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Dakota Free Press on the Radio Tuesday Morning!

Cory Allen Heidelberger on the radio 2014.08.22
Turn those Rice Krispies down—Cory’s on the radio! (Photo by KSOO’s Dan Peters, August 22, 2014)

Dakota Free Press goes radio again! I’ll be live on air with Adam St. Paul on his In Touch program at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow morning, Tuesday, January 26. We’ll be talking about the blog, journalism, and South Dakota politics. If you’re out of range of Aberdeen’s FM 105.5/107.7 signal, Dakota Broadcasting posts St. Paul’s In Touch interviews here. Tune in for big radio fun!

Update 2016.01.26 16:02 CST: Dakota Broadcasting apparently was not flooded with calls from angry listeners this morning. They’ve posted the audio of my conversation with Adam online. What fun!


  1. John Tsitrian 2016-01-25 16:48

    looking forward to hearing the dulcet tones of South Dakota’s numero uno blogger speaking out tomorrow morning.

  2. leslie 2016-01-25 18:37

    Do u realize u may have to sit in a chair during the program? Love the arm waving bit but the sound guy will go crazy trying to get u to speak into the mic. :)

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2016-01-25 21:23

    Thanks, John! Feel free to critique the podcast!

    Leslie, don’t worry: I am capable of sitting still for ten minutes at a shot. How else do you think I get these blog posts written? :-) Besides, there’s no visual component to a radio broadcast, so I just focus on the sound. Slow down, enunciate….

  4. grudznick 2016-01-25 21:32

    Can that Duane the Cameraman fellow be there and tape it too?

    On these pod tapings, does that mean y click on them it will be live at 7:30 or do they can these and leave them as a recording. Pod = taped? They should just say “taped interview with Mr. H.”

    But antsy or not, I will listen and see what you have to say if the taping works.

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2016-01-25 21:40

    Grudz: Bruce won’t be here. Podcast is archived, clickable, downloadable, listenable at your convenience (“pod” as in download to one’s iPod). Listen and enjoy!

  6. mike from iowa 2016-01-26 19:08

    No visual components to a radio broadcast? Surely you jest. I spent my formative teen years listening and falling in love with Brandy Summer(DJ at WOW Omaha and Susan Platt WLS in Chicago). I guarantee you I had visuals and visions of those two tender radio components.

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