Recognizing the environmental risk and potential revenue opportunity of the looming Dakota Access Pipeline, Senator Jason Frerichs (D-1/Wilmot) and Rep. Paula Hawks (D-9/Hartford) have offered Senate Bill…
Tag: state legislature
Medical cannabis advocate Melissa Mentele and her organization New Approach South Dakota are inviting supporters to Patients Day at the Capitol on Wednesday, February 10, to support…
Stu Whitney looks at the South Dakota Legislature’s willingness to stigmatize and deny equality to people who don’t look or love the way their Ward-and-June morality says they should and…
Rep. Jim Bolin (R-16/Canton) came through this week with his proposal to require geographical diversity in signatures on ballot measure petitions. House Bill 1241 adds this formula…
The uncompassionate, unconstitutional conservatives of the South Dakota Legislature just keep trying to kick the poor in the teeth. A week after seeing the DiSanto-Olson…
The Democratic caucus in Pierre has filed its teacher-pay tax plan. Senate Bill 151 exempts food from sales tax, then raises the rest of the sales and use…
KELO-TV is crowing that their coverage of the GEAR UP scandal prompted lawmakers to propose tightening our state conflict-of-interest laws. Yeah, yeah, but have you and your…
Our ballot measures stop at ten—medical marijuana doesn’t make the cut! Secretary of State Shantel Krebs and her team finally finished reviewing the medical marijuana petition…
My Republican friend John Tsitrian threads an interesting political needle in the Rapid City Journal. He says he supports the intent of House Bill 1067, the…
KSOO’s Independent radio host Rick Knobe continues to urge the Legislature to raise South Dakota’s teacher pay. He said last November that he wasn’t terribly impressed with the…