Aw, come on, South Dakotans for Integrity! If we pass Initiated Measure 22, the Anti-Corruption Act, how am I going to get free supper and…
Tag: state legislature
Governor Dennis Daugaard is making sure District 34 voters understand that a vote for Dryden is really a vote for Lust. A helpful readers sends…
The Republicans candidates for District 3 Senate and House spoke on education to not quite two dozen neighbors at the Northern State University Noon Forum yesterday. Rep. Dan…
District 3 voters have numerous opportunities to meet their candidates in the coming several days. Today at the NSU Williams Library, the regular Wednesday Noon Forum…
Ping. Ping. Ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping— Rep. Isaac Latterell (R-6/a P.O. Box in Tea) sets off the B.S. meter with this ad misportraying himself as a defender of education:…
A few months ago, the GOP spin machine was dismissing District 19 Senate candidate Russell Graeff as a mere placeholder, not a Democrat who would seriously stand…
Suppose you click around the Web and find videos of opposing candidates making closing statements at a public forum. One candidate ends with an attack on his…
An interested voter sends me this question through my campaign contact form: What are your thoughts on increasing the pay for legislators, or even going…
Unable to muster intelligent commentary about either the Presidential debate that his nominee lost miserably last night or the South Dakota issues that should be defining…
…and Whose Fault Is That Unfairness? Rep. Al Novstrup and I agree that South Dakota’s current method of assessing agricultural land for property tax is a mess.…