t go pee-pee in the women’s bathroom.
mike from iowa
What does a student on campus need to defend him/herself from? Liberal Arts education? Science? Reality? Jehovah’s Witnesses?
speaking of spin of which sibby and hickey push, NPR right now w/ Professor Greenberg is spinning spin saying democrats are the spinners, or they both do it, trying to compromise reality… as NPR keeps sinking deeper in the republican swamp. what a crock. NPR or SDPR also brag how they present advertisement free programming, which they don’t. yuk
what other institutions have the republicans corrupted recently? 1st list to 100 gets a prize. if millennials blow this election, i’m gonna be so mad.
Steve Sibson
“How many sexual assaults have transgenders committed in bathrooms,Sibby?”
Now that the transgender movement has opened the door, how many perverts getting their jollies will it take for you to admit that this is wrong policy? Note that I am not accusing the gender confused of anything, other than opening the door for perverts.
“Now how many students have been protected by responsible gun owners on campuses?”
The door is closed for responsible gun owners, that is why the numbers are low.
How many women have been raped on college campuses last year?
Stace Nelson
@Darin, by the US Constitution, and IS statutes? As retired law enforcement? I in fact can. There is no ambiguity in either the US Constitution (viewed in context of the time it was written), nor SD’s own Constitution.
The irony is you believe people should wait for an armed person to come rescue those who are threatened, I respect and recognize that life is the most precious of freedoms and that law-abiding people have a right to defend themselves where ever they may be.
@El Rayo X contractor excise tax for GOED; Constitutional handling of “civil” fines to bring current unconstitutional practices in compliance; state salary caps commensurate to long enacted federal employee ones; Constituional amendment proposals making many current state positions 2 year term elected positions; etc.
@Bob Klein I am the same outspoken, straight talking, old Marine, I have always been. I was that way long before Mr Trump took a stance on every side of every issue.
Stace is just another South Dakota republican.
He is bringing up the typical 2nd Amendment arguments, smaller government, and no new taxes that republicans rely on to get “the poor uneducated voter” to vote for them.
The 2nd Amendment isn’t going to make anybody’s life better in South Dakota, it is simply fodder to attract voters.
Stace has been a part of the republican party that has grown the size of government, increased taxes and fees for the past forty years and did nothing but give lip service about the EB-5 scandal when he was in a position to do something as a member of the legislature.
Stace continues to be opposed to Medicare, Medicaid, and doesn’t want Medicaid Expansion for some his own constituents that may need it, he claims that Medicaid Expansion will only expand government. Bull! Where is his argument that there are plenty of programs that expand government, such as the farm bill, passed last year.
If it weren’t for a large government, 90% of South Dakota republicans would be unemployed (well maybe not 90%, but still quite a few).
Stace is just another republican opposed to Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare, and Medicaid Expansion that can’t offer a more substantial healthcare program, his opposition to Obamacare and Medicaid Expansion is understandable, after a long serving member of the military he has military medical coverage and can say, “I’ve got my insurance, so piss on you”.
Stace running for State Senate was suppose to be a secret? Oops I must have missed that part somewhere.
Darin Larson
Mr. Nelson, not even Scalia himself would say that the 2nd Amendment is an unlimited right. Heller v. DC held as follows:
Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or LAWS FORBIDDING THE CARRYING OF FIREARMS IN SENSITIVE PLACES SUCH AS SCHOOLS AND GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56. from Wikipedia (EMPHASIS ADDED)
I don’t think it is ironic in the slightest that I consider myself and my children safer when there is adequate professional law enforcement present, rather than an unknown number of rag-tag novices with little or no training in firearms and little or no experience in conflict situations.
I also don’t think it is ironic that I rely on the US Military to defend our nation as I rely on local and state police forces to defend our state.
I am not comfortable with an amateur dentist working on my teeth or an amateur surgeon performing surgery on me, why would I be comfortable with amateur gunmen roaming the halls of SDSU?
mike from iowa
Sibby-that guy is a sexual predator and a pedophile,not a transgender person. We had this discussion about this ONE predator before. Strike one.
mike from iowa
other than opening the door for perverts. Geez,I guess a sexual predator never would have thought of dressing as a female to gain access to women’s bathrooms. Just like no one has ever thought about video taping showers or dressing rooms?
Roger Cornelius
What the hell is Sibson doing over here?
I thought he was banned.
if finck is for reasonable gun regulation and speaks for millennials, stace can bluster about guns at his deep peril. As we said of Vietnam, “the times they are a changing.'” the day after this was written, dylan’s friend Ian Tyson wrote “Four Strong Winds”, another tremendous song we have been blessed with (a bit o’ trivia). others: “Ohio” (kent state) CSNY, even “Southern Man” and “Alabama”
how does carrying to and fro at the school yard and college campus come from “a WELL REGULATED MILITIA, being NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a FREE STATE, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed?”
if I’d had a p/u jr. high i’d likely have had a gun rack, as was common, but people didn’t shoot each other much then. those 2nd Amend.”rights” to keep slaves in line. sure haven’t done much good for the security of a free state. was “free state” likely in reference to free and slave states?
lastly stace, perversion of private property owner rights means what? thank you.
I agree finck has come across as a pretty disposable rat. but he’s got gun rights right. pretty good for a college kid, imo. were you class president?
Steve Sibson
mike from iowa, how do you tell the difference between a transgender and a fake one? And since when has it been confirmed that transgenders can never be criminals?
Steve Sibson
“I thought he was banned.”
So the anti-Christian bigot wants me banned from the Madville toilet again? And Roger, how we have so many Indians allegedly taking federal money? Is it just racism?
mike from iowa
Sibby,I don’t do a damn thing all day long and that includes watching who goes into which bathroom. I don’t feel a need to obsess that maybe someone,somewhere is different than me and it is my right to know who that is. For the sake of humanity,fella, get a freaking life! Prove a transgender has committed a crime.
a well respected, extremely well informed man questions your trolling on this liberal website, and as he happens to be an Indian, you attack his race and that of his people’s government relationship? you have seen how we treat one of our own democrats who has made racist comments. it is not welcome here.
my guess is that racist South Dakotans have and will have greater difficulty ever getting elected.
Roger Elgersma
Stace is one of the most honest polititians and dares to stay honest about his positions even when his party does not like it. That is they type of character that is needed much more in politics. So even if he and I disagree on education funding, I still have a lot of respect for him and his positions and accomplishments in government.
Stace Nelson
@Roger Cornelius Provide the links to he legislation that I personally voted for that support your assertions. There is none. Blaming me for the faults of “Republicans” who have betrayed the principles of limits government is he same as me blaming you for hundreds of years of institutional racism of the Democratic Party.
@Darin “protecting” college students from the reality of South Dakota ten yards from their college campus may make sense to those who believe gun free zones magically protect those in them; how vet, to someone who has spent a lifetime protecting and serving the public from real world threats? It is insanity.
I would challenge any claims that South Dakotans are comfortable or in agreement with naive college students advocating that law abiding citizens’ 2nd Amendment rights should be curtailed to satisfy their insecurities.
@MC 2 1/2 months of hard campaigning, collectIng 1,200 nomination signatures, handing out over 3,000 campaign pamphlets and pens? The First establishment attacks occurred last week on SDWC. All in all? Very pleased with my campaign strategy and progress to date.
Darin Larson
Stace- Where did I say that gun free zones magically protect those in them? As you like to call people out for misrepresenting what you say, I never said that!!!
What I said was that I want the professionals with guns protecting our kids, not every Tom, Dick and Dirty Harry wannabe with a gun fetish ready to blast away at the drop of a hat. Or some kid who just got a gun with no training and he wants to look cool for his friends by brandishing it in the dorms.
Do you trust every person with a firearm to make good decisions regarding the when and where to use the gun? It makes me question your judgment when it doesn’t seem to matter to you, a professional, that you are advocating that anybody with a pulse can get a weapon and carry it on a college campus?
I take it you don’t agree with Scalia and SCOTUS that there are sane and reasonable limits on the right to bear arms?
Roger Cornelius
Let’s debate the 2nd Amendment and guns so we don’t have discuss the cesspool of republican corruption in South Dakota.
Stace Nelson
@Darin – nowhere in my post do I attribute that statement to you, clearly it is my own editorial on the idea that gun free zones protect people. It is absurd and unrealistic to think that gun free zones do anything to protect law-abiding citizens from those who wish to do them harm.
Regardless of my openinions on the matter, the US and SD Constitutions are clear that you have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That includes your inalienable right to defend yourself which is immortalized in both those Constitutions. As someone who has lived a life around firearms 24 seven, I have no fear of law-abiding citizens being armed. As a law enforcement professional? I can tell you unequivocally that law enforcement and our US military cannot protect American citizens 24 seven and I support your right to be armed to be able to protect yourself when you wish whether you want that right or not.
Stace Nelson
@Roger Cornelius – I don’t think there’s anyone on either side of the aisle that believes I have not done my due diligence in combating the corruption in our state government. I have raise that issue in my campaign material as well as my responses to this blogs questions. Feel free to criticize me on issues you may disagree with; however, I’d ask you to actually have an issue before you do so. If your criticism is that I am responding to voters concerns on individual issues, I guess it would be appropriate in your opinion to ignore your acidic comments.
mike from iowa
Mr Nelson,what do cops get paid for? Shooting unarmed Minorities? They are trained and paid to protect the civilian population from ne’er do wells. They can’t assess a dangerous situation if they can’t be sure the majority of the people are not armed thugs wanting to shoot them.
Stace- you can be armed 24/7 for the rest of your life. You can sleep with your gun, eat with your gun and be buried with your gun. You just can’t go everywhere else armed 24/7. Your rights have limits.
Just like you can flail your arms about anyway you want except when you are in a crowd of people. And similarly, you can yell fire all you want without repercussion under the Constitution except when you are in a crowded theater and there is no fire.
Your position regarding having guns everywhere is not what the vast majority of law enforcement officers advocate. Nor do the vast majority of kids at college want their campuses to be armed either.
You aren’t protecting anyone with your ideas of militarizing college campus’s. You are increasing the chances that accidents will happen when weapons get mishandled by novices, that drunk kids will fire a weapon indiscriminately, that gun violence will be more prevalent on college campuses because of access to weapons, that law enforcement professionals will have to make more split-second decisions about who is a “good guy” and who is a “bad guy”.
Please, don’t ban Mr. Sibby. grudznick enjoys his reasoning.
But to the blogging point here, there is no doubt a hypothetical Senator H could out-debate and out-smart a hypothetical Senator Nelson. It would be most entertaining to watch.
The hypothetical Senator H would also probably focus his efforts on big-picture policy issues and the hypothetical Senator Nelson would probably focus his efforts on meaningless resolutions and making every Tuesday veteran’s pastry day in the legislatures.
The hypothetical Senator H would work with his caucuses of 5 or 6 libbies and reach across the isle at times to craft legislature. The hypothetical Senator Nelson would sit with his caucuses of 1 in the restroom and cook up ways to anger all the other caucuses.
Sibby, get on topic… and get your petitions in. Stace and I both could use you in the Senate to make us look sane. :-P
Darin Larson
Mike, thanks for the link on the toddlers versus terrorists in the US. It puts some things into perspective.
The notion that introducing more guns owned by nonprofessional gun owners makes us more safe is the Big Lie of the NRA. NRA logic: more gun violence = the need for more guns.
Steve Sibson
“Sibby, get on topic”
The topic is how many liberals (regardless of party) will support a cross-dressing anti-gun SDGOP establishment hack over one of the hardest working fighter against the corruption of big government aligned with big business?
@Darin You are now the one that is misrepresenting my comments. Supporting people’s rights and understanding that LE cannot and does not protect every American citizen 24-7 is simply responsible acceptance of reality. Claiming that reality stops at the borders of college campuses and schools does not magically make anyone safe. Accepting the reality of the threats in the world and respecting law-abiding citizens right to carry concealed is not “militarizing” campuses.
If people like my potential opponent, and yourself, do not feel safe with law-abiding citizens carrying concealed on college campuses, and are threatened by allowing law-abiding people with concealed weapons permits to carry concealed on campus? You must be petrified to live in the vast majority of the rest of the 99.9999% of SD where that is reality.
I know of no professional law enforcement officer who does not believe in being armed 24-7 to protect themselves, their families, and the people they are entrusted to serve. I know of no law enforcement professional who believes you are safely protected by police 24-7. Depriving their fellow law-abiding citizens their rights to do the same? That is hypocrisy of the worse kind. If the vast majority of professional law enforcement believes in being armed 24-7 for their own personal safety, the public’s safety, and their family’s? Why in the world do you believe that you are safe in gun free zones when they don’t..
The reality of this debate is as such:
There is no group in SD that will campaign against me for defending their 2nd Amendment rights; however, there are numerous groups in SD and nationally who will campaign against my opponent for his avocation of disarming law-abiding citizens.
Of the thousands of people in my district who I have talked to? Not one of them beseeched me to go to Pierre and curtail law-abiding citizens’ gun rights. On the contrary, I had numerous voters admonish me to do everything possible to protect their rights.
Darin Larson
Stace- just like making schools a gun-free zone doesn’t magically mean everyone is safe, adding nonprofessionals with more guns doesn’t mean everyone is safe. You understand that right?
No one said you can’t keep a gun at home to protect yourself if that is what you want. But if you are going to live in a dorm with a bunch of kids, then you are going to give up some rights. One is you are going to be disturbed by noise from time to time. Another is your privacy is not the same as when you live at home. Another is you don’t get to keep a loaded weapon with you at all times. Living in society is loaded with give and takes.
I thought you were a Constitution loving guy. The Supreme Court has given you more gun rights under the Constitution than virtually any country on earth. But even Scalia and his cohort don’t hold with you. That sir, is the reality of the debate, as you say. That puts you on the fringe of society in this debate.
mike from iowa
There ain’t a thing in anyone’s constitution that says you are protected 24/7 by anyone,including yourself. There is no clause that says you are bullet-proof because you carry or belong to the NRA. I feel safe enough that I don’t obsess over guns,who has them,are they gonna shoot me or anything else. If they are going to shoot you,thy will be done and you can’t do much about it. In the meantime,I would prefer my congressweasels to spend time advancing human rights and protecting all voter’s rights in this country. You know-doing the job they were elected to do. Not paid to do by special interest groups like the NRA.
owen reitzel
2 words from the 2nd amendment I haven’t seen here yet. “WELL-REGULATED.”
Stace Nelson
@Darin The second amendment is an individual right. I do not believe my rights come from man or the constitution, I believe my rights come from God and that they are inalienable.
In regards to your claims that I am Fringe in my defense of law-abiding citizens rights. More than 1 out of every 10 South Dakotans possess a concealed weapons permit. If you are correct; however, that I am in fact the fringe? Than my candidacy is surely doomed as defense of South Dakotans’ 2nd Amendment is a prominent part of my platform.
@Mike from Iowa There is a liberal minority in SD that is for gun control. I have met only 1 in my whole district. Happily representing them and defending their rights does not mean I am catering to the NRA, especially since I have opposed the NRA on their model legislation in the past which sought to make it easier for administrative boards to take away people’s 2nd Amendment rights.
Mr. reitzel, when Senator Nelson runs the militia it will be well-regulated. When Senator Rhoden runs it, it will be well-regulated and effective.
Darin Larson
Stace- Jesus Christ was a pacifist. What about your faith makes you need to take up arms?
Roger Cornelius
How about we talk about Stace’s ice cold heart and his refusal to support Medicaid Expansion.
Darin Larson
What Would Jesus Do about Medicaid Expansion? I’m pretty sure we all know the answer to that question even if we aren’t all sure that God wants us to carry loaded weapons around at all times in case we need to shoot our fellow man.
mike from iowa
If god wanted you to have guns,he/she/it would have created them and Adam could have used the apple for target practice and everyone would have lived happily ever after.
Roger Cornelius
It would make sense to have Medicaid Expansion, especially for college kids, when gun ownership increases and there will be more homicides, suicides, and accidents that will require medical treatment.
Darin Larson
Even though we are now talking about Medicaid expansion, what Stace said about the 2nd Amendment previously in this thread is instructive: ” . . . I respect and recognize that life is the most precious of freedoms and that law-abiding people have a right to defend themselves where ever they may be. . . . Regardless of my opinions on the matter, the US and SD Constitutions are clear that you have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Stace Nelson
So, if life is the most precious of freedoms and Stace recognizes that the citizens have a right to life under the Constitution, doesn’t it follow that citizens have the Constitutional right to basic medical care to maintain that life? Or am I to understand that a citizen only has the right to maintain their most precious freedoms if they can afford to pay for them?
How do we know Mr. Nelson is against medical expansion?
Roger Cornelius
Read Cory’s thread again, it is clear that Stace is against Medicaid Expansion.
Interesting approach to Medicaid Expansion and our freedoms, especially since healthcare is a far more important than hot button issue like the 2nd Amendment.
David Bergan
“Jesus Christ was a pacifist”
Blanket statements about Jesus are hard…
The disciples packed heat. In the Maundy Thursday story, Saint Peter had a concealed-carried sword. He used it to slice a slave’s ear off when they came to arrest Jesus. [Matthew 26:51] [Mark 14:47] [Luke 22:50] [John 18:10]
In one of the four accounts, Jesus heals said ear. [Luke]
In another of the four accounts, Jesus rebukes the general use of the sword. “He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.” [Matthew]
In the rest, he stops the fighting by saying that this is his appointed hour, he must drink this cup, he could bring an army of angels, etc.
So I’d say that Jesus has a mixed record on the 2nd Amendment. He didn’t disarm his dorm, didn’t make his gatherings a sword-free zone, and it doesn’t sound like Peter had weapons training. But Jesus did put the kibosh on actually using weapons when the oppressive government came for him.
Kind regards,
Darin Larson
Luke 6:27-31 Jesus said:
“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
Jesus could have called upon all the angel armies in heaven, instead his weapons were grace, love and forgiveness. He is the definition of a pacifist in my opinion.
The Nelson-Heidelberger alliance is the epitome of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Strange bedfellows indeed.
No stranger, Troy, than other collaborations of Democrats with Republicans who oppose the Governor’s agenda. Remember, Troy, I’m the one Democrat who showed up with the anti-Common Core right-wingers to testify in favor of limits on statewide standards last year.
But if a Senator Bergan shows up and starts bolstering Senator Nelson’s 2nd Amendment arguments with Scripture, it’s going to be a long day in committee. ;-)
Finck has the good sense to say we don’t need guns on campus… but Nelson is generous enough to come discuss the issue at length here and liven up the comment section. Uff da—how do I choose my endorsement? Some Democrat better file in District 19 and spare me this agonizing choice! :-D
mike from iowa
I’m guessing if we all wore dresses we could prevent women’s biffy violence, 2nd amendment dresses for all.
As there is a difference with issue collaboration, you have got admit this is an alliance forged on something besides issues. Maybe it is personal affinity. I have affection for a lot of people with whom I have deep political disagreement.
Not being critical of anything or anybody. Just an observation.
But it is Good Friday, which among its transcendental and eternal matters, is also a reminder that with strange alliances somebody ends up getting crucified. And the crucified ends up winning.
Troy, no criticism taken. I’ll confess to personal affinity, inspired (as we trade in Easter paradoxes) likely by the strange sense that the biggest, loudest man in the room is somehow often the underdog. How can I not develp some sympathy for a guy who gets thrown out of the GOP caucus?
But I’ll also note it is possible to find temporary political agreement even with people with whom we have no affection.
Victory for the crucified is far from an expected outcome. Keep me off the cross!
Stace is yours Troy. Just like Trump is yours and Cruz is yours. Cory just likes bringing out the popcorn for a good show.
Dave L.
Mr. Nelson,
I’ve always respected you as I tend to like outsiders. However, I’d kindly ask not to be derogatory toward your primary opponent you are better than that. You are strong on the issues and fighting the establishment, but you kind of come off as a jerk by making little stabs at your primary appointment (I don’t know your opponent personally). Just lay off that portion and talk about the issues and be respectful and you have a bright future. That’s all I ask as someone who leans toward your views. But much like Donald Trump, don’t come off as a know-it all attack dog against your opponent people tend not to like that. Just friendly advice from someone who care about your future but could be swayed against supporting you based on negativity in the realm of personal jabs.
Dave L., you sound a bit like Speaker Paul Ryan, asking for a debate based on ideas rather than personalities and insults. I respect that.
Roger Cornelius
Stace is in a catfight with the RINO’s over at the Powers Dump Site.
mike from iowa
Cat as in spelled with a large P!
The difference between Dave L. and Speaker Ryan is that Speaker Ryan is a big phony. He’s angling for the GOP presidential nomination at a contested convention, and he’s doing his Eddie Haskell routine. Just look at that picture Cory posted.
In my experience, often fringe elements tend to congregate.
Roger, do you think Stace needs to pick and choose his catfights more judiciously? I have abandoned catfights with the DWC crowd, largely because I can never be sure that Powers will let my comments and responses through his moderation filter, but also because I recognize Powers isn’t interested in drawing an audience to collaborate in building understanding; he just wants to stroke the party faithful who need their daily reassurance that everything is fine, that Stace and Cory are just monsters, that EB-5 and GEAR UP don’t exist except in the imaginations of political hacks, and that Mike and John and Kristi and Dennis are all just peachy.
When Stace comes here, he engages a fair number of people who honestly disagree with his politics. When he goes to DWC, he’s subjected to an overmoderated forum where he can’t expect much but insults aiming at tearing him down personally. Why does he let himself get distracted by those folks? Should he continue to engage them?
Roger Cornelius
No, he shouldn’t continue to engage them Cory, the Powers crowd is so locked into phrases and offer nothing of substance.
I don’t agree with Stace’s political agenda, but I respect him for coming to DFP where he engage readers and can have a free wheeling discussion without the tired old political phrases.
Besides, Powers is just pissed at Stace for making his senate announcement on DFP and not on the Dump Site.
I’ll continue to call out Stace on issues I am concerned with in hopes he’ll follow Paul Ryan and rethink some of his positions.
Maybe Stace has hornswaggled me, but I believe there’s more hope for collaboration with Stace than there is with Pat. He has his errors and problems, and I know he’s torqued some people off, but I believe that if there were a bill that was the right thing to do, and he believed it was the right thing to do, but the main people supporting it were Democrats like me and supporting it would also give Democrats a boost, he’d vote for the bill rather than vote it down for purely partisan reasons.
And if he didn’t support the bill, I’d blog his keester hard. ;-)
Darin Larson
Not unlike the Blues Brothers, Stace is on a mission from God.
The Blues Brothers were out to help the Catholic orphanage avoid foreclosure and Stace is out to help God put a gun in every law abiding citizens’ hand, lest they need to take an eye for an eye and be found lacking an instrument of death.
Stace doesn’t need to rely on the Constitution or the laws of men, he is endowed by his Creator with the inalienable right to blast away whenever and wherever the need arises.
Its a good thing that God is all-knowing and so He foresaw the need for people to carry AR-15s on college campuses. Thus God inspired the Framers of the Constitution to contemplate the 2nd Amendment back when a gun was a single shot weapon that took 30 seconds to reload.
Roger Cornelius
Do you know if Stace has ever collaborated with a Democrat in the legislature on anything while serving there?
Stace is pretty hard right, I wouldn’t expect him to work with a Liberal Democrat even if he agreed with them.
Stace Nelson
Dave L.,
I’m a pugilistic old retired flat foot retentive about facts and always itching for a fight. Your criticism, and many others, are warranted. I Ask the Good Lord daily to help me be less mule headed. I’ll do my best.
@Grudz Pretty sure who you are. Make sure you stop and say hi if I go back to the people’s house so I can tell you to pound sand in person and explain what that entails in Marine culture.
@Mr H, one of my favorite uncles was a lifelong Democrat. You know where I stand on the issues, there are core principles I cannot compromise on; however, my Former Democratic collegeues will assure you that I am not a partisan stooge. Proud of the respectful friendship I earned with many of them. Senator Bernie Hunhoff and the House Democrats prevented the corrupt GOP leadership from running me out of the legislature for heir lies that I threatened o kill Nock Moser.
I am also proud to state that one of the legends of the SDDP, Uncle Red Allen, talked me into running for reelection after that incident. Red was that lifelong Democrat Uncle of mine’s brother in law.
Proud to have a lot of support of Democrats in my district. I will do my best again to serve them with the principles I have widely distributed on the pamphlets I have left On 2/3rds of all the doors in my district.
To all, may you and yours all have a very blessed Easter. God bless.
grdz-u mean the northern hills?:)
private richard
…and Donald Trump is a “good Christian.” His own words. Laughable. Like we need more idiots with guns in this messed up country. I guess when the black helicopters come for Nelson and the rest they will be ready to defend our constitutional rights, and maybe then they can also force senate Republicans to get the court back in business (by doing their job). Laughable.
Happy Good Friday. Remember, Jesus died for all us sinners. Even the pious ones among us.
Slight clarification, my campaign is within a couple signatures of our goal of 1,200 nomination petition signatures. The 1,000 signature mark is of those I have personally collected.
We have placed over 3,000 campaign pamphlets in District 19 voters’ hands or on the doors of their residences.
“Dang—if Senator Nelson wants to work on tax reform and corruption, I know a certain watchdog Democratic candidate from District 3 who will work with him.”
Stace, don’t fall for Cory’s claim that he is against corruption. He supported the corrupt education bills this year. And I heard on the news this morning that there is allegations of more misappropriations of federal money in Indian country. That last thing Cory wants is the only solution to the problem of corruption…starve the beast by reducing the size and scope of government.
Steve, what do you mean when you say “corrupt education bills?” How are they corrupt?
And just to be clear, when you say “starve the beast” you mean you want to reduce funding for education?
If Stace is confident to stand on his records and is positive he can change things in District 19, there should be no need to attack a candidate taking their first chance at politics. Let’s have a clean race based on the interests and views of the constituents and candidates of District 19.
why waste ink putting down his oponent, unnecessary.
I think it is a fact worth noting to voters that live at home college student Caleb Finck has his father out getting petition signatures for him as opposed to Stace Nelson going out and getting his own signatures by the thousands. Nelson’s effort shows commitment. Finck’s lack of effort shows a lack of commitment. I suppose that Finck was promised a nice government job if he takes one for the team. We’ll find out.
Bob, Stace makes some interesting decisions about where to put his ink. More interesting, though, is his decision to get 1,000 neighbors to put their ink on his petition when he only needed a twentieth of that number to do so. Ror is impressed; should we all be? And will those signatures all turn into votes?
And correction taken, Stace! I’ll edit my text to reflect your statement more accurately.
Stace, welcome back to the action. While any Republican who can fog a mirror can win a general election in D-19, you will improve the atmosphere in Pierre by making it more challenging for the weak-of-spin and entertaining for the rest of us.
I do hope that you learned a lot from the Rounds campaign and from the evidence pouring out of the Rounds/Daugaard regime of systemic corruption. Perhaps you can persuade the attorney general that his one and only shot at winning that second floor office near the front entrance is by hauling all the rats involved in the Rounds EB-5 racketeering scam to justice, including the Protected Class members.
Getting 1,200 signatures for a simple legislative seat is impressive in a district that you would win anyway if you just phoned it all in. Please channel your seriousness and your energies toward something that has great importance to an open and corruption-free state government.
And don’t let Sibby get within 10 feet of your campaign. He’s coo coo for Cocopuffs.
Sorry. It should say “weak-of-spine.” Spin seems to be a substitute for spine in Pierre.
“Robbie” and “Bob Klein,”
The young man did a press release stating he was going to be going door to door collecting signatures, asking the voters what issues they are concerned with, and educating the voters on his platform. I agree with you that the actual factual circumstances contradict his statements and in fact his own lack of follow through attack his credibility and question his honesty.
Our state has pressing issues that people in my district want addressed by a serious public servant who will follow through on commitments to them. I have no intention of humoring an inexperienced kid just because he thinks it would be fun to go out to Pierre, hang out, make friends, and network at the expense of my friends, family, and good citizens of District 19.
His official statements advocating for gun control and against law abiding citizens’ 2nd Amendment rights, on record at the LRC, show that there are significant differences between us. I will be running on my record and ensuring the voters know the difference betwixt us.
weak-of-spin vs. weak-of-spine—some typos are fortuitous and enlightening. :-)
Caleb Finck advocating for gun control? Here it comes:
Dang: Caleb is right and Stace is wrong on policy. But this is a Republican primary in some strong red country. Stace will press on this issue; will Caleb press back and defend his sensible stance on guns on campus, or will he cave, pander, and promulgate the culture of fear?
Steve, I think the chances of Stace “falling” for anything I tell him are nil. A Senator Heidelberger will secure a Senator Nelson’s cooperation not with guile or deception but on straightforward principle… and maybe some serious horse-trading (the two can go together).
I think we can all agree that the current policy/law denies law-abiding South Dakotans the right to bear arms in and on school grounds? That policy also effectively denies them the ability to be armed to and fro.
The naïveté of an inexperienced college student living a protected life aside, let’s check what the SD Constitution says:
§ 24. Right to bear arms. The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the state shall not be denied.
Stace, specifically what taxes would you repeal and what cuts to state government would you make? The approved 2017 SD Budget was around $4.8 billion, if you were in charge, how much would get cut and from where?
Mr. Nelson, If you are saying that you have a Constitutional right to have a gun on your person at all times and all places then I strongly disagree. Even SCOTUS with Scalia’s vote in Heller admitted there are limits to the right to bear arms. I’m certain the SD Supreme Court agrees.
Aside from the Constitutional arguments, as a practical matter, I would not feel comfortable sending my kids to a college campus that is militarized with kids carrying guns. If we need better security, then spend the money on professional security measures. Don’t rest the security of our kids on a wild-west mentality of everyone being armed.
The other point to be made here is that the college kids are not asking for this. You and others are trying to force this upon them. You talk about listening to constituents as being important to you. Why aren’t you listening on this issue?
“Caleb is right and Stace is wrong on policy.”
So a man does not have the right to defend himself on campus with a firearm, but has the right to put on a dress and walk into the girls locker? So this is the correct policy on “bearing arms”? I would like to see Caleb run a campaign ad on that policy. He can use some of those cross-dressing pictures of himself.
“And just to be clear, when you say “starve the beast” you mean you want to reduce funding for education?”
I don’t consider education the act of telling kids to give up their Second amendment rights and instead push for the right for perverts to enter the girls locker. It also does not include what some call sex education that helps create those perverts.
‘Steve, what do you mean when you say “corrupt education bills?”’
And Cory said:
“and maybe some serious horse-trading”
There you go: increase taxes and split it between teachers and crony capitalists. There was some “serious horse-trading”.
My bad for asking a straight-forward question of Steve and expecting a straight-forward answer.
I think itmakes Stacelook smaller to act TRumpish toward his opponent.
Sibby’s back to sniffing glue. How many sexual assaults have transgenders committed in bathrooms,Sibby? Verifiable assaults by verifiable transgenders.
Now how many students have been protected by responsible gun owners on campuses? Remember Umpqua Comm.College where students with guns refused to use them for fear of being shot by police?
BTW,Sibby,Caleb Finck looks to be the guy you need to follow around and make sure he doesn’t go pee-pee in the women’s bathroom.
What does a student on campus need to defend him/herself from? Liberal Arts education? Science? Reality? Jehovah’s Witnesses?
speaking of spin of which sibby and hickey push, NPR right now w/ Professor Greenberg is spinning spin saying democrats are the spinners, or they both do it, trying to compromise reality… as NPR keeps sinking deeper in the republican swamp. what a crock. NPR or SDPR also brag how they present advertisement free programming, which they don’t. yuk
what other institutions have the republicans corrupted recently? 1st list to 100 gets a prize. if millennials blow this election, i’m gonna be so mad.
“How many sexual assaults have transgenders committed in bathrooms,Sibby?”
Now that the transgender movement has opened the door, how many perverts getting their jollies will it take for you to admit that this is wrong policy? Note that I am not accusing the gender confused of anything, other than opening the door for perverts.
“Now how many students have been protected by responsible gun owners on campuses?”
The door is closed for responsible gun owners, that is why the numbers are low.
How many women have been raped on college campuses last year?
@Darin, by the US Constitution, and IS statutes? As retired law enforcement? I in fact can. There is no ambiguity in either the US Constitution (viewed in context of the time it was written), nor SD’s own Constitution.
The irony is you believe people should wait for an armed person to come rescue those who are threatened, I respect and recognize that life is the most precious of freedoms and that law-abiding people have a right to defend themselves where ever they may be.
@El Rayo X contractor excise tax for GOED; Constitutional handling of “civil” fines to bring current unconstitutional practices in compliance; state salary caps commensurate to long enacted federal employee ones; Constituional amendment proposals making many current state positions 2 year term elected positions; etc.
@Bob Klein I am the same outspoken, straight talking, old Marine, I have always been. I was that way long before Mr Trump took a stance on every side of every issue.
@mike from iowa:
Stace is just another South Dakota republican.
He is bringing up the typical 2nd Amendment arguments, smaller government, and no new taxes that republicans rely on to get “the poor uneducated voter” to vote for them.
The 2nd Amendment isn’t going to make anybody’s life better in South Dakota, it is simply fodder to attract voters.
Stace has been a part of the republican party that has grown the size of government, increased taxes and fees for the past forty years and did nothing but give lip service about the EB-5 scandal when he was in a position to do something as a member of the legislature.
Stace continues to be opposed to Medicare, Medicaid, and doesn’t want Medicaid Expansion for some his own constituents that may need it, he claims that Medicaid Expansion will only expand government. Bull! Where is his argument that there are plenty of programs that expand government, such as the farm bill, passed last year.
If it weren’t for a large government, 90% of South Dakota republicans would be unemployed (well maybe not 90%, but still quite a few).
Stace is just another republican opposed to Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare, and Medicaid Expansion that can’t offer a more substantial healthcare program, his opposition to Obamacare and Medicaid Expansion is understandable, after a long serving member of the military he has military medical coverage and can say, “I’ve got my insurance, so piss on you”.
Stace running for State Senate was suppose to be a secret? Oops I must have missed that part somewhere.
Mr. Nelson, not even Scalia himself would say that the 2nd Amendment is an unlimited right. Heller v. DC held as follows:
Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or LAWS FORBIDDING THE CARRYING OF FIREARMS IN SENSITIVE PLACES SUCH AS SCHOOLS AND GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56. from Wikipedia (EMPHASIS ADDED)
I don’t think it is ironic in the slightest that I consider myself and my children safer when there is adequate professional law enforcement present, rather than an unknown number of rag-tag novices with little or no training in firearms and little or no experience in conflict situations.
I also don’t think it is ironic that I rely on the US Military to defend our nation as I rely on local and state police forces to defend our state.
I am not comfortable with an amateur dentist working on my teeth or an amateur surgeon performing surgery on me, why would I be comfortable with amateur gunmen roaming the halls of SDSU?
Sibby-that guy is a sexual predator and a pedophile,not a transgender person. We had this discussion about this ONE predator before. Strike one.
other than opening the door for perverts. Geez,I guess a sexual predator never would have thought of dressing as a female to gain access to women’s bathrooms. Just like no one has ever thought about video taping showers or dressing rooms?
What the hell is Sibson doing over here?
I thought he was banned.
if finck is for reasonable gun regulation and speaks for millennials, stace can bluster about guns at his deep peril. As we said of Vietnam, “the times they are a changing.'” the day after this was written, dylan’s friend Ian Tyson wrote “Four Strong Winds”, another tremendous song we have been blessed with (a bit o’ trivia). others: “Ohio” (kent state) CSNY, even “Southern Man” and “Alabama”
how does carrying to and fro at the school yard and college campus come from “a WELL REGULATED MILITIA, being NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a FREE STATE, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed?”
if I’d had a p/u jr. high i’d likely have had a gun rack, as was common, but people didn’t shoot each other much then. those 2nd Amend.”rights” to keep slaves in line. sure haven’t done much good for the security of a free state. was “free state” likely in reference to free and slave states?
lastly stace, perversion of private property owner rights means what? thank you.
I agree finck has come across as a pretty disposable rat. but he’s got gun rights right. pretty good for a college kid, imo. were you class president?
mike from iowa, how do you tell the difference between a transgender and a fake one? And since when has it been confirmed that transgenders can never be criminals?
“I thought he was banned.”
So the anti-Christian bigot wants me banned from the Madville toilet again? And Roger, how we have so many Indians allegedly taking federal money? Is it just racism?
Sibby,I don’t do a damn thing all day long and that includes watching who goes into which bathroom. I don’t feel a need to obsess that maybe someone,somewhere is different than me and it is my right to know who that is. For the sake of humanity,fella, get a freaking life! Prove a transgender has committed a crime.
a well respected, extremely well informed man questions your trolling on this liberal website, and as he happens to be an Indian, you attack his race and that of his people’s government relationship? you have seen how we treat one of our own democrats who has made racist comments. it is not welcome here.
my guess is that racist South Dakotans have and will have greater difficulty ever getting elected.
Stace is one of the most honest polititians and dares to stay honest about his positions even when his party does not like it. That is they type of character that is needed much more in politics. So even if he and I disagree on education funding, I still have a lot of respect for him and his positions and accomplishments in government.
@Roger Cornelius Provide the links to he legislation that I personally voted for that support your assertions. There is none. Blaming me for the faults of “Republicans” who have betrayed the principles of limits government is he same as me blaming you for hundreds of years of institutional racism of the Democratic Party.
@Darin “protecting” college students from the reality of South Dakota ten yards from their college campus may make sense to those who believe gun free zones magically protect those in them; how vet, to someone who has spent a lifetime protecting and serving the public from real world threats? It is insanity.
I would challenge any claims that South Dakotans are comfortable or in agreement with naive college students advocating that law abiding citizens’ 2nd Amendment rights should be curtailed to satisfy their insecurities.
@MC 2 1/2 months of hard campaigning, collectIng 1,200 nomination signatures, handing out over 3,000 campaign pamphlets and pens? The First establishment attacks occurred last week on SDWC. All in all? Very pleased with my campaign strategy and progress to date.
Stace- Where did I say that gun free zones magically protect those in them? As you like to call people out for misrepresenting what you say, I never said that!!!
What I said was that I want the professionals with guns protecting our kids, not every Tom, Dick and Dirty Harry wannabe with a gun fetish ready to blast away at the drop of a hat. Or some kid who just got a gun with no training and he wants to look cool for his friends by brandishing it in the dorms.
Do you trust every person with a firearm to make good decisions regarding the when and where to use the gun? It makes me question your judgment when it doesn’t seem to matter to you, a professional, that you are advocating that anybody with a pulse can get a weapon and carry it on a college campus?
I take it you don’t agree with Scalia and SCOTUS that there are sane and reasonable limits on the right to bear arms?
Let’s debate the 2nd Amendment and guns so we don’t have discuss the cesspool of republican corruption in South Dakota.
@Darin – nowhere in my post do I attribute that statement to you, clearly it is my own editorial on the idea that gun free zones protect people. It is absurd and unrealistic to think that gun free zones do anything to protect law-abiding citizens from those who wish to do them harm.
Regardless of my openinions on the matter, the US and SD Constitutions are clear that you have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That includes your inalienable right to defend yourself which is immortalized in both those Constitutions. As someone who has lived a life around firearms 24 seven, I have no fear of law-abiding citizens being armed. As a law enforcement professional? I can tell you unequivocally that law enforcement and our US military cannot protect American citizens 24 seven and I support your right to be armed to be able to protect yourself when you wish whether you want that right or not.
@Roger Cornelius – I don’t think there’s anyone on either side of the aisle that believes I have not done my due diligence in combating the corruption in our state government. I have raise that issue in my campaign material as well as my responses to this blogs questions. Feel free to criticize me on issues you may disagree with; however, I’d ask you to actually have an issue before you do so. If your criticism is that I am responding to voters concerns on individual issues, I guess it would be appropriate in your opinion to ignore your acidic comments.
Mr Nelson,what do cops get paid for? Shooting unarmed Minorities? They are trained and paid to protect the civilian population from ne’er do wells. They can’t assess a dangerous situation if they can’t be sure the majority of the people are not armed thugs wanting to shoot them.
How are the terrorists faring?
Stace- you can be armed 24/7 for the rest of your life. You can sleep with your gun, eat with your gun and be buried with your gun. You just can’t go everywhere else armed 24/7. Your rights have limits.
Just like you can flail your arms about anyway you want except when you are in a crowd of people. And similarly, you can yell fire all you want without repercussion under the Constitution except when you are in a crowded theater and there is no fire.
Your position regarding having guns everywhere is not what the vast majority of law enforcement officers advocate. Nor do the vast majority of kids at college want their campuses to be armed either.
You aren’t protecting anyone with your ideas of militarizing college campus’s. You are increasing the chances that accidents will happen when weapons get mishandled by novices, that drunk kids will fire a weapon indiscriminately, that gun violence will be more prevalent on college campuses because of access to weapons, that law enforcement professionals will have to make more split-second decisions about who is a “good guy” and who is a “bad guy”.
Please, don’t ban Mr. Sibby. grudznick enjoys his reasoning.
But to the blogging point here, there is no doubt a hypothetical Senator H could out-debate and out-smart a hypothetical Senator Nelson. It would be most entertaining to watch.
The hypothetical Senator H would also probably focus his efforts on big-picture policy issues and the hypothetical Senator Nelson would probably focus his efforts on meaningless resolutions and making every Tuesday veteran’s pastry day in the legislatures.
The hypothetical Senator H would work with his caucuses of 5 or 6 libbies and reach across the isle at times to craft legislature. The hypothetical Senator Nelson would sit with his caucuses of 1 in the restroom and cook up ways to anger all the other caucuses.
Send Mr. Sibby to Pierre too!
Sibby, get on topic… and get your petitions in. Stace and I both could use you in the Senate to make us look sane. :-P
Mike, thanks for the link on the toddlers versus terrorists in the US. It puts some things into perspective.
The notion that introducing more guns owned by nonprofessional gun owners makes us more safe is the Big Lie of the NRA. NRA logic: more gun violence = the need for more guns.
“Sibby, get on topic”
The topic is how many liberals (regardless of party) will support a cross-dressing anti-gun SDGOP establishment hack over one of the hardest working fighter against the corruption of big government aligned with big business?
@Darin You are now the one that is misrepresenting my comments. Supporting people’s rights and understanding that LE cannot and does not protect every American citizen 24-7 is simply responsible acceptance of reality. Claiming that reality stops at the borders of college campuses and schools does not magically make anyone safe. Accepting the reality of the threats in the world and respecting law-abiding citizens right to carry concealed is not “militarizing” campuses.
If people like my potential opponent, and yourself, do not feel safe with law-abiding citizens carrying concealed on college campuses, and are threatened by allowing law-abiding people with concealed weapons permits to carry concealed on campus? You must be petrified to live in the vast majority of the rest of the 99.9999% of SD where that is reality.
I know of no professional law enforcement officer who does not believe in being armed 24-7 to protect themselves, their families, and the people they are entrusted to serve. I know of no law enforcement professional who believes you are safely protected by police 24-7. Depriving their fellow law-abiding citizens their rights to do the same? That is hypocrisy of the worse kind. If the vast majority of professional law enforcement believes in being armed 24-7 for their own personal safety, the public’s safety, and their family’s? Why in the world do you believe that you are safe in gun free zones when they don’t..
The reality of this debate is as such:
There is no group in SD that will campaign against me for defending their 2nd Amendment rights; however, there are numerous groups in SD and nationally who will campaign against my opponent for his avocation of disarming law-abiding citizens.
Of the thousands of people in my district who I have talked to? Not one of them beseeched me to go to Pierre and curtail law-abiding citizens’ gun rights. On the contrary, I had numerous voters admonish me to do everything possible to protect their rights.
Stace- just like making schools a gun-free zone doesn’t magically mean everyone is safe, adding nonprofessionals with more guns doesn’t mean everyone is safe. You understand that right?
No one said you can’t keep a gun at home to protect yourself if that is what you want. But if you are going to live in a dorm with a bunch of kids, then you are going to give up some rights. One is you are going to be disturbed by noise from time to time. Another is your privacy is not the same as when you live at home. Another is you don’t get to keep a loaded weapon with you at all times. Living in society is loaded with give and takes.
I thought you were a Constitution loving guy. The Supreme Court has given you more gun rights under the Constitution than virtually any country on earth. But even Scalia and his cohort don’t hold with you. That sir, is the reality of the debate, as you say. That puts you on the fringe of society in this debate.
There ain’t a thing in anyone’s constitution that says you are protected 24/7 by anyone,including yourself. There is no clause that says you are bullet-proof because you carry or belong to the NRA. I feel safe enough that I don’t obsess over guns,who has them,are they gonna shoot me or anything else. If they are going to shoot you,thy will be done and you can’t do much about it. In the meantime,I would prefer my congressweasels to spend time advancing human rights and protecting all voter’s rights in this country. You know-doing the job they were elected to do. Not paid to do by special interest groups like the NRA.
2 words from the 2nd amendment I haven’t seen here yet. “WELL-REGULATED.”
@Darin The second amendment is an individual right. I do not believe my rights come from man or the constitution, I believe my rights come from God and that they are inalienable.
In regards to your claims that I am Fringe in my defense of law-abiding citizens rights. More than 1 out of every 10 South Dakotans possess a concealed weapons permit. If you are correct; however, that I am in fact the fringe? Than my candidacy is surely doomed as defense of South Dakotans’ 2nd Amendment is a prominent part of my platform.
@Mike from Iowa There is a liberal minority in SD that is for gun control. I have met only 1 in my whole district. Happily representing them and defending their rights does not mean I am catering to the NRA, especially since I have opposed the NRA on their model legislation in the past which sought to make it easier for administrative boards to take away people’s 2nd Amendment rights.
Mr. reitzel, when Senator Nelson runs the militia it will be well-regulated. When Senator Rhoden runs it, it will be well-regulated and effective.
Stace- Jesus Christ was a pacifist. What about your faith makes you need to take up arms?
How about we talk about Stace’s ice cold heart and his refusal to support Medicaid Expansion.
What Would Jesus Do about Medicaid Expansion? I’m pretty sure we all know the answer to that question even if we aren’t all sure that God wants us to carry loaded weapons around at all times in case we need to shoot our fellow man.
If god wanted you to have guns,he/she/it would have created them and Adam could have used the apple for target practice and everyone would have lived happily ever after.
It would make sense to have Medicaid Expansion, especially for college kids, when gun ownership increases and there will be more homicides, suicides, and accidents that will require medical treatment.
Even though we are now talking about Medicaid expansion, what Stace said about the 2nd Amendment previously in this thread is instructive: ” . . . I respect and recognize that life is the most precious of freedoms and that law-abiding people have a right to defend themselves where ever they may be. . . . Regardless of my opinions on the matter, the US and SD Constitutions are clear that you have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Stace Nelson
So, if life is the most precious of freedoms and Stace recognizes that the citizens have a right to life under the Constitution, doesn’t it follow that citizens have the Constitutional right to basic medical care to maintain that life? Or am I to understand that a citizen only has the right to maintain their most precious freedoms if they can afford to pay for them?
How do we know Mr. Nelson is against medical expansion?
Read Cory’s thread again, it is clear that Stace is against Medicaid Expansion.
Interesting approach to Medicaid Expansion and our freedoms, especially since healthcare is a far more important than hot button issue like the 2nd Amendment.
“Jesus Christ was a pacifist”
Blanket statements about Jesus are hard…
The disciples packed heat. In the Maundy Thursday story, Saint Peter had a concealed-carried sword. He used it to slice a slave’s ear off when they came to arrest Jesus. [Matthew 26:51] [Mark 14:47] [Luke 22:50] [John 18:10]
In one of the four accounts, Jesus heals said ear. [Luke]
In another of the four accounts, Jesus rebukes the general use of the sword. “He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.” [Matthew]
In the rest, he stops the fighting by saying that this is his appointed hour, he must drink this cup, he could bring an army of angels, etc.
So I’d say that Jesus has a mixed record on the 2nd Amendment. He didn’t disarm his dorm, didn’t make his gatherings a sword-free zone, and it doesn’t sound like Peter had weapons training. But Jesus did put the kibosh on actually using weapons when the oppressive government came for him.
Kind regards,
Luke 6:27-31 Jesus said:
“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
Jesus could have called upon all the angel armies in heaven, instead his weapons were grace, love and forgiveness. He is the definition of a pacifist in my opinion.
The Nelson-Heidelberger alliance is the epitome of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Strange bedfellows indeed.
No stranger, Troy, than other collaborations of Democrats with Republicans who oppose the Governor’s agenda. Remember, Troy, I’m the one Democrat who showed up with the anti-Common Core right-wingers to testify in favor of limits on statewide standards last year.
But if a Senator Bergan shows up and starts bolstering Senator Nelson’s 2nd Amendment arguments with Scripture, it’s going to be a long day in committee. ;-)
Finck has the good sense to say we don’t need guns on campus… but Nelson is generous enough to come discuss the issue at length here and liven up the comment section. Uff da—how do I choose my endorsement? Some Democrat better file in District 19 and spare me this agonizing choice! :-D
I’m guessing if we all wore dresses we could prevent women’s biffy violence, 2nd amendment dresses for all.
As there is a difference with issue collaboration, you have got admit this is an alliance forged on something besides issues. Maybe it is personal affinity. I have affection for a lot of people with whom I have deep political disagreement.
Not being critical of anything or anybody. Just an observation.
But it is Good Friday, which among its transcendental and eternal matters, is also a reminder that with strange alliances somebody ends up getting crucified. And the crucified ends up winning.
Troy, no criticism taken. I’ll confess to personal affinity, inspired (as we trade in Easter paradoxes) likely by the strange sense that the biggest, loudest man in the room is somehow often the underdog. How can I not develp some sympathy for a guy who gets thrown out of the GOP caucus?
But I’ll also note it is possible to find temporary political agreement even with people with whom we have no affection.
Victory for the crucified is far from an expected outcome. Keep me off the cross!
Stace is yours Troy. Just like Trump is yours and Cruz is yours. Cory just likes bringing out the popcorn for a good show.
Mr. Nelson,
I’ve always respected you as I tend to like outsiders. However, I’d kindly ask not to be derogatory toward your primary opponent you are better than that. You are strong on the issues and fighting the establishment, but you kind of come off as a jerk by making little stabs at your primary appointment (I don’t know your opponent personally). Just lay off that portion and talk about the issues and be respectful and you have a bright future. That’s all I ask as someone who leans toward your views. But much like Donald Trump, don’t come off as a know-it all attack dog against your opponent people tend not to like that. Just friendly advice from someone who care about your future but could be swayed against supporting you based on negativity in the realm of personal jabs.
Dave L., you sound a bit like Speaker Paul Ryan, asking for a debate based on ideas rather than personalities and insults. I respect that.
Stace is in a catfight with the RINO’s over at the Powers Dump Site.
Cat as in spelled with a large P!
The difference between Dave L. and Speaker Ryan is that Speaker Ryan is a big phony. He’s angling for the GOP presidential nomination at a contested convention, and he’s doing his Eddie Haskell routine. Just look at that picture Cory posted.
In my experience, often fringe elements tend to congregate.
Roger, do you think Stace needs to pick and choose his catfights more judiciously? I have abandoned catfights with the DWC crowd, largely because I can never be sure that Powers will let my comments and responses through his moderation filter, but also because I recognize Powers isn’t interested in drawing an audience to collaborate in building understanding; he just wants to stroke the party faithful who need their daily reassurance that everything is fine, that Stace and Cory are just monsters, that EB-5 and GEAR UP don’t exist except in the imaginations of political hacks, and that Mike and John and Kristi and Dennis are all just peachy.
When Stace comes here, he engages a fair number of people who honestly disagree with his politics. When he goes to DWC, he’s subjected to an overmoderated forum where he can’t expect much but insults aiming at tearing him down personally. Why does he let himself get distracted by those folks? Should he continue to engage them?
No, he shouldn’t continue to engage them Cory, the Powers crowd is so locked into phrases and offer nothing of substance.
I don’t agree with Stace’s political agenda, but I respect him for coming to DFP where he engage readers and can have a free wheeling discussion without the tired old political phrases.
Besides, Powers is just pissed at Stace for making his senate announcement on DFP and not on the Dump Site.
I’ll continue to call out Stace on issues I am concerned with in hopes he’ll follow Paul Ryan and rethink some of his positions.
Maybe Stace has hornswaggled me, but I believe there’s more hope for collaboration with Stace than there is with Pat. He has his errors and problems, and I know he’s torqued some people off, but I believe that if there were a bill that was the right thing to do, and he believed it was the right thing to do, but the main people supporting it were Democrats like me and supporting it would also give Democrats a boost, he’d vote for the bill rather than vote it down for purely partisan reasons.
And if he didn’t support the bill, I’d blog his keester hard. ;-)
Not unlike the Blues Brothers, Stace is on a mission from God.
The Blues Brothers were out to help the Catholic orphanage avoid foreclosure and Stace is out to help God put a gun in every law abiding citizens’ hand, lest they need to take an eye for an eye and be found lacking an instrument of death.
Stace doesn’t need to rely on the Constitution or the laws of men, he is endowed by his Creator with the inalienable right to blast away whenever and wherever the need arises.
Its a good thing that God is all-knowing and so He foresaw the need for people to carry AR-15s on college campuses. Thus God inspired the Framers of the Constitution to contemplate the 2nd Amendment back when a gun was a single shot weapon that took 30 seconds to reload.
Do you know if Stace has ever collaborated with a Democrat in the legislature on anything while serving there?
Stace is pretty hard right, I wouldn’t expect him to work with a Liberal Democrat even if he agreed with them.
Dave L.,
I’m a pugilistic old retired flat foot retentive about facts and always itching for a fight. Your criticism, and many others, are warranted. I Ask the Good Lord daily to help me be less mule headed. I’ll do my best.
@Grudz Pretty sure who you are. Make sure you stop and say hi if I go back to the people’s house so I can tell you to pound sand in person and explain what that entails in Marine culture.
@Mr H, one of my favorite uncles was a lifelong Democrat. You know where I stand on the issues, there are core principles I cannot compromise on; however, my Former Democratic collegeues will assure you that I am not a partisan stooge. Proud of the respectful friendship I earned with many of them. Senator Bernie Hunhoff and the House Democrats prevented the corrupt GOP leadership from running me out of the legislature for heir lies that I threatened o kill Nock Moser.
I am also proud to state that one of the legends of the SDDP, Uncle Red Allen, talked me into running for reelection after that incident. Red was that lifelong Democrat Uncle of mine’s brother in law.
Proud to have a lot of support of Democrats in my district. I will do my best again to serve them with the principles I have widely distributed on the pamphlets I have left On 2/3rds of all the doors in my district.
To all, may you and yours all have a very blessed Easter. God bless.
grdz-u mean the northern hills?:)
…and Donald Trump is a “good Christian.” His own words. Laughable. Like we need more idiots with guns in this messed up country. I guess when the black helicopters come for Nelson and the rest they will be ready to defend our constitutional rights, and maybe then they can also force senate Republicans to get the court back in business (by doing their job). Laughable.
Happy Good Friday. Remember, Jesus died for all us sinners. Even the pious ones among us.
Fair question, Roger. Candidate Nelson, can you give us some examples of cross-aisle cooperation from your tenure in the House?
DWC offers a couple examples hyped to portray Nelson as a traitor to the party: see his 2014 support for measures on EB-5 and open meetings.
Mr H,
My Democratic colleagues will attest I do not play partisan games. On bills I could support them on? I did so with the same passion as my own.
One that will forever haunt me was one brought by Rep Killer. You will have to listen to the committee hearing to understand why