Add another Democrat to the Legislative candidates column. Michael Hanson, property manager and Box Elder city planner, has taken out a petition to run for District 35 House!
Hanson says he’s running because he’s “tired of the corruption and ridiculous bills being pushed in Pierre.” Responsibility for those ridiculous bills and their distraction of legislators from corruption falls in no small part on the incumbents Hanson is challenging, radical right-wing Republicans Lynne DiSanto and Blaine “Chip” Campbell.
Hanson ran for mayor of Box Elder in 2015 and finished second in a four-man field behind Larry Larson. Hey, Michael—second place in a House race gets you a seat!
I look forward to joining Hanson in Pierre to form the Anti-Ridiculousness Caucus. Democrats, join us!
Good. Democrats have to get DiSanto out of there.
Its good to have you on the team Michael Hanson!
Having known Michael for some over a year in the Democratic Party, I know him to be responsible, intelligent, and kind. Good luck, Michael, in your bid for the House! I wish I could vote for you!
Go Michael!
Democrats in Pennington County? Seems ridiculous.
So Hansen without a chance then, Lar?