Either Lee Strubinger isn’t working very hard, or no one is willing to stand up this year and defend Referred Law 19, the Incumbent Protection Plan. The…
Tag: state legislature
Cue reduced gloating from the GOP spin blog: South Dakota Democrats have managed to fill six of the eight Legislative ballot positions from candidates have withdrawn. According to Bob…
After spinning eagerly for apparent favorite Rep. Alex Jensen, feckless GOP spin blogger Pat Powers has to put a good face on Sioux Falls Republicans’ spoiling his bet…
Blogging through all ten ballot measures, Ken Santema of SoDakLiberty finds no redeeming qualities in Referred Law 19, the Incumbent Protection Plan. The Libertarian Santema agrees with little…
Russell Graeff will not charge forth alone with the Democratic banner in the District 19 Legislative contest. Bon Homme County Democratic Party chairman Frank Kloucek informs me…
The Aberdeen American News doesn’t endorse candidates. But in yesterday’s edition, the AAN editorial board endorsed my position on grassy buffer strips, a position my opponent in…
Rep. Steve Westra is quitting the Legislature. The climbing two-term District 13 Republican has changed his mind and decided he can sit on the sidelines and…
Folks send us candidates all sorts of mail. Some of that mail is boring, like the “Buy More Robocalls!” flyers and the campaign newsletter on which…
Sioux Falls-area House candidates Clara Hart, J.R. LaPlante, and Michael Saba held a press conference Thursday to criticize the Legislature for its discriminatory actions and to vow to defend equal…
Democrats have a ballot slot to fill in District 19. Surprisingly, it’s not the Senate seat, where political newcomer Russell Graeff faces a tough battle against…