Dang it! Dang it! Heck and darn! The Legislature snuck away with another portion of our petition rights, and I only noticed yesterday! Last Session, the Board…
Tag: state legislature
Another battle brews in the sidebar! Reynold Nesiba for District 15 Senate signs on today as Dakota Free Press sponsor #8. Augustana economics professor Nesiba goes…
Pat Powers loves using old social media content against his political opponents. So surely he will celebrate this blast from his friends at Prairie Country PAC,…
Republicans have a hard time holding their corrupt cronies in Pierre accountable. Senator David Novstrup feels skittish about holding everyday deadbeats accountable. Check out his comments to Bureau of…
Pedaling around verdant northwest Aberdeen this morning, I spotted some green door hangers. When I got home, I found one on my door: I look up…
Rep. Lee Schoenbeck (R-5/Watertown) isn’t running for reëlection, but he’s watching his Legislative baby like a hawk. Recall that Rep. Schoenbeck saved the teacher pay-raise plan last winter…
The gentleman I seek to replace in the Legislature, Senator David Novstrup (R-3/Aberdeen), is noted for “taking the lead” on a 2015 elder abuse task force that…
A sure way to check the xenophobic impulses of the South Dakota Legislature would be for District 6 to elect Clara Hart to the House. Hart has…
The following post is mostly academic. The outcome of the June 7 Republican District 3 House primary is immaterial, given that the general electorate will punish mediocrity and Trumpism by…
When I cast my vote in the Democratic Presidential primary at the Brown County courthouse yesterday during lunch, I was the 199th early voter in Brown…