My report on Mitchell superintendent Joe Graves’s six-figure moonlighting as Teaching American History grant coordinator for Mid-Central Educational Cooperative got him some ink in the Mitchell…
Tag: Mid-Central Educational Cooperative
Scott Westerhuis’s apparent murder-suicide and the burning of his lavish-beyond-visible-means house on September 17 has sent investigators and journalists digging deeper to find what sort of sins or errors…
Bob Mercer posts an exceptionally interesting letter from Governor Dennis Daugaard to the Legislature’s Government Operations and Audit Committee. In the letter, dated October 1, 2015, the Governor announces…
The powers that be are having a hard time spinning the controversy involving Mid-Central Educational Cooperative’s handling of millions of dollars of federal GEAR UP grant money…
Add Dr. Joseph Graves of Mitchell to the list of establishment cronies (Melmer, Phelps,…) who made good money off grants flowing through the audit-flagged Mid-Central Educational…
This morning I jumped on KOTA’s report that Education Secretary Melody Schopp had fired the GEAR UP staff. Bob Mercer then reported that gubernatorial chief of staff Tony…
The state is moving quickly to shut down the gravy train that Mid-Central Educational Cooperative appears to have created with its contract to run the GEAR UP…
MCEC Business Manager Said Federal Audit “Favorable” Week Before State Canceled Contract KELO-TV reported last night that Scott Westerhuis, the Platte man whom Attorney General Marty…
Let Pat piddle around with the Ashley Madison database—if you want to crunch some real numbers and names of public interest, dig through the minutes of Mid-Central Educational…
Bob Mercer reports that Scott Westerhuis and his family died last Thursday morning just hours after the state Department of Education had told Westerhuis’s employer, Mid-Central Educational Cooperative,…