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Rosebud Treasurer Accuses Lakota Blogger of ISIS Links; Cops Say No Way

The worst abuse I’ve had to put up with recently came from the recycled fabrications Annette Bosworth’s losing legal team put on the record about me during her trial in May. Such lies pale in comparison to the harassment Lakota blogger Ann-erika White Bird has drawn from her own local government. According to her latest post on Lakota Voice, White Bird’s dogged watchdoggery of the Rosebud Sioux Council has earned her two criminal investigations. Most recently, following White Bird’s effort to obtain documents on council members’ travel expenses, tribal treasurer Byron “Barney” Wright told tribal police that White Bird is working for ISIS.

The Rosebud Police looked into Wright’s wild accusation and found no sign that White Bird is a terrorist:

Marlin Enno, Rosebud Police Department, to Byron Wright, tribal treasurer, on accusations of ISIS activity on Rosebud Reservation, 2015.06.15
Marlin Enno, Rosebud Police Department, to Byron Wright, tribal treasurer, on accusations of ISIS activity on Rosebud Reservation, 2015.06.15. Screen cap from Ann-erika White Bird, “A Letter to the Oyate,” Lakota Voice, 2015.07.17

Wow—maybe the tribe needs to invite Jason Ravnsborg to council to educate them on the Islamic State. Or maybe they just to invite me to educate them on blogging. Yes, we bloggers can be scary, especially to government officials who aren’t used to transparency and watchdog journalists, but we’re not terrorists.

White Bird is now terrorizing Wright by running for tribal secretary in the Rosebud Sioux Tribe’s hotly contested July 23 election:

RST council candidates July 2015

Six candidates for treasurer, nine for president (including voting rights activist O.J. Semans—”Voting for O.J. is O.K.!“)—that’s a lot of tribal people wanting to participate in democracy. That’s the sort of political activism that may make some of white South Dakota nervous….


  1. mike from iowa

    First accusation out and it is straight for the jugular. Cutthroat politics. ISIS indeed. (no pun intended)

  2. grudznick

    Mike, I know you are from Iowa so you don’t know much about South Dakota, but do you think those corrupt tribal governing people are republicans?

  3. mike from iowa

    How would I know they are corrupt? Take your word for it?

  4. Deb Geelsdottir

    Fer pete’s sake! ISIS? That’s beyond ridiculous.
    Good answer Mike

  5. owen

    This story didn’t come from The Onion did it? :)

  6. I haven’t seen Ann-erika make up anything yet. The letter from the Rosebud police appears to be legit.

  7. grudznick

    No. The libbies in Mission can’t be corrupt! Impossible!

  8. Bob Newland

    Grudz is a POS.

  9. mike from iowa

    Grudz got religion? Not even I,as an unbending defender of all things liberal have ever said all Libs are angels. That would be silly. Libs are human-they make mistakes. They just don’t brag about being morally and/or ethically superior to all other less than exceptional ‘murricans.

  10. mike from iowa

    Helpful hint Grudz. When trying to trap a critter,make sure the trap is disguised to look like something other than a trap. :)

  11. Deb Geelsdottir

    Mike, you make me laugh.

  12. leslie

    see grudz exemplify points made in craven, huffpo 7.21.15 regarding white privilege.

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