Hey, do you remember how the Legislature got lots of us to support increasing the state sales tax from 4% to 4.5% last year by promising…
Tag: state legislature
Bob Mercer faintly exaggerates the “long slide” of Democratic voter registration in South Dakota. We’re not surging, but according to the March 1 voter count from Secretary of…
One of the Legislature’s worse ideas this Session, House Bill 1072, allowing people to carry concealed weapons without a permit, passed the Senate yesterday 23–11. HB 1072…
Coming up in House State Affairs this hour is Senate Bill 176, Governor Dennis Daugaard’s attempt to grab the authority to declare martial law for six months in a…
South Dakota’s teetering economy may be pushing our legislators toward thinking about rebalancing our fiscal stool with the missing third leg of state income tax. Check out…
It’s alive—it’s alive! Of the dozen-some carcass bills that were still lurching about in the hopper mid-month, one remains unfilled and active at the Legislature.…
The South Dakota Legislature has failed another moral test. This afternoon the House gave final approval* to Senate Bill 149, an overly broad “Sharia for Jesus” wedge…
Senate State Affairs backed away from declaring Lutheran Social Services unfit to help refugees yesterday. After hearing from seven proponents and seventeen opponents on Senate Concurrent…
The Senate showed its wisdom yesterday—and again, Al Novstrup showed his fecklessness as Majority Whip—by defeating House Bill 1130, the attempt by Novstrup and prime…