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Noem Pretends to Poll, Still Silent on Syria Attacks and Other Trump Errors

Kristi Noem’s gubernatorial campaign is harvesting e-mails with another of her favorite fake polls, this time asking online readers, “Do you agree with President Trump’s actions in Syria?

No idea where he's driving...
No idea where he’s driving…

My response: The President took an impulsive, expensive action without any vision or strategy. Military action taken outside of a coherent strategy only weakens the country in terms of materiel and geopolitical capital. It makes us look like reckless rogues, not reliable, deliberate allies.

Zack Beauchamp of Vox summarizes Trump’s foreign policy as “haphazard interventionism.”

Candidate Noem herself has offered no public opinion on either Trump’s cruise missile attack on Syria last weekhis airstrike this week that killed 18 of our Kurd allies, or the increasing number of civilians Trump is killing with his attacks on ISIS (not to mention Trump’s 19th golfing trip since inauguration or Trump’s spending more than a quarter of his Presidency in his expensive Florida resort). The most recent news article I can find mentioning Noem and Syria is this January 29 Dana Ferguson article in which Noem supports Trump’s effort to ban refugees from Syria. Noem reiterated her rejection fo Syrian refugees in her February 24 weekly propaganda piece.

The Republicans who’d like to replace Noem did speak up on Trump’s cruise missile attack on Syria last week. Speaking at the Yankton County GOP dinner the night after Trump’s attack, both Dusty Johnson and Shantel Krebs expressed qualified support:

On foreign policy, Johnson said the United States needs to act against atrocities such the gassing of Syrian refugees.

“We are at war (against terrorism), but I’m not a big fan of sabre rattling,” he said. “Any use of force needs to be part of a broader strategy. It’s not something that we do just on a whim.”

…Krebs supported President Trump’s response to President Assad’s use of chemical weapons on his own Syrian people.

“President Assad did horrific things, and we needed to answer,” Krebs said. “However, Congress also needs to be involved (with U.S. military responses)” [Randy Dockendorf, “It’s Party Time,” Yankton Press & Dakotan, updated 2017.04.09].

Johnson wants broader strategy, not saber-rattling—star that in your talking points, Representative Noem.


  1. jerry 2017-04-15 13:58

    NOem/trump blinked and now all is getting calm on the Korean Peninsula. The Carl Vinson Battle Group is heading for Australia now. The bad haircut guy showed that he was not kiddin and will start to get his stuff sold again. Of course, this was all choreographed in kind of a B movie setting. There was never a doubt that it would be business as usual with more wool being pulled over the eyes of the corporate media. Only those that keep up the good work of digging to find the facts, that are so close to finalization of the great hoax of trump, are not convinced of anything other than the grift. Carry on.

  2. buckobear 2017-04-15 16:54

    Kristi hasn’t yet been told what to think.

    Mike — your second link goes 404

  3. grudznick 2017-04-15 18:31

    I would like one of you country-club libbies to take a look at Mr. Trump’s swing and tell me if that’s really a tee-shot with a driver or a chip or some sort of rodent-whacking follow-through. It looks to me like a weak follow through for a fellow of Mr. Trump’s physical size, power, and youth.

  4. leslie 2017-04-15 20:15

    Thune, Noem and Rounds are astute at confusing voters. hahahahaha

    Thune tweeted last week about MERRICK GARLAND:

    (verified account)
     @SenJohnThune Apr 6

    “There was no reason – other than the most flagrant partisan politics – to block this supremely qualified nominee from the Supreme Court.”

    HAHAHAHAHAHA. No wonder republicans are incapable of telling the truth.

    For another example, “Republicans on the House Science Committee would like to create doubt and confusion on climate change rather than contemplate solutions, but we cannot allow them to succeed” — Fed up with the anti-science nonsense that now dominates hearings of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, vice ranking member Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) said furthermore: “sweeping statements and allegations not supported by accepted science or fact” that come from the Republican committee members and their witnesses [make]…it hard not to see them as an attempt to undermine climate science.

  5. mike from iowa 2017-04-16 11:54

    Drumpf doesn’t know where he’s driving? By that picture it is patently obvious he is in the ditch. Obama put him there.

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